Security Settings On Drive Set To Deny All For Everyone

Jun 19, 2012

Somehow a drive on one of my work computers got the security permissions for "everyone" set to deny. I need some type of work around to reset the permissions or a way to recover the data from the drive so I can format it. The bottom line is I need the data, so whatever I can do to make that happen I will do.

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Resetting Security Settings On A Hard Drive?

Jun 24, 2012

I've messed up the security settings on one of my drives such that I can't encrypt any file or folder on that drive.

I get a message saying "you will need to provide administrator permission". This is even though I am the administrator and I have ownership and control of the drive and the folders and files on it. Weird, right?

Is there any way to reset the permission on a drive short of formatting it?

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Windows 7 Security Settings

Nov 19, 2011

My colleague left a computer for me to work on. I am trying to save the file in c directory and windows return error that I dont have permission to do so. I changed the permission settings in security tab from properties window of c drive to full control. While windows was updating to new settings, it showed a popup window saying that I dont have permission to change settings for some dll. I cancelled it and now I dont know what to do, it still does not let me save the files. Anything I am missing here?

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Local Security Settings Not There?

Jul 18, 2011

Tried to change my administrative settings because all of the sudden I can't install or uninstall programs. Any idea why this is happening? When I try to install I get this message: "The system administrator has set policies to prevent this installation." I am 100% sure that I the system administrator. I've checked the processes running on my computer and there's nothing suspicious there, and my computer seems the same speed as always

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How To Change Security Settings

Dec 21, 2011

how can i change my security sittings coz its sopping me from installing any exe file and its not showing any thing when i dubble click on an exe file Exadobe setup file) its like hidding exe file and block it from working ASAP coz i need to install the Adobe to start working on my progect

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Changing Windows Security Settings?

Jun 14, 2012

How do I change Windows 7 Security settings so that I no longer get the below warning message when I open files or URL's? Note: all files / URLs I'm opening are stored on our company intranet so I'm not worried about security issues

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Windows Security - Can't Change Settings

Nov 2, 2011

The laptop is an Acer Aspire 5732Z, the specs are:
CPU - T4400
RAM - 3.00 GB
OS - Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit, no SP1 yet
the hard drive is about 250gb, with most of that space free, and just 1 visible partition.

It has 2 problems
1) It takes a long time to boot up, it used to be excessively slow in windows but removing Norton 360 seems to have solved that part. I can time it if needed.
2) A lot of the programs on the system are blocked by windows security, causing the orange "These files can't be opened" error message to pop up.

These include gfxUI.exe (the UI for the onboard graphics), the installer for Crap Cleaner, the installer for Service Pack 1, the add new user window, and a load of other files I don't have a list of. There's only 1 account on the system, and it's an admin account. I've tried to use the run as admin option where possible.

Here's what I've done so far:
- Reinstalled intel graphics drivers, no effect
- Ran a startup repair, after an hour it hadn't loaded.
- Uninstalled norton 360, system speed improved by several hundred times, otherwise no effect, and bootup time still seems as long.
- Gone into windows firewall and reset all settings to default, no effect.
- Tried to change the settings in internet security, set everything low except for my computer, which is locked, no effect
- Gone into internet security and clicked set all zones to default, no effect

I tried to install SP1 (after failing several times before due to the system being too slow to install it), security blocked it, then apparently deleted the installer. I tried to make a new user account, to copy the registry settings for the security to overwrite the faulty settings on the main account, the new user account window was blocked by security.

In a cmd window run as admin, used command
secedit /configure /cfg %windir%infdefltbase.inf /db defltbase.sdb /verbose
gave a progress report, completed, no effect.

I backed up important data, tried to reinstall windows from scratch, the installer doesn't load, after clicking install now it just starts loading and doesn't stop. At this point, I thought it must be a hardware issue, so I tried to run some diagnostics from a bootable CD. It wouldn't read the CD.

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Security Settings In IE For Server 2008 R2?

Jun 13, 2012

I want to reproduce an issue in IE8 in Windows Server 2008 R2 but the security settings of IE8 in the server is restrciting me to do so. The same issue is working fine in IE8 in Windows7

Is there a way out where I can change my IE security settings in Server 2008 R2 to behave same as IE8 in Windows7 so that I can reproduce my issue in Server 2008 R2 machine?

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Control Center Security Settings Shows OFF?

Jul 11, 2012

I get a red flag from the little ACTION CENTER icon at bottom once a week saying that my anti-virus, firewall, anti spyware is off. But my Norton 360 isn't off, just the ACTION CENTER on the Control Center SECURITY SETTINGS shows OFF.I have to turn my 360 off and on to reset it.Never happened before.

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Programs Freezing In Windows 7 - Security Settings Maybe?

