Service Pack Error Message "setup Has Encountered An Error And Has To Close"
Dec 5, 2006
When I turn my pc and windows loads up an error message appears saying that windows service pack 2 setup has encountered an error and has to close. However when I close the error message it keeps popping up every 20 seconds or so. When I went to microsofts website that told me that service pack 2 was installed on my pc. I have ran a full viral scan using the latest version of Panda and have also ran Reg-cure to see if the problem was in the registry but the error message still keeps popping up.
Recently I've been trying to install XP SP2 on a system that was recovered using an XP upgrade disc that only had SP1. The setup program gets through backing up, creating a restore point and so on, but during the actual file installation process, an error causes setup to abort and undo all changes made (rollback). "Service Pack 2 Setup Error." is the title bar, and "The system cannot find the path specified." is the message, the only option is to click ok, which opens the XP SP2 uninstall wizard. I've tried using Subinacl to reset security settings, tried installing in both safe and normal modes, used chkdsk /r and /p and tried installing again, and each time got the same message.
I have Win XP Home Edition, my computer crashed last night and I had to re-install windows. I've been installing all my window updates but I keep getting an error for Service Pack 1. "The core system file (kernel) used to this computer is not a Microsoft Windows file." And Service Pack 2 has been trying to download to my D drive, which is an external hard drive.
I was surfing net and recently the following error message popped up on my screenDr. Watson Postmortem Debugger has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.before this another error came : windows explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close.I am thinking to format my boot drive but still i wanna kno the reason because i have experienced this thing earlier as well
I keep getting this error message when I boot. The entire message says, "windows explorer has encountered an error and needs to close." When I close the box, i lose my desktop, and can't run a bunch of programs, including the "run" option. I am able to run my browsers and get on the web. I did do a system restore, and it worked at first, but then on the next reboot, i got the error message again. Did another system restore, same thing.
The other day i tried to install a game. When I tried to open it, it told me it couldn't find d3d9.dll. When I put d3d9.dll into the right folder, it said: The procedure entry point DdEntry12 could not be located in the dynamic link library DDRAW.dll. So I thought it was a problem with the game. When I installed another game, the same thing happened. After some internet research, I found that this was a DirectX problem and that what I needed to do was update it. So I downloaded the new version and installed it but the same thing happened. Later, I downloaded an app that required Flash Player. It told me I had version 6 when I needed at least version 9. So I went to Adobe's website and downloaded and installed Flash Player 10.
But when I tried to open the app, it still said i had version 6! So I started to realize that the computer didn't recognize updates to software. So, I told myself, maybe if I update Windows, it'll work. So, I went to the Windows Update and it told me KB888162 (I think that's the one) was a critical update. So I clicked on Install and then, a window popped up telling me that Explorer.exe had encountered a problem and needed to close. This happened every time I try to update and even sometimes when I open Control Panel. (I have Windows XP, by the way).
When I open My Computer and right click on the C: drive to bring up drop-down menu, it always says that Explorer has encountered an error and needs to close.
A friend of mine gave me an HP Pavilion ze4400. It had Windows XP installed on it when he gave it to me. I moved out of the area and forgot to take the XP CD with me. I was having problems with picking up wireless networks using my USB wireless adapter. Uninstalling and reinstalling the program for the adapter didn't fix anything, in fact, it made it worse. So I thought I would try using an XP CD to correct the problems that way. I had no idea that XP CDs weren't all the same.I put the CD that I had for my IBM laptop in the HP and it started to install. After about 10 minutes or so, I got a "Fatal Error":"An error has been encountered that prevents Setup from continuing.One of the components that Windows needs to continue setup could not be installed.The operation was canceled by the user.Press OK to view the Setup log file"The Systel Setup Log:"Error:The signature for Windows XP Home Edition Upgrade is invalid. The error code is 426.The service has not been started.
I have had Windows XP on my computer for 3 years, during that time I have had no problems with updates. A couple of days ago updates were running when I got the following message box. Service pack 3 setup. Access denied1! Microsoft will now un-install the current updates. At this point I was in a hurry to leave and shut off my computer thinking that when I started up again, the updates would resume their activity.......
I am getting a Error message as stated below Service Pack 2 Setup Error Service Pack 2 Setup could not backup registry key HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControl Windows to file C:WINNT$NtServicePackUninstall$ eg003555. 5: Access is denied.I need to install Service Pack 2 for a program.
I don't know what's up with my computer, but I'm getting all these Windows Explorer errors saying that Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close, and so folders won't stay open. what's up with this
I'm new to this site. After searching the archives for a problem close to the one I'm having I came up empty so I decided that it would be best to get individual help. I've been having, what I would consider, a minor problem with my machine. There is a folder that, whenever it is clicked, causes this error message to pop up "Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close." I am then given the option of sending or not sending an error report to Microsoft. I can't do anything with this folder. One click and that error message pops up and the window closes. Recently, I've noticed that whenever I right click and try to "save as" a file on the web I get an error that says " The filepicker was unexpectedly closed by Windows." There is no text in the gray area, that message appears in the blue title bar part of the pop up. I can then only choose "OK" and the window I'm working in freezes. I cannot delete the folder because it has files in it that I need and it's impossible anyway becuase of the Explorer problem. I really want help to do 3 things: 1. Find out what's causing these problems 2.Get my files back and 3. Delete or fix the folder so as to stop the problem.
