2000 / Can't Boot On Compaq

Oct 18, 2003

I have a Compaq Presario 5000 with 192M of RAM, 866MHz, and 40G HD. It had Windows Me loaded on it, and I tried installing W2K, but it didn't work. Here is the error message that I get: couldn't open drive multi(0) disk(0) rdisk(0) partition(1)
NTLDR: couldn't open drive multi(0) disk(0) rdisk(0) partition(1) As some of you suggested in other potings, I made sure that the boot from CD was the first option in BIOS. I tried installing Windows 98. NT4, 2000, and XP using bootable CDs and startup disks but didn't get anywhere. I booted in DOS and formatted the HD and used different partitions sizes and formatted them in FAT and NTFS, and I still got the same result. The cable is connected properly to the HD and there are no apparent damage/problem with anything inside. Linux works like a champ on it, but windows doesn't.

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Compaq Laptop: Which OS 2000 Pro Or Home

Mar 17, 2005

I was given an old Laptop from a National Canadian Bank. Here are the following statistics, It currently has Windows 2000 Professional but since it was from a Bank it has quite a bit of Bank related Software and Network settings. I was looking to format the drive and install Windows XP. I was told in another post on the forum that perhaps my laptop might not be the optimal to my system. Which Operating system should I install on this system?

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Would Like To Upgrade Compaq Laptop To 2000

Sep 28, 2005

I have been thinking about upgrading my laptop computer to Windows 2000. Hopefully I don't have problems when it comes to finding the right drivers for my laptop computer, but the other thing that I am worried about is downloading the updates. My computer is only 300MHz with 96 MB of RAM in it, I only connect at 28.8 on the phone line and I haven't got a network to connect my laptop to high speed. Is there a way that I can download seperate updates for Windows 2000? Is there a way I can download Internet Explorer 6 and save it?

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Compaq 2000 Operatig Disk

Dec 10, 2005

If its possible to get a compaq operating disk with win. 2000on it, to install on a compaq deskpro evan though it was created for a compaq evo ,got to get away from windows 98 now microsoft dont support it. thanks in advance for ant responce

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Compaq Nc6000 - Cant Boot Up At All

May 16, 2007

THis dang laptop is frustrating the heck out of me!!!!! I have a couple issues going. Sometimes when I boot up, it goes to the desktop then randomly either reboots on its own or freezes to the point that I have to use th power to shut down as Ctrl-Alt-Del does NOTHING!

Here lately another issue has been more frequent in that I can't boot up at all! I was able to get on the HP site today (once) and it suggested reseting the RAM so did that...no luck...the battery works when it's charged, so eliminated that. I have 2 AC adapters that are fairly new so shouldn't be that I think. What it's doing now is when I power on, the power LED doesn't come on. THe hard drive is solid green, then the battery is solid yellow, then the green goes out, then the yellow goes out and nothing. Through this whole process, the screen is black.

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Compaq Presario S6389UK Won't Boot From CD

Aug 21, 2009

I have a Compaq Presario which will no longer boot up, it won't even get to the Login screen. I am trying to use a bootable CD to re-install Windows XP but it gives an error. Is there a certain type of bootable CDs for Compaq Presario. Error: DISK BOOT FAILURE. INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PREE ENTER

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Compaq Win ME Old Virus? Won't Boot Up, With Floppy

Mar 16, 2007

I have an older Compaq I have ignored for over a year. When I turn it on it acts like it is always in run mode, no disc in it. I used an old floppy to re-boot to no success, I downloaded an ME Boot file of net and loaded it onto my 512mb stick and slid into the usb port also with no success. My intention is to boot the PC up enough to retrieve some data and then do an FBI wipe on the hard drive and start it like new. can i get this up and running without wiping everything first?

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Compaq Presario Wont Boot

Apr 6, 2008

My machine had a power loss during start up and i cant get it up and running again can someone please help i have many things on the system that i just am so desperate to keep.Current Situation.Power up moves in loops of on off after 30 seconds with the following on screen message,[B]We apologize for the inconvenience but windows did not start successfully A recent hardware or software change may have caused this.If the computer stopped responding , restarted unexpectidly or was automatically shut down to protect your files and folders choose last known good config to revert to the most recent settings that worked.If the previous start up was interupted due to a fpower failure or due to a power failure or because the power or re-set button was pressed or if you arnt sure what caused the problem,choose start windows normally.

