Windows Explorer Won't Open Multiple PDFs In Adobe Reader
May 4, 2014
I have Adobe Reader 11.06 installed. I can open a single pdf perfectly well from Explorer, but when I double click on a second pdf to open it, nothing happens (it doesn't open). This only happens when I already have one instance of Adobe Reader open - opening the first pdf works just fine. And if I close the first one, I can open the other file (I just can't open them simultaneously). Opening a second file from Adobe Reader's open file dialogue also works fine.
After some investigation, it seems that when I open multiple PDFs on my SSD (which Windows is installed to), it works perfectly. It only runs into issues when opening PDFs located on another hard drive, which is an issue for me because my Dropbox folder is hosted on a separate hard drive.
All you have to do is disable security measures in Adobe Reader XI (Edit -> Preferences -> Security (Enhanced) -> Sandbox Protection -> Enable Protected Mode at startup -> turn off).
When I open a .pdf it uses the Reader app. I have no problem with that except when I am on a website it opens the pdf in a new half window. Meaning the original site and the .pdf each are in their own side by side window. Yes I can drag it to full but everything I read said it should open full. Or at least that's how I would like it.
I have not found any settings to make it always open full. I should say that if I just open the Reader app on its own it does open full screen.
Computer is: Gateway SX2185-UB37 AMD E1 2500 APU Radon HD 8240 500 GB HD 8 GB DDR3 RAM (had 4 but I put another 4 G stick in there due to windows 8 being soo slow)
Anyway, our problem right now is with PDF documents, she can download & view PDF's if she downloads them, but she's not a computer guru like me and just wants to view them in firefox when she clicks on them inside the browser window, but for some reason PDF's won't load in firefox, and we're not sure why.
Does that functionality require Java or flash or something? otherwise we're not sure what could be causing it. sure we're missing something though. Why PDF's aren't loading in firefox in Windows 8.1?
Not sure why, have never experienced this in previous versions of Windows,but I can't seem to get pdf files to open in Firefox.
Using the latest version of firefox, video drivers, and adobe reader.
Got adobe reader installed fine, and adobe flash player installed fine,but still pdf files won't open in firefox.
when I click on a pdf file to open it in the browser, it doesn't do anything,its like the link to the pdf won't open at all. Happens every time.
Only way I can open pdf's on the web is to right click on the pdf link,click on 'save link as' download it to the computer, and open it in adobe reader.
I can do that, problem is this is my wifes computer, and she's not as computer literate as I am, so she has to ask ME to do all that for her whenever she comes across a PDF document on the web, which happens alot with her taking online classes right now. don't want her to have to call me every time she needs to open a pdf document ya know? especially when its something small like a groupon or something she only needs to view once to print the thing...
Is there any way in doing this automatically without right click> open in a new window and when you click on diferent folders for the current open one not closing?
Gateway SX2185-UB37 AMD E1-2500 APU Radeon HD 8240 graphics 500 MB HD 4GB RAM (I upgraded to 8GB after noticing Windows 8.1 was running way too slow on this machine) problem: installing Adobe Acrobat Reader
error: running the installer from from within firefox or IE
I get error saying "invalid function in Dynamic Link Library C:windowssystem32dxtrans.dl error window appears and continues to appear over and over after pressing OK until you either restart the computer, or somehow close the running task, but I've yet to figure out how to get to the task manager since this WIndows 8 stuff is still very new to me. I keep telling her for now she can download the pdf's and use the built in adobe reader, but apparently she's been having issues with that too lately. I think she wants to be able to read them in her web browser but without being able to install adobe reader she's not able to do that so.
I hate the PDF reader on windows8. It opens the PDF and I cannot minimize it or put another program in front of it. Is there a way to minimize it or a better pdf reader aside from adobe?
I just downloaded Adobe reader 11, and have been trying to open pdf files from the "My Documents" folder. Specifically files that I have just written and saved from MS Word. Adobe says: "There was an error opening this document. Access denied." However, if I save the file into the Downloads folder, it will open no problem.
