Cd Drive Opens On Its Own Accord

Apr 26, 2008

My computer is a few years old now.It runs on Windows XP .Its a Sony Vaio PCV-LX2.The Cd drive has been playing up for ages now but i got some help on here with another problem so i thought id see if i could get any help on this.If i open the Cd drive then it will keep opening and closing on its own accord. So trying to burn a CD is hard. Even if i dont try and open it and the computer is on and no one is using it the cd drive will just open and close when it wants.

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C Drive Opens To Search

Apr 7, 2006

Whenever I open my "C" Drive it opens to "Search" instead of displaying: Documents and Settings, Program Files, etc. Right click on your C drive and my guess is that "Open" will be in bold and at the top of the list. When I do this same thing, "Search" is in bold and at the top. What have I done and how do I undo it?

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Local Drive Opens In New Window

Sep 2, 2007

I'm having windows XP. My problem is that when i double-click on local drives in my computer, they open in a new window. This irritates me a lot as it consumes a lot of time and also an unnecessary window is opened. This might be a setting change or something else 2.....not sure. Anyways, i'll like to know how to make it normal, i.e. to make it open in the same old window.

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C Drive Opens With Open Programs

Oct 6, 2007

We ran into a a clash with a bunch of viruses before, mostly recovered from those, but now when I try to open the c: drive i mean when i double click on C driver to open. It gives a window of "Opens Program With" I dont know what to do .

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Each Time I Open A Drive It Opens In New Window

Oct 17, 2007

each time i try to open a drive after opening my computer it opens into a new window. while this problem is only with D and E drive and not withC as well this problem is not present even while opening a folder..folder normally opens in same window...please help..

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Double Click Drive Opens Search Page?

Jul 6, 2005

when I double click any drive (including zips cd ets) instead of opening the drive to show its contents it goes to the search page?

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C: Drive Contents Page Stills Opens On Boot Up

Jul 1, 2005

A while ago I posted on this group a question as to why the "C Drive" contents page opens whilst Windows Xp was booting up. The answer I was told was to do with SP2 and that a short trip round the registry would cure it. Well I did that, but the page still opened, so I thought I'd just have to live with it, but it is getting frustratingly annoying. It really slows everything down and it's the last thing to load up. Once that window opens I can then "use" the computer, as nothing will load until that opens.

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Selecting Drive In My Computer Opens Find Window

Jul 5, 2005

An article previously published und Q226476 explains how to change the default where the drive opens and it applies to Windows 98 SE. It says to click START and then FOLDER OPTIONS, then on the FILE TYPES tab, click DRIVE and click EDIT.You can do everything except the last click. There is no EDIT.I would like to have the drive open to explorer rather than open the FIND window.

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Double Click On Hard Drive From My Computer Opens Search

Aug 12, 2005

I just restored and updated all Windows software from Microsoft Update and everytime I double click the Hard Drive I get the Search window. If I turn the Search off I'm not in any specific folder. I used to only receive that when I needed it. Now I have
to Right Click the Drive Letter and Select Open or Explore. How can I fix this issue?

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Clicking Hard Drive Icon Opens Search Tool

Dec 23, 2007

OS is windows XP home. In my computer folder I doubleclick on the (C hard drive, but it doesn't open like a folder but as a search tool. I have to right click and choose open from the menu to "open like a folder".I accidentally was doing something weird in the control panel>folder properties(not sure if its called folder properties in the english xp).And now I would want it again to open like a folder, but I just don't know how.

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Unable To Open Any Drive By Double Click ... A Search Window Opens ..

Dec 6, 2005

Whenever i doubleclick on any of the Drives(C: , D: ) a windows search window appears, if i have to open i have to rightclick and select open...also i observed that when i right click on my c drive or d drive the first option i have is "search" in bold. and then the next option is open. whereas for anyother folder open is my first option when i right click and in bold!

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IE Can't Opens - Uninstalled NAV

Dec 3, 2004

this had happened to me a month or so back ....sometimes when im online for more than an hour....then when i try to open IE or anything else...nothing opens...i even tried opening the taskmanager but that too does not open.....nor does the start only becomes ok when i restart the computer by hitting the reset button on the cpu...i had got rid of this problem for a while when i uninstalled NAV...i assumed the problem was with NAV...but the problem has started again....
i ran TDS 3 and it said that there were no trojans found. But it says i have to update it althought i have the latest update installed.

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IE8 Opens New Window When I Right Click

Feb 23, 2010

On Internet Explorer every time I right click anywhere, on any webpage, other than the top menu bar or a flash object, a new IE8 window will pop up and load my home page. Which is becoming a real annoyance. All other browsers work fine. I have ran virus scans, removed at reinstalled IE8 even formatted my HDD. Which sorted the problem at first, but now after windows updates the problems is back.

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Folder Opens Up On Startup?

Apr 22, 2005

My C:/ folder just pops up when I log onto my user for no aparent reason.

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HP Folder Opens At Startup

Jan 2, 2007

On my other computer (an HP Pavilion 750n), the HP Folder in Program Files (or something like that) has been opening as soon as the computer is started and the desktop is loaded. Does anybody know why this might be happening?

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Little Ding When Page Opens

Jun 8, 2010

I know its something simple but for the life of me I cannot figure out how to stop the little ding/ring sound every time a page opens up or refreshes what not.

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Web Page Opens Itself Every Time ?