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Remove The COMPAQ Screen That Comes Up When Boot Up

Apr 5, 2005

Is there a way to remove the COMPAQ screen that comes up when I boot up the PC? I dont want to see that anymore.

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Computer Freezes At Compaq Boot Screen

Feb 4, 2005

My computer was working fine this morning, I didn't download anything or do anything different, just normal web searching. As I'm loading a web page, the computer freezes. I Cntrl Alt Dlt and nothing, so I turn off my computer and turn in back on, it reboots to the Win screen where you sign in as an identity, I enter my password and it freezes. Again, I have to reboot the computer manually, and it freezes at the Compaq screen that comes on when you first turn on the computer. I turned off the comp, opened it, removed my fan, blew it out a bit, removed the processor and reseated it (in the process, reseated it incorrectly and bent a far corner prong, attempted to straighten w/tweezers, and ultimately BROKE it off...DOH!). I wasn't sure if the broken prong would have a big effect, so I reseated it correctly, reseated my memory, and tried again, same thing, just hangs at the Compaq screen

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Computer Boot Sequence For Compaq Presario S6300nx

Sep 11, 2010


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Compaq Presario Wont Boot Up Even In Safe Mode

Oct 25, 2009

I have a Compaq Presario Computer with windows XP on it. recently i started getting an error message which says lsass.exe and the computer doesnt go any further after I click on ok which is the only option there. It just goes to a blank black screen. someone mentioned to me that i should try to do a system restore on it through the safe mode, but that doesnt work either becasue same error comes even in safe mode. i have tons of data on this computer and i cannot afford to lose it. i need a way to recover my data. it seems to me that the only option i may have is ot do a system recovery through the cds that i got when i purchased the computer, is that true? someone also mentioned to me that if i have the Operating System CD then i might not have to do anything but just repair. How does this work?

I cannot seem to find the O.S cd, where can i get it from? Is it the same as the Windows XP cd? also, this problem has been occuring since a few days now and of course i havent been turning on the computer since there isnt much i can do, so by this problem just being there is it making it worse or not? i just dont have the time right now but does that mean that the problem just sitting there is harming it further? Some people have also told me of how to recover data using Ubuntu or something, how good is that? please help me in this asap.

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Compaq Presario Won't Boot Up - Power Came On And Allowed Me To Eject

Dec 7, 2005

I have a problem with a Compaq Presario running XP Home. I took the CD player out and cleaned out broken pieces of a CD that was destroyed in it. I got it cleaned out, put back together and now the pc won't boot up. I don't know what went wrong. Cleaning the CD player was quite easy and went back together okay. I hooked all of the wires up the way they were. On the front of this computer, there are two lights. One on the left which is green, and one on the right which is orange. Normally, when the power button is pushed, the green light comes on first, then the orange light comes on during the loading process. You can see the boot process on the monitor.

Now, after hooking it back up today, when the power button is pushed, the green light comes on, then the orange one comes on and goes back off after a moment. The green light stays on. Nothing at all shows up on the monitor, not even a blinking cursor -- it just stays blank. It stays that way indefinitely nothing. The monitor light is on so it is apparently getting power, but shows nothing. I'm sure the monitor is hooked up correctly; it can only be plugged in one way. While I had everything unhooked and was cleaning the CD player, I plugged the CD player back in for a moment and plugged in the power cord to the pc and pushed the power button. The power came on and allowed me to eject the empty tray. I did this to get the tray out of the way so I could clean beneath it. I tried to turn the power back off with the pc power button after ejecting the tray and it wouldn't seem to shut down.

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Compaq Blue Screen - Ummountable Boot Volume

Oct 15, 2004

I get a blue screen "unmountable boot volume" What does this mean??

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Boot And Install Windows On Compaq Presario Using Flash Drive?

