CD Drive Has Lost Its Driver.

May 4, 2006

When cleaning up a Dell 8200 we apparently deleted a need driver? I have tried to use Dell's support to build a flash enabled floppy with the downloaded driver on it. This failed. Without the drive I can not reload windows xp home to correct the problem. Any suggestions would be helpful. System restore has not helped either.

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Video Driver Lost/Screen Blank

Sep 5, 2008

Video driver not working, blank screen after Windows logo.

OS Windows XP-1 upgraded to XP-2.

Lost my video driver, on my older HP 951 computer.

It came with XP-1, I upgraded a long time ago.

I tried to recover with both the XP-1 & XP-2 disks, won't work.

I have net access, obviously on a newer computer.

Is there a way I can download a driver and install it on my 951, OR recover the driver, that must be there?

It boots up, but after showing the Windows "Logo Screen", it's black. I just have some old info. and files on it, I really would like to keep.

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Lost Audio Driver After Restart System

Jul 11, 2006

Windows XP and recently had to reinstall due to failures. Yesterday, I clicked on the volume control icon and it said it couldn't do anything because we didn't have an audio driver! It just worked the day before! Then the icon disappeared. The audio is gray in the sound control panel, so we can't do a thing. We have the Windows XP CD, but I don't want to mess with anything, especially after having it reinstalled a short while ago. Is there a place I can download a new driver for this system?

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Lost Sound After System Recovery - Driver Not Working

Aug 28, 2005

I have somehow misread your entire post. I thought you had a sound card installed. If it is the AC'97 codec here is the> download page for it. I believe it is the third one down:


> Hopefully you can try this first and everything will work out...Let us> know the results.

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Lost Sound After System Recovery - No Discs Or Driver Information

Aug 24, 2005

Evolution54 Wrote:

> Try installing the driver for the motherboard if you still have it.

> not download from their website.
> my system is OEM so i have no discs or driver information.

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Mouse Freezes / Lost Internet Connection / Tablet Driver Stopped Functioning?

May 7, 2009

turn on the PC and find my mouse stopped working. I plugged in my pen tablet to use it as a mouse instead, and noticed the tablet driver stopped functioning too (I can still use it as a mouse, but it doesn't work as well without the driver). I then tried to connect to the internet to diagnose the problem, but the net isn't working. I restarted my router and modem, but no progress.

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Partitioned Drive Lost - D Drive Missing Files / Folders Won't Open

Aug 13, 2005

XPpro with two HDs, CDr/w and DVDr/w.(D AND (E are (were?) a 20G drive which I partitioned over a year ago. This morning I came across a 4G drive in an old box. (really). Being a curious type I pulled the power and ribbon leads from the DVD and plugged them into the 4G HD, after setting the jumper to slave.Then switched on. A dos line appeared saying 'automatically configuring an F: drive' After which Windows appeared to boot up normally. Except that 'My Computer' showed no (D The 4G (F drive showed as not formated. So... I removed the 4G and replaced the leads back to the DVD. My Computer' shows 3.5 floppy Local Disk(C FRSTHAFOLD(D 9G abt Notice NO (E

Not only that but my D drive is missing lots of files and folders wont open. It seems that the partitioning has been forgotten! I have checked what bios settings there are (not many on Compaq 5000) And the bios sees my main Crive and only one 20G disk I have a bad feeling about this Is there any way to get things back to normal?

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Cant Install Audio Driver - Lost Audio

Sep 22, 2010

i have lost audio driver

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Lost A Folder From Drive

May 27, 2006

I just lost a very important folder and don't know where to look to see where it went. I was saving some fonts in my fonts 2 folder and all of a sudden it just disappeared. What did I do and and anyone help me get it back

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Defragging Gone Bad - Lost Space From Drive

Aug 15, 2009

I recently defragged my computer a few days ago. I started out with 14.9GB left on my C: drive (total capacity is 69.7GB) and ended with 3.2GB! I was highly upset, I don't know what could have gone wrong to cause my free space to almost completely deplete...does this usually happen? I also want to know if i can get my space back, and what I can do.

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Lost File System From Drive

Feb 3, 2006

Trying to help upgrade my hard drive. I have a Local C drive 20 GB and I have a Maxtor 120 GB in my E: drive. I have previously sent an exact image copy of my C drive to my E: drive using Norton's ghost 9.0 symantec. Since he has tinkered with my Hard drive it is not even recognizing a file system at all. It asks if I want to format the drive and I know that will wipe it out completely if I do that. The exact warning or prompt that shows goes as follows. The volume does not contain a recognized file system. Please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded and the volume is not corrupted. I run windows XP home edition and my computer is a pentium 3 300 SE by gateway.

