Installing Service Pack 3 Comes Up With Error "Acces Is Denied"?
Oct 17, 2008
I just formated my PC two nights ago and I am still trying to get all the updates done. However, when I try to update to Service Pack 3, I get an error halfway through that says "Acces Is Denied", and then it starts to undo everything the Service Pack was updating. I have tried downloading the service pack file from microsoft, rebooting and turning off all anti-virus. ect. I have seen methods that tell me to reset the registry and file permissions. Is this safe? And also, has anyone else had this problem and fixed it.
I own a SONY VAIO desktop PC, and I'm trying to install the XP Service Pack 2. However, whenever I try to, either when prompted by Windows Automatic Update or when I do it on Microsoft's website, the installation would always pause midway and return with an "Access is Denied" dialogue box. Microsoft's website had something regarding this issue -- -- but under Step 2, I couldn't find any specific registry key that resembled the one that was given Quote: The found entry in the Setupapi.log file should be similar to the following example: #-007 Deleting registry key #E033 Error 5: Access is denied. This is what I see in the setupapi.log text file:
Code: #E008 Setting registry value HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesssdpsrv\DependOnService#E033 Error 5: Access is denied.#E065 Parsing AddReg section [Product.Add.Reg]......................
I finally decided to install the service pack 2. During the install I keep getting messages of the form: Service pack 2 could not back up registry key XXXXX to file c:windows$NtServicePackUninstall$ eg00013: Access is denied. Anyone knows what the problem might be? I located the directory and it does get removed when I cancel the update. I'm running as an administrator.
i just recently bought a new ipod and i need to install itunes but first I have to update my windows xp to service pack 2 or higher everytime I try i get the install halfway then the access denied message pops up. I tried the various solutions i found on google and its still doing it, I even d/led registry mechanic and clean and repair all my registry and its still doing access denied error.
When i try to update to service pack 2 I get an error that says Access denied and then stops the update. I used the windows knowledge base for help I do what they say but I get to the point Where i reset the permission for Hkey_classes_rootDxDiagprovider But it gives me an error "You do not have permission to view the current permission settings for DxDiag.DxDiagprovider, but you can make permission changes." After that it comes to the permission editor but i am unable to make changes
I am getting a Error message as stated below Service Pack 2 Setup Error Service Pack 2 Setup could not backup registry key HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControl Windows to file C:WINNT$NtServicePackUninstall$ eg003555. 5: Access is denied.I need to install Service Pack 2 for a program.
I have had Windows XP on my computer for 3 years, during that time I have had no problems with updates. A couple of days ago updates were running when I got the following message box. Service pack 3 setup. Access denied1! Microsoft will now un-install the current updates. At this point I was in a hurry to leave and shut off my computer thinking that when I started up again, the updates would resume their activity.......
Every time I try to install SP2 either from microsoft's web site or from a copy of the actual file, i get an error message that reads "cannot read or write to the database" and the install stops. It will go through everything except installing the program (i.e. check my key, check the system, backup files etc). What would cause this and how might I fix it? I'm running XP Pro.
The Service pack starts out ok, then a little way into the process it says "cannot back up update. Access is denied": with options to retry, abort or ignore. The only real option is to ignore, and it carries on. About 5 mins later the whole process aborts saying sp 2 has not installed. press ok to undo what its done, and after its done that, it says windows has been partially updated, and may not work correctly
I checked the setup api and found access denied on, I removed all instances of this, cause I saw another post with the same problem and that seem to work for them. I also had an access denied for
c:windowssoftwaredistributiondownload16b2c96a0c41f4dfdb4d3cc228a4f819u pdateupdate.inf so I gave it permissions for everything. Still seem to be having problems trying to install service pack 2. And looking at the setupapi still seems to give me the same error messages even though I made the changes.
I just tried installing Service Pack 2 on my XP, and I downloaded it and during installation it stops and simply says "Access Denied" in a little prompt, then says that installation has failed.
I just bought the new GTA 4 and it apperently needs service pack 3, so i downloaded it from microsoft download center but in the middle of the install it stops and says access denied. It then continues to remove the service pack again and when it is almost done it said that it ways not removed corretly and that XP might not work optimatly.
Install Service Pack 2 on my PC and in the middle of the installation my power went out and now when I try to reinstall Service Pack 2 it goes about half way through the installation and fails and I receive an error message saying Access is denied After that, the PC goes through the steps of uninstalling Service Pack 2 and I get a message saying the system might not work, but it does. How do I install Service Pack 2?
I have searched this forum (and many others) for the answer to my problem but can't find one, just similar problems. I recently installed Service Pack 2 using a windows install cd (rather than just an upgrade patch). And now everytime i run windows i cannot open any folder or explorer window with out "explorer.exe" crashing. I have turned off DrWatson and now i just get a memory error everytime. I can not downgrade because i used a Windows Install CD (can't find an option anywhere to remove service pack 2 now). Please could someone help me because it is highly annoying.
i accidentally deleted my windows component with paint, volume control etc on it. so i downloaded the service pack to reinstall, but when i went to do this i got a message saying 'before proceeding we recommend you back up your system.
I have read numerous articles pertaining to problems encountered after downloading SP4. If a computer is going to be used for home use only without multiple users, and only a printer, scanner and a DSL connection, should SP4 be installed?Are there any major benefits (or drawbacks) having SP4 installed?What is the best service pack to have installed for a home use computer?
I have the XP home and had the Zone alarm installed. Since I have installed the new service pack for XP I have problems with the outlook. It shows me sending & receiving error and doesnt open. I reset the account again for outlook after consulting the ISP but still not luck.
Does anyone know how to correct the following error appears at startup; The procedure entry point set keyboard filter hook could not be located in the dynamic link library?
I have only one account on my Windows and it is the administrator account (mine because I'm the only one using the computer). The problem is when I make changes in msconfig, when I click on Apply, I get this message "An Access Denied error was returned while attempting to change a service.You may need to log on using an Administrator account to make the specified changes".I am the administrator and there is no other account than mine!
Once I installed sp3, I could not get past the windows loading screen, so I started in safemode and uninstalled sp3 that way. My question is, does uninstalling sp3 remove sp2 as well. I can not see sp2 under add/remove programs, but my windows update history says I downloaded sp2 last May.
Anyone here having probs trying to install this latest update from Microsoft?I'm running Winxp home sp2.The update just sits in my system tray and when i tries to install it it fails.
I have a celeron/p4 machine with 256 RAM and 160 G Hard Disk. Well i installed a service pack 2 for xp. After installing my screen freezed so i restarted the pc and I got a blue screen. What can i do please?
I get this message after the long and tedious attempt to install SP2. I've tried doing it from download and even got the CD. Same result. I am logged on as administrator and have everything enabled. Would like to update...any one know what's going on?