whether the Sony HDR-SR12E handycam is compatible with Windows 8.1? I am trying to decide whether to buy this video camera, and it will be nearly as expensive as my computer. I have asked Sony and the Sony forum but have not received a response. To be honest, I don't know how the operating system is involved with transferring AVCHD files from the hard disk or memory cards of a handycam. I notice in file associations on my Windows 8.1 system that .mts (AVCHD) files can be associated with programs, and I have Adobe Premiere Elements 11 installed, and the user guide indicates that AVCHD files can be imported. I'm in unknown waters with transferring files from hard disk video cameras.
before purchasing I wanted to confirm if Logitech C110 webcam is compatible with Windows 8. I could not ensure the compatibility from Logitech website.
I am trying to install a driver for the Epson perfection 1200U on my grandpa's new windows 8 PC. Problem is that the scanner is too old and epson doesnt provide a driver for this scanner for windows 8. But how to uncheck "show compatible hardware" in device manager when you are trying to update drivers on a specific device.
I get there by right clicking on the device, selecting properties, "browse my computer for driver software," then "let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer," then after that the window that appears does not have an option to uncheck "show compatible hardware." And so I can't continue
I'm a new user to Windows 8 and am having some problems. First, everytime I try to open the store it tells me I'm not connected to the internet, but I am. I've tried running the troubleshooter, but it does nothing. Additionally, I tried logging into Mail, but all I see is a three-tone white screen that has zero information on it. And yes I had an Outlook account before Windows 8. Last, I receive warnings about certificates with many websites I visit, including a few run by Microsoft. If I'm not mistaken, all of this is caused by McAfee controlling my firewall, and I seem unable to disable it and regain control of my new computer.
I am having a problem with my windows 8 gaming computer. all the metro apps that are on my pc can't access the internet. mail, store, weather, news, finance and metro IE. desktop IE works fine, as that is how I am posting this. I noticed this happening after I had a ZEROACESS virus infection, and I removed the virus with Hitman pro beta. I also ran sfc /scannow and It found corrupt files, but was unable to repair some of them.
I've been using Windows 8.1 Preview and today I decided to load up the store and the store won't connect to the internet. Other apps work just find but the Store won't connect to the internet. It shows I have 28 updates to install from the store but when I click on the store icon just takes me to the can't connect to the store try again later.
I am setting up an Acer Iconia that has Windows 8 installed and after setting up the server connection I can't access Windows Store. The message i get is: "Your network proxy doesn't work with Windows Store." I have changed firewall settings to allow the tablet through the firewall but still get that message. What is the ip address for Windows Store so I can allow "no user authentication" for it?
The Windows App Store will not open. It spends a while thinking about it, then eventually times out. I would like to update to 8.1, but I think this is evidence of a bigger issue.
I think the real problem in my proxy settings in IE. The LAN settings have the Use Proxy Server permanently checked. No matter what I try, it wont uncheck. I have tried selecting the automatically detect settings box and putting in a dummy config. I ran Malware sweeps, ran virus sweeps, I removed any IE Add-ons. Reset IE. But it still wont let me uncheck that box..
It looks like there is a manual override within the Registry.
Does not recognize my Airport Extreme or Express even though they are working fine and recognized by my iMac in the other room. I currently stream iTunes via the iMac, but would prefer to use my Windows 8 machine. But, so far, no go with Airport and iTunes does not have a speaker selector (probably cuz Airport not working).
Is 5.6.1 not Windows 8 compatible? If not, is there a more recent version?
I did the Upgrade Assistant from Win7 pro to 8 pro and this is what I was told:
Secure Boot isn't compatible with your PC
Your PC's firmware doesn't support Secure Boot so you won't be able to use it in Windows 8.
More info, I really want Secure boot, however. I have a UEFI BIOS. I am willing to upgrade or clean install, as I will never use the previous windows 7 version again. Is there a way to get Secure boot with my computer [when I upgrade to 8]?
Secure boot requires firmware that supports UEFI v2.3.1 Errata B and has the Microsoft Windows Certification Authority in the UEFI signature database. How do I get this?
When I go on the app store I receive a massage saying my internet is not connected when in fact I am connected to the net and can go on line with a browser. Similarly all the apps show "offline" status. Funny thing is that when on the startpage I can see that the financial ticker is uptodate, but when I go on the app it says "offline" and shows news from 10 days ago.
Is there a version of Itunes that's compatible with Windows 8? I've installed Version 11.0.4, which is supposed to be compatible, several times, but it just won't run.
After three days of trouble shooting my system with MS. It turns out that my Gigabyte X48-DQ6 MB is not compatible with windows 8. Intel X48 chipset is a no go at this point.
