Cd Burning Issue Due To Mfc42.dll Installed Incorrectly

Dec 10, 2006

DVD-R+RW rom will not burn. I was in MS search, and it came up with this: mfc42.dll is incorrectly installed in the Windows folder and should be deleted. I entered mfc42.dll in the search in MS search and it showed at least 12 mfc42.dll items. They all look pretty important. There was one that was windows folder. This is way over my head, does anyone know exactly what this pertains too and how on earth it is connected to my DVD not working? What will happen if I do delete it? Or should I?

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MFC42.DLL - Msn Not Opening

Aug 26, 2006

i am in desperate help with msn and other applications but mainly msn wen i try to send webcam or goto webcam settings i get about 8 error messages saying it cannot oopen because of MFC42.DLL i have had this problem for a while now and it used to be worst the others have gon but this one just seems to be sticking i would really really appreciate some help with this one as i know their is nothing wrong with the webcam as i have used it on other computers like my laptop for instance where their is no problem at all

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Ordinal 6663 Could Not Be Located In Dll Mfc42.dll

Sep 12, 2006

I know that most of us have had a dll issue at some time or another. However, with xp pro, I have been lucky enough not to have any at all.

A pc has been cursed with dllhell, so please suggest any ideas/solutions.

Before xp pro has finished booting (which takes ages anyway) the following message appears:-

'the ordinal 6663 could not be located in dll mfc42.dll' (related to launapp)

A possibly related issue to this is that some strange things happen with the system (windows explorer crashes and restarts if some programs are opened, or if I access the external usb disc drive. It makes sense to deal with one problem at a time.

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Win Xp Pro Incorrectly Deteced As Win 95

Jun 18, 2005

when trying to download msn updates i get the message" you must be running windows 98 or above" I am actually running xp pro with sp2 also went to pcpitstop web site and it detected my system was win95.

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Some Characters Appear Incorrectly On Screen

Oct 27, 2005

When I visit websites I found some characters are not shown correctly, especially at email username and password and answers at google Q&A.Some unknown ASCII characters appear.Everything else are ok.I think technical help forum should allow to post graphic, 'coz I tried to attach screenshot, but couldn't.

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Drives Opening Incorrectly?

Mar 22, 2008

I'm running on WinXP SP2, and when I go to My Computer and try to open the drive, instead of a folder opening, I get the option to "choose the program I want to use to open the the file." How do I fix it so it just opens normally as a folder?

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Keyboard Mapped Incorrectly

May 8, 2010

I installed XP on my new Acer Aspire Revo 3600 (Managed to finally get HDMI sound working okay, etc, etc, but that's another story.It came pre-installed with a Linux distribution, which didn't even get past the boot screen, and up until recently the wireless keyboard supplied was working fine (plug and play I'm assuming).Then starting yesterday whenever I pressed any given key on the keyboard, it would come up with another character (not the one I pressed). Note that some keys are still mapped correctly, but for example the "I" key will come up as if I pressed "7", and "P" will end up with "9", etc. It's as if it thinks the right had side of my alphabetical QWERTY keys are the number pad.Note that this same issue also first happened in the Linpus Linux command prompt when I first received my Revo, but that didn't matter because I put XP on since.

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Web Graphics Display Incorrectly

Apr 2, 2006

Often times (not always) when I open a web page that contains an image, all I get is a rectangle with a big letter X in the middle. No image. Could it be a problem with my IE settings, with Zone Alarm, or other.

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I Disabled Virtual Memory Incorrectly ?

Sep 26, 2005

However, when I check the task manager it reports "VM Size" as at the same level or higher than "Mem Usage" for all process, e.g. firefox.exe Mem Usage 77,720K and VM Size 118,756K. This is a problem as my RAM (1Gb) seems to be filled up quite quickly because of the additional VM Size requirements - since I'm not using Virtual Memory, VM Size should be zero for all processes. Is this what it should do, or have I disabled Virtual Memory incorrectly?

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Reports Hard Drive Size Incorrectly

Aug 14, 2005

I Have just installed a Maxtor SATA 200 GB hard drive in my computer.Partition Magic reads this drive at slightly over 200 GB, but WindowsXP reports it as 193GB. What gives?

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Upgrade Advisor Incorrectly Reports Easy / CD Creator 5 As Not Compatible

May 5, 2006

i needed to reformat win xp home and i cannot install Roxio because the upgrade advisor is incorrectly reporting incompatibility. (i am at win xp sp2) I did thisds before and it reinstalled nicely a copla years ago Microsft recognizes it they had a page on it in Help and Support (i put in Roxio Creator 5.1 Basic. it told me to try a couple things but to no avail and the workaround says ignore it..IGNORE? HOW?It can't be ignored cause it won't let me install. this is the disc that came with the puter (Dell Dimension 8100) a few years ago. would anybody have any ideas of how to install Roxio (i cannot afford to buy any new software right now and using WMP 10 is just not as comfortable Roxio is easy and it also writes text so the name of each tune that have bought and burned to a CD-R that I play shows up on my car CD player.

