Apps / Software :: Way To Open Multiple Instances Of Desktop Application?
Apr 20, 2014
Possible to open multiple instances of the desktop app or if there are any third party applications which could add such functionality. I would like to use the built in side by side app feature but for programs running in the desktop so I can have something like notepad++ or visual studio open on the left side of the screen and have a steam or twitch chat open on the right so I can free up my second monitor for full screen viewing of videos/games/websites. I know I can do this by resizing the windows manually but it is very clunky and harder to manage when I want to close a program or open new applications.
I installed an HP Office Jet J4580 in Windows 8.1. It works fine.
However when I go to 'Devices and Printers' and right click on that printer (it is the only printer I installed), it shows a drop down box with three Office Jet J4500 Series. I can select any one of them and they all work, for instance when I print a test page.
Screenshot of the dropdown list: View image: Printer properties
It bugs me that there are 3 listings of that one printer.
On my old Win 7 and Win Vista and Win XP laptops I've had no problems opening and viewing my old MPEG-2 video files. My new laptop running Win 8.1 will not allow me to view them.
Windows Media Player will only recognize them as audio files - not video - though the sound will play. Real Player is the same - the application will open and begin playing a file but only as audio file. I've tried the built in Toshiba media player and it shows errors and won't open the files at all.
Again - these are conforming MPEG-2 NTSC 760X480 video file (old analog home movies) captured using an ATI video card dongle to connect to my video source and an old version of capture application ULead Video Studio. These files conform in every way to MPEG-2 standard/format and will run on all of our PC EXCEPT the new one running Win 8.
I bought and loaded a video editing application from Corel and it will open and play these files perfectly so why won't Win Media Player and Real Player recognize them when running behind Windows 8?
I reformatted my Windows 8 partition this week and reinstalled Windows 8 and then Windows 8.1 beta due to a no sound and unexpected shutdown issue I had been having. All is well now with the new install, I have sound and it is no longer shutting down randomly. However, when the desktop view is first accessed after boot (whether from the desktop tile or by starting "control panel") I get 8 separate instances of Notepad that pop up, each with a dialog box containing a little yellow triangle with an exclamation mark and proclaiming "Access denied".
All instances of Notepad are blank, and once I dismiss the 8 dialog boxes and close the 8 Notepad windows, I can freely go back and forth between the metro and desktop interfaces without them launching again.
Full disclosure, during the reinstall of Windows 8, the machine still experienced unexpected shutdowns (3 or 4 times) during the early stages of getting updates. Once a certain point was passed in the update process, it has been rock solid, and has run continuously for the past 48 hours. The unexpected shutdowns could have certainly introduced some problems as above, but I don't know where to look.
This is a homebuilt AMD quadcore desktop dual booting Windows 7. No problems whatsoever on the Win 7 side.
I have accidently set my .ext default program to Notepad and I want to change it back to an unknown application I have tried deleting it in regedit and it just sets it back to notepad even when I restart my computer afterwards
About an hour ago I was playing Dota 2 (a game application via Steam) when it crashed. There was no error report or explanation, it just crashed to the desktop. Upon restarting it, after a few moments it again crashed.
I attempted to restart my computer and got stuck at an American Megatrend BIOS screen talking about a CPU failure. Going into BIOS I shut off the CPU Fan monitors and was able to successfully restart the computer.
After a few moments I got a BSOD error, Watchdog_Clock. I restarted and again after a few moments got an IRQL BSOD error.
I downloaded an application called SlimCleaner and this seemed to resolve the BSOD errors, but the Dota 2 crashing without explanation is still occurring despite verifying the cache, and then deleting re-downloading and re-installing all together.
... without closing/minimize the metro app? When I'm working with Photoshop I always have my email open because of the meeting notes. The problem I'm having now is that everytime I focus back on Photoshop, the mail app closes/minimizes by itself. The same thing goes with Skype
I know that you can open that tiny multitasking window on the side, but it's just not efficient. Is there a way to remedy this?
Since updating to 8.1 my apps don't open in start screen.. I click on the app..the screen goes directly to the desktop and the blank app screen sits in the desktop tool bar. I can't open any of the programs. I have a Gateway ZX6980 ..
Although I have an Oo shortcut icon on the Desktop & a listing under 'Documents', I also have an Oo tile in the Start menu. Why when I select the tile does it open on the Desktop. If I delete the shortcut icon & the Document listing will this allow it to open as a full-screen site from the Start menu?
Out of the blue today when I opened PSE 11 and then tried to use it to open a file on my Desktop, it went to sleep. Task Manager showed it "not-responding". Rebooting the computer did not work. After a couple of tries, I waited for 2-3 minutes and it then displayed files on the desktop. I switched the location it was searching, which was Desktop to my photo folder, and everything started working normally. Closed and restarted, and it was fine opening files from my Pictures folder. But, when I switched it to Desktop it went to sleep again for 2-3 minutes. At one point it got a message, which I forget exactly, but basically saying it could not find the file it was searching for??
It seems unique to the Desktop location. The Desktop is part of the operating system (Windows 8.1), and on a SSD. The Pictures folder is on my HDDs. I don't recall making any changes to the setup.
Summary of the symptoms:
1. Only is slow with File, Open, or File, Open As, when the location is the Desktop 2. Operating system (8.1) is on a SSD. Normal file folder is on HDD. 3. Same actions when location is Pictures on HDD is normal. 4. Process Explorer does not seem to detect any activity going on during the "sleeping" mode
I have Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64, with Update 1. I want to ask you, where can be problem.
