Wireless Trying To Connect A Second Computer

Dec 21, 2007

I am trying to connect a second computer to my 2wire wireless router and it is asking me for a network key i dont know what that is.

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Cant Connect To Wireless

Apr 30, 2010

I can't seem to be able to connect to my wireless Internet on one of the computers I have. (It's NOT a laptop) I plugged the router into the computer and it can't find my network, or any, really. It works on a different computer. I'm guessing the wireless config is turned off or something. I have played around with the computer and can't seem to turn it on. Where would it be located? I'll post updates as I get them.

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Wireless Connect Not Responding

Aug 23, 2007

I have too much info and would prefer not to have to do this. The problem is my wireless connection shows that I am connected at full strength but web connection will not show up. I ultimately have to put the computer on standby and then turn it back on before wireless will actually work. I thought it might be a problem with my router but it happens anywhere I go, with any wireless connection. My spouse has a laptop as well and he is able to connect everytime right away. Also just recently I plugged my earphones into my computer and they play through the phones as well as the speakers. Usually gateway has great help but not this time.

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Cannot Connect To Wireless Internet

Nov 19, 2007

It shows the available "unsecured" wireless connection but I am not connecting to it. I have tried the repair connection option but didnt do any good. Everthing was working properly until last week. I tried to roll back my computer settings but am unable to do this.

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Wireless Connect But Not Working

Sep 17, 2008

The wireless connection can't be established easily, I have to restart the system in order to connect, especially, when I wake my laptop from hibernation or standby. I updated the wireless adapter driver, I also changed the channel in which my laptop connects to. I read some articles that state the problem but after following almost all of them, I couldn't pull off anything. It takes many attempts to connect to my university wireless router. I would emphasize on the wake-up. I have 2 other laptops and they connect in a speed of light. All of the laptops have Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 2200/BG Network connection and the same latest driver.

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After Restart Can't Connect With Wireless Adapter

Jul 9, 2010

I had to do a System Recovery, when it was finished, I was able to access the internet via my wireless adapter. However, my computer is kind of old so I had about 78 updates after the recovery. After the updates, and the restart, I cannot now access the internet. I have Windows XP home edition, and My adapter is a Linksys wireless-g. What has changed

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Wireless Lan Wontt Connect To Internet?

Aug 7, 2005

Have just set up a Dell Truemobile 2300 wireless router and fitted laptop with wireless card. The computer & router are talking to each other no problem, but IE and Outlook Ex will not connect to internet via the wireless connection. My broadband is from NTL set top box.

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Win2000 Wont Connect To Lan (wireless)?

Mar 3, 2006

I have just re-installed Windows 2000 and I have a strong wireless signal to the usb adapter but cannot get connected to the internet. What is it about 2000 networking that is the trick to this? I have it set up to obtain an IP address automatically. By the way it is connecting to a wireless access point, not directly to the router. The access point is piggybacked off the main router.

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Cannot Connect Printer Through Wireless Network

Aug 28, 2006

I had a problem trying to connect my Canon Pixma 4000 so that I could access it wireless via our home LAN. I have one laptop(the wife's) attached directly to the router (cable service from Optimum). My laptop is used wirelessly from another part of the home. All was working well, except I could never get the printer to work so that I could use it wirelessly, so I had it plugged in directly to my laptop. Up to this point, it was all ok. I have AVG and ZoneAlarm running on both computers. A friend, (really) was at my home and volunteered to connect the printer so that it would work wirelessly. He is a UNIX administrator, manages a number of pc's too. I thought, "this is great, my own administrator".

To shorten the story, he removed ZA, the computer will not work wirelessly, only works when connected directly to the modem and the printer doesn't work wireless. I called ZA, and they guided me through removing all the "orphans" that were left behind, so that cleared up a problem whereas I could connect to the net, but couldn't get to another url. I did not re-install ZA yet, because I don't want to add anything else into the mix. I will post a HJT log if that is what is needed. I DO NOT care if the printer works wirelessly. I will live with it connected to the back of my computer, BUT, I do want my laptop to work wirelessly so that both me and my Frau can be on-line at the same time. I have been through the IP address checking, all is ok there. If I try to connect via the SYSLINK wireless, I get nothing, even PING ing different sites gets no valid response. Regrettably, I have some tech knowledge, but not enough to figure out this one.

