Security Or Firewall Settings Might Be Blocking Connection?

Oct 17, 2010

when i surf the internet about 50% of the time i get the error "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage". And when i hit the troubleshoot tab it states "security or firewall settings might be blocking connection"

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3rd Party Firewall Blocking Network Connection And File Sharing

Mar 26, 2011

I've tried both Comodo and ZA firewalls. I prefer either over Windows 7 built-in firewall. The problem I have is after installing either of these I have control issues with Network Discovery and File Sharing. More exactly, even though the system shows these two items are off and/or disabled (manually), Start> Computer> Network will start showing available computers to connect to, whereas, Windows 7 firewall will inform me that both items are turned off. I use a public WiFi so this is obviously not a good thing. How to deal with this 3rd party firewall/File Sharing issue? Is the fact that the 3rd party firewalls are blocking any connection attempts a sign that everything is okay? Or should I just stay with Windows 7 firewall?

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Windows Firewall Blocking ICS

Jan 7, 2013

I'm currently sharing my internet connection with another computer (both run windows 7). The other computer can only access the internet if the computer holding the dial up connection has windows firewall turned off. I tried to add an exception in windows firewall for port 80 but did not have any effect.The local area connection adapter on the computer that's holding the internet connection has the following settings: [code] the other computer has obtain IP and DNS address automatically Using ADSL modem is a Sagem F@st 800 to connect to the internet no router used, just a simple cat-45 cable (i think that's the name of the cable!)

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Windows 7 Firewall Blocking Internet.

Oct 19, 2009

I have a fresh install of Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit on a new hard drive.

I have only installed 5 programs. CorelDraw, Adobe Creative Suite CS3, Jing (screen capture utility) Webroot Antivirus -Anti-Spyware for Windows 7 and WIDCOMM Bluetooth software for Win 7.

I installed Corel and Adobe...rebooted ...everything was fine.

I installed Webroot and WIDCOMM...rebooted...absolutely no internet connection.

I uninstall WIDCOMM then reboot. Still no internet.

I uninstall Webroot then reboot. Still no internet.

I reboot and then turn off Windows Firewall...reboot again. I have internet.

I turn Windows Firewall back on and reboot. No internet.

I turn Windows Firewall back off, reboot. I have internet.

So, I do a System Restore to the point before I installed the Webroot and WIDCOMM software and I have internet and it works fine.

Why would either of these software effect windows firewall in such a way as to disable internet access?

Is there some setting that I need to change / allow or something inside of Windows Firewall? I find it odd that with the firewall disabled I am able to get on the internet, but with it enabled, I can't at all.

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Why Is The Windows Firewall Blocking File Sharing

Jul 20, 2012

I used the standard trick of assigning permissions to the "Everyone" group to allow file sharing among all the Windows 7 and winXP computers on my home network. All was working fine until my son took his computer to school and they made him load their security software. When he came home for the summer, his computer could still see the network and file shares, but none of the other computers could see his shared files. This persisted even after I uninstalled the anti-virus software they made him install. I can fix the problem by disabling the windows firewall on his computer. That is probably safe here because of the firewall in my router, but I'm worried that might not be safe when he connects to other networks. Plus I can leave the windows firewall enabled on all my other computers, so I suspect there should be a better way around this problem. If I click "Diagnose" when my computer can't access my son's computer I get a message that says that windows can't find IPC$. So on my son's computer I opened a dos window and typed "net share ipc$" (a command I found from a google search about this problem). The response to this command was "System error 5 has occured; Access Denied".

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Firewall Or Kaspersky 8 Blocking Port In Utorrent

Jun 9, 2009

I am having some trouble with utorrent and getting an open port, I narrowed the problem to either windows firewall or kaspersky 8 or even both. If i disable firewall and kaspersky I can get an open port, but once I turn them on utorrent slows down indicating the port is not open. I have included utorrent as allowed in widows firewall but same problem. Has anyone had same prob or got some advice on what I should try?

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Windows Security Blocking Everything

Aug 13, 2012

Windows Security is blocking absolutely everything. I mean everything from downloaded and installed software to Windows core software and programs. The only thing it will seem to run is explorer.exe.Here is a screenshot of trying to open User Account Control from Control Panel. Sorry for the quality but I had to take picture on phone as can't take screenshot and upload as nothing will run.The original, slightly less, strange thing is the lack of running processes in Task Manager. Usually even on a clean new laptop then are half a dozen or more, from Windows own core stuff to manufacturer install rubbish. On this thing there is only the follow core services.