I have Adobe Reader loaded on my Windows 8 system. If I have a PDF file saved to my local drives I can open it no problem. When I'm in Internet Explorer and click a PDF link, it starts to load then freezes. I have to use the Task Manager to end the process. I've tried both versions 10 and 11 of Adobe Reader but both freeze up.
This is a new HP Desktop PC Intel i7 3820 Processor, running Windows 8
I just purchased new Insignia multi-card reader connected to machine, got the windows connected sound, but nothing in the windows exporer pane (what was My computer in XP and Win 7)...went ahead and connected my cf card... still nothing, should show Nikon D3 (all may cards are named for the camera they get shot in ) ... ???
card is a transcend 16gb 1000x ... computer is win 8.1 pro 64bit, 16gb ram, processor: AMD a10-7850KAPU with Radeon R7 Graphics, Motherboard: Asus A88X-PRO
I use a card and card reader for accessing lock boxes in my real estate profession. The company is called Sentrilock. I have installed their card reader utility and when I insert the card into the usb card reader, an internet window opens [URL]
If everything is working properly, there is supposed to be a green bar at the top of the screen to renew my card. It does not appear, tech support at Sentrilock says ports need to be open in the firewall but they couldn't give me further information.
System Info Utility version OS Version: Microsoft Windows 8.1, 64 bit Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3330 CPU @ 3.00GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9 Processor Count: 4 RAM: 8063 Mb Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 620, 1024 Mb Hard Drives: C: Total - 1894353 MB, Free - 554948 MB; F: Total - 1430795 MB, Free - 308017 MB; G: Total - 99 MB, Free - 68 MB; I: Total - 953766 MB, Free - 881853 MB; Motherboard: Dell Inc., 084J0R Antivirus: Windows Defender, Disabled
I'm on 64 bit and have 8.1 Pro installed. When I double click a file reader does not open. This wasn't the case before the upgrade. Tried multiple times but it just doesn't open. Went to Task Manager and noticed 8 instances of Acrobat Reader and shut them down all one by one. The files started opening again. After a while again I have to go back to the task manager and close reader which is cumbersome and irritating.
I started using a second monitor recently, and ran into an issue when opening a folder. When I try to open any folder both screens will flash grey and then go back to normal, but the folder won't open. If I try again then the folder will open with no grey flash. If I switch back to just one screen, the same thing will happen, along with all of my icons being rearranged.
Possible to open multiple instances of the desktop app or if there are any third party applications which could add such functionality. I would like to use the built in side by side app feature but for programs running in the desktop so I can have something like notepad++ or visual studio open on the left side of the screen and have a steam or twitch chat open on the right so I can free up my second monitor for full screen viewing of videos/games/websites. I know I can do this by resizing the windows manually but it is very clunky and harder to manage when I want to close a program or open new applications.
I have a bunch of folders in the File Explorer that I would like to copy the names to a word or excel document instead of retyping them individually. Is there a way to do that?
Windows Explorer as well as other desktop programs failed to respond to a right click from any interface. I was also having printer errors that involved total failure to print. At first, I thought I needed to uninstall all my Epson software and printer, but that resulted in no change. This was likely a Context Menu Handler problem. It suggested downloading a Shell File Extensions View (ShellExView - Shell Extension Manager For Windows) from NirSoft version which was free.
The first download I did not use out of fear so I accessed the Context Menu area via regedit, but saw no way to disable any suspected third party Context Menu Handlers. So, in the end, I swallowed hard and ran the NirSoft application. I was able to see all the shell items in the registry, and sorted them by age, the most recent was a Context Menu Handler from Norton Internet Security occurring during the most recent update.
The manager software allowed me to disable just that one handler, and after a restart, File Explorer and everything else behaved normally. So, now I am posting this so it only takes you less than an hour to address this issue, where I spent 4-5 hours on it. I reinstalled the Norton Internet Security and all is still well.
