Continuous Restarts / Random Shutdowns And Freezing

Mar 22, 2005

I recently purchased a Toshiba Satellite Notebook- much to my checkbook's dismay -operating Windows XP complete with the lovely Service Pack 2. I've had the laptop for three months or so, and in the past two I've been experiencing some disturbing problems. The reason for purchase of this new laptop, in fact, was a system failure of my old desktop caused by the problems I'm witnessing now. I'll try to be as specific as I can, though it's hard when these problems are as vague as Microsoft Support. I've been experiencing repeated restarts, shut downs, and freezes- all random and bothersome. No specific events seem to trigger these nuisances; in fact, I'm typing in Word with the safety of Auto Save as we speak in fear of a restart. I've scanned with two anti virus programs (Norton, then Titanium Panda after the Norton trial ran out) and Spy Sweeper, and have found no problems. I have 66% of my disc space free, as well as close to 1 GB of RAM. I also defragment and clean often- I like a tidy computer- but to no avail. I also turned off Automatic Restart, which had no effect on the problems- including restarts.

I'm also having issues with Outlook Express and Internet Explorer hangups, but I switched to Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird, so I'm not so concerned with that. Windows Media Player seems to be having freezing issues as well, but not as frequently as these restarts and shutdowns.All in all, I'm stuck. I'm savvy in HTML and general computer lingo, but not enough to decode (or find..) my error logs and figure out what in the world is wrong. I'm not using hardware enforced DEP, so the issue with that and SP2 is moot, as well as the mpegport issue. Aside from buying a Mac ( :P ), does anyone have any ideas of what I can do? If you need logs or screenshots, I can provide.

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Continuous Shutdowns And Startups - Blue Screen

Apr 8, 2007

I have Window XP. After deleting a lot of junk applications from add remove my computer started this trouble. It shuts down and on starts gives a blue screen which cannot be read as page doesnot pause. Computer starts two times and runs diskchk.It only stays third time but shuts down again occasionally. After third time it gives error thatcomputer has experienced serious error

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Random Often Freezing

Jul 17, 2009

So today, I jumped on my computer, opened up IE Explorer, and went to Facebook. While facebook was loading, my computer seemed to have froze for roughly ten seconds. I figured it was just a random hang up so I ignored it. Unfortunately, about 45 seconds later, it did it again, and it continued to do so, even now while I am typing. I was browsing through the forums and I noticed a few people had the same problem as me, so I tried disabling the Search Indexer. I restarted my computer, and it seemed to have done the trick, but maybe 3 minutes later, it started freezing again.

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SP2 Random Freezing

Mar 9, 2006

My problem started on Wednesday night. I was playing Guild Wars, an online game when my computer froze up. I didn't get the infamous 'Blue Screen of Death', but rather my screen went blank. I thought this was a repeat of an earlier problem I had encountered with the game, and I figured my previous solution would work.
I checked my BIOS and there seemed to be nothing wrong and my AGP settings were as they were previously, with my card operating at 4x because it was what solved my problem previously.

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Random Restarts

Apr 5, 2006

I dont think it has something to do with the harddrive as this used to work fine a while ago. I searched for trojans, viruses and other stuff and it did nothing.I can't find what its causing it. I'm in a middle of a game and it just reboots.

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Random Freezing On Startup

Dec 1, 2009

I work in a computer lab at a community health center. I just started working there and I realized no one in the building had any of the admin passwords to the computers. I brought in a Windows password reset disc and reset all of the admin passwords. This is when I got the bright idea to install the Adobe creative sweet at work off of my external HD. I only tried this on my computer, and the installation failed. Half of the CS was installed and half wasn't. This seemed to have caused some problems for me.When I attempted to startup the computer, my desktop would load, but some of the icons wouldn't fully load (they were stuck as the default exe icon). I could move my mouse, but when I put the cursor over the Start menu button, all I got was an hour glass. I couldn't click on any of icons at all.

I rebooted into safe mode and it worked perfectly. I tried to remove the CS in add/remove programs, but it failed. I think this is because it wasn't fully installed. I deleted all of the folders I could find (other then flash player and adobe reader), then downloaded the CS4 cleanup script, but this failed to clean up my system as well. When I went back into add/remove programs and tried to uninstall the CS, it said it had already been removed, and it disappeared off the list. Something tells me it isn't fully removed.I tried a selective startup where I turned off all of the startup programs. This seemed to have worked. So I started going back throught the list allowing some of the start up items. I thought that it was the CS4 startup programs that were causing my troubles (which for the most part they were), but now even with ALL startup values disabled, it still freezes.I can use the internet, but if I click on the start menu it takes a while to load. When it finally loads, whether I click off of it or on a program, it disappears and my computer freezes. I can still use my mouse.