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How To Stop Windows Security From Blocking Programs

Mar 18, 2011

I am using window 7 pro. with MS office 10 and other non Microsoft programs. On Monday while I was updating my iPhone OS using ITunes, ITunes gave me an error message stating that it lost connection with my iPhone. I rebooted the Laptop and too many problems started to pop up since then. For starters, my iPhone was wiped out, where the only way to restore it was by going to the Apple store. Now, ITunes gives me Error 50?! The Apple Store tech avers that ITunes has nothing to do with the problem.

Since then, the majority of my programs are not working those that run require my permission to execute including Windows components such as control panel, security, uninstall, program install, etc. Excel and MS Word are working, but Outlook, Outlook safe mode, OneNote, ITunes, Skype, Adobe, windows troubleshoot, McAfee, Chrome, etc. are not working. They all missing important files or give me an error message. In contrast, I created a new user account without Administrative right. I can run all programs without any problems using this account, except for having to reconfigure everything all over again and having to provide an administrator's permission virtually after every click. I ran chkdsk, desk defragment and McAfee scans from the new user's account and all ran flawlessly and reported that my system is clean with no virus or bad sectors. I have 180 GB of free space. Note: I broke the screen on my lap top, and I used the HD in an exterior HD shell to retrieve some files while I was waiting on my LCD replacement. I had no issues before hand. The ITunes problem started after I reinstalled the HD in the Laptop.

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Security In Windows 7: Firewall And Networking

Nov 24, 2008

Can Windows 7 change the perception that Windows Firewall is security you use until you install protection that actually does something?

Like Rodney Dangerfield, Windows Firewall just don't get no respect. It didn't evolve appreciably in the transition from XP to Vista. It does its simple job well, but its lack of ambition makes it a punching bag for reviews of other, better personal firewalls. I can't tell you how many times I've written sentences along the lines of, "Sure, Product X stealths all your ports against hack attack, but heck, even Windows Firewall can do that." Good news: It looks as if Windows 7 will pull the firewall out of its slump. Some new features are visible and functional even in the pre-beta I've got running on my test system, and there's a tantalizing suggestion of more to come.

Hangin' with My HomeGroup

The firewall exists to protect your network, and Windows 7 starts by making it easier to configure that all-important home network. When users hit network problems, they curse the firewall—and they're often right to. Windows 7 addresses the problem by taking over home network setup and making sure the firewall doesn't interfere.

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Windows 7 Security Center And Firewall Will Not Turn On

Mar 28, 2011

Recently I got a Antivirus Antispyware virus on my computer, I ran Rkill and then Malwarebytes and it found the virus and I removed it. However now my Windows 7 Security Center firewall and my McAfee firewall will not turn on. With my Windows 7 Security center, when I try and turn it on it prompts me with a message that says 'Action center cannot turn firewall on, turn windows firewall on manually' so I click on that and I click the recommended settings and it gives me a message saying 'Windows firewall can't change some of your settings. Error code 0x80070422'. My McAfee fire wall will turn on for a second and then automatically turn off. I have tried many things and seeked for many solutions but so far none of them have worked.

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Best Free Firewall To Use With Microsoft Security Essentials

Feb 1, 2013

best free firewall for windows 7 and microsoft security essentials

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Cannt Get Firewall And Windows Security Center To Start

Aug 29, 2012

I can't get get my Security Center, OR my firewall to work correctly. When I attempt to turn my firewall on, it just quits responding. When I go into my services.msc to see if any of them are there.

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Security Center And Firewall Services Are Disabled On Each Boot?

Jan 2, 2013

The security centre service and the Windows Firewall are always on disabled status after each boot.The start-up type is Automatic for both of them but it won't stick after a boot has been placed.

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Windows Firewall Settings

Nov 9, 2009

Have a bit of a problem with my 'Windows Firewall'.

As you can see here, my 'Change settings' button is grayed-out. I don't know what to do, does anyone know why I can't access it?

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Difference Between Blocking The Sender Versus Blocking The Senders Domain?

Apr 30, 2012

I seem to have had a surge of spam. Many supposedly from "techdaily at (various domains)" Any others have this?Whats the specific difference between blocking the sender versus blocking the senders domain?

