Computer Is Not Recognizing Wireless Card

Jul 9, 2008

I just installed Windows XP Pro SP2 on my laptop and I think that it isn't recognizing my wireless card. Its in-built into the laptop, but I'm looking at my device manager and its not seeing a wireless adapter.I need to upgrade to a newer version of Windows.

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Cannot Reinstallation Disc - Recognizing Wireless Card

Nov 22, 2009

i have a dell inspiron 1300 laptop with windows XP, i also have a desktop 2400 with windows XP. I did something real stupid the laptop did not come with a reinstallation disc. So i figured the windows XP disc i got with my desktop i could reformat my laptop. i was gravely mistaken it seams that now i can't get on the internet. because it's not recognizing that i have a wireless card in my laptop.

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Wireless Not Working: Model Of Wireless Card?

Jun 14, 2010

The wireless internet isn't working... I don't know what wireless card I have.. I should only have to install the driver, but I can't get online to download it.

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Intel Pro Wireless 22800 Wireless Card

Sep 18, 2007

I have aproblem with my XP machine.when i boot up the small wireless icon says its not connected,Also when i click to view available wireless networks that there are none in range, i reboot the pc and it might resolve it .More often than not it doesnt.Also i sometimes get a yellow exclamation mark over the wlan in device manager.I update the driver and it resolves until next time i boot back up the pc.Wireless switch is on. My 2 other pcs wrk perfect.

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Reformatted System Now Not Recognizing Ethernet Card?

Aug 31, 2006

I just recently re-formatted my Dell Dimension 3000 at work. I didn't have the original system disks and just installed a vanilla copy of XP Home. For some reason it will not read the ethernet port, making it difficult for me to install any new programs, or the obvious (get on the internet).

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Wireless Network Card

Jul 6, 2005

I am trying to set up a home network. However after installing a Belkin F5D7000 Wireless Desktop Network Card I get the following error: PCI Simple Communications Controller Error.. Search For Drivers. I have the installation disk and I have tried manually pointing the Hardware Wizard to the file, but it will still not pick up the drivers. I have the latest drivers from Belkin - no joy.This is the second card I have tried and after installing into another computer it worked fine. However the machine I am trying to install onto is older. Pentium III 450 on a B7XAN Motherboard. O/S Windows xp pro.

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Satellite A25-S307-no Drivers For Ethernet Or Wireless Card?

Jun 29, 2009

recently wiped Toshiba Satellite A25-S307 notebook and installed Windows XP Pro. Now we find that there are no drivers for the internet: no wireless card driver, no ethernet controller driver. Cannot even find out the names of some of the lost drivers! Here is the "Problem Devices" list: Base System Device Ethernet Controller Not Available (this is what it says in the list!)PCI Modem Video Controller

Here are some drivers we know we need but cannot find: realtek rtl8139/810x family fast ethernet NIC Trident Cyberblade XP2 AGP 4x The major issue is no internet connectivity means we cannot use one of the driver scanner software out there. Every utility I find requires me to be able to connect to the internet on the affected machine!

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Installed Wireless Card: Unable To Change Screen Resolution?

Aug 20, 2009

I have a Compaq EVO D51S SFF which I had plugged to my LCD TV as a media centre, just to watch movies and all. I had not connected this computer to the internet because I did not have a wireless card.I finally installed a wireless card, and then windows started doing all sorts of updates as expected (since the version on the SFF was SP2).Once windows was done with the updates, I started having problems with the screen resolution.

The SFF does not have a stand alone video card, so I had set the resolution at 1024 x 768, and this worked just fine before the updates.Now, the resolution keeps changing and this is a problem because the LCD TV gives me a message saying "Resolution Not Supported", so I can't use the computer unless I connect it to a regular computer monitor, select 1024x768, and then connect to the TV. I connect via VGA port, not DVI (don't have DVI).

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System Slow/Unable To Connect After Added Wireless Card

Nov 16, 2006

Recently added a wireless card and put it on my home network. It ran fine for a couple of weeks, but now it is running painfully slow. Just booting the machine and getting the start menu to come up takes forever. Every application is painfully slow and I am unable to connect to my network.