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Random Restarting And Freezing

Feb 4, 2006

My computer restarts once in a while at random times. I don't think it has anything to do with the programs I use at the time because it seems to restart even if I'm not doing anything but listen to music. There are also times when my computer just stops. However, sometimes the error messages are different. I've received 0x0000007F and 0x000000DE error messages before. I've tried replace my old 300 watt power supply with a 420, but I still get error messages. I've run memtest and found no errors with my memory. The file that I attached to this post contains my most recent minidump of one of the three errors and a Hijack This log.

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Random Freezing And Hanging

Aug 18, 2008

I just got back from LA, and like any person would, I went straight to check my email. After around 30 mins of reading through mail, the entire screen froze. The mouse wouldn't move, the loading bar just stopped, etc.
After around 10 mins, everything unfroze. I haven't installed any programs recently, and my computer worked fine before I left. This happens on average once every half an hour. Also, this only apparently happens on my account, not any other.

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Apparently Random Freezing

Sep 1, 2008

I've had this problem for over a year now, and posted this on several tech support forums, and to no avail. So here's my problem.I built my computer about a year ago, and after a couple of weeks of usage, I noticed that my computer would randomly freeze when I'm playing games, using IM clients, and P2P software, although it would also freeze when I'm pretty much using any program (it just seems freezing during games is the most common).I think this is purely a software issue because I'm dual-booting Windows XP and Ubuntu 8.04, and I don't have this problem in Ubuntu.

I uninstalled my onboard sound card drivers because I have a dedicated sound card (I thought those drivers were conflicting), but this didn't solve the issue. I took out one of my video cards (I'm running an SLI system) and that didn't solve it. I uninstalled reinstalled my video card drivers, to no avail.I reseated my sound card and video card, and that didn't work.

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CRC Errors And Random Restarts

Nov 16, 2009

Recently i have been having lots of crc errors whilst unzipping files. My initial thought was that one of my hard drives was on its way out. I had checked them all using the manufacturers diagnotic ultility (Seatools) with all testing features and each one, on all drives, returned without error. I thought my suspicions were confirmed when i turned my drive on for the BIOS not to recognise one of my SATA's (a Barracuda 7200.11). After a bit of research i found out that this was prob not the cause of my crc errors as the SD15 version of the firmware supplied with my drive had a bug and causes the drive to go into a hibernated state, a separate issue i'm trying to deal with.After removing this particular hard drive along with Vista out of my system i installed win XP onto another drive temporarily. I am having the same problems with the CRC errors on my other drives which seem to be operating normally. The kind of files i'm talking about are fairly large usually demos or trailers etc in .rar format.

As i understand it CRC errors can also come from faulty RAM. I have recently RMA'd some faulty RAM back to OCZ and the stuff in my system currently is the brand new RAM i got sent back from my RMA. I know this can be causing the CRC errors and occasional random restarts regardless of how new it is so i have checked both sticks individually using memtest86. I only had time to let them do 1 pass each but both came through error free.If any of you out there have any suggestions for what else i can do to figure out what is wrong i would very much appreciate it. Could it be a lack of wattage on the psu causing the restarts? Processor? I'm stuck,

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Random Crashes And Restarts

Sep 6, 2008

I'm running Windows xp professional, and I recently upgraded the hardware in my computer. After this upgrade my computer would infrequently just restart, about once a week or so, but I left for a trip to vancouver for a week and when I got back and turned my computer on the problem started getting much worse. Now it happens about ten times a day, and I can't just leave it off because I don't have another computer and I need this one for classes. Also, when I try to play games it shuts down, or freezes about ten minutes after I start. I have run AVG, Spybot, and ad-aware, and the problem remains. This problem seems to be completely random, sometimes it happens while I'm doing something, and sometimes it happens when the computer is doing nothing.

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Random Restarts With No Error Msg

Apr 22, 2007

I have a HP 705w with 1024 ram ,mx400 nvidia vid card,realtec sound and fast Ethernet.At any given time my cpu restarts.It has done this while on and off line and msg in event log is ID 6009 widows universal processer free -when i look error up it says user has hit ctrl ,alt+delete or went to shut down to restart computer but I have not.I have ran Norton AV+MCafee AV(Unistalled ea before running the other).I have ran Superantispyware and Adaware but nothing has been found.I have checked and updated all drivers + Bios.I have ran a Ram tester-checks out fine.I have ran scandisk-again no issues.I have went to recovery options and unchecked autorestart.My PC is on a home network with 2 other cpus and have found no strange incoming or outgoing in my router logs.I have spent hours researching this and consulted 2 of my friends which are IT pros and we are all clueless.

