CMD Prompt Error - Choose 'Close' To Terminate The Application

Oct 22, 2007

When i go to start -> run -> CMD it comes up with an error message ( TITLE ) : 16 bit MS-DOS Subsystem (Message) C:WINDOWSsystem32cmd.pif Invalid program file name, please check your pif file. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application When i go to that address i dont seem to find the folder system32 for some reason ,anyway to get it back easily

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16 Bit Windows Subsystem Error - Choose 'close' To Terminate The Application

Apr 27, 2005

im attempting to install an application setup.exe file and recieve the following message: 16 bit windows subsytem c:windowssystem32autoexec.nt. the system file is not suitable for running ms-dos and microsoft windows applications. choose 'close' to terminate the application.

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Winlogon.exe Application Error / Can't Close My Windws Properly

Jun 19, 2010

So,basically the event goes: Startup>Popup saying the above>If click Okay or Cancel,Comp restart. Annnd,I can't close my windws properly.

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16 Bit Subsystem - MSDOS - Terminate Application

Jan 5, 2005

Recently installed XP Pro. Since then a couple of older programs won't open and I can't load anything from the A drive without getting this er16 BIT WINDOWS SUBSYSTEM
C:WindowsSystem32Autoexe.nt The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsft Window applications.Chose "Close" to teminate the applicationI found an earlier post that suggested going to

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16 Bit Windows Subsystem - Terminate Application

Jan 9, 2005

I just loaded a game on my pc and when i went to play it i got this error message
C:windowssystem32autoexec.nt. the system file is not suitable for running ms-dos and microsoft windows applications. choose "close" to terminate the application.
It has come up before and i can't figure it out

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Application Request Runtime To Terminate

Oct 16, 2009

I have periodically had this problem: Program: C:Pogram FilesInternet Exploreriexplorer.exe, This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information. Now I get it numerous times a day, and sometime IE-XP just shuts down for no reason. I apologize if this is a duplicate thread-got tired of searching.

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"iexplore.exe- Application Error" Pop-up Comes Out Frequently When I Close IE

Jun 5, 2008

Usually, when I close IE, this pop-up comes up,

iexplore.exe- Application Error
The instruction at "0x2753a7d0" referenced memory at "0x2753a7d0". The memory could not be "read".

Click on OK to terminate the program

The "0x2753a7d0" is different sometimes.

How do I fix it? It's been popping up for the past 3 or so months and it's bugging me out.

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"The System File Is Not Suitable For Running MS-DOS...terminate The Application."

Oct 22, 2005

I open the cd drive (for one of the CDs), double click on setup.exe, and get the following annoying message:

"The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application."

However, I also have the option of pressing ignore. When I do, it does the exact same thing as close So I really don't have a choice of opening the program. I really would like to use these CDs.

I have tried using the windows compatibilaty tool, but still the same thing happened. How should I get them to work? Also, old files I download from the internet also have this problem.

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DOS Prompt Launching Any Application - Adware / Malware Removal

Jul 23, 2009

For the past 2-3 days, I am facing a wierd problem. When launching any program in Windows XP SP2 ( be it wither IE or Word or Excel), a COMMAND WINDOW Opens up and remains open till the application is shut down. Closing the Window also closes that application. I have Mcafee Anitvirus which is kept Current and I use SpyBot S&D for Adware and Malware removal. Here is the commands that appear in the Window and these are pretty much same for any application.

:certgr >> LibMain: DLL_Process_Attach, hinstDLL=0
:certgr >> DLLRegisterServer called
:certgr >> DLLRegisterServer: crypt32 found, installing cert hooks....

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Sp2 Start Up Error Box Prompt Up Shown Winlogon. Exe Error

Jul 9, 2005

When A windows XP SP2 start up , a error box prompt up show winlogon.exe error, I have capture the debug log , can you let me know how to solve out this problems. Also I have enclosed Hjask this log for your ref, I hope you advice how to solve out this problems.