Feb 2, 2012

I think it may be a security policy setting on the PC. The issue is that I had to change some settings because we access a UNIX server for our old ERP, a Windows Server2008 for our new ERP, and use Windows Server2003s for our VPN, File and Domain controllers. For workstations we have a mix of XP, and Win7 machines. The only computers having issues are the Win7 machines. We use Dell Vostro 460's, doubt the stats are really necessary. But they run Win7 Professional 64-bit.So I had to flip the following settings to communicate with the UNIX server:Network security: LAN Manager authentication level = Send NTLMv2 responses onlyNetwork security: Mininum session security for NTLM SSP Based (both on the client and server) = No minimum (from 128-bit default)Network security: Restrict NTLM: Add remote server exceptions for NTLM authentication = I input the domain IP addresses and server nameNetwork security: Restrict NTLM: Add server exceptions in this domain = I input the domain IP addresses and server name
The only other system changes I made were dropping the User Account Control Settings to the second to the lowest setting (Notify me only when programs try to make changes to my computer...) because the constant pop ups are annoying. I also set the network user login as an administrator on their local computers when I set up their accounts on their computers.A few different scenarios play out:

1. When one of my employees is trying to access a network file (excel), she is unable to. The program will launch, but the file cannot be opened from her workstation. IN the lower right hand corner of the Excel window I will see the progress bar move, then it does nothing. The program will hang and has to be force closed. This file is on a shared drive on a Win2003 server (completely open to all domain users.)

2. When trying to save an IE9 file, the user is not able to change their target location, and when they do, it freezes IE9.

3. When trying to attach a file to an e-mail, the users are not able to browse their computers to find the files they want to attach.

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Current Security Settings Not Allowing To Open

Oct 10, 2012

I ran Combofix without any problems and removed multiple items.I started my McAfee to run behind it this morning and it ran extremely slow.I ended up stopping it and attempted to go back to run combofix again tonight and even tried a few other downloads.I keep getting a message that my current security settings will not allow.I have already did a temporary shut down of McAfee to make sure that it was not interferring.I know that I still have atleast some sort of problem because the google search is still acting up.

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Security Or Firewall Settings Might Be Blocking Connection?

Oct 17, 2010

when i surf the internet about 50% of the time i get the error "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage". And when i hit the troubleshoot tab it states "security or firewall settings might be blocking connection"

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How To Move MyDocuments AND Set Appropriate File Security Settings

Jun 28, 2012

I would like to move MyDocuments folder from my C: Drive (an SSD) to my D: Drive. (C:UsersXXXXMy Documents)

I've seen the instructions: right click--Properties--Location--Move.

However, when I do this the security settings of the old folder do not copy over.

I would like the same settings to copy over. How do you do that?

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Wireless Network Security Settings Mismatch?

Jul 9, 2012

How do I setup the Wireless Network Security Settings on the Windows 7. I did installation and the configuration of the Router N 150 Dir 600 using Windows XP Pro.When I connect using windows XP Pro on the Wireless Router it is ok, but when I try connecting with Windows 7 Pro, it is giving me "Network Security Key Mismatch" even the security password or key is correct.

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Documents From Old Computer Not Editable - Security Settings?

Aug 22, 2012

My father bought a new computer a few weeks ago and I copied his documents (mostly word and excel) onto his new system, I had a phone call from his this evening saying he is unable to edit some word documents because of them being "secured and from an unrecognizable source". There must be a (policy) setting in Office 2010, Windows 7 or Avast I need to change to allow all of his documents to be editable I gather, if so where is it?

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Can't Access A Drive Due To "deny All" Permissions Set By Own

Jun 27, 2011

I wanted to prevent the guest users on my laptop from accessing D: drive. So from my admin account, I set the permissions on my D: drive to deny all for the Users group, without even looking at all the permissions listed. I thought these permissions would affect only the non-admin group....but I went wrong and now cant access any file in D: even from the admin account.

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Can't Access A Drive Due To "deny All" Permissions Set By Own

Jun 27, 2011

I wanted to prevent the guest users on my laptop from accessing D: drive. So from my admin account, I set the permissions on my D: drive to deny all for the Users group, without even looking at all the permissions listed. I thought these permissions would affect only the non-admin group....but I went wrong and now cant access any file in D: even from the admin account.

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Internet Security Settings Prevents One Or More Files From Being Opened?

Oct 23, 2010

My system has suddenly started giving me a 'Windows Security - These Files cannot be opened - Your Internet security settings prevented one or more files from being opened.' Message when I tried to start 'The Sims 3' game. I have played this before, many times. I also got the msg when trying to install Antivir Antivirus. I couldnt install it. I Have changed the internet security settings and still nothing. I have run virus/spyware checks and they are clean.I don't know what to do - there is obviously something wrong.I am running Windows 7, 64bit version.[Window Title]indows Security[Main Instruction]hese files can't be opened[Content]Your Internet security settings prevented one or more files from being opened.[Expanded Information]C:UsersLADYNA~1AppDataLocalTempRarSFX0presetup.exe[^] Hide details [Close]

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Cannot Change Settings Of The Group Policy - Security Options?

Oct 19, 2012

I was trying to disable the 'Network Access: Do not allow storage of passwords and credentials for network authentication' since it was enabled which meant I couldn't save passwords. When I right clicked it and opened properties, the options of enabled and disabled were grayed out. Also, there is a padlock on the icon of the Security Settings tab and so does its subtabs. I am on an administrator account but it still doesn't allow me to change the settings.

