Black Screen During Boot & 2000 - No Harware Problem
Mar 7, 2008
A few years ago, my P3 733/GeForce 256 system running Windows XP stopped booting up. I would see the logo screen, the bar would go almost all the way across, then the screen would go black and the monitor went into standby mode. Attempts to repair my installation, and even clean installs didn't work. The RAM is fine, the video card appears to be fine... I can't find any hardware problems
My laptop has started to freeze at times,then the screen would blackout then appear with a black screen with a blue box inthe middle giving BOOT DEVICE OPTIONS Hard Disk Drive, CD-ROM/DVD, Floppy Disk Drive, LAN Boot it froze blacked out and now keeps going to this option page ,where as before if you turn off then on it rectified itself.
when I turned on my computer and got the blue screen of death, so I restarted my PC. Then a black screen came up saying "Windows could not start beacuse the following file is missing or corrupt : windowssystem32configsystem."
You can attempt to repair this file by putting the winxp cd in etc...
Now when i turn on my computer there is just a black screen showing, with nothing at all on it.
my computer would give me a few problems while booting up. I would start the computer, it would run through BIOS, run through the Windows loading screen, and after that it would run the CHKDSK to make sure my disks are fine. CHKDSK doesn't work, it just freezes right before checking the disks, so I restart and generally it will boot up. Most of the time it would boot up perfectly, but rarely would it go to the xp loading screen and then flicker as if it as going to go to the windows login screen but wouldn't. The screen would just stay black and I'd have to restart.
Next time, generally it would work perfect.So this brings me to the current day. After the windows xp loading screen, it goes black. The computer is on, but I don't see any activity for the HDD via the LED. SO i go into safe mode, i finally get CHKDSK to run, I had to really mess with some stuff to get that working. Windows says the volume is fine, and the only way I can boot my PC is in safe mode, but even that will freeze sometimes while loading some of the files.
it all started when I ran Nod32 antivirus. I ran it because I had some viruses on my computer that I wanted to get rid of. After the scan there were 180 some detected objects that were quarantined or deleted. So then I restart my computer and after the windows xp logo there is just a black screen with no cursor. And after awhile the computer will just restart and try booting up again. I tried going into safe mode and safe mode with command prompt but I still get a black screen with no cursor. The last known good configuration doesn't work either. I'm pretty frustrated because I did nothing wrong. I am also having a feeling that nod32 might have quarantined some infected files that are essential for Windows Xp to boot. I also do not have any windows xp disks with me how to fix this?
its my previously-formatted HP Pavilion dv5201tx! The problem is as the title above. I can go into safe mode. I've used system restore twice. And in Documents and Settings folder I noticed it has:
Administrator description name description name.000 username1 username2
Is it creating more user folders? At some point description name.000 wasn't there. Corrupted registry hive? I'm not sure! Restarted many times, used Last known good configuration, and it's still black after the boot screen. Please help!
I want to install Windows XP Professional edition on my old PC which is currently running Linux Fedora Core 6.0. the problem is after I boot the Windows XP CD, it says configuring the hardware and stuff like that, but then it goes black and nothing happens after that.I had Windows XP on this computer before and it was fine, the only thing I have changed is the monitor, which is now a very old Dell e770p. might that be the problem? or is it the CD problem? (I could open the content of the CD in my Linux Fedora though)
I never thought that I, who can usually troubleshoot problems on my own, would be posting this, but here I am I have a Dell 8400 computer that is about 6 months old. Recently, I tried to install Debian Linux onto a spare IDE hard drive that I had. I did so, and rebooted to run off of my Windows SATA drive after I had installed linux to the IDE drive. I had to leave the house, but when I came back, a black, blank screen greeted me. It had been over two hours and Windows normally boots in less then a minute tops. I resarted, booted off of the correct hard drive, got the NTLDR prompt with the correct boot.ini information and selected the option to boot WIndows XP Normally (my other option is a /safeboot). Black Screen Again! I know that my files are still on the drive, as I can boot into Debian and mount the drive and everything shows up fine and can be accessed. I also can read files fine by booting off of a UBC4Win or BartPe disk. The power supply, videocard, and heatsink fans all are running fine, so the issue is most likely a driver issue.
After i start my computer, everything goes fine until the Windows XP boot screen. It screen appears for about 3-4 seconds, than it stops thinking. After that I get a black screen for about 5 minutes. Than it finnaly boots. Anyone who can help this problem?
When I boot up I get a black screen with the following error message: ISASS.EXE failed to initialize properly. 0xc0000006. Click ok to terminate the application.When I click ok the message goes away and everything freezes with a black screen.