Logfile of HijackThis v1.98.2
Scan saved at 12:42:17 AM, on 7/9/2005
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

Running processes:

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Make Command Gives Error In Dos Prompt

Dec 24, 2008

when I give the command gmake.exe win32 where win32 is the target destination.It throws the following error: gmake target=WIN32 DIRECTORY=win32 portable copyrite headrlib argfile postlinkgmake[1]: Entering directory `C:/optv_sdk32_gnu_cd'perl utils/ portable/win32 gmake --no-print-directory -C portable WI
N32'gmake' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.need to have read write permission for the win32 directory as rite now it shows as read only.

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Users Password Error - Cannot Get Command Prompt

Aug 9, 2007

I have looked at the answers you have given for this subject, and none seem to apply to me. I lost my boot disks in the hurricane, and my son has somehow changed all the passwords, including the administrator one, and then locked the computer. When I reboot, even in safe mode, I come immediately to the "Control-Alt-Delete" screen. We have tried every password we could think of, and the users now just get the error that we've been locked out. I have tried every Administrator password I would have set, including no password at all, to no avail. So I cannot get to a command prompt even from Safe Mode.

Honestly, I would be happy to just reformat, but I can't even get to the DOS prompt, and I don't have a DOS reboot disk for this computer (lost too!). No other computers are running that version of XP, so I can't make one from one of those either.

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Error "Windows Service Pack Setup Has Encountered An Error And Needs To Close."?

Aug 21, 2005

An error window keeps popping up "Windows Service Pack Setup has encountered an error and needs to close." How do I get rid of it?

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Service Pack Error Message "setup Has Encountered An Error And Has To Close"

Dec 5, 2006

When I turn my pc and windows loads up an error message appears saying that windows service pack 2 setup has encountered an error and has to close. However when I close the error message it keeps popping up every 20 seconds or so. When I went to microsofts website that told me that service pack 2 was installed on my pc. I have ran a full viral scan using the latest version of Panda and have also ran Reg-cure to see if the problem was in the registry but the error message still keeps popping up.

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Explorer Message Saying Theres An Error And Needs To Close?

May 8, 2007

Wondering if anybody can help me with this, every time i try to enter a folder with video files i get a windows explorer message saying theres an error and needs to close, and leaves this error signature; AppName: explorer.exe AppVer: 6.0.2900.2180 ModName: unknown ModVer: Offset: 00000000

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An Error Has Occured - Explorer Must Close

Aug 18, 2006

I'm getting the "An Error Has Occured and Internet Explorer Must Close" message a lot. It's happened about 10 times today. I did a lot of Microsoft Updates today. Would that be the cause

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Getting Explorer Error Message And Asking To Close?

May 26, 2008

Can anyone tell me why I keep getting this error message?"Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close.""error signature AppName: explorer ,.exe AppVer: 6.0.2900.4412 ModName: duser.dll ModVer: 5.1.2600.5512 Offset: 0002acfa"This does not seem to create any problems but keeps showing up.

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Command Prompt Error - File.txt" Is Not An Option.

Jun 4, 2007

At work today I was running a program in windows by typing:> clustalw.exe file.txtat the command prompt. On this computer, clustal.exe takes file.txt as an argument, processes it, and exits. I tried doing the same thing on my home computer (also windows XP) and it says:"/file.txt" is not an option.

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Internet Explorer Needs To Close :: Do I Want To Send Error

Jan 25, 2009

I have windows xp. I was running internet explorer 7 with no problems until I installed Norton 360, then all I get when loading IE is a message that Internet Explorer needs to shut down, "do I want to send error " When I click either send or do not send, Internet Explorer shuts down. I assume I have to do something in Norton to allow IE, but can not find any thing.

