Deny Printing Privileges From Certain Programs?

May 31, 2012

She was saying that the person who's computer I was replacing uses there shared HP Deskjet 6540 to print most documents when really it should only be used to print one type: 'lables.docx.'

So this got me wondering whether it were possible or not to deny printing rights to the 6540 from applications such as Outlook - whilst keeping them in word and program 'x' but also allowing Outlook to print to other printers in the office.

Now I think even before asking that this is probably not possible but I need to know either way.

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Windows 7 - Administrator Privileges To Deny For All

Apr 18, 2012

While attempting to set up a new computer on our network I seem to have lost access to many documents and lost permission to many folders. While setting up a new computer we began playing with what programs and documents the new computer could access. (The new machine is to be used for clients, and for internet/printing privileges) we did not want the computer to access anything on the network except the printer.

We did the above by right clicking on the public folders where we kept our documents, opening the security tab and restricting the permissions. We would then deny the new computer access via the ownership tab. This seemed to work as the new computer on the network had no access to our files but could still print to the printer on the shared network. I wasn't on the computer at the time, (my lackey status didn't permit as such) and I think somehow the other person managed remove our access to the programs/documents.

I think they did this by changing the admin privileges to deny for all. I am guessing that's what happened because now when I try and take ownership of the files I am unable to open them. It will let me take ownership of the files but then still says me access is denied when I try to open any of the selected files of documents. (does not prompt for password). In short, Is there a way to reestablish my admin privileges after what appears to be simple mistake on which account was selected?

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Block/Deny Printing On A Machine?

Jun 20, 2011

I would like to block printing on a particular machine. Is this possible? I just want a certain machine to simply not be able to print.

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How To Deny Internet Access To All Programs By Default

Oct 19, 2012

how to deny internet access to all my programs by default? I mean that internet access is completely blocked to my existing programs, files, etc. and to all future programs that I might install or files that may be created.

And ONLY those Programs and Files have access to the internet that I allow and give permission to. P.S. I have Kaspersky Internet Security 2012, but can't seem to figure out the appropriate settings..

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Programs Crash After Trying Printing

Jan 18, 2009

Every time i try to print something from a program, that program crashes. (Any Office Product, Chrome, Firefox, Paint, etc). Any ideas?

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Printer Hang While Printing And Text Printing?

Oct 13, 2011

printer hang while printing and text printing

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Deny Access To A Particular .exe Using Applocker?

Aug 13, 2010

I am trying to deny access to a particular .exe using applocker. I have created a rule and the default rules, and made sure the appIDSvc service is running. My rule is not being enforced. The application runs normally. If I check the event log I can see a bunch of warnings stating appidsvc.dll:AppLocker component not available on this SKU. Not sure if this is a symptom or something else.

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Deny Manage Wireless Networks?

Jul 20, 2011

Anybody know how to deny users access to the Manage Wireless Networks link from the Network and Sharing center?

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Security Settings On Drive Set To Deny All For Everyone

Jun 19, 2012

Somehow a drive on one of my work computers got the security permissions for "everyone" set to deny. I need some type of work around to reset the permissions or a way to recover the data from the drive so I can format it. The bottom line is I need the data, so whatever I can do to make that happen I will do.

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Deny All Regular Domain Users But Not Administrators

Mar 15, 2012

I had users passing around a computer that ended up with a bunch of settings being screwed up which made me want to deny all regular domain users but not administrators. I did this as a local group policy on the computer under gpedit where i denied users and to my horrifying experience no users can log in, not even local admin.

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Windows 7 Won't Ask For Username & Password But Just Deny Access Over LAN

Dec 3, 2010

I've got a folder shared to specific user on my Windows 7 laptop.When i try to access that folder over lan, from my Vista laptop, it doesn't ask me for user&pass, but just gives "Access denied" error message.If it's set as shared to everyone, then i can access it just fine. But i want it to be accessible only after password protection over lan. Both laptops are set to "WORKGROUP" and here are the network settings for the windows 7 one

Network Discovery: ON
File and printer sharing: ON
Public Folder Sharing: OFF
File sharing connections: Enable 40 and 56 bit encryption as well
Password protection sharing: ON
HomeGroup connections: Use user accounts and passwrods to connect to other computers

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Task Manager - Allow Or Deny Access Permission

Jul 27, 2010

How to Allow or Deny Access of Task Manager for a Specific User ?

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Group Policy To Deny Write Access To USB Devices?

