1450 Broadcom Wireless Mini Pci Card Driver - Shut Down / Reboot

Oct 20, 2007

Here�s the problem I have been looking at a friends dell latitude d600 equipped with a 1450 Broadcom wireless mini pci card Driver for the card is up to date, the card is brand new, every time I shut down, then reboot I have to reinstall the driver again,�.the driver keeps getting dropped for some reason��..Xp pro sp2���.

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Broadcom 802.11g Network Adapter Wireless Connection Is Apparently Disconnected

Apr 17, 2007

The Network Setup Wizard tells me that it found disconnected network hardware. My Broadcom 802.11g Network Adapter wireless connection is apparently disconnected. Any ideas on how to rectify this?

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Installed Linksys Wireless G Card - Dell Inspiron Wont Reboot

Aug 10, 2005

2 year old 2650 Dell laptop running XP. Installed a Linksys wireless G card and then a couple wks later the machine won't reboot. When powering up I get the blue Dell screen with "F2 for setup" and then it goes to a dark silver/black screen with a pretty white cursor flashing upper left corner of the display. Besides that I get nothing. Power down/up/sideways and nothing, except the same Dell screen noted above and the same silvery black screen w.cursor.

I've removed the batt so only the power cord is feeding it. No dice. I did somehow manage to get to my desktop a few min ago after 2 wks of no attempts but as soon as I tried to launch IE it froze and I had to power down and now I'm back to square one. Have also tried F8 a hundred times, as well as dancing on my left big toe while chanting to the computer gods.

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Wireless Not Working: Model Of Wireless Card?

Jun 14, 2010

The wireless internet isn't working... I don't know what wireless card I have.. I should only have to install the driver, but I can't get online to download it.

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Intel Pro Wireless 22800 Wireless Card

Sep 18, 2007

I have aproblem with my XP machine.when i boot up the small wireless icon says its not connected,Also when i click to view available wireless networks that there are none in range, i reboot the pc and it might resolve it .More often than not it doesnt.Also i sometimes get a yellow exclamation mark over the wlan in device manager.I update the driver and it resolves until next time i boot back up the pc.Wireless switch is on. My 2 other pcs wrk perfect.

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Unable To Shut Off Wireless Network

May 11, 2007

Unable to shut off wireless network, light stays on, I have XP system on a HP Pavilion ze5500 laptop.The switch is on the front of the laptop, unable to shut it off and when I boot up I get a popup that says (wireless network is not connected) this popup stays on the screen untill I delete it.

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Wireless Network Card

Jul 6, 2005

I am trying to set up a home network. However after installing a Belkin F5D7000 Wireless Desktop Network Card I get the following error: PCI Simple Communications Controller Error.. Search For Drivers. I have the installation disk and I have tried manually pointing the Hardware Wizard to the file, but it will still not pick up the drivers. I have the latest drivers from Belkin - no joy.This is the second card I have tried and after installing into another computer it worked fine. However the machine I am trying to install onto is older. Pentium III 450 on a B7XAN Motherboard. O/S Windows xp pro.

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Computer Is Not Recognizing Wireless Card

Jul 9, 2008

I just installed Windows XP Pro SP2 on my laptop and I think that it isn't recognizing my wireless card. Its in-built into the laptop, but I'm looking at my device manager and its not seeing a wireless adapter.I need to upgrade to a newer version of Windows.

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Cannot Reinstallation Disc - Recognizing Wireless Card

Nov 22, 2009

i have a dell inspiron 1300 laptop with windows XP, i also have a desktop 2400 with windows XP. I did something real stupid the laptop did not come with a reinstallation disc. So i figured the windows XP disc i got with my desktop i could reformat my laptop. i was gravely mistaken it seams that now i can't get on the internet. because it's not recognizing that i have a wireless card in my laptop.

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Satellite A25-S307-no Drivers For Ethernet Or Wireless Card?

Jun 29, 2009

recently wiped Toshiba Satellite A25-S307 notebook and installed Windows XP Pro. Now we find that there are no drivers for the internet: no wireless card driver, no ethernet controller driver. Cannot even find out the names of some of the lost drivers! Here is the "Problem Devices" list: Base System Device Ethernet Controller Not Available (this is what it says in the list!)PCI Modem Video Controller

Here are some drivers we know we need but cannot find: realtek rtl8139/810x family fast ethernet NIC Trident Cyberblade XP2 AGP 4x The major issue is no internet connectivity means we cannot use one of the driver scanner software out there. Every utility I find requires me to be able to connect to the internet on the affected machine!

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Automatically Reboot / Restart / Shut Down

Apr 14, 2008

I read almost all those topic about xp reboot but it didn't helped.I have got windows Xp.When I work for something the mouse stops somewhere.And the computer will be started.