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Hard Drive Space Lost

Nov 13, 2007

I'm hoping someone can help me with this. I recently replaced a bad motherboard which forced me to wipe my hard drive since it was set up in a raid format. I currently have 2 120GB hard drives which is equivalent of about 198GB total.When I reinstalled Windows I made 1 partition of about 30GB for Windows and other programs only and created the other partition with the rest of the hard drive without really looking at the GBs avail on it. Once Windows was installed I noticed that the 2nd partition only had 120GB giving me 150GB total. I booted from the Windows CD again and did not see any unaccounted space from the hard drive.

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Lost My D Drive - Get Back Of Restore Sytem

Aug 18, 2006

I just noticed that I don't have my D drive listed under My Computer. Is there anyway I can get it back outside of System Restore? I'd just had to use that to undo some updates.

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Lost Hard Drive Space And A Blue Screen

Oct 7, 2005

1.I have a dell digital jukebox mp3 player that allows for storage of data or music. I tried to copy a 600mb file from the mp3 player onto my hard drive. I had a little over 600 mb of space left on my hard drive (a total storage capacity of 6GB). It said i had run out of space. So i deleted some files, move some things around and i had 1.1 GB of space free for this transfer. i tried again and this time again the message i got was not enough space on drive c:/. So i cancelled out and checked to see what i had on my hard drive, 500mb free!!!?? So i have lost hard drive space and not gain a file...So i investigated and found that i have 1.81 GB of data on c: documents settingsuser. but once i get into user, i have 6 folders none of which display nearly that much data. They are, favorites, start menu, cookies, desktop, my documents, and a file named ntuser. the ntuser file is 1mb, and my desktop has 700 or so mb on it. So my question is how can i get back this lost hd space,

2.Blue screen. Im on xp pro sp1, i use adaware, registry mechanic, and im generally tidy with my windows; note, reinstalling windows did not solve this. I never used to have this issue, but lately when i go to open or close certain programs i jump to blue screen. it references trixdp.dll i think it was, and then "begin physical dump of memory" i must reboot at this point. I use VLC media player, and exiting this program mandates a blue screen. Just now i exited mozilla browser and this was the first time i got blue screen from this program.

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Lost Hard Drive Memory After System Recovery

Dec 6, 2009

I have a 60 gig hard drive and after i did a system recovery i only had 12 gigs free on the hard drive

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Back Up Software And Driver CD To Formated Hard Drive

Jun 19, 2005

My computer has been acting weird and slow since last couple week, I want to format and install new windows XP pro. But the thing i dont want to lose some softwares and drivers. So what should i do to backup them all and format my computer ? I used to format and install OS but not backing up anything. Now i am worry to losing some important softwares and drivers.My question is there any software or any way to let us backup software + driver to the CD then we can format hdd and install OS like normally?

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Formatted Hard Drive Lost Drivers For Sound Card

Mar 13, 2006

I started another thread a couple of days ago but have progressed a bit since then so thought i would start a fresh one.I have recently formatted my hard drive and lost drivers for my soundcard. I have been onto my motherboard manufacturers website and downloaded the appropriate driver. This worked (or so i thought) the ?Media Controller in device manager disappeared and my soundcard appeared. Media player plays CDs now, as do all my other sound related programs. The problem is i still can't hear any sound!

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Lost CD-Drive - Cd-rw/dvd Drive.

Jul 31, 2004

I just did a repair install of XP and now my D: drive doesn't show up in my computer.I can still boot from it (knoppix live cd) but nothing else.For some reason windows isn't seeing it. Any sugestions? This is a cd-rw/dvd drive.

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Run Program To Clean: System Wont Found Driver For Hard Drive?

Apr 12, 2010

I ran a scrub program to clean up a VISTA machine. then tried to load XP. Got a message about "not having drivers for the hard drive".

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Install Driver Shown Message Not Found Driver Compatible

Oct 26, 2007

I have a Gateway 7422GX which as a Mobility Radeon 9550. I repaired windows using the cd because I restarted my computer and it was either going to take 7min+ to boot, or just wasn't going to. I got stuck at the windows splash screen. I'm using windows professional. Whenever I try to install any of the drivers, I get the same error message: Setup did not find a driver compatible with your current hardware or operating system. Setup will now exit.

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Lost My Wallpaper, Lost Screen Saver

May 7, 2007

My wallpaper has disappeared even though it appears under display properities-themes. Under the desktop tab my wallpaper is set correctly. When I try to change the theme from modified theme to windows classic the change is not accepted. My screensaver was the picture slideshow and is now windows xp moves across the screen as the screensaver. When I try to change it back the change is not accepted.

