Bottom Of Screen Saying "e Mail Scanner" Prompts For Password

Sep 1, 2006

I recently purshased a new pc.i got outlook express up and running ok and was recieving e mail no problem.i downloaded a free AVG anti-virius from computeractive`s web page along with the mcafree one that came with the pc.whats happeneing is that whenever i send and recieve a pop up appears at the bottom of the screen saying "e mail scanner" and the system prompts me for a password.if i click ok its prompts me again and if i click cancel it says "password was rejecteed" i did read somwhere that some anti virius software can cause a firewall that prevents you recieving mail.maybe its somthing really simple im just overlooking.

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Computer Prompts For Xp Startup Password

Feb 21, 2007

Computer prompts for Windows Xp Startup Password that I do not know. It says: This computer is configured to require a password in order to start up. Please enter the startup Password below. Below the space to enter the password you can hit ok or restart.After unsuccessful attempts because I do not know the password a system error comes on the screen.lsass.exe- System Error Which says: When trying to update a password, this return indicates that the value provided as the current password is not correct.This does not allow windows xp to open and the same startup password prompt box occurs in safemode. I have tried using the toshiba satellite l 25 s119 series recovery disk but to no avail, it not does work. Can anyone diagnose this for me?

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Fingerprint Scanner On Lenovo Laptop Synch With Newly Updated Password

Mar 1, 2007

when using the fingerprint scanner on a network with pasword changes every 90days, does the fingerprint scanner on a lenovo laptop synch properly with a newly updated password? I have a user here who changed the password but the fingerprint scanner did not seem to recognize the change since when you first set it up it asks for your current password. Once setup correctly all you have to do is scan your fingerprint and it logs you in.

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I Have To Type In My E Mail And Password Everytime

Sep 8, 2010

How do I restore cookies I cleaned the history and I must type in every time my info to use facebook and my mail at yahoo.

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E-mail [Thunderbird 3.0] Asks For NON-EXISTANT PASSWORD

Dec 18, 2009

I am using Windows XP with Thunderbird for e-mail. I have never had a single problem with Thunderbird until last night. When I clicked "send" a message opened saying "Please submit your password". I have no idea what this is. I have never seen it before, but I know I can't send e-mail

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Task Bar At The Top Of Screen - How To Put At Bottom

Jun 14, 2008

My task bar is at the top of my screen. Can someone tell me how to put it back on the bottom? I've tried dragging it but it only moves halfway down and fills half the screen. I've tried dragging it from every edge and side.

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Programs Run Off Bottom Of Screen

May 30, 2008

Run XP at a low resolution, so I don't have lots of space for programs.Unfortunately, many programs, and windows run off the bottom of my screen and I can't see any of the options past that point. I can't move them because Windows won't let me move the programs past the top of the screen. There is the MOVE option from the menu in the top-left on some programs, but I am looking more for the ability to grab the windows anywhere, while maybe using a keyboard command, and dragging the window where I need it, past the edge of the screen.

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Lost My Options On The Bottom Of My Screen!

May 3, 2007

i do not have the usual windows sign in the bottom corner, nor do i have the time etc and what programs are running.

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Progress Bar Across Bottom Of Black Screen

Aug 24, 2007

I know this is a worn topic, but I searched for similar questions and didn't find the same problem that I am having.Upon reboot, immediatley after the BIOS load screen, I get a white progress bar across the bottom of a black screen. It will move a notch then hesitate for a minute then slowly progress. Once it gets up to about two or three notches it will zip to the end and XP starts to load. If I reboot in Safe Mode the same hesitiation occurs as it loads the list of drivers.Once I start to see the desktop, it will take another 7 minutes or so before I can gain control of the computer and the hard drive runs continuously during that time.

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Scanner / Camera Wizard - An Error Occurred While Setting Scanner Preferences

Sep 5, 2006

When I open up the Wizard and click "next", it goes to the "options" screen, but when I click on "custom setup" or "next" (again) I get an error message that says "Error: An error occurred while setting scanner preferences. If the scanner is being used [which it isn't], wait for it to complete the task, and then try again."I'm using a Dell Dimension E510 with a Dell AIO 942.Please help, if at all possible. I've downloaded some file recovery programs, but have since removed them. I don't know what else could be interfering here.