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Error - Explorer Has Encountered A Problem And Needs To Close

Aug 22, 2009

I was surfing net and recently the following error message popped up on my screenDr. Watson Postmortem Debugger has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.before this another error came : windows explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close.I am thinking to format my boot drive but still i wanna kno the reason because i have experienced this thing earlier as well

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Internet Explorer Needs To Close : Huge Error Report

Jul 6, 2005

Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close I get this dozens of times a day and do not know why it keeps happening. I looked at the error report details which was huge and indecipherable and it said the following will be included in the report

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Installation - Explorer.exe Encountered Error And Needed To Close

Dec 4, 2008

The other day i tried to install a game. When I tried to open it, it told me it couldn't find d3d9.dll. When I put d3d9.dll into the right folder, it said: The procedure entry point DdEntry12 could not be located in the dynamic link library DDRAW.dll. So I thought it was a problem with the game. When I installed another game, the same thing happened. After some internet research, I found that this was a DirectX problem and that what I needed to do was update it. So I downloaded the new version and installed it but the same thing happened. Later, I downloaded an app that required Flash Player. It told me I had version 6 when I needed at least version 9. So I went to Adobe's website and downloaded and installed Flash Player 10.

But when I tried to open the app, it still said i had version 6! So I started to realize that the computer didn't recognize updates to software. So, I told myself, maybe if I update Windows, it'll work. So, I went to the Windows Update and it told me KB888162 (I think that's the one) was a critical update. So I clicked on Install and then, a window popped up telling me that Explorer.exe had encountered a problem and needed to close. This happened every time I try to update and even sometimes when I open Control Panel. (I have Windows XP, by the way).

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Explorer Encountered Error And Needs To Close - Clicking On Drive

Jul 21, 2005

When I open My Computer and right click on the C: drive to bring up drop-down menu, it always says that Explorer has encountered an error and needs to close.

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Send Error Report Message Shown When Close Internet Explorer

Jan 7, 2009

Recently, I have come across a problem in the internet Explorer of my system. After I start Internet Explorer it does not cause any problem but when I close even one Internet Explorer window it asks me if I should send the error report. Even if I say, Send Report or Don't Send,it just closes down all my Internet Explorer opened windows.

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Explorer Needs To Close - Click Close On The Message

Jul 7, 2005

Long time since I posted for help but right now I have the Windows Explorer message Winows explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. Sorry for the inconvenience. in the middle of my screen It appears on boot and remains there .If I click close ,the desktop icons disappear and reappear and the message also reappears several seconds later,In those few seconds things seem to operate normally but after it appears, things on the screen just blink once when I click on them and nothing else happens. If I click something , and then click close on the message, it clears the desktop and reappears the previous click is then executed and the lockup is back .I can do things one at a time by repeating this closing process and the application on the screen does not close but reappears also

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Terminate Program After Mermory Read

Jan 23, 2009

The message I cannot get rid of is:- the instruction at "0x019c52el" referenced memory at "0x01fbfa38". The memory could not be read.Click on OK to terminate the program. I keep on clicking OK and each time the message returns but each time with different reference Nos,I have run my AVG antivirus and spyware, but no joy.I have to drag the error off screen to lose it, but still there.

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Terminate Process In Task Manager

Jun 20, 2005

I'm trying to terminate a process in the task manager, but the process
keeps coming back. How can I stop it?pogisanpoloPosted from newsgroup access

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Winlogon.exe Application Error

Dec 8, 2004

Im getting this message when trying to restart windows XP. i get it even when i try to enter into safe mode. If I click on either option it restarts the machine. I cant even get access to the safe mode of windows

"Application error: Winlogon.exe. Click ok to close or cancel to debug."

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Application Error - Fix Inst32.exe

May 4, 2010

I get INST32.EXE Application Error Box with Message Application failed to intialize (0xc0000006) Click Ok to terminate . push OK twice to remove box. I am trying to load my Printmaster Platinum 7.0 or 8.0 and neighter will load. I have been trying to get this fixed for over 3 weeks. Nothing I have found will work.

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Tm Proxy.exe- Application Error

Apr 25, 2007

tmproxy.exe- application error it says the memery can not be "read"

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Svchost.exe Application Error

Feb 28, 2009

The Instruction at "0x75606eb5" referenced at "0x00000008". The memory could not be "read".Click OK to terminate the program.I keep getting these messages all the time but the numbers keep changing. it started when i my sister started typing something. the day before she had also spent all night typing. now i get that message for everything.Don't know what to do. I tryed disabling automatic updates and then updating it manually on website but when try i get redirected to Google.

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