AVG Unable To Heal" Dropper.Inor Virus

Jan 2, 2006

I have a Windows XP-based PC. AVG has detected the "Dropper.Inor" virus, but is unable to heal it. When I attempted to heal it, Should I try AVG's "Move to Vault" option or is there another course I should take?

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Unable To Remove "Trojan-Dropper.VBS.Inor.cz" Trojan?

Apr 1, 2006

I have windows xp, i have avg antivirus and have run the tests in pc pitstop and done a regular search thru windows for the Trojan-Dropper.VBS.Inor.cz but can't locate it on my pc. My IE browser freezes everytime i go to a particular site and yet when i ask if anyone else has trouble with that site only a very few people say yes. The solution they give me is to download Mozilla and use it for that site. That doesn't protect me from the trojan completely infecting me does it? Can anyone tell me how to delete this trojan?

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System Effected By 3 Worm Virus W32 Spybot ,w32spybot KHC And Trojan Dropper?

Mar 31, 2005

i have a packard bell laptop which is about 2.5 years old and has windows XP home pre loaded i have got infected by 3 worm viruses w32 spybot worm ,w32spybot worm KHC and trojan dropper. in an attempt to remove i decided to use the pc restore disk to restore all setting to factory settings however i have now done this twice and still appear to have the viruses is this normal or am i doing something wrong.

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Banker Dropper And Downloader Trojan Horses

Aug 9, 2005

I have AVG free edition and it found 8 trojan horse viruses. Funny that the free program picked it up but my Zone Alarm Pro hasn't said a word.I can't cut and paste the paths bu one is C:program files/dell/R61444.exe and another isC:i386/CISVC.EXE, C:windows/$NtServicePackUninstall$cisvc.exe and several more It says they aren't healable and the source is a back up copy. Back up copy of what I do not know, I don't remember using a back up copy of anything. When I tried to put one it detected this morning in the vault it said if I did that it might cause something to become unstable.I did get another error message that said something about copies of something had been replaced with unauthenticated (I think) versions, and that something could be unstable (this was after AVG ran and said I had the viruses)and to insert the xp home edition disk. I did that and pretty much didn't know what to do after that so I took it out again.

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Trojans, Viruses, & Adware Trojan Horse Dropper.Small.7.AR?

Dec 31, 2004

computer is effected by viruses 2 Trojan horse Dropper.Small.7.AR 1 Trojan horse Downloader.Agent.AS

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Unable To Delate Virus

Sep 10, 2007

I have problems with many virus, it has killed my computer. I have tried everything ,but cannot get rid of them. I have an anti-virus program but it will not get rid of them.

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Unable To Delete Spyware And Possible Virus

Dec 31, 2004

I have attached my log from AdAware showing the files that I can't delete.Also, here is my HiJack Log. Computer is acting weird, the taskbar will not hold it's settings (keeps turning off the quick launch) and occasionally the screen will just show the background, not files and I have to restart the computer.

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Unable To Format And Install Xp After Virus Attack?

Feb 7, 2010

I am having sony vaio vgn-fe8555e which is having default vista but i have degraded to xp sp2 and worked well for sometimes but recently my laptop got attacked by virus..i tried to clean but cudnt do and i decided to format and install the OS but unable to format and even boot and load windows(PC will get restart if i go for windows) and unable to read XP CD for installation

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Unable To Delete Virus Named Hboth07 ?

Dec 26, 2006

this virus named hboth07 cannot delete has tried several programs but because he never backed up his hard disk cannot afford to lose all data after all this time. i cannot find anything on this name

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Unable To Remove Trojan House Virus 16.AG?

Sep 3, 2005

I have XP professional and I have a virus called Trojan House 16.AG. Can anyone help me to remove or fix this virus.

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Virus Cleaning - Unable To Reinstall The Printer

Aug 4, 2009

Recently my Dell Dimension 4600 became badly infected. Malwarebytes antimalware and Spybot Search and Destroy now declare my PC virus free, but I have one artifact of the infection. Control panel as well as my software no longer sees my HP8450 printer. This problem first appeared when I was infected, this did not occur during or after cleaning. HP's online troubleshooter does not solve the problem. Further, I am unable to reinstall the printer; I have the original install CD and when prompted, Windows install wizard doesn't recognize the files on the CD. Trying a version of the software downloaded from HP's website, the install sees the device but cannot complete the install. I can't uninstall the printer because Control Panel doesn't recognize it as being installed. The printer is connected via USB cable and all of my other USB devices (mouse, keyboard, external hard drive) all work as they should. The printer was fully operational before the virus infections (Virtumonde.prx and Win32.TDSS.rtk).