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Installed Linksys Wireless G Card - Dell Inspiron Wont Reboot

Aug 10, 2005

2 year old 2650 Dell laptop running XP. Installed a Linksys wireless G card and then a couple wks later the machine won't reboot. When powering up I get the blue Dell screen with "F2 for setup" and then it goes to a dark silver/black screen with a pretty white cursor flashing upper left corner of the display. Besides that I get nothing. Power down/up/sideways and nothing, except the same Dell screen noted above and the same silvery black screen w.cursor.

I've removed the batt so only the power cord is feeding it. No dice. I did somehow manage to get to my desktop a few min ago after 2 wks of no attempts but as soon as I tried to launch IE it froze and I had to power down and now I'm back to square one. Have also tried F8 a hundred times, as well as dancing on my left big toe while chanting to the computer gods.

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1450 Broadcom Wireless Mini Pci Card Driver - Shut Down / Reboot

Oct 20, 2007

Here�s the problem I have been looking at a friends dell latitude d600 equipped with a 1450 Broadcom wireless mini pci card Driver for the card is up to date, the card is brand new, every time I shut down, then reboot I have to reinstall the driver again,�.the driver keeps getting dropped for some reason��..Xp pro sp2���.

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My Computer Not Recognizing CD Drives

Jan 12, 2006

Just recently I haven't gotten my computer to recognize any of the CD's I am putting into either drive (a DVD R/RW drive or my CD-RW drive). Not only does nothing happen when I put in any CD (I have tried many), but also when I open up My Computer I don't see any drives listed under "Devices with Removable Storage" besides my 3 1/2 Floppy (A drive. What can I do to make my drives work again? I did build my computer, but everything has been working smoothly until this.

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Computer Not Recognizing D & E Drives

Dec 13, 2004

Over the weekend while doing some electrical work, I shut off the power to the room containing my computer. I had a hard time getting it to Start Up, but all seemed fine accept I had to re-set the clock. Then I shortly discovered that it would not recognize either D: or E: drive, I finally did get them both to recognize an audio cd but only after opening them through WMP. Usually they start when placed in the drive, and it will use my default player (Nero). When I looked in "My Computer" it prompts me to insert a disk ?? I am running Windows 2000 NT Pro and the C: drive seems to be operating fine.

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Computer Not Recognizing Mouse

May 27, 2005

my keyboard and mouse cut out and yes they are both plugged in. they are stock so i believe they are p/s 2. uhm a the moment my keyboard is working but my mouse is not. sometimes my keyboard will also cut out but by restarting i can get it working again.

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Computer Stopped Recognizing DSL Connection?

Feb 28, 2006

My DSL is connected but my computer stops recognizing it whenever it feels like it. There are no errors and nothing happens to indicate that it just stopped recognizing it, but when I click a link or Internet Explorer it gives me the "Can not connect to this page" or send me to my ISP's modem page, which shows that I'm connected. I've been on the phone with Bellsouth and they say that it's not them. I've also still had this problem even though I disconnected all Firewall and Norton Internet Security for a few days.

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Installing Drivers For Graphics And Wireless Network Card Drivers

Jan 1, 2006

Whenever i install drivers on my pc, (i've tried graphics card drivers and wireless network card drivers) my pc stops working. When i installed the graphics card drivers, i tried testing the graphics on a game (counter-strike) but as soon as i got into the game, the pc flashes a blue screen, and reboots. I cant see what the blue screen says because it flashes on and off again to quick for me to read it. I decided to uninstall the graphics card drivers, and the game worked perfectly, but the graphics were REALLY bad. So i thought i might need to update some other drivers, so i tried to install my wireless network card, but when i finished installing the drivers when i had to restart my computer, it flashed the BSOD.... AGAIN! I need help urgently as im going to a LAN gaming comp called "rezidue" and its on in 2 weeks, i need my pc fixed by then! All these problems started when i upgraded my CPU. Everything was running smooth, and i was happily playing along on my computer, when i was asked what my FPS was in counter-strike, and i was all "mine are 65!" and there like "wow that sucks, mines 130" so i set out on my epic quest to get better FPS then everyone else and MAN THAT WAS A MISTAKE. I upgraded from my celeron 2.8ghz cpu to a P4 3.0ghz HT cpu, and thats when things started messing up on me. My entire system is as follows (incase it can help someone help me) P4 3.0ghz HT CPU, Microstar P4 motherboard, 128mb Nvidia Geforce mx4000 AGP x8 graphics card, 256MB ddr ram (recently brought new 1GB ddr ram off ebay just for rezidue! should be here soon!) TP-LINK 54mbps wireless network card) And last but not least