Jan 2, 2007

I have a programme on my pc now what is happening is i will be on the web and the programme opens up a web page how do i stop this from happening running xp home internet explorer.

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Nothing Opens - Can't Get The Drop Down Menus

Feb 22, 2008

I can't get the drop down menus to open up. When I click on folder icons, nothing happens. I've run Spybot, my virus program and System Mechanic. Nothing.

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Defragment Opens Another Program?

Nov 21, 2009

When I attempt to Defragment my computer (Start, Run, type dfrg.msc), my computer starts Adobe Photoshop instead of the Defragment, anyone know how to repair this? Thanks.

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Explorer Opens To C On Startup

Feb 13, 2009

At every bootup, Windows Explorer opens to the "C:WINDOWSsystem32" folder. I have looked in the startup locations but did not see anything.

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Wrong Target Opens

Jul 17, 2005

When I open mspaint always opened with "my documents". For no known reason it started opening with "My Pictures". How can I change the which file I want it to open with?

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Opens By Itself - Cd Rom Not Read Data

Jul 6, 2005

my cd rw drive has a problem - the drawer stays open, if you push it in it opens by itself and it also will not read data. I have noticed the front light is yellow, should it be green?

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All Applications Opens In WordPad

Jul 13, 2005

I got some spyware/asware/virus on my computer and in the process of getting it off somehow it changed that all my .exe files now open in wordpad. Nothing works, I even had to go to another computer to get here. I feel like an idiot and have no idea how to change it back so that things work.

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Blue Screen Before Opens

Sep 7, 2006

Computer shut down incorrectly. Will not enter Windows even in safe mode. Flashes XP logo then flashes blue screen then will start over.Beginning dump of physical memory Physical memory dump complete.Contact your system administrator or technical support group for further assistance.

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Registry Corrupted Opens In Notebook

Oct 11, 2007

i have a client whos laptop using win xp sp2 got a virus attack. i cleaned the virus but now cant read the registry thru regedit. it opens in notebook and its all jiberish.
i tried win repair, still the same.

i can access all the programs, exe files, all is normal.

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When Task Mgr Opens Explorer.exe 100% CPU Usage

Sep 29, 2005

when opening folders from desktop computer slows - when task mgr opens it shows explorer.exe at 100% - below is logfile of HijackThis - any help would greatly be appreciated.

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Folder Opens On Startup - Games

Jun 25, 2005

I have this wierd problem of a folder opening with every windows startup. The folder is C:Program The folder and files within are not malware or anything, just some little games that came with my computer that I never got rid of. It is not in my startup folder. I have never run any of the games and don't even remember opening that folder before this started happening.

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 12:36:09 PM, on 6/25/2005
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

Running processes:

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System32 Folder Opens At Startup In XP

May 27, 2006

After recovering from a malware attack my windows xp machine now opens the C:WINDOWSSystem32 folder every time it starts. How can I prevent this?

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My Computer Opens / Loads During Startup

Nov 11, 2008

When ever I turn-on or reboot my computer, XP opens normally and then the "My Computer" window opens on top of my desktop.

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System32 Opens On Startup - Slows Down

Mar 18, 2010

which of these is causing it:

O4 - HKLM..Run: [QuickTime Task] "C:ProgramsQuickTimeQTTask.exe" -atboottime
O4 - HKLM..Run: [HotKeyz.exe Startup] C:ProgramsSkynergyHotKeyzHotKeyz.exe Startup
O4 - HKLM..Run: [Adobe ARM] "C:ProgramsCommon FilesAdobeARM1.0AdobeARM.exe"
O4 - HKLM..Run: [avgnt] "C:ProgramsAviraAntiVir Desktopavgnt.exe" /min
O4 - HKLM..Run: [SunJavaUpdateSched] "C:ProgramsCommon FilesJavaJava Updatejusched.exe"
O4 - HKLM..Run: [WinPatrol] C:ProgramsBillP StudiosWinPatrolwinpatrol.exe -expressboot
O4 - HKCU..Run: [Wally] C:ProgramsWallyWally.exe
O4 - HKCU..Run: [ClocX] C:ProgramsClocXClocX.exe
O4 - HKCU..Run: [ViStart] C:ProgramsViStartViStart.exe..........

And yes, I do realise that having lots of things on startup slows down the startup. If I start to notice any problems, I will cut this down

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Tabs On Taskbar Not Appearing When Anything Opens?

Oct 24, 2007

It has been about a week now and I have yet to solve a little problem with my taskbar.I've tried quite a few things to get tabs on the taskbar to show up when I open a folder or window, but all effort was in vain. I've looked in several other forums and felt that this place would provide the best answers/solutions. Reformatting is a last resort, and I want to avoid that. Can anyone help me?Problem: Nothing shows up on task bar when a folder/app/window is open. Only the Quicklaunch icons are there.e.g. Open firefox, nothing shows up on taskbar (I can right click taskbar choose different options etc - so it's not frozen) Opening Task manager shows firefox running on both the processes and application tab. So I can switch around that way. Alt+Tab also temporarily shows firefox and any other program/folder/window that is open as well. Minimizing the window causes it to disappear, so it looks like you haven't opened anything at all -but checking task manager shows the programs opened! Yet nothing shows up on the taskbar. (sort of funny since I ended up with literally 20+ windows of firefox on the alt-tab menu.

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