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Unable To Login To My Laptop Possibly Due To Virus

Oct 23, 2006

I really need your help to fix my computer. I have my company laptop with me, it's Dell Latitude D820 with Windows XP Pro installed on it. Recently my computer got some worm, but i ignored it, because i didn't think it was really a thread, however it actually opened the backdoor and downloaded some trojan (low risk - i don't remember the name of the virus), i noticed it when i connected my computer yesterday morning and the virus has been deleted by symantec anti virus. However i need to edit some registry on my computer, so i did that, i changed some of them, by the end of the day there was no problem at all

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Unable To Get To Desktop To Reformat Computer After Virus

Feb 20, 2009

My computer has been messing up alot lately and i've ignored it because I was getting a new computer and at the worse, I could get someone at any point to look at it at their leasure to fix it up.But that was suppose to be 2 months ago and my computer does not let me get to a safemode/command prompt or the desktop to let me use start/run and the such. I put in the CD and i get a hal.dll error that its missing or corrupt and so far, each way that I can fix that requires me to go to desktop and do so. I want to reformat my computer so that it will run at the very least until I get a new computer. Also, when I say 'unable to get to desktop' i mean it shows just the wallpaper and doesn't let me even go to task manager.Does anyone have any solutions? I need a computer for school so that when i want to work late nights on a project or something, i can instead of getting off my parents' at 9pm and being screwed.

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Unable To Do Virus Scan In Safe Mode?

Nov 3, 2009

I am trying to boot into safe mode in Windows XP (office) to deal with trojan horses (Vundo.gen.w/spy-agent.bw.gen.e) infections. I am able to get to the safe mode option screen via "f8", but it will only load some drivers and then it returns to the safe mode option screen (endless loop).
Further I cannot access the system config utility via "run". I open up the run dialog box and type "msconfig" nothing happens.
An ideas? What would happen if I run a full virus scan (with system restore off) without being in safe mode?

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Unable To Change Desktop Background After Removing Virus?

Jan 24, 2006

I'm being driven insane by this. An office laptop running XP Home was riddled with malware - spyfighter, pcadprotector, CSW.HomeSearch etc. I've managed to remove them all after a full day of hassle but I'm still left with a frustrating issue in that I cannot adjust the desktop background. The properties box is greyed out for backgrounds. We have a simple peer to peer network (workgroup in fact) and no internal security or policies. What can I do before I throw the thing out of the window?

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Unable To Remove Virus Trojan 16AG From System?

Sep 3, 2005

I am running XP professional and have a virus called trojan horse 16.AG it is located in my systemvolumeinformationrestore file and I can't find this file or cannot remove (Fix) this virus.

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System Attacked By Virus / Unable To Delete Folder ?

Oct 10, 2005

i have an external/portable hard disk. i connect it to my laptop by usb.everything used to be okay, i mean with all the contents inside it. but now recently i have this problem with this particular folder. all folders could be clicked, highlighted, right clicked, accessed; but this one folder, whenever i attempt to highlight it/select it, or when i single/double or right click it, the window would just freeze.

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Computer Infected With Virus / Malware - Unable To Start

Aug 29, 2008

I've been trying to help a friend who has a computer that is horribly infested with virus and malware. My friend had no recovery partition or any type of Windows CD. After downloading and running Spybot and Avira Antivirus the computer began to run much better. Everytime the computer would startup, Avira found a virus called "Winlogin.exe". I tried the "Quarantine" option but it kept popping up. Eventually I just clicked "Rename". Now when starting the computer it loads the Bios and goes to the XP boot screen - and then restarts - over and over and over. I've tried booting in safe mode - same thing.

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Unable To Detect Sound Card After A Virus Attack?

Jul 12, 2008

Ok, I don't know how to start this, but a few days ago, my computer contracted a virus (which I have cleaned successfully) and around the same time of the virus, the sound on my computer stopped working. I'm not exactly sure what information someone would need to help me, but I'll put what I think might help (because I really need my music

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Virus Attack / Unable To Open System Volume Information?

Nov 15, 2007

virus seems like to attack system volume information..what is system volume information?my antivirus(bit defender) can't delete virus contains in it.so how i managed to remove virus that infect system volume information?

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Unable To Open Task Manager After McAfee Virus Clean Up

Oct 11, 2005

I got a virus, McAfee cleaned them and now today I cannot open task manager. It opens then closes that fast. McAfee still finds no viruses. I've ran ewido 2 days ago and spybot. IE sometimes doesn't load and I cannot access the resistry from RunRegedit.exe, it also opens then closes.