Jun 19, 2012

I am looking for a way to prevent writing to all removable devices. I have found the setting in group policy and enabled it. However, admin credentials are requested and if entered correctly, the user can write to the external drive. I want to configure this to allow writing to a removable device ONLY if the user is in the correct security group or a member of the domain administrators. In other words, this policy would apply to all users and be denied to the security group. We are still in a 2003 domain, although most of our DCs are now Windows 2008 R2. This policy would apply only to users logging in to our Windows 7 machines.

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Printer Stopped Printing, Get Error Message "error - Printing"

Feb 27, 2012

System is HP desktop running W7-64 bit. Printer is HP Photosmart 7350, old but working perfectly until 2 days ago. Driver is Deskjet 5550 (closest one for this printer).

I've reinstalled the driver, plugged and unplugged the printer, and tried to print from different programs. As soon as the print button is selected the error condition shows in the Devices & Printers section. This happens whether the printer is turned on or not.

What can I do to get the printer running again?

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Can't Get Administrative Privileges

May 11, 2012

My uncle recently purchased an Acer Aspire One computer, but they (walmart) did not switch the administrative rights over to him and it is still under their control. I can not access anything and it's annoying I tried system config and the password is valid, but they disabled programs and features.

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How To Get Around Adim Privileges

Jun 17, 2012

I have Windows 7 Pro, and I need to get around the setup of minimal downloads, even from Microsoft. I need to get around the admin priviliges. How do I do it?

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Admin Privileges Gone

Dec 7, 2011

After setting up the Christmas tree the other night our breaker was thrown. After starting Windows up I no longer have admin privileges. Worse yet, no user does. Also, from my log in screen only one user is shown (the previous admin account). If I type other users names and passwords I can access them.

Since I can't change anyone's privileges above my own, what do I do?

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Getting Around The Admin Privileges

Jan 28, 2012

I know what this sounds like. Before you ban or block or post some smartass remark, hear me out. I'm trying to get around an adminstrator password on my work computer so I can install a couple of useful apps. Before I joined the company, most of the computers were fairly open. About a year ago, they hired an empolyee who took advantage of this an installed personal liscense software on her work computer for work-related use. Obviously this is illegal and the employee was warned. The employee persisted and eventually the company locked the computers down so that you could not install without administrator privileges. This applied to old and new employees. I started about 2 months ago and was given a locked computer. Shortly thereafter the employee who caused the lock down policy left for another position. During this time I began experiencing issues with my computer. This person explained why the computers were locked down when I expressed that it would waste less of his time if the computer wasn't locked. He then said, "Of course you know that there is a workaround right? You just need a windows boot disk. Then you don't need the password." This was the wink, wink, nudge, nudge way of saying as long as you don't do something stupid it's unofficially ok. My question is, is this true, can I use a boot disk and not have to get an admin password to install a program? I'm not looking to install pirated software or software that I own a personal liscense for, I'm looking to install useful tools such as CPU-Z or something similar and to make enhancements such as increasing the page file size. If it's true, how do I go about it? Are there other ways to achieve the same ends?

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Getting Around The Admin Privileges?

Jun 7, 2012

want to install office 2007 on win7 , but as administrator I can not. it will run until it's says you do not have privileges.have set system to fullcontrol and also administrator to fullcontrol with the same response

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Administrator Privileges In Windows 7?

May 13, 2011

I've searched a number of other forums, looked under Admin privileges in the search panel, checked through the other threads as far as I could, and checked references to Naturally Speaking but cannot find a solution to this problem. I'm not at all technical so will need word of one syllable aI had a local company build me a new computer. I installed windows 7 on the blank disc with just one single user (me) who was classed as administrator. Until recently it worked fine. I installed Naturally Speaking on it and set up a profile. It worked fine from the initial session after installation but, after it had been closed, whenever I tried to restart it the program would load but any attempt to load my profile got the error message: The user file you have selected cannot be accessed. This could be because you do not have sufficient privileges to use it or because it is being accessed by another program."

Attempting to run the program as an administrator gets the message that it cannot be run in enhanced mode. I contacted Nuance (who make NS) and had a long correspondence with them.had no effect.After uninstalling and reinstalling a couple of times and ending up with the same result, I uninstalled it and ran a removal program from Nuance to clear every trace of it. Just recently - to solve a problem with windows that recently appeared - I reinstalled Windows 7 using the update facility on the Win7 installation disc. This worked fine and once again I only had the one single user who had administrator status. There were no working guest or other users.I tried Naturally speaking again with the same result. Once again I completely removed it from the system. I then set up a new user with Administrator privileges. Going into that user I installed NS again. This time it worked fine. I can start it from that user and it works well. If I go to the first user screen there is also an icon for Naturally Speaking but once again, if I start it I can't load my profile with the error message above.