I have a Dell Personal Computer that is not booting into windows and you can't even see the Bios screen. It is just a black screen on boot.I tried another hard drive in the computer, but the same result happened. Tried the Hard disk from the faulty computer in another Personal Computer and it wouldn't boot up either.
When ever i start up windows it get threw the Windows boot screen then whens it suppose to come to the logon screen i see only black for no matter how long i leave it on!, i can still move the mouse, and thats all that happens i have a operating system cd, and if i got to repair windows what config do i type?
Im running XP and I decided to turn down my computer since it had been OCed. I went into the Bios and chose Load Optimized Defaults, saved to CMOS. Once the computer rebooted it would go through all its checks then the screen just goes black, So I went back in and Loaded Fails safe defaults to CMOS and the same thing.
I've just got an old XP machine out of storage, and gone to boot it for the first time in about a month. It's a dual boot with 98 on it which is never used.The boot process begins, seems to go through the correct startup procedure and detects all 3 drives. It goes through the BIOS startup ( the motherboard has LED's which show FF, I understand that this means the MB has completed the BIOS startup). It then moves to the 'choose your OS' page where you select the OS to boot. After the timeout completes, the screen goes dark, and nothing else happens. The PC keeps running, but nothing else happens. I've left it for 10 mins, and there is no change.
Vista on laptop and now want xp back on it. so i put this disc in that deletes everything and copys new files so i thought windows xp would of been back on as i have done it before. but i get a black screen saying BOOTMGR is missing. all i want to do is to get my xp back and it keeps saying ctrl alt delete.
A few weeks ago i had a problem with my computer where it would boot up until the XP logo with the blue scrolling bar, where it would freeze. I tried everything until i had no other choice but to format and re-install windows. Since this my computer has been very slow starting and increasingly so over the past week or so. After a defrag a couple of days ago it has pretty much gone haywire.I repeatedly got explorer error messages followed by dr watson debugger errors. Other problems include seemingly random restarts and general slowness after booting. Upon starting it this morning, it gets past the xp logo but then just displays a black screen. If i press space it asks me to select a hardware profile but this just does the same as previously mentioned. Also the hard drive light on the case is on constantly, as if to indicate that it is doing something.
I cannot boot into safe mode, as the system freezes at 'Mup.sys'. There is not much that i can do seeing as i can't get into windows. I also do not own a windows xp cd as my computer is a HP and did not come with an xp disk. i do however have a copy of their recovery disk, but i want to avoid using this as it will only wipe all my data which i do not want to lose.I am beginning to think it is the motherboard. any thoughts? temperature is at about 78 C at the moment, which sems about normal. both fans seem to be running as normal.
This is really BAD. I've never heard of this happening quite like this, but here it goes:XP will NOT boot at all. There is no sign of anything on the screen whatsoever. I can't get into safe mode, nor use a bootdisk as far as I can tell. I cannot get any control through the keyboard or mouse, apparently. It's as if the computer is not connected to the monitor. I bought this computer from a friend one year ago. He is knowledgable, and had cleaned it up quite well. It had XP installed as well as the usual stuff like IE5/IE6, Mozilla, Adobe, Zone Alarm, etc. He had 2 HDDs installed, partitioned into 5 drives, for a total of almost 175 GB. Athalon 2100 CPU, 512 RAM (IIRC), Audigy 2 Platinum SoundCard
I have an Intel DG31PR with 1 GB memory and Windows XP Home. When I turn the computer on the Intel logo and BIOS 2 settings appear then the screen goes back with a flashing cursor at the top left of the screen . I have to reboot several times before I can login. How do I stop this from happening?
When i go to boot a pc(my friends), it come up and shows the emachines logo screen then it shows the windows xp loading screen but then the screen goes black and nothing i restart it and a screen comes up that says the CMOS and Video BIOS are shadowed.i treid removing the battery from the motherboard for 5 mins and still same problem.
when I boot the computer it comes up with a black screen , white lettering and it says select startup system to start there are 2 choices ( help and Microsoft windows XP ) and there is a timer counting down allowing me 30 seconds to make a choice using the arrow keysIf I select windows XP the computer goes through the boot sequence and windows starts.If I let it time out or select the "help" It takes me to a second screen that has several options
I cannot start up XP. When I do a black screen comes up to try and boot up in other modes,( safe, normal, with previous configuration etc). None works. I went to BIOS message and it states an IDE driver for Fasttrack is missing/ not connected?
i have a Gericom Official Notebook computer, it will not boot up at all, the power comes on and i think its the fan i can here spinning, and the lite comes on, so the power ok. the hard drive light flashes twice But the screen is totally black, and there is no POST beep.