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Lost Icons At Bottom Left Of Screen

Aug 30, 2005

I had a few icons at the bottom left of screen (next to the start button)for my email and a couple of other programmes. For some reason they have disappeared, how do i get them back, I tried dragging and dropping but they just pop back to the desktop.

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Add Or Remove From Taskbar At Bottom Of Computer Screen

Dec 9, 2006

Add or remove from the taskbar at bottom of computer screen. I forgot.

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Task Bar Moved From The Bottom Of The Screen To Vertically Up

Oct 12, 2005

My wife was playing cards and when I went to computer after she had quit the task bar had moved from the bottom of the screen to vertically up the right hand side of screen. How do I get that moved back to the bottom of screen as it should be for me?

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Bottom Half Of Screen Fuzzy After Boot

Sep 18, 2008

Dell inspiron 1300. The laptop goes fuzzy at the bottom half of the screen when the computer starts. It goes clear again straight when the booting sequence starts. (sometimes it boots fine). I am also getting random BSOD's now. Memory_managemet / fault to non paged area / usb etc. I was thinking mabe someting in the bios/motherboard is corrupt. An update to the bios didnt fix it.

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Start & Task Bar Moved To Side Of Screen Instead Of Bottom

Jan 14, 2005

How do I move the task bar from the side where it mysteriously wound up back to the bottom of the screen?

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Mouse Jumping To Bottom Right Hand Corner Of Screen?

Dec 12, 2005

My mouse is jumping around alot, I have noticed it jump to the bottom right hand corner of the screen a few times. Optical mouse, Dell inspiron l2200 Laptop, brand new, 1.4Ghz, 504mb of ram, XP home. My laptop has been slow since I got it. I have HJT and CleanUp!, Adware, Norton, McAfee and Ewido.

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Start Button - Fill Bottom Left Corner Of The Screen

Aug 16, 2005

This may be somewhat esoteric but... Under my start button there is a sliver of the taskbar - either blue, silver, or olive green depending on the theme chosen. It wasn't always like this. The start button used to go all the way to the bottom of the screen without any 'line' below it. Has this happened to anyone else? Is there a way to make the start button fill the bottom left corner of the screen again?

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Shut Down On Boot Up Hangs - Black Screen Showing White Bar Bottom

Dec 10, 2004

My computer shutdown and on boot up it hangs at the black screen showing the white bar at the bottom. I have Windows 98 and 2000 on my computer and neither will boot up from C:, CDROM, or StartUp/BootUp disks. When I try to boot up from the Windows 2000 boot up disk it sometimes will not get passed the blue screen showing 'Windows 2000 setup. Once or twice it has shown some functions in the bar at the bottom of the page. I have tried to boot up using Windows 98 start up disk but most times it hangs at C:. Last night it did open Windows 98 but would not let me reinstall 2000 or do a repair. It now is hanging in both OS. I am told it could be my memory...but how do I check? Upon start up my memory check shows all is okay. I have ran the utility disk for my hard drive and it says all is okay. Before I invest in new memory is there anything else I should check or try? My computer is older and the memory is quite expensive.

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Cant Type Password Into Password Box On Logon Screen Win Xp Home

Dec 29, 2005

I have just installed a linksys wireless router onto my desktop computer to add a wireless laptop and for some reason, when the User Logon screen comes up. The hand cursor never becomes a cursor for me to type in passowords to user accounts. I went into safe mode and then into control panel and deleted the passwords for each user acct and now I can get into the accounts but how can I add the passwords again and be able to type them in. We have 3 user accounts on this pc and would like to have them password protected.

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Downloaded Mail Live - Lost All E-Mails In Hot Mail

Aug 17, 2008

I upgraded to Windows Live Mail and now am unable to view my previous e-mails in my hot mail account that i have had for years. How do i retrieve these e-mails that i believe are still on the server?

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Mail Recipient E-mail Program In MS Word

Jun 18, 2005

I don't know what happened, but my default e-mail program in MS Word changed
by itself and now when I try to send to and mail recipient it uses Outlook
instead of Outlook Express like I originally had setup.