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Random Restarts A While Back

Aug 30, 2005

Ive been having problems with my comp failing to, or taking forever, to boot up. (Once it literally took 30 minutes). This is not a consistent problem, or at least the severity of it isnt consistent. I have de fragged the drive, done a couple virus scans, cleared out spyware (none really, I use firefox). Any suggestions would be nice, I'm on the road without install software, so a reformat would be a pain. Comp had battery issues resulting in a lot of random restarts a while back. What's a good tool to check? Bad disk sectors? Again, recommended tool to check? Bios issue perhaps? The slow boot included that part of the process, not just XP starting up.

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Slow Startup And Random Freezing

Mar 4, 2007

My pc takes ages to boot up and when it does it has started to randomly freeze. I've ran various scans such as registry mechanic and spyware doctor and nothing has been found.

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Home Random Freezing / Rebooting

Sep 2, 2005

My XP has been randomly locking up for about 3 weeks now. I went out and bought a new fan thinking it was a over-heating issue. but the problem persists. I then went out and bought a new video card, thinking the same thing, again, the problem persists.

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Computer Freezing At Random Times

Jan 29, 2006

For odd reasons, my computer likes to freeze when I'm doing anything. I'm using a new eMachines, and it has an AMD 64-bit processer. I have lots of memory too. 512 mb. So if anyone knows of any fixes, please let me know.

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Random Freezing And Extreme Slowdown

Mar 14, 2007

Currently when using my computer it will either seemingly randomly freeze, forcing me to restart it, switch to a black screen for several seconds then continue functioning extremely slowly, or the screen and box will just fail completely, and even though there's power still running through it, nothing shows or happens.I scanned for Viruses etc., and cleaned/quarantined whatever it found, but didn't help.

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Random Audio Loss And Freezing

May 2, 2007

i'm running a custom built pc with windows xp home sp2, amd sempron processor 3300+ 2ghz, 10/08/2005-sis-760-6a7i7fkac-00 motherboard (according to aida32), 512mb ram. often, when i play an audio or video file, it plays perfectly well for a while (ranging from a few seconds to several minutes) and then audio is completely lost (also Internet videos only will play for 2 seconds after this happens). at first i thought that maybe it was a software problem, but it still occurs with each multimedia application i have. the sound returns on a reboot, but the problem still occurs all the time. any ideas about how to solve this?

also, on a slightly unrelated note, the pc also sometimes freezes; usually when several applications are running, bit it has been known to happen when barely anything is open. strangely, the cursor will not move, but remains on screen for a few seconds and then disappears completely. is this due to a lack of ram, or is there another way to solve this?i hope i have provided enough information.

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Random Restarts And Window Errors

Jan 31, 2006

my pc keeps randomly restarting and applications quit every so often. e.g internet explorer fatal error needs closing > send report to microsoft/dont send need to write this quick before it does it is my hjt log.

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Random Restarts And Program Crashes

Oct 23, 2006

I installed a USB media card reader in my system, soon thereafter, I began experiencing some problems with programs acting strangely and crashing, etc. I unplugged the card reader since I rarely use it anyway. The problems seemed to stop for about a week or so. Then the computer would just randomly restart in the middle of a game or when left running idle for a long time, such as overnight or while I'm at work. I thought that maybe my 420w psu was reaching its limits with 3 HDDs and 2 optical drives plugged in. I unplugged a single HDD and now the crashes happen less often, but still happen. The crashes are more likely to happen when playing a game, but the programs include the game itself, or winamp, trillian, skype, firefox, or "truevector service". Those are usually about the only programs I have running at all. Twice so far I have encountered the blue screen of death, which I hadn't seen I think since SP1 was released. So far I have tried updating my BIOS (all 3 available versions), updating my video card drivers, even reformatting my system drive, all to no avail.

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Computer Freezes / Random Restarts

Oct 31, 2007

please people, bear with me. im sure you have seen a ton of these, but this one isn't like any one i have heard of. i cant figure it out and its driving me up a wall.An interesting thing is that when i run Team Fortress 2 in the background, it doesnt seem to freeze at all. i have 2 GB of RAM, TF2 takes up approx 450mb of RAM. i dont know why my computer would run so well with that much ram being taken up. I tried doing a harddisk error read through windows, but it froze 40% through the scan of the free space (part 5 of 5).i couldn't seem to get a RAM scan to run properly. i tried using the WINDIAG device put out by windows, but none of the commands worked. any other possible ways to scan my memory for errors? I am in a dorm at Ohio State, and i had these same problems last year living in a dorm. they eventually went away, and now that i am back here i am having issues again. except now, i have to restart my comp at least 20 times a day just to get things done. running itunes seems to make it freeze within 5 minutes.

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Random Restarts - Computer Recovered

Jun 14, 2006

My computer randomly restarts. It does not do a proper shut down it just powers off and then restarts.My computer specs are:AMD Athlon XP 2000+ (1.67GHz)256 mb memoryXp Profesional Service pack 2When my computer restarts in comes up with the message Your computer has recovered from a serious error.