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Link Sys Wireless Print Server And Verizon Wireless Router

Oct 28, 2007

My problem is : When I called Verizon yesterday, I was told that to connect the printer to the router, I do not need the print server. I was asked to locate the ethernet port at the back of my printer, plug the ethernet port cable and connect it to the Verizon router. Unfortunately, my printer does not have an ethernet port. I was told to call HP,and I did but did not get much help.What should I do to get my wireless printer work? I have a PC and a laptop. Prior to Verizon, I have a DSL and Vonage, both routers and print server did not have the same problem.

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Wireless Network Does Work Hard Wired But No Wireless Icon

Mar 29, 2009

I took my daughters Gateway M320 laptop and did a restore from the CDs that came with the laptop. After doing all the Microsoft Updates, ALL the wireless driver installs from Gateway there is no 'Wireless Network Connection' icon. I have also checked Device Manager and there is no wireless adapter. Before this exercise she was running wireless fine. It does work 'hard wired' but no wireless icon.

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Wireless Trying To Connect A Second Computer

Dec 21, 2007

I am trying to connect a second computer to my 2wire wireless router and it is asking me for a network key i dont know what that is.

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Use Wireless Webcam On My Computer

Sep 18, 2005

I need to monitor wild life activity on my property. The site is about 125 feet away from my computer.I have a Logitech Quickcam web cam with USB pigtail. I'm running 2.4 intel,XP pro,512 ram,with a Linksys wireless-G router.I have not had the cam out of the box.Question#1 Can I run a wire(cat5?) 125 feet with usb ends cam to computer without to much signal lost? If this doesn't work then to question #2.Using the wireless router and a new wireless cam will the signal travel that far and can I boost the signal if needed?

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See Other Computer In Wireless Network

Oct 24, 2003

I'm running XP Pro and have installed wireless cards in my PC and laptop. They seem to be communicating with excellent signal strength. I've run the network setup wizard on each machine and setup a home network called 'Mshome'. I've restarted both machines. In My network places, there is a network called Mshome. When I try to view workgroup computers, the only machine listed is the one I'm currently using - I can't access the other one.

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Wireless Issue - Can't Start Computer

Dec 23, 2007

So I was having wireless issues (see thread I tried starting up my computer in Safe Mode with Networking as suggested. I tried the F8 method, but it kept looping me back to the screen with the options of Safe Mode, Safe Mode with Networking, Safe Mode with command Prompt and Start Windows Normally.Since that didn't work, I tried the MSConfig method and now it keeps looping through and won't let me startup my computer (I am posting from another computer at my parent's).

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Access One Computer To Another Using Landlords Wireless Connection

Sep 7, 2005

I have a question if someone can answer it for me. I have a laptop running windows xp and i want to access it from my university computer to do programming n stuff. I am using my landlords wireless connection. I tried to use the windows xp remote desktop connection but i think due to the firewall settings of the router, it won't let me conect to it. I was wandering if there is a way to connect to my computer without asking my landlord to change some setting in the router or something.

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Print To Wireless Printer From Wireless Laptop?

