Whenever I open my "C" Drive it opens to "Search" instead of displaying: Documents and Settings, Program Files, etc. Right click on your C drive and my guess is that "Open" will be in bold and at the top of the list. When I do this same thing, "Search" is in bold and at the top. What have I done and how do I undo it?
I just restored and updated all Windows software from Microsoft Update and everytime I double click the Hard Drive I get the Search window. If I turn the Search off I'm not in any specific folder. I used to only receive that when I needed it. Now I have to Right Click the Drive Letter and Select Open or Explore. How can I fix this issue?
OS is windows XP home. In my computer folder I doubleclick on the (C hard drive, but it doesn't open like a folder but as a search tool. I have to right click and choose open from the menu to "open like a folder".I accidentally was doing something weird in the control panel>folder properties(not sure if its called folder properties in the english xp).And now I would want it again to open like a folder, but I just don't know how.
Whenever i doubleclick on any of the Drives(C: , D: ) a windows search window appears, if i have to open i have to rightclick and select open...also i observed that when i right click on my c drive or d drive the first option i have is "search" in bold. and then the next option is open. whereas for anyother folder open is my first option when i right click and in bold!
I don't know why, but every time I double click on a HDD, a device with removable storage or a CD drive, the search window comes up. Which means I have to right click it and go to 'Open
whenever i open a folder by double-clicking it (from the desktop for example) it opens up a new windows with blank search results. the only way i can open new folders is through windows explorer. please help!
When I try to open a file by double clicking,Windows XP opens the search window. Any clues on how to fix the problem? I even tried to roll back to a previous date when the problem wasn't there.
I changed a setting on the folders options to allow me to see program file extensions on power point files. After I did this, I tried to open a folder in my documents. Instead of opening the folder, it opened a search que. Now I can not get windows to open the folder instead of a search que. how to fix it?
why i start My Computer (also happens when My Computer is highlighted in Windows Explorer) and when I clicked on C drive it opened the Search window. So from then on when I want to explore the contents of A (Floppy drive), C (hard drive), D (CD drive) or E (DVD burner) drives I've go to right-click and select Open or Explore from the context menu.
FYI, the order of commands in the context menu are: Search... Explore Open
I'm having some trouble opening my Local Disc (C:). When I go to My Computer and then double click the drive icon, it brings up another window that's just a search window allowing me to search the C drive. Usually when you double click it just browses to whats in the drive, but I don't know what happened. I can right click the icon and select "Explore" and it will work fine, but I do not want to have to do that every time. Is there some option I must have turned off maybe?
When i double click on local disk C it opens up search. I think this may be something to do with file types in folder options but im not sure. Any help?
I had some spyware/viruses/malware recently, and they've now all been cleaned up with internet security software, but I still have a lingering problem: when I double-click on a folder, instead of the folder opening, a new window opens and it's a search window, with the destination folder (ie the one I just clicked on) as a value in the parameter "look in:". The only way I can just open a folder is to right-click, and select open.
When I right-click on a folder, the menu reads: "Search (bolded) / Open / Explore" etc. which doesn't seem right.
I tried to fix it by changing some options in Tools -> Folder Options -> File Types. There are two kinds of folder, "File Folder" and "Folder". In the advanced options for "File Folder", the only action it lists is "find"... I'm not sure if this is where the problem is or if this is normal? I tried to add a new action, but it wanted me to select an application to perform the action and I have no idea... In the advanced options for "Folder", it looks to be normal, it lists the actions "explore" and "open" (bolded).
The only folder that seems unaffected by this problem is the "Documents" folder on the desktop, and any shortcuts that point to folders.
I'm using Windows XP. When working in Microsoft explorer and double-click on any folder it does not open the folder, it opens Search window. Only way I can open and see content of my folder is to right click on folder and choose explore.
I use Windows XP SP2. Recently noticed that when I left-click on any of the icons of the Hard-disk drives and/or Devices with Removable Storage within 'My Computer', the 'Search' Option opens up by default instead of the 'Open' option, like in other folders. Likewise, when I right-click on the said icons, the 'Search' option is topmost & the 'Open' option has been relegated to second position. I would like the Search option to come first. Can't remember whether this was so from before or changed recently. I have used Norton Partition Magic 8 recently to resize my partitions.