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Unable To Change The Default Home URL From 'about:blank' After Virus Attack?

Jan 18, 2005

I am trying to cleanup a machine running Windows 2000 (not sure what release).I've run AntiVir, Spybot, Adaware, and CWShredder, but am still experiencig problems. For example, I can't change the default home URL from 'about:blank'. AntiVir found many archieves (probably more than 30) with 'infected file' that couldn't be deleted. Most of them appeared to be .dat files, but one was a .cab file (polmx2), which I suspect is part of the problem. I'm also guessing there may be hidden files becuase I couldn't 'find' them in Windows.

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Unable To Access Go To Desktop : System Wont Work After Virus?

Mar 16, 2007

i got windows xp home and im unable to enter my desktop or login, when i start up i get to the windows xp home logo and the process bar, but after that everything turns black and stays that way forever.i can't enter safe mode, the computer simply dont let me, i tap the safe mode options key, f12 for me, not f8, but the screen never shows up, it's like it doesnt register the key is there, i can tap f8 to get the booting options and f1 for bios options, but not the safe mode.

this happened after i found a virus in winlogon.exe, the AV deleted it and that is when things got messed up, although i have done this before actually, but then i just repair installed windows and everything went back to normal, but when i try this now, it doesnt work, it installs windows all over again, the blue screen and the yellow progress bar, but when it's suppose to reboot and then continue the installation

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Unable To Remove A Trojan Spy Virus / Computer Running Very Slow?

Jul 9, 2005

I inadvertently downloaded spyware about a month ago and since then my computer's system has been slowly deteriorating. I downloaded lavasoft and adaware but they did absolutely nothing to remove problems.Recently my entire computer's screen is blue and says "A fatal error has occurred...error caused by Trojan-Spy.html.smitfraud.c" I'm afraid to use the internet on that computer.

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Virus Changed Background - Unable Access Task Manger Screen

Dec 21, 2008

it has locked me out from changing it. Initially, I was unable to access my task manager screen until I ran Windows onecare scan. it cleared up the virus but I still cannot get into my regedit (it states registry editing has been blocked by your adminstrator). My background change occurred as a part of this virus....

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Installed Virus Removal Programs / Unable To Play SWAT Game?

Jan 19, 2007

I ran a bunch of different spyware removal tools and now whe nI try to play swat-4 TSS I have the most terrible lag in the world. Played this game for a yr with NO problems. Lag problem started after I ran those programs. I am curious if the spyware removal proggies didn't take a file or two that I need for internet connection.I know there was somewhere in win 98 that I could check windows for missing corrupt window files and have them replaced and or repaired can you do that with XP and how do I get there ?

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Unable To Remove DMVLite Virus From Computer / Antivirus Wont Work?

Jul 27, 2006

After uninstalling a number of suspect programs, I ran my anti stuff, AdAware SE, Ewido, Spybot, Ccleaner, AVG, Stinger, CWShredder and Housecall. Got rid of a lot of Trojans & spyware. There is still a suspect, something called DMVLite, cant seem to uninstall this one. Google search only led me to do an HJT log. Not to sure I want to do that.I also tried to uninstall a program called DVD Sentry, but it said the Windows Installer 3.1 was missing.

Maybe most important issue. Ran Belarc, said it is missing 40 critical updates ! There is a Windows Update Shield that says it has a download to install. KB888162,it detects if SP2 is properly installed, it is NOT.Wants me to uninstall SP2. When I go to uninstall, I get all these, cannot copy files.My question is, is it OK to click cancel on these cannot copy, since I cant seem to do anything else anyway.

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Getting Virus Named As "Surfsidekick 3" / Unable To Delete ?

Jun 29, 2006

I'm having some serious problems with malware and something called Surfsidekick 3.It won't let me remove it with Ewido or hijackthis or spybot or anything, I don't know what to do. I tried removing it manually and I get a message saying it's in use. The computer is locking up and I dunno what to do.

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Trojan Horse Virus Infaected Embedded Object - AVG Anti Virus

Jul 20, 2005

I have the trojan horse virus. I'm running AVG Anti-Virus.

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Anti Virus Site To Remove Trojan Horse Virus

Jul 31, 2010

Does any computer wiz out there know of an anti-virus site that will remove the rojan horse virus free? I know that all downloads are free,but once they find all the infected files,they won't remove them with out u paying for them

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Virus: Xcechinu.dell? Semantic Anti Virus Picked

Apr 4, 2010

There is little to no information on this little guy, but it looks like xcechinu.dll is a Virus, if this is legitimate or not, but I cant remove it with anything that i have at the moment

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