Oct 10, 2010

I have a compaq presario x1000 that is virus infected. it loads windows very slow and the dvd cum cd rom does not work. how can i reformat my laptop? is it possible to boot it using a usb pen drive since my dvd cum cd rom does not work?

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2000 Trouble On Boot

Jan 22, 2006

My computer had been running slow ( It is a 610 Compaq EVO laptop) and I had been getting memory dump occurences all along here. I tried cleaning up my PC doing defrag and using Adaware, etc. prior to my final dilemma. I had been in safe mode doing some of this cleaning up and now I have this problem after rebooting.

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Unable To Boot To Win 2000?

Mar 24, 2006

I had an istallation of win 2000 which i couldn't boot to.
It was freezing at the windows screen ( after the bios loading and the f8 option to choose ).
I tried to boot
1. from the emergency repair disk failed
2. from the original win 2000 Cd succeded but when reboot from the HD failed.
I also tried the repair option but wasnt able to boot from the HD.
At a point wasn't able to boot anymore neither from the win 2000 CD.
I decided to install win 2000 at the same HD without making a new partition and now i have win2000 at C:WINNT1 ( the new ) and C:WINNT ( the old )
The file systen is NTFS.
Now i can boot to the second installation.
Is there a way i could transfer or merge the old installation to the new one ?
My nightmare is to do all the programm installations from scratch ,configurate the varius programms and so on.
I'd like to repair the first installation of win 2000 and after that i can boot to it , delete the second one.

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Boot Xp Instead Of Win 2000 Dual Partitions

Apr 15, 2010

i have Windows XP Home edition i got the "NTLRD is missing press ctlr alt del to restart" error i do not have a windows xp cd i found a Windows 2000 server CD and i installed windows 2000 on the same hard drive but on a new partition i can now boot Windows 2000 in my computer it shows two drives
C: and H:

c=Windows 2000

h=Windows XP

i found the NTLRD file online and placed it in H:now how can i boot windows XP instead of Windows 2000 ?

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2000 Pro Freezes Totally After Boot Up

Apr 9, 2005

I recently had a computer guy install Win 2000 professional on a computer that had previously had win 98 which was really hosed bad. ( a clean install) Now, of all the luck it freezes after just a few minutes or perhaps 10 minutes sometimes. I mean it freezes, it will not respond to Ctrl Alt Del at all. Nothing will unfreeze it short of the reset switch. Weird huh?? The only thing I can think of that might have happened is I tried to do a Norton Live Update and it stopped and said that it did not complete, gave a long list of error messages of what did or did not happen and to contact tech support with the full body of message. I don't know if I am even registered with Norton all I know is that is says I have 365 or 364 days left on my license or whatever.

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Boot Up Error / 2000 Professional

Jan 1, 2008

SystemRoot/System32/Drivers/asc3550f Erro status was oxc000012f Windows 2000 Professional system I recently purchased this computer system ($50) for my Mother who simply does e-mail and games (not on line games). I had to remove malware at first (can't remember the name) and had to install msconfig as 2000 did not have this feature. Now upon booting up, a window pops up with the above message, however upon clicking on the small x to close the window, then computer boots up and she uses it. Nothing else happens. I decided to go into the WINN file and found a folder (drivers) and actually saw the little driver file "asc3559f" and was going to simply remove it by copying it to another folder, shutting down and trying to reboot but must admit, I chickendd out. She lives about 100 miles from me so I didn't want to cause trouble and left it alone and I am now beginning to think since it boots after closing the pop up window; leave well enough alone.

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Dual Boot 2000 And Home

Apr 30, 2007

I was having trouble accessing my Windows XP Home edition from my dual boot Windows XP Home/Windows 2000 Professional system. I used both Win2K and WinXP CDs and their respective repair functions and no help. When I select the Windows XP Home operating system from the boot select menu I get a message that some file for Windows 2000 is corrupt and to use the Windows 2000 CD or F8 function.