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CMD - Command Prompts

Mar 16, 2006

I am running xp on my home 'puter (sony vaio a-290) & an unable to use the cmd prompt.I can open the cmd prompt now ( it used to flash & then disappear not so long ago) but am unable to type anything in it. Very frustratingThe command prompt is almost equally frustrating. Altho it allows me to type & run an ipconfig, for some bizarre reason, it will not allow me to ping anything. If I type ping & then an ip or address, when I press enter, the command prompt closes.

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Get Rid Of Those Security Warning Prompts

Jun 23, 2005

Is there a way to get rid of those security warning prompts when I'm tring to install programs? I've disabled everything in the security center but that didn't help.

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Password Screen / No Password Works

Jan 23, 2006

A few days ago I tried to update my families pc to SP2 so I could get all the updates etc. It seemed to install alright, but then when starting up it gave me some drwatson.exe error which ended up freezing the pc. So I did what I thought was safest at the time and that was to go back to a restore point and then maybe try reinstall SP2. BUT, after restoring, windows suddenly showed the password/log on screens. I now can't log on as Administrator OR Guest. Nothing works. I've tried EVERY possible password that I could have used in the passed, but nothing works. So now I can't get into the pc at all. I've tried booting up in safe mode and logging in as administrator with a blank password, but that doesn't even work. I've read a lot about it online, and it seems the only solution would be to reinstall XP. But would that work as a format and erase some of my files and/or settings? Or would it just be like an upgrade?

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Scan Prompts For Disk - Correct CD

Jan 8, 2007

Intel Dual Core 2.4Ghz / XP MCE SP2.Running sfc /scannow I get the following message that is well documented on this forum and elsewhere: "Files that are required for Windows to run properly must be copied to the DLL Cache. Insert your Windows XP Professional SP2 CD-ROM now."My problem is that I know I am using the correct CD, and I can't see why Slipstreaming should be necessary, but I still get the error.Some history:01 New PC supplied from manufacturer with XP MCE SP2 backup disk02 Reformatted the HDDs and rebuilt the PC how I wanted it to be using this backup disk to load the o/s03 After installing a particular application I startedto get odd behaviour so ran sfc /scannow04 The error reported above occurred so I checked that the CD has a full i386 directory (it does, of course given I used it to build the PC)

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Opening Folders Prompts Installation Process

Nov 4, 2007

I'm running XP, SP2, and every time I open a folder, whether My Computer, Control Panel or on my desktop, the installation of Adobe Acrobat begins. If I then cancel the installation, the desired window opens up and I can navigate up and down as normally - it only happens on the initial double-click to open the folder. The only thing I've been doing recently that might have changed settings and prompted this was in attempting (without success) to set up a home network. I've run a full AVG virus scan without results.

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Won't Remember Logins And Passwords - Prompts To Save Every Time

Dec 14, 2004

My PC won't remember usernames and passwords though it prompts me to save them after each time i login.

I have turned it off in Autocomplete and put it back on and no effect.

i did some changes in the control panel as advised by a website to boost game speed.
One of these was to go into the control panel and then admin tools and system and disable some of the automatic loaded programs.

I have also lost the windows xp theme and cannots ee how to restore it.The option is no longer present in the themes available.

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Disable The Windows Service That Prompts The Security Warnings

Jan 29, 2010

How can I disable the windows service that prompts me when an executable file is from any unknown publisher? The attached image is a screen shot of the security warning. I don't care about any of the associated risks with disabling this, I've already disabled the windows firewall and security center, I just find this pop-up quite aggravating and would like to know how to make it stop

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Try To Play Video Play At Bottom Left Hand Side Of Screen / Nothing Plays / Audio Or Video

Dec 29, 2004

i have a problem with windows media player, whenever i try to play a video, it says play at the bottom left hand side of the screen but nothing plays, audio, or video, what do i do?

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Log On Screen With No Password

Aug 26, 2005

I'm using the logon screen with one user with a password. The logon cursor
used to automatic such that everytime the welcome screen appears, I do not
need to click on my username before I type in my password. Recently, due to
reasons unknown, it no longer does so and it's a nuisance to keep moving my
mouse to click on the username before I can type in my password.

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Logon Screen Asking For Password

Sep 3, 2006

pc has gone back to the logon screen, which is fine, but its asking for a password per user and we have no passwords defined! So I dont know what to key, have to reboot it then it forgets about asking for these passwords which have never been created

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