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SP3 Sudden Shut-down - Asking For Activation After Reboot

Oct 4, 2010

So I reinstalled XP Home on an MPC Pentium 4 HT. After installing all the windows updates, including SP3, and some basic programs, I was up and running. The pc was running fast, and it was a joy to use. Then, just 1 week after the initial install, I'm on the computer playing a flash game, when it suddenly shuts down. I reboot, and instead of going to Welcome screen, then desktop with all my icons, it's showing the factory default resolution (you know, huge mouse cursor and all), and asking me to activate Windows, which I did about 6 days ago

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Cannot Reboot Or Shut Down From Start Desktop

Aug 26, 2007

Every time I try to reboot or turn my computer off i get an 'END PROGRAM' message telling me that if I end it too soon I will lose any unsaved data.When I check the Event Viewer Log it says, Type: Information,the date, the time,then the Source: ccPwdSvc,Category: None,Event: 1User: System,computer: Home.

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Can't Shut Computer Down - Connect To Internet Via Network Card

Jul 26, 2007

I tried to install ZoneAlarm last week which crashed during the installation. This has caused multiple issues:1 - Can't shut computer down - I can get to the "log off", "shut down" and "restart" option of which none do anything so I'm forced to unplug as the power on/off doesn't work either. I've checked the power management options and these are normal.2 - Can't connect to the internet via my network card. Replaced the card as the network cable works on laptop and though it was the card but no luck(Modem goes to router which splits to 2 PC's and laptop

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Installed Wireless Card: Unable To Change Screen Resolution?

Aug 20, 2009

I have a Compaq EVO D51S SFF which I had plugged to my LCD TV as a media centre, just to watch movies and all. I had not connected this computer to the internet because I did not have a wireless card.I finally installed a wireless card, and then windows started doing all sorts of updates as expected (since the version on the SFF was SP2).Once windows was done with the updates, I started having problems with the screen resolution.

The SFF does not have a stand alone video card, so I had set the resolution at 1024 x 768, and this worked just fine before the updates.Now, the resolution keeps changing and this is a problem because the LCD TV gives me a message saying "Resolution Not Supported", so I can't use the computer unless I connect it to a regular computer monitor, select 1024x768, and then connect to the TV. I connect via VGA port, not DVI (don't have DVI).

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System Slow/Unable To Connect After Added Wireless Card

Nov 16, 2006

Recently added a wireless card and put it on my home network. It ran fine for a couple of weeks, but now it is running painfully slow. Just booting the machine and getting the start menu to come up takes forever. Every application is painfully slow and I am unable to connect to my network.

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MN-520 Wireless Adapter Driver?

Sep 23, 2010

where to find MN-520 Wireless Adapter Driver?

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USB Wireless G Adapter Won't Install Driver

Jun 14, 2008

The reason this is urgent for me is because I am leaving to move into my new apartment tomorrow morning, and once I am gone from my house, pretty much any technical problem will not get solved (I am sure many of you here are familiar with this position).My brother's computer was full of viruses so I reinstalled a fresh copy of windows, and everything is working great.But I go to install the Westell wireless G USB adapter for internet, and the driver will not install.I have installed the utility first - it then asks to connect the device which I did. The new hardware thing pops up, and since I don't have the installation CD (lost it, but downloaded the files from Westell's website), I browse to the folder of those files, and it searches and says it cannot find the driver.

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Driver For A Wireless Network Adapter Mn-720

May 21, 2010

The Driver for a wireless network adapter mn-720 needed.

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Netgear Wireless-G PCI Adapter Driver

Feb 22, 2009

I purchased a wireless PCI adapter as listed above for my Windows Media Center 2005. My computer has a 2.0 GHz dual core processor and 3 GIG of RAM, 256 MB RAM Video card.
Here is my problem, when I install the software for the wireless card, it changes my Windows Login and disables the Welcome Screen. There is no drop down for users to log onto the computer, I have to type the name to login. I tried to just install the driver and my computer did not like that, it locked up twice. So I am back to installing the whole program.where I can get just a driver for this card? I searched the NetGear website and it has an updated program but no individual drivers. I tried to use WinZip to extract the exe into individual files but no luck.

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Gone Into The BIOS Set Up To Change From A PCI Graphics Card - Reboot

Aug 25, 2007

When first booting the system it gets to a windows screen and reboots - ad infinitum. When booted in "safe mode" it reads several files (in DOS - I think) and stops on reading a path on the "C" drive ending with something like ...../AGP 440 or ..../AGP 44? (or something smilar).

Do you think it is looking for graphics drivers?I have gone into the BIOS set up to change from a PCI graphics card to the on-board, and there appears to be no PCI card.

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STOP 7B On Install Reboot With SATA Card

Aug 19, 2009

This is similar to the problem B1177 posted about, but I'm having no luck solving it myself. Basically, I have an IDE CDROM into the mobo, and a SATA HDD hooked to a Koutech Initio-chipset SATA controller card. In the card's setup at boot, it says the drive is "passthrough". I confess I'm not sure what that means. I'm new to SATA. I slipstreamed the Inic1620 drivers into a new CD with nLite, which stopped the "Setup cannot find any hard drives..." error, and allowed Setup to continue. After loading files, however, on restart I get the ever popular STOP 7B BSOD. Windows DOES begin to start, and the splash screen shows for a second or so, then it's into the ol' freezerino. Email to Koutech support has gone unanswered.