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Cannot Connect To Internet With Wireless Laptop

Aug 23, 2007

i bought a new lapto 3rd person worked great first two days now icannot conect to the internet .it says my connections are either unplugged or disconnected what do i do to get this stuff working right?

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Unable To Connect To Wireless After Reinstalling

Oct 22, 2009

I followed the advice of the sticky above and with my "refreshed" XP Home Installation on my Dell Desktop, I can't connect to the Internet. The "find a connection" Wizard seems to want to find a dial-up connection and nothing in the way of broadband. I use a Linksys Wireless G PCI Adapter card. The reinstallation did not wipe out any documents or user created files, so am wondering if there is a place in the old Windows files that I can use to get my old connection?

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Slow Wireless Connect On Start Up

Feb 20, 2010

every time I start up my computer it takes more then a two minute for it to connect / and it's slow to show the wireless connect tray icon.

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Can Ping But Cannot Connect To Internet - Wireless

Mar 20, 2010

I've searched through all previous posts but the solutions have not helped me. This is what is happening, I can connect to the internet if both my ethernet and wireless are connected. If I disconnect the ethernet cable I cannot connect to the internet but I can ping websites (I pinged google with zero packets lost). The wireless connection seems to be configured properly. Here is the ipconfig /all (with ethernet disconnected and wireless connected):
Windows IP Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : workout
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Unknown
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No.........

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Unable To Connect To The Internet While Using Wireless?

Jun 11, 2006

I just purchased a new HP computer yesterday. I have a linksys wireless connection. I cannot connect to the internet. I use microsoft explorer. I have been on the phone with Linksys, HP and Netgear for four hours to no avail.

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Unable To Connect Through Wireless Internet

Sep 21, 2008

I had to set my XP back to factory defaults (long story) and of course when I did that it wiped out all my stuff. I have my main computer hooked to a wireless router via a cable. The computer that I had to set back to factor defaults in the one with the wireless card. I reinstalled the wireless card software and it it talking to the router but I can't get to the internet.

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Wireless Rouyer Configuration Not Connect

Feb 25, 2006

I have been using a Belkin Wireless Router on my XP Pro system for some time but now it will not connect to the web. I think the problem has been caused by a virus but my system appears clean now. As it stands I cannot access the Router Configuration because the message "Network Not Available" appears. I have been in contact with my ISP, Belkin and have replaced the router with a new one all without success. I have looked into the WZCSVC and other services and when checking the dependencis the nessage "WMI:Critical Error" appears. All settings on the system are correct for setting up the router but it will not access the web. it seems the computer will not allow the router to "talk" to the web. Whatever caused the problem also appears to have deleted the system restore poits.

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Cannot Connect To The Internet Through Motorola Wireless Router

Jun 18, 2006

I am running two computers(One PC and a Laptop, both on XP) on a small network. I have a Motorola Cable Modem, and a Motorola Wireless Router, which seems to be working fine. I can connect to the internet on the Laptop. However, the PC is the one that cannont. I'm not sure what is happening, but I've tried rebooting the PC and unpluging the modem for few seconds, but nothing yet. The Local Area Connection says-"Acquiring network address." And my IP address is currently

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Unable To Connect To The Internet Via Wireless Router?

Dec 26, 2006

I have a wireless router 2 wireless comps and 1 wired, my wireless desktop won't connect to the internet but my other 2 will. It was like that all day yesterday then last night it finally connected, now today it won'tagain. I'm sure there's a virus that has corrupted something, I ran grisoft avg last night and it said 0viruses...then today 2 seperate times I got a message saying i hada virus and to click heal and i did and it said healed.

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Wireless Network Connected - Firefox - IE7 Wont Connect

Aug 24, 2007

My home wireless network is connected at excellent signal strength, and the other computer on the network can access the internet, but once or twice a day, none of the browsers on my operating system can load anything until I restart. Also, TrendMicro can't update until restart. Possibly related: The last time this happened, I checked task manager and found two copies of rundll32.exe, but only one copy once I restarted. The computer was nuked about a month ago, I've kept my user privileges to the minimum and I perform frequent updates and scans, so a trojan seems unlikely, but maybe it's a driver problem? Also, on one occasion the wireless showed limited/no connectivity, but this is not usually the case.