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Operating System 2000 Won't Boot

May 11, 2006

I have a problem in my office computer. It has two operating systems, namely, win98 and win2k in C: drive. The other partition is used for data storage and back up. Some days ago when I started that computer to work in win 2k it simply restarted again and again. So I am now unable to boot into 2000 and am forced to work in 98. Can someone tell me about the solution of the problem so that I can boot into 2000?

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2000 - Not Boot - CPU Unworkable Or Changed

Sep 5, 2005

I've a neighbor down the hall using Win 2000. It will not boot. It shows a message as follows: CPU is unworkable or has been changed. Please recheck Soft Menu. I can get to the Soft Menu but any change results in the same message. I'm sorry that I don't have more information about the configuration of the PC.

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Inaccessible Boot Drive 2000 Server

Apr 7, 2006

I have a win2k server with an adaptec 2410 raid controller with sata drives.

Today I get a blue screen that says inaccessible_boot_drive when I try to restart the server. I was going to haul it down to my local computer shop as I need it back up quickly.

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Dual Boot Drive Setup 2000 Pro

Jun 8, 2005

I have two hard drives, both of them with Win 2000 Pro. The First has been the master in machine one from the start. The second HDD has been in machine twoand that machine has crashed so bad that it is not worth the time, energy or money to fix it. This second HDD has important data on it that is only accessable through older programs that are only on this drive. (It is a church membership data base program and a church financial record program) I have the added problem that no one in the office has a clue where the install disk are for these programs and they are not where they are suppose to be (this was before my time). I would like to place the second HDD in the first machine and set up a dual boot so the user can choose which drive to operate from. There is the added problem that the computers only have a restore disk that came from Dell and not a full Win 2000 Pro CD.

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Black Screen During Boot & 2000 - No Harware Problem

Mar 7, 2008

A few years ago, my P3 733/GeForce 256 system running Windows XP stopped booting up. I would see the logo screen, the bar would go almost all the way across, then the screen would go black and the monitor went into standby mode. Attempts to repair my installation, and even clean installs didn't work. The RAM is fine, the video card appears to be fine... I can't find any hardware problems

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Download Program - Create Boot Up Disk For 2000

Mar 26, 2005

Does anyone know where I can find a free download to create a bootup disk for Windows 2000?

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2000 Boot Discs - Access System - Monitors No Signal

Dec 31, 2006

A friend of mine needs win 2000 Pro boot discs. I don't think this is illegal as a microsoft site says if you have problems to make from a friends. He is the only person I know who has it. Need the discs to access his system. Probably infected. Cant get it to start, shutdown, nothing. Sometimes monitor says no signal. Sometimes works. Checked wires. Put in an old spare video adapter card, starts to work fine but freezes before I can do anything. I do not have a floppy drive so I need to be able to burn them to a CD.

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Normal Boot Screen Will Come Up With The "compaq" Logo

Dec 26, 2004

I originally had XP Pro when the problem first started. When booting, the normal boot screen will come up with the "compaq" logo and F1 for setup f10 for restore, and then normally proceeds to the windows xp pro screen with the scrolling bar at the bottom. Now on boot, this bar will stay scrolling acting like it is trying to boot and it takes literally anywhere from 6 hours to 3 days to start up. I used restore points and the same thing happened. When I start in safe mode, the normal safe mode multidisk prompt comes up and even that will stay on winsys32driversagp330.sys for the same amount of hours before it finally boots up. I also reinstalled my windows xp.

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KB890923-2000-XP / Cannot Install On 2000

Jun 3, 2005

Im installing a brand new pc and I just downloaded all the latest fixes and patches for the OS and the Browser.except one, KB890923. Everytime I try to launch through Windows Update it says it cant do it. SO I attempted to download and run it manually and it states that the program is not a valid Win32 application.

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2000 Professional And 2000 Server

Aug 17, 2007

Am I right in thinking that they are both pretty similar except that server has support for multiple processors and extra network related tools and facilities. The reason I ask is that if a piece of software works on Windows 2000 server, is it extremely likely that it will work on Windows 2000 professional too? As a bit of background information: I work for a small company which supplies temperature monitoring equipment which needs to be networked. I've been told that it has been tested on Windows 2000 server but not on Window 2000 professional.

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