In the middle of surfing tend to receive an error message:'DrWatson Postmortem Debugger has encountered a problem and needs to close.Please tell Microsoft about this problem' which prompts me to send error report.Sometimes I also receive internet explorer error report similar to the above.May I know what is wrong and how do I eliminate such errors from my computer?Please recommend a useful tool/program for curbing these problems.I am running on windows XP and internet explorer v6.
Wondering if anybody can help me with this, every time i try to enter a folder with video files i get a windows explorer message saying theres an error and needs to close, and leaves this error signature; AppName: explorer.exe AppVer: 6.0.2900.2180 ModName: unknown ModVer: Offset: 00000000
Can anyone tell me why I keep getting this error message?"Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close.""error signature AppName: explorer ,.exe AppVer: 6.0.2900.4412 ModName: duser.dll ModVer: 5.1.2600.5512 Offset: 0002acfa"This does not seem to create any problems but keeps showing up.
Does anyone know how to correct the following error appears at startup; The procedure entry point set keyboard filter hook could not be located in the dynamic link library?
I own a SONY VAIO desktop PC, and I'm trying to install the XP Service Pack 2. However, whenever I try to, either when prompted by Windows Automatic Update or when I do it on Microsoft's website, the installation would always pause midway and return with an "Access is Denied" dialogue box. Microsoft's website had something regarding this issue -- -- but under Step 2, I couldn't find any specific registry key that resembled the one that was given Quote: The found entry in the Setupapi.log file should be similar to the following example: #-007 Deleting registry key #E033 Error 5: Access is denied. This is what I see in the setupapi.log text file:
Code: #E008 Setting registry value HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesssdpsrv\DependOnService#E033 Error 5: Access is denied.#E065 Parsing AddReg section [Product.Add.Reg]......................
I finally decided to install the service pack 2. During the install I keep getting messages of the form: Service pack 2 could not back up registry key XXXXX to file c:windows$NtServicePackUninstall$ eg00013: Access is denied. Anyone knows what the problem might be? I located the directory and it does get removed when I cancel the update. I'm running as an administrator.
i just recently bought a new ipod and i need to install itunes but first I have to update my windows xp to service pack 2 or higher everytime I try i get the install halfway then the access denied message pops up. I tried the various solutions i found on google and its still doing it, I even d/led registry mechanic and clean and repair all my registry and its still doing access denied error.
When i try to update to service pack 2 I get an error that says Access denied and then stops the update. I used the windows knowledge base for help I do what they say but I get to the point Where i reset the permission for Hkey_classes_rootDxDiagprovider But it gives me an error "You do not have permission to view the current permission settings for DxDiag.DxDiagprovider, but you can make permission changes." After that it comes to the permission editor but i am unable to make changes
Anyone here having probs trying to install this latest update from Microsoft?I'm running Winxp home sp2.The update just sits in my system tray and when i tries to install it it fails.
Recently, I have come across a problem in the internet Explorer of my system. After I start Internet Explorer it does not cause any problem but when I close even one Internet Explorer window it asks me if I should send the error report. Even if I say, Send Report or Don't Send,it just closes down all my Internet Explorer opened windows.
When I try to install Java, I get the following error message:Error 1304.Error writing to file C:Program FilesCommon FilesJavaUpdateBase Imagesjre1.6.0.b105 patch-jre1.6.0_05.b13launcher.exe. Verify that you have access to that directory Well I go to that directory and double-click it, and I get the following messsage:Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to acces the item.
My nephew's company has a server with Small Business Server 2003 SP1 and they run Windows Backup for their daily backups. The event log errors with Event ID 6013 and says:
My operating System is windows xp reacently i reinstall my ms office 2007 after that when i try to open a word or exel file it shows "The setup error controller has encounterd a problam during install. pls review the log files for further information on the error".
Every time I try to install SP2 either from microsoft's web site or from a copy of the actual file, i get an error message that reads "cannot read or write to the database" and the install stops. It will go through everything except installing the program (i.e. check my key, check the system, backup files etc). What would cause this and how might I fix it? I'm running XP Pro.
I just formated my PC two nights ago and I am still trying to get all the updates done. However, when I try to update to Service Pack 3, I get an error halfway through that says "Acces Is Denied", and then it starts to undo everything the Service Pack was updating. I have tried downloading the service pack file from microsoft, rebooting and turning off all anti-virus. ect. I have seen methods that tell me to reset the registry and file permissions. Is this safe? And also, has anyone else had this problem and fixed it.
Since installing Service Pack 2, whenever switching on my computer the message "The requested control is not valid for this service". The message disappears when I click on "OK" but I would like to know how to prevent it appearing and just what "the required control"