My computer has been acting screwy. While i have been playing a game my screen would freeze and black out, or just suddently black i would have to shut it off through the back switch. this was happening for about a week. This problem happened again last night only this time it wont let me boot back into windows. it will boot up to the windows logo loading screen and restart, after this restart it will tell me windows did not boot properly and ask to continue with safe mode with networking, and console.(still rebooted with all choices) and windows normaly (rebooted) and windows with last safest configuration (still rebooted). occasionaly it will get to scandisk, after the scandisk it will lock up or reboot, if it gets passed scandisk without rebooting it gives me a blue screen
I cannot boot my XP machine. In safe mode it also says safe mode in white text in each corner and shows windows build details at the top. I have trying going back to previous good config - same problem. A normal boot just leads to a black screen with a movable mouse arrow - no sign of a login screen. I have tried a recovery reinstall from a an XP pro CD from another computer - this took about 40 minutes and went through all the steps normally (with normal graphics displayed duting the reinstall) but after finishing the same problem is still there.
Only now the windows build info in sfae mode reports SP1 (originally didi not as the computer was supplied with XP before SP1) I am at a loss to know what to do to get the machine wordking without a refomat of the hard disk, whcih will destroy all my data, and my partners stuff too - mostly not backed up, as usual.
I've recently purchased an HP G50 laptop, and decided to wipe off Vista and install XP - I did this with a few laptops before, no problem. However this laptop is proving to be a real headache. It won't boot from the Windows XP install CD at all The furthest I get is at the "Press any key to boot from CD" prompt, then the screen stays black. I booted without the hard drive to see if this was causing the issue, but the problem persisted. The CD had no problem booting on 4 other machines. I tried a different CD and that didn't make the problem go away. The laptop will boot any Linux install/live cd I shoot at it, yet it refuses to boot the Windows XP install CD.
I left a MICROSOFT WORD CD in the player and shutdown, the next day I turn on the computer and the CD started up, and it has gone to black screen with cursor each time I start it now. I get 2 choices, F2 or F12. The 4 code lights on the back panel are all green indicating no problems, what can I try?
My computer shutdown and on boot up it hangs at the black screen showing the white bar at the bottom. I have Windows 98 and 2000 on my computer and neither will boot up from C:, CDROM, or StartUp/BootUp disks. When I try to boot up from the Windows 2000 boot up disk it sometimes will not get passed the blue screen showing 'Windows 2000 setup. Once or twice it has shown some functions in the bar at the bottom of the page. I have tried to boot up using Windows 98 start up disk but most times it hangs at C:. Last night it did open Windows 98 but would not let me reinstall 2000 or do a repair. It now is hanging in both OS. I am told it could be my memory...but how do I check? Upon start up my memory check shows all is okay. I have ran the utility disk for my hard drive and it says all is okay. Before I invest in new memory is there anything else I should check or try? My computer is older and the memory is quite expensive.
Powers on to the normal blue screen. Black screen comes up that says We apologize for the inconvience...etc. etc. windows did not shut down normally and gives the option for last know good configeration, start windows normally, safe mode, etc. Tried them all and it just goes back to the normal blue screen and back to We apologize for the inconvience. F10 system recovery does the same thing.I would like to be able to fix this and not lose any of the information I have on my hard drive. I did a total back-up about 7 months ago (13 DVDs worth) and do have some backup through Norton 360
My main pc is stuck in a boot cycle giving me the black screen with options to start in safe mode etc etc and when selecting one of those options it reboots to the same point. When I press return the system tries to start it attempts it, clicks then goes back to boot cycle. The Windows XP system disk won't cut in like it should so I cannot gain control of the pc.
System is a Dell, 2years old and has had various viruses despite having the usual protection. I am currently using my old trusty Advent Pentium 3 for this message (which has never had the same degree of virus prob's curiously). After the first virus Dell talked me through using Ghost - brilliant. Within a couple of days it was hit again and usinng Spybot got rid of the virus but PC kept displaying the message rundll.dll file damaged. So I used XP Recovery seemingly with no problem only to find it won't reboot.
After browsing through many of the threads here I have decided to post my own as I am unable to come to any conclusions. MSI, Pentium 4 1.9GHz, 2x60 GB HD (Maxtor ???), 2x256MD DDR-266, It won't boot at all - none of the F8 boot options work, which I have tried several times after recieving the following error
I have a computer that I formatted the hard drive on. Then installed Windows XP Pro. When it boots up, it goes to a black screen and has Windows XP Pro and Windows XP listed with the Win XP Pro selected and boots to it in 15 seconds or so if nothing is selected. I have read somewhere about this before and have NO clue where I read it, but does anyone know how to get rid of the option (Win XP) that really doesn't even exist on the hard drive?