Mar 1, 2009

We have two laptops and one wireless (HP Photosmart C7280) printer. Our laptops both connect to the internet wirelessly through a router. I was able to install and can print wirelessly from my laptop (a Mac) with no problems. However, we cannot figure out how to print wirelessly from my boyfriend's laptop (a Dell). We have installed the printer software and the printer itself on his laptop, and the laptop is able to identify the wireless printer over the network. We made sure that the printer is set to "online" and that file/printer sharing is turned on. But, whenever we go to print any kind of a file, we get an error message simply stating that the printer was unable to print and that we should run the troubleshooter. So, we run the troubleshooter, and we get this message:"The troubleshooter was not able to ping (detect a connection with) your print server. This might be the cause of the problem. Verify that your network is configured correctly and that you are connected to the network."

I am more used to working with Macs and my boyfriend is computer illiterate, so we're a bit lost as to what this means. I was able to set up a wireless network connection on his laptop, but beyond that I'm not sure what else to do. Most of the other advice I've seen online involves a wireless printer that is wired to one computer, and another laptop trying to wirelessly access that printer through the connected computer...if that makes any sense. Our printer isn't wired to anything, and we just can't figure out why it'll print wirelessly on the Mac but not on the Dell laptop. Any ideas?

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On Setting Up An Network For Wireless And Non-wireless Computers Together

Jan 25, 2005

Does anyone happen to know how to successfully create a network in Windows XP Pro for a wireless laptop and for an Ethernet-hooked-up (non-wireless) computer. I'm trying to printer and file share the two together BUT I've exhausted myself in trying to make it happen. Has anyone successfully done this? Am I missing something? Perhaps hardware?I would truly appreciate any help or advice.

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Wireless Connectivity - More Than One Wireless Device Found

Mar 12, 2010

If i log onto my computer and just go into network connections, the computer is not able to look for wireless networks. if i hit the button to find networks, it gives me some strange error message. i have noticed though that i can fix the problem if i manually go into services and start the wireless zero configuration service myself. i configured this service to start automatically, and to keep restarting if attempts to start fail, but for whatever reason, the service does not start on its own when i boot the computer. once i start the service, i am able to connect without any problems.

The error message i get says something about finding more than one wirless device. i have a belkin usb wireless card, and before i installed the one i have now, i had another that coincidentally was the same size and also made by belkin. thinking that maybe some software was still on the computer, causing it to find both, and consequently not being able to connect to either, i uninstalled all the software for both routers and deleted all the related program files off of the computer. then i reinstalled the same exact problem.

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Computer Running Very Slow - Have Wireless Internet Access

Jan 24, 2006

I am using Windows XP and have wireless internet access.....for some reason my connection has become slower than that of dial up. My daughter recommended I visit this site for help

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Computer Won't Recognize USB 2.0 PCI Card?

Dec 23, 2005

I have pentium 4 running Windows XP.I tried installing a Compaq 5 Port USB 2.0 PCI card in my computer but the computer will not recognize it.I have 2 open slots and it won't work in either.

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Modem Card Replaced With Ethernet Card - Wont Boot Properly

Nov 9, 2006

Firstly I have a pc which I installed Win XP Prof onto. All worked great. Then took out modem card and replaced with ethernet card. Again no problem. However, when I went to boot the compute up a week or so later it went through the boot process and then just before I would expect to see the Windows logo with blue sky background appear I "sometimes" get a blue screen flash up with a message which you cant read unless you can slow down time and then the PC restarts and goes through the whole procedure again.
I did manage to start in Boot logging mode and watch to see where the problem was. It seemed to be something to do with the Display adaptor. I found the appropriate solution on the web and although I now get further on into the boot, it still restarts. When i try to run the logging thing (!) it does not want to play any more and just boots in the normal fashion. I have tried defaulting the BIOS, checking the file system for damaged sectors etc all to no avail.

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Program Association With Compact Flash Card - Media Card Reader

Feb 16, 2006

I have a PC with a built-in media card reader, and when I use the compact flash portion of that reader a certain program is always launched. I would imagine that initially I indicated which program to open. Is there any change to change that program?

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Computer Crashes When Belkin Wireless USB Network Adapter Plugged In

Oct 28, 2007

I have FINALLY got to the bottom of why my PC is freezing, after weeks of trial and error. It runs perfectly normally when I unplug the Belkin USB Wireless adapter. Is there a way of repairing this? Do I need to download something to stop it from happening?

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