I began an installation this morning after paying FIRST the Windows 8 upgrade fee for the install.
The preinstaller said my machine might not be compatible because it appears that my processor would not support NX, but it would try to turn it on when installing.
Well.....after nearly an hour of installing at the very end it says... there was an error and your system cannot be installed and we are returning you to your original state.
I am STUNNED that Win 8 will not run on something as recent or advanced as an HP XW6200 workstation. What the heck is Microsoft thinking to design an OS that will leave out such recent and advanced equipment.
I've looked all over HP, MS, and the net to see if there is anything about these workstations and NX, but I cant find any info.
On HP website they simply say there is no information on whether or not the xw6200 is compatible.
I cant find anything in the BIOS to turn on NX.
I have several of the xw6200 and many more xw6400s which I am sure will be the same issue.
I have a HP Pavilion dv7 running Windows 7 64-bit and Office 2010 Starter. There is a known issue that when you attempt to run the Windows 8 upgrade Assistant, it displays Office 2010 Starter as "Not Compatible". In order to correct this, you need to install an update (KB2553141). The problem is that even with the update installed, the upgrade assistant still points the Office 2010 as not compatible.
The windows 7 usb/dvd tool will not recongnize my flashdrive. I am trying to install windows 8 on my friends laptop but it will not work it says there is no compatible flashdrive in the computer.
This is the message it says : There is the flashdrive i using, there is the information about the flashdrive
Is it the flashdrive and how do I get it to work. I tired using a fat32 format on the flashdrive that did not work either.
Most of the game i've installed are not compatible with my windows 8 single language. Of course my laptop's requirements are enough for the game but the problem lies within the windows 8. Are there any solutions to this matter ?
One week ago I bought a new Inspiron 15-5547 with Windows 8.1 preinstalled. I tried downloading some online games and they simply will not work. My machine freezes as soon as I log in. I've been told by a GM from one of the games that the problem is that the game requires DirectX 9 for graphics and what is being downloaded is DirectX 11 which does not have some files that version 9 has. I have bounced back and forth between the game forums and Microsoft without success.
I have tried downloading all kinds of DirectX End User Run Times from Microsoft and one of two things always happens. Either the installer says I have the newest version and I do not need DirectX 9 or the installer says that I do not have a version of Windows that can run DirectX 9. Apparently, that installer is old enough that it can't recognize Windows 8 as an actual version of Windows. The only other suggestion I've gotten is to install an older video driver from Dell and see if that will work.
for starters, this is a sony vaio e series laptop...
I know, if I enable the option, when I do a normal shutdown I can charge, say my mp3 player from my usb 3.0 port.
what I want to know is if I close the lid like I normally do at the end of my day, can I charge my device and not say..wake the computer from what is essentially a hybrid shutdown type sleep mode?
I have just done a clean install of 8.1 on my old MacBook Pro as I broke the screen on my normal laptop. I could only afford to give 40GB to this new installation so I'm quite tight for space.
I've always used [URL] .... to check for disk usage but in my case it is not useful as it shows size of items not the size on disk. I have to keep my OneDrive files on-line only to save space but as they are reported as part of used disk space I am seeing 150% of my disk space is used which isn't useful really. In Disk Management I can see it is only 59%.
Any utility like WinDirStat that shows size on disk?
If I decide not to buy the whole package of a new Windows 8 and 8.1 Desktop PC, will a Windows Vista monitor be compatible to run with Windows 8 and 8.1?
I just checked in my device manager and found and new device installed that I didn't install. It's a WAN miniport (Network Monitor) #2, which has the yellow triangle and exclamation point in it. Windows can't laod drivers required for this device. (code31)
I don't have any wireless hardware on my PC. This was installed on 5/15 and I believe it came with the last the 8 auto updates (18 of them I think) because the dates match. It wont update through device manager, it wont uninstall.
for some reason, windows 8 starts going mad (100% disk and ram usage) when i copy, highlight, or open a ~5gig mpeg2 file (hdtv recording)
right click > view image (to see full image)
no, this is NOT a disk problem...
i copied these exact same files from windows 7 the exact same day i copied them back to windows 8..
also windows 8 started going mad if i read these files from my backup drive AND my normal drive .. it happened with TWO separate files not just one and on BOTH hard drives windows 8 started with the 100% disk usage crap..
i did manage to delete both files through the command prompt, but it sure did take looong time... i then recorded another 5+gig tv show file on windows 8, and windows 8 started going crazy again ..
now my freaking hard disk does not show a normal status on a smart check!!
i'm 100,000,000% sure this is a windows 8 problem since i'm back on windows 7 using big mpeg2 files with no problems... but my f'ing smart check isn't showing good status anymore