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Windows Firewall - Restore Default Settings

Nov 29, 2012

How to Restore the Default Windows Firewall Settings in Windows 7 ?

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Firewall A VNC Connection Error

Nov 6, 2009

I've installed a VNC client by Jaadu both on my win 7 64 system & my iPhone.

Everything went smoothly until I applied the FreeSSHd encryption program.

When I try to connect with the computer the iphone gets this error:

Connection Error:

connection refused. You may have a firewall blocking access. Please check your connection settings & try again.

Now FreeSSHd has forums, but for some reason I get get past the challenge textbox. I've tried several times with different browers. It just wont let me post a question there.

I've looked in the firewall section in the control panel, but I dont see anything about FreeSSHd to enable?

Any help or ideas?

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Can't Find Internet Connection Firewall

Apr 9, 2011

how to connect the same server in one laptop?

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Connection Lost To Server After 30-45 Sec While Firewall On ?

Jun 23, 2010

I have install server application on one machine(64 bit win 7). it is basically for licensing purpose on local area network. In windows firewall setting i created inbound rule for listening connection request i.e UDP port 5000 and outbound rule for broadcasting purpose.scenario:-I am using 64 bit windows 7 professional and windows firewall is on. when client application try to connect to server, it connect successfully but after 30-40 second connection to server lost and it lunch connection error and asking for reconnect.If i turn off firewall, every things are going as per my expectation.Note:- above scenario is working fine on window XP.

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BSOD - Not Internet Connection, No Windows Firewall

Jul 1, 2012

Two BSOD in less than two minutes and now strangely I don't have any internet connection (the troubleshoot center says it's because of "the diagnostic policy service is not running") and the windows firewall is down and is impossible to run again (Windows Firewall can't change some of your settings, Error code 0x8007042c).

I'm uploading the two dmp files with this post using another computer.

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Windows 7 Security Settings

Nov 19, 2011

My colleague left a computer for me to work on. I am trying to save the file in c directory and windows return error that I dont have permission to do so. I changed the permission settings in security tab from properties window of c drive to full control. While windows was updating to new settings, it showed a popup window saying that I dont have permission to change settings for some dll. I cancelled it and now I dont know what to do, it still does not let me save the files. Anything I am missing here?

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Local Security Settings Not There?

Jul 18, 2011

Tried to change my administrative settings because all of the sudden I can't install or uninstall programs. Any idea why this is happening? When I try to install I get this message: "The system administrator has set policies to prevent this installation." I am 100% sure that I the system administrator. I've checked the processes running on my computer and there's nothing suspicious there, and my computer seems the same speed as always

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How To Change Security Settings

Dec 21, 2011

how can i change my security sittings coz its sopping me from installing any exe file and its not showing any thing when i dubble click on an exe file Exadobe setup file) its like hidding exe file and block it from working ASAP coz i need to install the Adobe to start working on my progect

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Changing Windows Security Settings?

Jun 14, 2012

How do I change Windows 7 Security settings so that I no longer get the below warning message when I open files or URL's? Note: all files / URLs I'm opening are stored on our company intranet so I'm not worried about security issues

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Windows Security - Can't Change Settings

Nov 2, 2011

The laptop is an Acer Aspire 5732Z, the specs are:
CPU - T4400
RAM - 3.00 GB
OS - Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit, no SP1 yet
the hard drive is about 250gb, with most of that space free, and just 1 visible partition.

It has 2 problems
1) It takes a long time to boot up, it used to be excessively slow in windows but removing Norton 360 seems to have solved that part. I can time it if needed.
2) A lot of the programs on the system are blocked by windows security, causing the orange "These files can't be opened" error message to pop up.

These include gfxUI.exe (the UI for the onboard graphics), the installer for Crap Cleaner, the installer for Service Pack 1, the add new user window, and a load of other files I don't have a list of. There's only 1 account on the system, and it's an admin account. I've tried to use the run as admin option where possible.

Here's what I've done so far:
- Reinstalled intel graphics drivers, no effect
- Ran a startup repair, after an hour it hadn't loaded.
- Uninstalled norton 360, system speed improved by several hundred times, otherwise no effect, and bootup time still seems as long.
- Gone into windows firewall and reset all settings to default, no effect.
- Tried to change the settings in internet security, set everything low except for my computer, which is locked, no effect
- Gone into internet security and clicked set all zones to default, no effect

I tried to install SP1 (after failing several times before due to the system being too slow to install it), security blocked it, then apparently deleted the installer. I tried to make a new user account, to copy the registry settings for the security to overwrite the faulty settings on the main account, the new user account window was blocked by security.