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Internet Security Settings Prevented One Or More Files To Be Opened?

May 27, 2011

Something is wrong with my os when i am trying to open adobe reader , rocket dock and other application it says " Internet security settings prevented one or more files to be opened"..

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Deny Access To A Particular .exe Using Applocker?

Aug 13, 2010

I am trying to deny access to a particular .exe using applocker. I have created a rule and the default rules, and made sure the appIDSvc service is running. My rule is not being enforced. The application runs normally. If I check the event log I can see a bunch of warnings stating appidsvc.dll:AppLocker component not available on this SKU. Not sure if this is a symptom or something else.

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Windows 7 - Administrator Privileges To Deny For All

Apr 18, 2012

While attempting to set up a new computer on our network I seem to have lost access to many documents and lost permission to many folders. While setting up a new computer we began playing with what programs and documents the new computer could access. (The new machine is to be used for clients, and for internet/printing privileges) we did not want the computer to access anything on the network except the printer.

We did the above by right clicking on the public folders where we kept our documents, opening the security tab and restricting the permissions. We would then deny the new computer access via the ownership tab. This seemed to work as the new computer on the network had no access to our files but could still print to the printer on the shared network. I wasn't on the computer at the time, (my lackey status didn't permit as such) and I think somehow the other person managed remove our access to the programs/documents.

I think they did this by changing the admin privileges to deny for all. I am guessing that's what happened because now when I try and take ownership of the files I am unable to open them. It will let me take ownership of the files but then still says me access is denied when I try to open any of the selected files of documents. (does not prompt for password). In short, Is there a way to reestablish my admin privileges after what appears to be simple mistake on which account was selected?

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Block/Deny Printing On A Machine?

Jun 20, 2011

I would like to block printing on a particular machine. Is this possible? I just want a certain machine to simply not be able to print.

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Deny Manage Wireless Networks?

Jul 20, 2011

Anybody know how to deny users access to the Manage Wireless Networks link from the Network and Sharing center?

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Deny Printing Privileges From Certain Programs?

May 31, 2012

She was saying that the person who's computer I was replacing uses there shared HP Deskjet 6540 to print most documents when really it should only be used to print one type: 'lables.docx.'

So this got me wondering whether it were possible or not to deny printing rights to the 6540 from applications such as Outlook - whilst keeping them in word and program 'x' but also allowing Outlook to print to other printers in the office.

Now I think even before asking that this is probably not possible but I need to know either way.

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How To Deny Internet Access To All Programs By Default

Oct 19, 2012

how to deny internet access to all my programs by default? I mean that internet access is completely blocked to my existing programs, files, etc. and to all future programs that I might install or files that may be created.

And ONLY those Programs and Files have access to the internet that I allow and give permission to. P.S. I have Kaspersky Internet Security 2012, but can't seem to figure out the appropriate settings..

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Deny All Regular Domain Users But Not Administrators

Mar 15, 2012

I had users passing around a computer that ended up with a bunch of settings being screwed up which made me want to deny all regular domain users but not administrators. I did this as a local group policy on the computer under gpedit where i denied users and to my horrifying experience no users can log in, not even local admin.

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Windows 7 Won't Ask For Username & Password But Just Deny Access Over LAN

Dec 3, 2010

I've got a folder shared to specific user on my Windows 7 laptop.When i try to access that folder over lan, from my Vista laptop, it doesn't ask me for user&pass, but just gives "Access denied" error message.If it's set as shared to everyone, then i can access it just fine. But i want it to be accessible only after password protection over lan. Both laptops are set to "WORKGROUP" and here are the network settings for the windows 7 one

Network Discovery: ON
File and printer sharing: ON
Public Folder Sharing: OFF
File sharing connections: Enable 40 and 56 bit encryption as well
Password protection sharing: ON
HomeGroup connections: Use user accounts and passwrods to connect to other computers

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Task Manager - Allow Or Deny Access Permission

Jul 27, 2010

How to Allow or Deny Access of Task Manager for a Specific User ?

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Group Policy To Deny Write Access To USB Devices?

Jun 19, 2012

I am looking for a way to prevent writing to all removable devices. I have found the setting in group policy and enabled it. However, admin credentials are requested and if entered correctly, the user can write to the external drive. I want to configure this to allow writing to a removable device ONLY if the user is in the correct security group or a member of the domain administrators. In other words, this policy would apply to all users and be denied to the security group. We are still in a 2003 domain, although most of our DCs are now Windows 2008 R2. This policy would apply only to users logging in to our Windows 7 machines.

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Drive Security Issue

Oct 5, 2009

i myself a administrator.

i have a big problem my drive is not opening.

This all happened 'coz of PERMISSIONS.

i Just have right clicked 1 drive & have gone to SECURITY TAB & then EDITED PERMISSION in permission i TICKED DENY {Full CONTROL} & THEN APPLIED.

So Now i just cant open my drive whenever is try to open that drive it is telling that ACCESS IS DENIED.

& when i m going to try that same thing & give ACCESS, when i right click the SECURITY TAB is missing. Please Help me to solve this issue.

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