The machine is a Gigabyte 6IEML/P3900/500MB with an Intel 82815/801B chipset. I also tried restoring an image from another machine with an Intel chipset--though not the same one--and it stops at mup.sys, but that may have nothing to do with the SATA card. Interestingly, although Windows Setup couldn't find the drive, a Hiren's CD, with no SATA drivers loaded, could. Actually, a bit more than interesting isn't it?

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Gateway Solo 1450 Notebook CRASH

Aug 10, 2005

The main problem with my Gateway notebook is that I can't get the thing to restart at all anymore (or do anything for that matter). What began with a missing operating system type of error. has now reached a point where nothing seems to respond but the pale orange charging indicator light.

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Getting Online With Wireless Adapter Driver MA101

Jul 23, 2009

Just purchased a Netgear N Router. I have the router hooked up to a comcast - motorolla cable modem hardwire) , and thats working fine, but I am trying to get online with a netgear adapter - MA101, on another desktop. I purchased the adapter back in 2003, and have downloaded the up to date drivers for it on the pc, that I am not able to get online with. It is getting a very strong signal from the router, with my ntework name and everything. Been on the phone with netgear for hours, and they cannot resolve it either.

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Driver - Built In Wireless Doesn't Work

Apr 2, 2008

I just got rid of Windows Vista and replaced it with Windows XP pro service pack 2. Everything works perfectly, except I don't have any of the drivers. I tried installing it, but it doesn't seem like it works. My built in wireless doesn't work, I don't have the quick launch buttons, and I don't have sound. I have a Compaq Presario C700, so can anyone tell me how to fix my wireless internet, sound, etc and tell me how to get the drivers. I tried the hp website, but for some reason when i install those drivers, they install and it says its running but my wireless internet still doesnt work. On my device manager, on network adapters, i only have Realtek RTL8139 Family PCI Fast Ethernet NIC.

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Lan Card Driver For Asus

Mar 26, 2010

i want lan card driver for asus moterboard

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NT Driver For This Video Card

Jan 2, 2006

Currently I have only 16 colors and 800x600 desktop area. NT is using the "Default Monitor" and I did not boot in VGA mode. My video card is AccelGraphics Venus DGX4 Rev 2.1A . I tried to find a driver and what I did find was for Win98. I tried that and it started asking for files - vbrun300.dll and I could find that, then it asked for threed.vbx - is this going to work even if I get all the required files? Is there a NT driver for this video card?

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Get Graphics Card Driver

Jul 9, 2005

I just bought a new notebook and reformated the harddrive wiping everything off it. Though now after re-installing XP I can’t find display drivers that will work. The problem is that I don’t have the CD to install them from and have tried the ATI website but it was no good. I have ATI Radeon Mobility technology, what do I do? Posted using the http://www.windowsforumz.com interface, at author's request Articles individually checked for conformance to usenet standards Topic URL:ttp://www.windowsforumz.com/Hardw [...] 54882.html Visit Topic URL to contact author (reg. req'd).

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H-220 Sound Card Driver

Aug 15, 2010

i have lenovo desktop 57117119 but dont have sound driver how can i will get above driver free.

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Video Card Driver?

Dec 5, 2007

I get a little pop-up message you know. install latest windows xp updates so i'm like. OK i'l just get this over and done with. I turn the computer off let windows do it's thing, turn it back on now I'm getting dots on the screen. They look like little droplets and most of the time they're blue. i get to the windows xp log-in screen now this is the "fun" (annoying/main part). WHENEVER I move my mouse cursor over the account tabs the computer just freeze's then the screen goes black, doesn't do anything after that. So I gave my friend a call who's a computer technician, he said that my video card is blown and that I will have to get a new one. My heart just dropped out of my but there for about 5 minutes. I gave my brother a call and he thinks otherwise. He said to do a system restore but this is another "fun" (annoying/main part). I'm trying to do a system restore on the PC (in safe mode) and it doesn't want to seem to work. First of all there are NO bold dates to choose from which is very strange as I applied a Windows XP update shortly before I did this update that screwed the PC up. And nothing came up, and another even f'd up thing is that I can' choose what months to go from. That little arrow that let's go go to previous months and months after? Click that, doesn't do anything. So I gotta wait for my bro to come back from Canberra for the meantime which should be i n around a weeks time or so. But ugh I can't wait that long i'm gonna die of boredom here. So I am begging all.. of you. from the bottom of my heart, is there ANYTHING absolutely ANYTHING I could do to FIX this? I'm so close to throwing this thing out the window Badluck seems to be coming from all sides at me lately and I really can't put up with this.

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Video Card Driver Is It Corrupted

Mar 5, 2005

find out weither it is corrupted or not

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