In a cmd window run as admin, used command
secedit /configure /cfg %windir%infdefltbase.inf /db defltbase.sdb /verbose
gave a progress report, completed, no effect.

I backed up important data, tried to reinstall windows from scratch, the installer doesn't load, after clicking install now it just starts loading and doesn't stop. At this point, I thought it must be a hardware issue, so I tried to run some diagnostics from a bootable CD. It wouldn't read the CD.

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Security Settings In IE For Server 2008 R2?

Jun 13, 2012

I want to reproduce an issue in IE8 in Windows Server 2008 R2 but the security settings of IE8 in the server is restrciting me to do so. The same issue is working fine in IE8 in Windows7

Is there a way out where I can change my IE security settings in Server 2008 R2 to behave same as IE8 in Windows7 so that I can reproduce my issue in Server 2008 R2 machine?

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Security Settings On Drive Set To Deny All For Everyone

Jun 19, 2012

Somehow a drive on one of my work computers got the security permissions for "everyone" set to deny. I need some type of work around to reset the permissions or a way to recover the data from the drive so I can format it. The bottom line is I need the data, so whatever I can do to make that happen I will do.

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Control Center Security Settings Shows OFF?

Jul 11, 2012

I get a red flag from the little ACTION CENTER icon at bottom once a week saying that my anti-virus, firewall, anti spyware is off. But my Norton 360 isn't off, just the ACTION CENTER on the Control Center SECURITY SETTINGS shows OFF.I have to turn my 360 off and on to reset it.Never happened before.

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Programs Freezing In Windows 7 - Security Settings Maybe?

Feb 2, 2012

I think it may be a security policy setting on the PC. The issue is that I had to change some settings because we access a UNIX server for our old ERP, a Windows Server2008 for our new ERP, and use Windows Server2003s for our VPN, File and Domain controllers. For workstations we have a mix of XP, and Win7 machines. The only computers having issues are the Win7 machines. We use Dell Vostro 460's, doubt the stats are really necessary. But they run Win7 Professional 64-bit.So I had to flip the following settings to communicate with the UNIX server:Network security: LAN Manager authentication level = Send NTLMv2 responses onlyNetwork security: Mininum session security for NTLM SSP Based (both on the client and server) = No minimum (from 128-bit default)Network security: Restrict NTLM: Add remote server exceptions for NTLM authentication = I input the domain IP addresses and server nameNetwork security: Restrict NTLM: Add server exceptions in this domain = I input the domain IP addresses and server name
The only other system changes I made were dropping the User Account Control Settings to the second to the lowest setting (Notify me only when programs try to make changes to my computer...) because the constant pop ups are annoying. I also set the network user login as an administrator on their local computers when I set up their accounts on their computers.A few different scenarios play out:

1. When one of my employees is trying to access a network file (excel), she is unable to. The program will launch, but the file cannot be opened from her workstation. IN the lower right hand corner of the Excel window I will see the progress bar move, then it does nothing. The program will hang and has to be force closed. This file is on a shared drive on a Win2003 server (completely open to all domain users.)

2. When trying to save an IE9 file, the user is not able to change their target location, and when they do, it freezes IE9.

3. When trying to attach a file to an e-mail, the users are not able to browse their computers to find the files they want to attach.

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Current Security Settings Not Allowing To Open

Oct 10, 2012

I ran Combofix without any problems and removed multiple items.I started my McAfee to run behind it this morning and it ran extremely slow.I ended up stopping it and attempted to go back to run combofix again tonight and even tried a few other downloads.I keep getting a message that my current security settings will not allow.I have already did a temporary shut down of McAfee to make sure that it was not interferring.I know that I still have atleast some sort of problem because the google search is still acting up.

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How To Move MyDocuments AND Set Appropriate File Security Settings

Jun 28, 2012

I would like to move MyDocuments folder from my C: Drive (an SSD) to my D: Drive. (C:UsersXXXXMy Documents)

I've seen the instructions: right click--Properties--Location--Move.

However, when I do this the security settings of the old folder do not copy over.

I would like the same settings to copy over. How do you do that?

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