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Random Freezing/not Even Getting Fully Through The Start Up Process

Dec 14, 2004

Not real sure what we've got going here but this computer seems to be getting more and more unstable. I'm running Win XP Pro, SP2 and over the last couple of weeks we've gone from freezing up once every/every other day to freezing up multiple times a day and often not even getting fully through the start up process. The only things I can think of that we've changed is re-installing the printer and upgrading Front Page 2000 to 2003. (That doesn't mean that's all that's been done, just what I remember right now!

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Computer Slow To Shut Down, Random Restarts

Nov 2, 2008

I am wondering if they are all related. When I click start>shut down, computer hangs up for about 5 minutes before the box, shut down, restart, etc. shows up-computer then shuts down normally.When I print documents, the first will print, then it takes a long time before another will print. The printer is new and works fine. It is connected to this computer, but shared over a home network. Does the same with the other computers in the network.The computer screen will occasionally go dark and just reboot.

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Computer Keeps Freezing / Get Random Disk Read Errors

Apr 8, 2008

Ok this problem started about 2 weeks ago when my windows xp wouldnt load it go to the loading screen but the progress bar just continued to act as if loading but windows never came on . Eventually after several restarts windows loaded but this continues to happen randomly. Also my computer keeps freezing and I get random disk read errors I have run a check on the hard drive and ram and both these seem to be working ok I have also run several spy ware and antiviruses can anybody help

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Computer Freezing At Random Times / Getting Black Screen?

Aug 25, 2007

my computer has been freezing at random times. when it freezes, i push the reset button to reboot it.after that,i get a black screen before windows starts. i forgot what the msg was, but it was something like "boot disk," might have been "insert boot disk"? i'm not too sure i am running windows xp.

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Random Restarts / System Hangs / Slow Startup

Aug 17, 2008

it wasnt problematic when i 1st set it up about a month ago. the startup was defo alot quicker.the system sometimes hangs during a game, it used to hang on startup but i fixed that with system restore in startup because of the slow startup (where it doesnt seem to be actually doing anything! no cpu of mem usage just ages to load startup programs) i used some startup removal programs to delete all unnecessary startup program, it hasnt speeded anything up it takes the same amount of time but just loads less programs.i have also run ccleaner, reg cleaners, tried running ad-aware but never completed a scan as it freezes. i have always had zonealarm pro runing and bitdefender

when powering up it seems to show the blackscreen very often, asking to turn on in safe mode? even when the pc had been shutdown properly. othertimes on powering on the pc hangs on the windows loading page or when enering the password.the pc can also restart randomly during general use or gaming.this is very fustarting and was hoping you guys could give me some of your advice? i was thinking maybe do a system restore to the day when the pc was first built? would this be a really dumb move? what would be the consequences?

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Computer Random Restarts, Blue Screen Logged

Mar 26, 2007

My laptop has begun flashing a blue error screen prior to restarting at random. This is not following any hardware or new driver installation; the only software I have installed recently is Bloodshed Dev C++.I had a hard drive failure on this same laptop about 6 months ago; since then I installed a new hard drive, reinstalled XP Pro, all drivers and programs, and it has run without a hitch since then for the duration of the last 6 months...until today.I disabled automatic restarts and the blue screen error It looks to me like a driver error, but I have not updated or installed any new drivers or devices recently. I was hoping to avoid reinstallation of all drivers- could any of you point me towards a more specific fix? I'm not aware of what "w22n51.sys" is for, or the most obvious source for repair.

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Blue Screens - Random Restarts - Software From Restore CD

Dec 2, 2004

I really could use some help in finding the culprit causing my random restarts, and blue screens. Part of the problem seems to be a driver (driver_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL), but which one. I have cleared virus, and spyware so machine is now clean. Reinstalled factory software from restore CD.

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Random Freezing Of Screen Resulting In Hard Shut Down From Power Button

Jul 14, 2008

I have just had a mate of mine build a pc for me, from scratch, with all new parts. However, for some reason I get a random freezing of the screen resulting in a hard shut down from the Power button. This has happened a few times now, more than twice while in IE6 and once on the desktop. I originally thought it might be IE6 so I have installed IE7 and firefox just to be sure, then it froze while on the desktop straight after i logged in. The PC isn't running hot at all, as I said it froze after I logged in and there is definately no spyware or anything as its a new PC and the only thing i've installed on it is AVG & IE7.

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Shutdowns And Startup Errors - Screen Going Black

Oct 10, 2009

The screen going black and the computer beeping consistently untill turned off. The screen showing evenly spaced vertical white lines on a black screen. Showing a bluescreen (I can't remember the error messege but will make a note if it happens again). Not booting up correctly, with a messege displayed about inserting system disk or removing disk from the floppy drive though nothing is inserted. Sometimes the computer will switch on fine and will not act up at all, but much more often now I will get at least one of these errors each time I try to use the computer, if not several in succession.

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