My cd rom driver doesn't seem to be working lately. I can't open the drive at all and after a while the red light comes on, then my system freezes. I
checked the system error log and found the following: The driver detected a controller error on DeviceCdRom0 Ther is also another message: The device Device IdeIdePort1, is not ready for access yet.
When I click a link, the windows icon in the top right moves. As soon as I move my mouse that icon stops and I have no idea why this happens. It does not happen all the time and I have played around with it to isolate which windows and when it happens.....but it's not just my computer, but my work computer as well.
My system was recently infected with a virus i think i have finally gotton rid of it but now im unable to open my c drive thought my computer when i double click it the open with window pops up and when i right click it i get strage symbols where open is suppose to be the virus that i was infected with is W32.Gexin.A its main exe is svsh0st.exe which i seem to have gotton rid of forever now as it hasn't recreated itself this boot up
i ran the AVG anti virus and it put some files in its i am unable to open my C: and D: drive from My Computer folder.It says it caant find copy.exe file..also some other files seem to be missing.. like host.exe svchost.exe ...I tried to restore these files from AVG VAULT but it does not seem to work... I am only being able to open C and D drive with the right click-> open option.
I have a USB 512-meg flash drive; brand new, outta the box. I used it on my computer at home with no problem--I plug it in, the computer recognizes it and it shows as another drive. However, my computer at work recognizes it and says "your device is ready to use" but it doesn't show up as a drive so I can't get into it. I've done the whole "troubleshoot" bit to no avail.Is there a way I can go to it manually or...? How can I see it so I can double click on it and get to the contents?
Whenever i doubleclick on any of the Drives(C: , D: ) a windows search window appears, if i have to open i have to rightclick and select open...also i observed that when i right click on my c drive or d drive the first option i have is "search" in bold. and then the next option is open. whereas for anyother folder open is my first option when i right click and in bold!
when ever i start any video application it shows that something has gone wrong and prog is to be closed,and pror closes everything on desktop closes and disappear only to reappear again after some time.
My computer at work won't open IE for me, I used it last night and this morning I come in and everytime I try to open it an error message pops up, and says Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. No one else used the computer while I was home last night and I absolutely need IE as my customer management system is only usable with IE, it will not work with Firefox or Chrome. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this problem, sadly I'm pretty useless without my computer at work.
I'm trying to set a default view for Windows Explorer but everytime I make my changes Windows doesn't seem to save the settings. I would like Windows Explorer to open with the Explorer Bar on the left with Folder view as the default. I've tried saving the view under options but this doesn't seem to work. If I close Windows Explorer it just goes back to the default view before I made my changes. Also is there a way to have Windows Explorer default to a certain directory?
I am trying to open a new email account at work using ms exchange server but I get an message about the server not being available? connection is offline or not connected to the server!
I have had a slightly annoying problem with Outlook Express which I use as my default mail client. Everything seems to work fine apart from when I try to open PDF files directly from OE, it tries to open them with notepad, which obviously doesn't work. I can save them anywhere else on my computer, my documents for example, and opening them from there works fine. I have the latest Adobe Reader. I can't find anyway to tell OE to open these attachments using Adobe Reader.
XPpro with two HDs, CDr/w and DVDr/w.(D AND (E are (were?) a 20G drive which I partitioned over a year ago. This morning I came across a 4G drive in an old box. (really). Being a curious type I pulled the power and ribbon leads from the DVD and plugged them into the 4G HD, after setting the jumper to slave.Then switched on. A dos line appeared saying 'automatically configuring an F: drive' After which Windows appeared to boot up normally. Except that 'My Computer' showed no (D The 4G (F drive showed as not formated. So... I removed the 4G and replaced the leads back to the DVD. My Computer' shows 3.5 floppy Local Disk(C FRSTHAFOLD(D 9G abt Notice NO (E
Not only that but my D drive is missing lots of files and folders wont open. It seems that the partitioning has been forgotten! I have checked what bios settings there are (not many on Compaq 5000) And the bios sees my main Crive and only one 20G disk I have a bad feeling about this Is there any way to get things back to normal?
Ok, I honestly don't know why, but my computer has been running very very slow lately.. programs are taking forever to load, Internet Explorer windows take 5 years it seems like to come up, and it's just running slow all around My computer is about a 2-3 year old Dell that has run amazingly since the day I installed Windows on it. It has Windows XP Service Pack 2.
I have a pretty major problem with my main computer. The wireless network i have is running fine because all me other computers are working. On my main computer the internet does not work. It says all is connected. If i try to open network places, explorer freezes up.
Last night I set my computer to check and repair the disc. I have done it many times before successfully. But when I rebooted I got the message "Cannot open volume for direct access Windows is finished checking the disk" Then windows starts up. How do I fix this?