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Getting Error While Burning To CD-R / CD-RW ?

Jun 24, 2005

I run Windows XP SP2 (Which is completely up-to-date) and have a Toshiba CD-RW and DVD-RW combi drive. I've used it store backups of my files and recently everytime I try to record to any type of CD an error message appears saying the disk is either full or unuseable and to try another disk which I have I've also tried disks from different manufacturers and changed the recording speed to minimum but the device still displays the error.

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Different DVD Burning Formats?

Sep 22, 2006

have a great aussie concert, but it's in australian format disk can copy it and burn it back to dvd, and aussies can watch it, but when I send copies to USA, they can't see it..can anyone tell me how to copy/ configure/ find a program that will make it viewable to o/seas watchers? I run DVD Express to view DVDs.LG burner, and Nero to copy/burn. it's frustrating as I have heaps of good aussie videos that Americans can't see I'd appreciate any guidance here.

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CD Burning Issues?

Feb 9, 2009

i can send files to the CD drive, but when I open an explorer window and try to use the "CD Writing tasks" on the left hand side (i.e Write these files to CD, Erase this CDRW etc...) nothing happens. The funny thing is, if I go back to "My Computer" and right click on the CD icon to perform a task, it appears to work.
Dragging files to an open CD explorer window also causes the window to close (although the temporary files are still copied across and a notification that there are files ready to be written to CD is displayed).
I am posotive the CDRWs and my CDRW drive are okay, as they work when using Nero. Its just an annoying problem I would like to sort out if anyone can help!? The probalem started before I installed Nero, so I dont think that has caused a problem.Some hardware specs below if they are needed:
Microsoft XP Home Edition
Version 2002
Service pack 3
HP Pavillion
Intel Celeron CPU 1.80GHz
1.25GHz of Ram
CD Drive:
CyberDrv CW058D CD-R/RW
Driver version 5.1.2535.0
Driver Date 01/07/2001

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Burning Windows Xp Updated On CD ?

Sep 3, 2005

are windows XP updates available on to download and burn to CD ?

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No Temporary Burning Folder

Sep 11, 2005

When I copy to a CD it states files were copied to a temporary file folder. However, that folder no longer appears for me as it did previously. I had this problem earlier and received helpful resolution at this site but can no longer find my previous post.

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Burning Dvdrips To DVD-RW Disc

Jul 6, 2008

Could someone tell me how to burn a DVDRIP-DIVX file to a DVD-RW disc i've already tried and nothing happens i tried to burn the disc on the windows media player, and the realplayer beta, i've already put my disc into the compact disc rewritable device to burn and it keeps saying device D and Device E cannot be used to burn a DVD content it also says choose the device the options where video CD/ super video CD/ and DVD video.

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What Can Cause Computer To Reboot While Burning

Jul 13, 2005

I have observed this since i had my PC, while burning a CD, my computer would suddenly restart as is the reset button had been pushed,sometimes even while reading a CD (even tho i havent observed this in a while) and even sometimes as soon as i was in the BIOS (that was quite unconvenient for trying to reinstall Windows I admitt) The problem is that, since that problem appeared (that's indeed since i've had this homemade PC), i changed the CPU, the motherboard,the burner, the alimentation, the RAM, the graphical card, the modem, i mean, everything besides the floppy disk reader thing, i also installed another Windows XP (SP1 indeed, even tho it was badly burnt so whenever i install it there is dll's that won't be installed) and in spite of all these changes, i still get those reboots while burning, and that's quite annoying mostly that it kills your CD's. so what can it be due to? i'd really appreciate an answer from anyone who might have one, cuz i've had this problem for 2 years now and now that i'm getting out of room on my hard disk and need to back up lots of things on CD's.

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Newbie DVD Burning - Re-Writable CD's

Feb 24, 2006

I am fairly new to the world of WINDOWS XP but it is a small step away from the Mac Os Tiger in Simlplicity. I bought a barely HP DV1315cl (google the name for full specs) which by the way I am VERY happy with to replace my "vintage" Ibook 800mhz. You know how you can drag and drop data files in Windows Explorer for Writable and Re-Writable CD's? I was wondering if you can do the same thing with DVD's. Also when I pop-in a DVD +/- either or they are reconized as a CD with 0 bytes. Is there like a plugin or something included with software E.g. Nero to enable this

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NERO DVD Burning Issue

Oct 17, 2006

XP SP2 with Nero + Verbatim DVD-R: Used this to burn a DVD 3.9GB it burned fine. Data Verification completed successfully. I then checked the compilation using my computer and everything was dandy super BUT to double check I put the DVD in my laptop DVD drive nothing, disc was not even recognized.