For some reason, the right-click context menu on any of my folders now defaults to Search..., but this is not in my Folder or File Folder in File Types. I will post an HJT log if needed.
My computer is a few years old now.It runs on Windows XP .Its a Sony Vaio PCV-LX2.The Cd drive has been playing up for ages now but i got some help on here with another problem so i thought id see if i could get any help on this.If i open the Cd drive then it will keep opening and closing on its own accord. So trying to burn a CD is hard. Even if i dont try and open it and the computer is on and no one is using it the cd drive will just open and close when it wants.
I'm having windows XP. My problem is that when i double-click on local drives in my computer, they open in a new window. This irritates me a lot as it consumes a lot of time and also an unnecessary window is opened. This might be a setting change or something else 2.....not sure. Anyways, i'll like to know how to make it normal, i.e. to make it open in the same old window.
We ran into a a clash with a bunch of viruses before, mostly recovered from those, but now when I try to open the c: drive i mean when i double click on C driver to open. It gives a window of "Opens Program With" I dont know what to do .
each time i try to open a drive after opening my computer it opens into a new window. while this problem is only with D and E drive and not withC as well this problem is not present even while opening a folder..folder normally opens in same window...please help..
A while ago I posted on this group a question as to why the "C Drive" contents page opens whilst Windows Xp was booting up. The answer I was told was to do with SP2 and that a short trip round the registry would cure it. Well I did that, but the page still opened, so I thought I'd just have to live with it, but it is getting frustratingly annoying. It really slows everything down and it's the last thing to load up. Once that window opens I can then "use" the computer, as nothing will load until that opens.
An article previously published und Q226476 explains how to change the default where the drive opens and it applies to Windows 98 SE. It says to click START and then FOLDER OPTIONS, then on the FILE TYPES tab, click DRIVE and click EDIT.You can do everything except the last click. There is no EDIT.I would like to have the drive open to explorer rather than open the FIND window.
when I double click any drive (including zips cd ets) instead of opening the drive to show its contents it goes to the search page? also I have noticed that "search" is at the top of the drives' right click menu shown in this ...
When I right click the "Windows" directory in Windows Explorer and select "search" and do a search for "Hosts", the search finds the "Hosts" file in the "C:WINDOWSsystem32driversetc" directory. All well and good because that's what I want and expect.
However, when I right click on the C: drive itself in Windows Explorer and select "search" and do a search for "Hosts", the search fails to find the Hosts file in the "...driversetc." directory. It does find hosts files elsewhere. For example it finds "Hosts.txt" and "Hosts" files that I placed on my desktop.
When I right click a drive in Windows Explorer and select "search", I damn well want to search the entire drive. Unfortunately, Windows has apparently defaulted to some kind of limited search. How do I force Windows search the entire drive?
I double-click and get "search" instead of "open"--only when I click a disk, like Hard Drive C: or Floppy A: or CD F: and so on. It didn't used to do this, so I must've inadvertently changed some setting somewhere,
I am running Windows XP Professional, and after deleting some software from my hard drive, I have been having a very strange problem:When I open My Computer and click on a drive letter, the default action is to search the drive, instead of exploring it.
I just installed a new external USB hard drive on my notebook to increase my storage capacity. The problem is, in doing so I must have enabled some weird seach option, because when I double-click either drive (C: or external) in My Computer it brings up a search window with that drive selected as where I want to search. Any ideas what caused this or how to disable it?
I've done a search on my drive to locate all the Power Point files and came up with 1712 results. I need to export these results to a user friendly format (preferably xls) so that I have the name of the file, the location, the size and the date modified. How do I go about doing this? I am also interested in creating a tree diagram that will show the entire structure of my drive, i.e. think something like the explore's bar view folders option with expand all. MS DOS PROMP will give you such an option but it's not really user friendly.