The full guide along with all pictures is here, click me. Opening the registry editor This is step number one, just opening the editor to view the registry. This is easy, just click on the start button and then on run. Once run is open, type in regedit and click OK. Navigating the registry Once you have regedit open, it is fairly easy to get where you want to. Now you see the "folders" HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_USERS,and HKEY_ CURRENT_CONFIG First lets get some basic terminology down.
my sony vaio is up for a fight trouble is it just sit's looking at me'',WHAT YOU GOING TO DO NOW'' I know what i would like to do.I use reg cleaner tell's me will fix problums such as freezing think it's a windup Each reg cleaner tell's me you have 900 hundred or 450 problums would cost a fortune have posted the freeze befor do you have the answer or is this fight over.
After reformatting my pc, I'm unable to hear anything through my headset and my mic doesn't work. However, I am able to hear audio through my monitor speakers.
Connected the HP all in one scanner ,printer to windows xp machine. When I'm logged on locally as the administrator on this machine the scanner works fine when i try to scan using the hp solution center to scan the documents. But when i log on to the domain and try scanning using the solution center or even adobe photoshop or any other software it just will not scan and it tells me to reinstall the drivers of the scanner. The printer works fine. Just the scanner does not work.
when I started my computer this morning it was stuck on the start up screen where it says windows like it kept showing the bars moving for like a long time. So I just turned it off by pressing the power button (wrong I know). Then I turned it back on and it went to a black screen giving me the options to run it in safe mode, start it from the last known date it was working, or start it normally.
I do not know what really is the problem. The taskbar buttons could not be seen when i have other programs and windows running. I can only switch from one window to another using the Alt+Tab button. I am using windows XP Home. I've made a printscreen of the problem.
Very recently I managed to open a .exe file which contained a rather nasty strain of something which has come back to bite me. When I start up Windows XP SP2, I get an error message telling me that "Generic Host Process for Win32 Services has encountered a problem and needs to close." In addition iexplore.exe starts up in the task manager on every startup, without the browser launching and my baseline RAM usage is 80MB or so higher than normal. Now I have blocked iexplore.exe with my firewall, I have scanned my computer with Norton internet security 2007, Spybot S&D, Adaware SE and I have deleted the .exe file from which the infection originated. Unfortunately, though some minor infections were discovered, the problem at hand remains unresolved. MSConfig does not show anything about iexplore.exe opening up on startup., or any other program I do not want for that matter. I am at my wits end, and I hope someone here can figure out what I cannot....
The settings button is greyed out. How can I fix this? Also, where can I get a USB driver? Just USB driver, modem is connected by the USB cable and sometimes I can hear this sound in winXP that its disconnected and connected again(the sound you get when you unplug/plug in a USB device). After a while of plugging /unplugging, my internet connection just disappears. The modem is working properly, I think theres something wrong with the USB driver or something.I plugged in my printer(also USB) and nothing happens, everything that uses USB doesn't work at all.
I have an external HDD on which I have backed up 15G of Data. I wish to retrieve some Pictures from this Backup but when I try to open it in order to restore these pictures I cannot find a programme to open it with. I do have Windows NT but can't seem to get it to open with .bkf.
Running a Windows 2000 machine. Machine came with W2k installed 2 years ago. Have all other windows updates installed. Getting this error when trying to install Service Pack 4 - The file c:windowssystem32ftp.exe is open or in use by another application. The taskmanager does not show any FTP specifically running. So I downloaded SP4 to my hard drive so I wouldn't have to get on the internet, and rebooted in safe mode. Then ran SP4 update from my hard drive but I still got the same FTP error. How do I find this FTP process and stop it?
I can't open my registry. It just started happening. When I go the the stat/run and enter regedit all that opens briefly is a DOS window and then closing within second.
Suddenly my documents folder opens when I log on to my machine. I checked all Startup folders for a shortcut to My Documents but found none. I followed the instructions on kb899865 but everything was as it should have been. I then checked for the trojan �spyware.dlder with MalwareBytes Anti Malware and found nothing. Spyware Blaster also found nothing. About the same time I found I was unable to open help and support, when I tried to correct that I continue to get the message that can not be found. It is not on C or the Windows install disk or SP2 disk. I am really stuck. While it is possible to close the folder after booting it is a pain and I would like to get things operating as they should be. I am running XP Pro. w/sp2.
I am using xp and have a laptop with xp. I use a linksys router for the laptop. I recently switched from DSL to Cable, since the switch there are a few web sites I cannot get to open up.,, a few others. Most sites open fine but....I have checked my router, it's fine. I have bypassed it and gone straight from the modem still doesn't work. I have hooked someone elses laptop up to modem and guess what??? They opened them just fine. So I'm back to me. I'm so frustrated and confused. Please any help anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated.
After using Dr.Web Cleant it to clean up my xp laptop, it got worst. The laptop loads up but all that i see is the desktop background. No Start bar, not programs on desktop, shortcuts don't work .e. "windows"+R, "windows"+E) ONLY TASK MANAGER OPENS with CRTL+ALT+DEL.