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CD Burning With Correct Speed

Jun 18, 2005

I own a WindowsXP computer. I am trying to learn how to burn CDs. I "seem" to be able to assemble my playlist, drag,drop, and pick a new playlist. I "seem" to be burning a new CD after installing a blank 52xmulti speed disc. My troubles begin after about 91% of the burning process is completed. The process will stop and inform me that the "write-speed" is incorrect! How does one go about changing to the correct speed? What is the proper sequence in CD burning so that I do it the same way every time?

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DVD Burning - DVD Dual Format

Jan 15, 2007

I have recently gotten a DVD Dual format and Dual Layer drive. I have been able to burn a DVD movie and a data disk, but since then I have not been able to do any more movies.Im using the Sony DVD RW DW-G120AFirmware is MYR5Driver is 5.1.2535.0 from Microsoft (windows xp pro drivers)Using Nero Vision 4.50.24It will transcode the movie and then go to burn but then it will tell me there isnt enough room on the media. Im using Memorex DVD rated for 16X speeds. I have tried using the default settings which auto sizes the video for the media size and it fails (the size meter says is just fits). I have tried using the "standard play" setting, which drops the size down to 300 megs less then the total DVD size and still nothing.

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How Do I Increase My Burning Speed?

Dec 25, 2007

Not so much a *problem* I'm having, but wondering how I can improve my set-up.
Whenever I burn an audio or (much longer) data disc, it typically takes a good 20 mins for my laptop. (specs in my bio)
This eve. my friend's desktop burned a data disc in less than 2 minutes! I was shocked.
HOW do I increase my burning speed?? His pc was a few GBs, would I need to increase mine (started off w/80, have 37.6 free GB left) or upgrade my RAM?

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Computer Slowing Down While Burning DVD-s With Nero?

Jun 16, 2008

When I'm burning DVD-s with nero the computer is very slow!I mean like the mouse even is lagging (i'm not sure if that is the right word ), when I click on an icon the indication (when it gets blue or something) is coming after a second or more.If winamp is playing a song, it starts drawling (the same happens when i click on thumbnail veiw of a movie on a dvd!)!

When i try to start a program, or open a folder the buffer (that nero shows) is at 100% and the folder opens after a 15-20s!When i open more than one program, the buffer drops to 50% and the computer is even slower!When the burning ends everything is ok..the computer is behaving normal!What could be the problem!I don't think it's from the hardware (1 GB Ram, Athlon 64 (3200+), 128MB Video)!Now i'm scanning with mcafee 2008 and after that i'll run ad-aware and spybot!

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Laptop Wont Recognize New CD/DVD For Burning?

Jun 23, 2006

I have a laptop with a DVD recorder with an annoying problem.It can read the first DVD or CD entered after start-up without a problem. But if I enter a new CD or DVD it can't read it anymore. When I open the explorer, it still shows the directory structure and files of the previous CD or DVD.The only solution is to reboot and then it can read the CD or DVD.

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Burning MP3 To Disk With Easy CD Creator?

Jun 24, 2005

I have Roxio Easy CD Creator but can't burn MP3s to a CD. The Roxio Drag and Drop always has the CD drive locked. I get an error in Easy Cd Creator about this. I can't find any way to turn off Drag and Drop.

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No Local Hard Drive CD Burning

Jul 26, 2005

We are in a "managed" environment and our 1000 users do not have access to their C: drive only LAN shares. The burning function in XP Pro wants C: to do some sort of caching thing.

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Causing Of Burning Power Supply

Aug 10, 2007

Back up Hard Drive into mine as he wanted to reformat and install OS. back up successfull, i took his hdd and put it back on his own motherboard to format and install an OS. As i on the switch, a burnt smell from the power supply reached my nose. the pc did not start at all.My PC's power supply is 450watt and my frend's PC's power supply that was burnt was 350 watt. Why did the power supply burn?

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Burning ISO Files - Make Cd With Each File

Apr 25, 2007

I have some ISO Files and would like to make a cd with each file. I also want then to be bootable. Do I just copy the ISO to the disk, or do I copy the contents of the ISO to a disk. How do I do that?

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Computer Freezing While Burning The CDs / Have To Turn Off?

Apr 14, 2007

One of the things we enjoy most about computer is burning music cd's. I have been burning cd's for over 10 years. I use Music Match, and I burn regular cd's as well as mp3 disks. (my husband is blind and it is very very nice for him not to have to change disks often).In the past week, when I try to burn a cd, the computer freezes about 80% of the way through, and I have to turn off machine, and start over. I have been working with technical support at Music Match and they have been extremely helpful, but I still cannot burn a cd. I think I have a computer problem.

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How To Enable CD Burning And Scanner Capabilities In XP?

Jul 25, 2005

I know normally you pop in a CDR and a window should pop up allowing you to burn it without any software but doesnt work for me. Also is there a function that allows me to scan without having to install S/W for that/

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