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Laptop Won't Connect With My Modem - Wireless And Eathernet Cable

Mar 14, 2007

Both wireless and eathernet cable. Using modem ok now with other laptop. Self diagnosis and tech at telco seems to indicate a problem within laptop. Couple of things came up: "Error TCP/IP adapter binding" and "TCP/IP not connected". Tech asked if I hit a keyboard key that shut it down. They referred me to Toshiba. I think I tried all the "Control Panel..Internet Connection" stuff.

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Couldn't Connect To The Internet From Wireless Network In Range?

May 12, 2010

My toshiba laptop detected the wireless network in range, but when I try to browse nothing comes out!!!will reinstalling the windows solve the problem, to ensure that all drivers are defined??

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System Slow/Unable To Connect After Added Wireless Card

Nov 16, 2006

Recently added a wireless card and put it on my home network. It ran fine for a couple of weeks, but now it is running painfully slow. Just booting the machine and getting the start menu to come up takes forever. Every application is painfully slow and I am unable to connect to my network.

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Connect Router Wireless To Router Wireless

Aug 26, 2010

How to connect from Wireless router to Wireless router.

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Link Sys Wireless Print Server And Verizon Wireless Router

Oct 28, 2007

My problem is : When I called Verizon yesterday, I was told that to connect the printer to the router, I do not need the print server. I was asked to locate the ethernet port at the back of my printer, plug the ethernet port cable and connect it to the Verizon router. Unfortunately, my printer does not have an ethernet port. I was told to call HP,and I did but did not get much help.What should I do to get my wireless printer work? I have a PC and a laptop. Prior to Verizon, I have a DSL and Vonage, both routers and print server did not have the same problem.

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Wireless Network Does Work Hard Wired But No Wireless Icon

Mar 29, 2009

I took my daughters Gateway M320 laptop and did a restore from the CDs that came with the laptop. After doing all the Microsoft Updates, ALL the wireless driver installs from Gateway there is no 'Wireless Network Connection' icon. I have also checked Device Manager and there is no wireless adapter. Before this exercise she was running wireless fine. It does work 'hard wired' but no wireless icon.

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Use Wireless Webcam On My Computer

Sep 18, 2005

I need to monitor wild life activity on my property. The site is about 125 feet away from my computer.I have a Logitech Quickcam web cam with USB pigtail. I'm running 2.4 intel,XP pro,512 ram,with a Linksys wireless-G router.I have not had the cam out of the box.Question#1 Can I run a wire(cat5?) 125 feet with usb ends cam to computer without to much signal lost? If this doesn't work then to question #2.Using the wireless router and a new wireless cam will the signal travel that far and can I boost the signal if needed?

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See Other Computer In Wireless Network

Oct 24, 2003

I'm running XP Pro and have installed wireless cards in my PC and laptop. They seem to be communicating with excellent signal strength. I've run the network setup wizard on each machine and setup a home network called 'Mshome'. I've restarted both machines. In My network places, there is a network called Mshome. When I try to view workgroup computers, the only machine listed is the one I'm currently using - I can't access the other one.

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Wireless Issue - Can't Start Computer

Dec 23, 2007

So I was having wireless issues (see thread http://forums.techguy.org/networking...ss-issues.html). I tried starting up my computer in Safe Mode with Networking as suggested. I tried the F8 method, but it kept looping me back to the screen with the options of Safe Mode, Safe Mode with Networking, Safe Mode with command Prompt and Start Windows Normally.Since that didn't work, I tried the MSConfig method and now it keeps looping through and won't let me startup my computer (I am posting from another computer at my parent's).

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Computer Is Not Recognizing Wireless Card

Jul 9, 2008

I just installed Windows XP Pro SP2 on my laptop and I think that it isn't recognizing my wireless card. Its in-built into the laptop, but I'm looking at my device manager and its not seeing a wireless adapter.I need to upgrade to a newer version of Windows.

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Access One Computer To Another Using Landlords Wireless Connection

Sep 7, 2005

I have a question if someone can answer it for me. I have a laptop running windows xp and i want to access it from my university computer to do programming n stuff. I am using my landlords wireless connection. I tried to use the windows xp remote desktop connection but i think due to the firewall settings of the router, it won't let me conect to it. I was wandering if there is a way to connect to my computer without asking my landlord to change some setting in the router or something.

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Wireless Not Working: Model Of Wireless Card?

Jun 14, 2010

The wireless internet isn't working... I don't know what wireless card I have.. I should only have to install the driver, but I can't get online to download it.

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