This all started because I am trying to back up my computer to an external hard drive and keep getting error message "windows delay write failed". I tried updating the hard disk driver but there wasn't any update. While searching for fixes for that problem, I came across Panda Software online virus checker. I used it and it deleted a few viruses. They were all old, some may have only been unopened email attachments and they were all from 2001 and 2002. Two days later, I was using logmein - remote access and while rebooting (not the first reboot) I got the blue screen. Here's the error message.

Driver_IRQL_not _less_or_equal
stop:0x000000D1 (0x502F1F70, 0x00000002, 0x00000001, 0XF398B203)
VSDATANT.SYS - address F398B203 base at F3966000, Datestamp 4313a6c6

So I looked up vsdatant.sys which is located in system32 directory, and I changed the name of the driver to vsdatant.old but then my zonealarm stopped working so I changed it back.

How do I get my display working properly? Any ideas on the "write failed" error message?

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Lost Photos - Data Lost Writing On Cd

Jun 26, 2005

I have burned some photos onto a CD -R and have gone back into the cd drive but they are missing!! where have they gone. The photos were definitely burned on. I thought that once on a cd nothing could be lost.

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USB Thumb Drive Driver..."Data Invalid"

Feb 12, 2005

I just reformated and installed SP2. I've tried two different thumb drives in two different USB ports, and it always tries to install the driver, and then says installation failed, and "Data Invalid". They are two different brands of USB drives too, different sizes, the only thing they have in common is that they are both thumb drives.

I tried putting the Windows CD in and telling to to reinstall and update driver from removable media, and it still doesn't work Still has "Invalid Data"

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Graphic Driver Is The Other Driver That Won't Install Properly

Aug 3, 2007

I have this seriously big problem on my computer (well why else would i be here)i have a ACER Aspire L100 which is a VERY good used to have Media Centre edition as the operating system but it suddenly stopped working. so i was forced to install windows xp home when i install the sound driver ever time i try and open up a media program such as media player or itunes and turns around and tells me that there is a problem with the sound card and another program must be using it. The graphic driver is the other driver that wont install properly. when i run the installation i get a message that reads

ive tried and run windows update but it doesnt find anything.

Thanks in advance


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Lost Icons + Lost Taskbar

Apr 20, 2008

when I switched on my computer when I got to the xp wellcome page inviting me to sign in i clicked sign the screen went priefly go's to my home page with no icons and no taskbar nothing, then go's back to the wellcome page again, every time i click sign in it happens again,help me!

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Sound Driver/Audio Driver

Feb 27, 2008

install a sound driver or audio driver on windows xp, it worked on windows millenium before i upgraded to windows xp, can someone please tell me what i must do to install a sound driver and or audio driver i also have no access to the internet on that computer, this is my spare

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Relocate Files From One Drive To Another Drive - Change Drive Designations?

Jan 31, 2008

Today I noticed that what WAS my E drive is now called F and what was my F drive is now called G. I don't know how it happened, but it's wreaking havoc with Adobe Premiere because on all old projects I have to relocate all files on what were F that are now on G. It's also messing up my shortcuts.

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Multi Boot ASP Drive C And Drive D Sepret Drive

Sep 22, 2010

I am try to two partition drive C and drive D in my computer but only one c or d instoling. i have 4000mb hardrive,please tell me how can i instol partition in my window xp professional.

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Total Drive Melt Down And Drive E: Bacame Drive C

Jul 11, 2005

I had to buy a new Hard drive and installed it into my computer.also have a slave drive that is much smaller. the slave drive has always been drive e: or drive d:. But for some reason after I re-installed windows and ran it, it now made my slave drive into drive c: and my master drive into drive e:! How do I switch the two? The slave master is set up properly in the BIOS. The large drive is the master and the small drive is the slave. But how do I assign the c:designation to the large drive and the e: designation to the small slave drive.

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Xp Password Lost!

Jan 22, 2007

i have a windows xp home and i forgot my password and even if i boot it in safe mode i can not accses the computer.

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Password Keeps Getting Lost?

Dec 13, 2008

my mum is running XP with Tiscali broadband. More often than not, when she tries to connect she is asked for her password ( we have tried clicking remember password!) but then is told it is not recognised. After several tries worth of helpline phone calls they take her thru the whole setting up procedure again & she is connected.

A few days later the same thing happens again!

Is this a money making ploy by Tiscali? Or is there something ( virus?) that could be causing the password to become unrecognised?

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