I have 8.1 with IE11 which will not run or open. In desktop mode the icon lights up for about 3 seconds, no window ever shows up and then the icon goes back to normal. In metro mode it spins and maximizes on the screen but then goes away before anything else happens. I've tried several things to get this fixed including...
netsh winsock reset at DOSremoving IE11 and adding back via Turning on or off Windows features in "Programs and Features"Removing any and all AV or Firewall software.Applying all Windows updatesResetting IE11 using its own reset button in "Internet Options"
Other browsers such as Chrome seem to work fine. I can ping by IP and name so I don't think its IP stack related.
I upgraded from windows 7 to windows 8 pro and internet explore will not open at all from any icon or area. I read where someone removed Logitech web cam to fix the issue, but I do not have that.
The Navigation Pane on the left side of Windows Explorer has six major categories from top to bottom as follows: Favorites, SkyDrive, Home Group, This PC, Libraries and Network. When I open Windows Explorer, the cursor is positioned on the Library Category. I would prefer the default cursor position to be on Favorites. I assume that there is no easy way to make this change, at least without editing the Registry somewhere.
Here's what happened. Yesterday in the morning i was on my laptop (windows 8).
When suddenly, it started going really slow. I restarted it and every time i log into my account, i goes a bit slower, but not too much. Then whenever i open Google Chrome or Internet Explorer, the disk space goes straight up to 100% and doesn't go down. I went into safe mode and it didn't go slow then so it must be something else. I also downloaded AVG and scanned my computer but it found no threats. I have made a new account, which goes slow sometimes but is fine most of the time.
I am new to Windows 8 and need to use my laptop for my business and am very frustrated right now. When opening a PDF from an e-mail attachment, I don't know how to close it out after I'm done viewing it. And now every time I try to open a new PDF attachment, it is bringing me back to the same PDF I opened yesterday (which happens to be my credit card statement!) and won't open the new PDF I need to view and print.
Whenever I go to open my Explorer folder or if I haven't opened it in a while it is very slow to open. Takes maybe 5-10s to open up when normally it used to be instant.
This is the folder I am talking about if there are any confusion: View image: Explorer
I already ran my norton antivirus, the spybot search and destroy software looking for malware but there was no thread. also i deleted some programs that i thought could be adding right click capabilities to my right click menu(as even if i right click on a folder,it freezes) but it still the same.
For some time now, I cannot load pdf files, even though I have installed and updated Adobe files. This problem started (perhaps) when I installed something called PDF Viewer, some months ago. I have deleted that but still I can't get pdfs to load.
This is any browser; Opera , IE, Chrome....all updated, Adobe Reader updated today, Chrome updated to 36 today...
PDFs that are supposed to be emailed, via a button on a webpage, come to me unopenable, and if downloaded, are unable to be loaded due to some format issue.
I tested the same functions on a Win XP laptop, with same Chrome and Adobe Reader version. It worked fine, on the same network and ISP.
WHAT is it about 8.1 that precludes anything from getting PDFs down in one readable piece?
I'm so fed up with Adobe Acrobat -- why do I need to install 2GB of software to do simple .doc to .pdf conversions. So I'm curious, is there a free, or relatively inexpensive solution to do the following?
1. Convert Word documents into PDF. 2. Convert web pages into PDF from a web browser.
Currently I am in process of imaging and distributing new Dell XPS 12 with win 8. I setup one machine exactly how I want it, with all the programs,pdfs, and weblinks, and placed all of the tiles where I want them. I then created a new profile, replaced the tile placement file with the one that has all of the tiles I already created. I rebooted the machine, signed back on with the new profile and all of the weblinks and pdfs are missing. Any way I can get these to keep? I really do not want to have to recreate all of the tiles for 40 new machines.
I built a computer recently. Since day one I get BSODs but the drivers, and Bug/Checks listed are never the same.I was thinking it couldn't be a single device or driver so I've:
Replaced the MOBO. Repair Installed the OS. Replaced the RAM.
It BSOD'd multiple times between each change.
The only things I've run are IE/FF and Ableton Live 9. Ableton is usually running during the BSOD but it was not the last time.