CPU --> Intel(R) Core i5 3230M 2,6 - 3,2 ghz GPU --> Intel HD 4000 and nVidia GeForce GT740M 2GB (it switches how it needs) RAM --> 4 GB DDR3 and 1 600 MHz (1,6 GHz) HDD --> 750 gb with 5400 rpm --> (ST750LM022_HN-M750MBB)
I have installed windows like 2 days ago.
Now my questions:
1. Is it normal, when I just boot Windows, right after iccons apear, when I click to open some application, for example internet browser (using chrome) it takes long time? Like 6 seconds? But if I after windows boot wait 10 sec, then its working normally?
2. When I was playing some new games, actually BF4 and I minimized game, the Windows was responding horibly? Opening "My Computer" takes like 8 secs, opening browser takes even more..
Is it possible to have multiple outlook accounts come through your mail application on Windows 8.1? I can't seem to make it happen. It will only display the messages from the Microsoft account I am signed into. For example: On my iPhone I have 3 different outlook accounts linked in my mail app to come to my phone.
I'm trying to keep the windows 8 start screen open on one screen and have the other open to the desktop, but any time I click an app on the desktop the 2nd screen with the Windows 8 start screen minimizes. Is there any way to change this behavior?
I am running windows 8 professional on my home PC and running windows 8 home on my Venue 8 Pro. I downloaded the remote desktop app on my Venue and setup a connection to my home PC. It was very easy and worked (at least on my home network) Now the first time I tried to access the computer outside my home it says that it can't find the PC. Is the connection only good with me being on the home network? Do I have to install some third party VPN to access it?
when I start an application (such as word, excel, task manager, etc.) from start menu, windows goes to the classic desktop and runs the application itself. Once I have finished using it and close, it returns to the classic desktop, not to start menu.
Is there any way in doing this automatically without right click> open in a new window and when you click on diferent folders for the current open one not closing?
I started using a second monitor recently, and ran into an issue when opening a folder. When I try to open any folder both screens will flash grey and then go back to normal, but the folder won't open. If I try again then the folder will open with no grey flash. If I switch back to just one screen, the same thing will happen, along with all of my icons being rearranged.
I have Adobe Reader 11.06 installed. I can open a single pdf perfectly well from Explorer, but when I double click on a second pdf to open it, nothing happens (it doesn't open). This only happens when I already have one instance of Adobe Reader open - opening the first pdf works just fine. And if I close the first one, I can open the other file (I just can't open them simultaneously). Opening a second file from Adobe Reader's open file dialogue also works fine.
After some investigation, it seems that when I open multiple PDFs on my SSD (which Windows is installed to), it works perfectly. It only runs into issues when opening PDFs located on another hard drive, which is an issue for me because my Dropbox folder is hosted on a separate hard drive.
All you have to do is disable security measures in Adobe Reader XI (Edit -> Preferences -> Security (Enhanced) -> Sandbox Protection -> Enable Protected Mode at startup -> turn off).
Currently, I run Windows 7 Pro on dual 24" monitors, and life is good.
In Win 8, if I open the desktop tile, I presume that the default action is to open the full-screen desktop app on just 1 of the 2 monitors. I'm guessing that the "Start" screen remains on the 2nd monitor.
Can I have the desktop app open, full screen, across both monitors? Can I have icons for my so-called legacy programs littered across both monitors like I have them on the Win 7 desktop? Just to clarify, I am NOT asking about having the background wallpaper extend across both monitors. I want the actual desktop application to extend across both monitors.
As in image,i put a shortcut in startup folder for current user,that also appear in msconfig-> startup with status enabled but application is never run,If I go to that folder and dbl click on shortcut,it works,but on system startup ..nothing
i am wanting to install some application that i had on my windoes XP 32 bit....but when i try to install them to windows 8 64 bit,there pops out a message saying that the applications are not supported by the system .....Is there any way to make a 32 bit application to run on a 64 bit windows 8?
I have used two XP PCs to separate US and Canadian versions of Intuit Quicken and Turbotax (I am a dual citizen). I did this because I learned the hard way that funny things could happen, as it seems there can be some conflicts when each are on the same system. Now that Microsoft has encouraged me to buy a hot new XPS 8700, I am considering how I might accomplish this on one system.
Establishing a separate partition with another instance of 8.1 seems logical, unless someone has another idea.
If this is best/only way to achieve this separation, does my MS license allow this, and how do I access it^
I just recently changed my OS to Win 8.1 (from Win 7) and a java application I have (*.jar) is pointing to Python to open it. This is obviously wrong. If I download the latest version of Java and install it, the icon changes and the app works great. The "jar" externsion is associated with java. When the PC is rebooted a few days later, the icon is now the Python one and "jar" is now associated with Python.
How can I get it to "stick" that *.jar is associated with Java?
I have very annoying problem with Windows 8. The problem is in metro control panel "PC Settings". I don't know what is the reason for removing all apps control in the Notifications menu.
I had this problem so many times and the only fix for this that I know - is to create a new microsoft account or to do clean install (which I don't like to try).
I'm currently running Windows 8.1 Update with an NVidia 660TI with two DVI monitors at 1920x1200 and a 1080p TV from the HDMI output. I'm having trouble with the 1080p TV in that when I drag an application (Store or Win32) onto the screen, the top and bottom is truncated when I maximise it. For example, if I drag Windows Media Player over to the TV and maximise it, the play, forward and rewind buttons when visible are cut in half at the bottom of the screen.