It's not particularly convenient if I have to switch users to use NS. It all seems to be to do with Win 7 Administrator status. Can anyone suggest a way that the original Administrator (me) can get the same administrator privileges as the second user seems to have under his administrator status. It seems a ridiculous situation that one user can use it while the other can't.Sorry to have rambled on but I was trying to give as complete a picture as possible.[CODE]

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Admin Has No Sufficient Privileges?

May 3, 2011

A virus, downgraded all my Privileges even though I'm set as Administrator. In order to fix my computer, I first need to reset all Privileges back to their defaults. The first "solution" said to install "subinacl.msi", and then run a cmd batch that calls subinacl.exe. Problem here is that "subinacl.msi" attempts to install to the System32 folder... which I naturally no longer have permission to access. Catch-22.

The second "solution" said to use "Takeown" to retake ownership of specific files & folders. But I don't have "Permission" to run "Takeown" either from the CLI. The third "solution" says to create the "hidden" Administrator account via "net user administrator /active:yes", but (you guessed it), I don't have "permission" to do that either. How to get my permissions back?

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Changing App To Admin Privileges?

Dec 18, 2011

Im trying to make it so that my son has the capability to run a program using admin, and only that one program, is there anyway to do that so i don't have to constantly put my password in to allow him to play?

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Unable To Use Administrator Privileges?

Mar 28, 2012

I own an hp touchsmart 310-1020 pc running windows 7 home premium 64 bit. I was trying to sync my iPad 2 to iTunes via USB, but iTunes kept freezing up as soon as I clicked on any function. So I tried to repair it via apple's iTunes download. That didn't work as I still had the same issue. So I uninstalled it. And then tried to reinstall it. It downloaded just fine, but when it tries to install it pops up with a message saying "You do not have sufficient privileges to complete this installation for all users of the machine. Log on as an administrator and then retry this installation." My problem is that I am logged in as the administrator, and as such should have full privileges. How do I check that?

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Privileges Of A Standard User

May 20, 2012

I am running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit and I have a problem regarding User Accounts.Let's say I am account A on this computer. This is an administrator account without a password. When I went into the control panel,I demoted Account B to a standard user. Apparently, however, account B can simply change this setting even though she is a standard user. Is this true? Even when I set a password for my account, account B can still bypass it or demote me. Why is this?

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Missing Privileges For Registry Key?

Jan 15, 2013

I'm trying to use the program "Dragon Tag", where the program will start MS-Excel, and here put an add-in into the menu. However, I get the below error, where I seemingly do not have the needed privileges. Tried to remedy this without succes, but then I tried to run the program being logged in as the administrator, but got the same error. If the administrator cannot do this, how should any other user then?

Dragon Tag cannot verify the required Word/Excel configuration or adjust it (if required)because your user account does not have the privileges to read or update the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftware\Microsoft\Office\Excel\Addins\DTStartupShim.Connect.

Adjust your system's security to allow this access for configuration verification and adjustment and then restart Dragon Tag.

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Get Sufficient Privileges Windows 7?

Nov 11, 2009

how to get sufficient privileges windows 7

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Guest Account Has Administrator Privileges?

Mar 31, 2011

I don't know how, but my 13-yo daughter somehow managed to change the name of the Guest account on my notebook (running Win7 Home Premium) to "NomNomMonster" and give it administrator privileges. When I turn the Guest account off, the name shown reverts to "Guest", but when I turn it back on, the name is once again "NomNomMonster" and shows administrator privileges. how to restore the Guest account to its normal name and status?

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Lost Explorer.exe, Msconfig,adm Privileges

Sep 27, 2012

last 7 days can not use msconfig or explorer.exe also my computer icon does not responds, actually when I tried to use anyone of these commands the program "load" but only for milliseconds and back to the desktop; I tried many things like AVG and malaware both report no infections I use safe boot and run sfc/scannow and no solution?

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Administrator Account Does Not Have Full Privileges

Apr 16, 2011

This is a new computer (laptop) with 7 Pro. The Administrator account has full privileges, but if I try to create a new account with administrator privileges, it does not have the full privileges--i.e., its a though its a more limited account even though it says its an administrator account. I have checked and there does not seem to be any fix for this except reinstalling windows--although this computer just came with OEM and I don't have a CD. Any way to correct it?

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Running Computer As Someone Without Admin Privileges?

Oct 7, 2012

Sony Vaio laptop/Windows 7
Windows 7 Service Pack 1 x64 NTFS
Internet Explorer 9.0.8112.16421
Firefox 15.0.1
avast! free antivirus; Spyware Blaster free.

Also for non-real time protection but for a 2nd opinion, sometimes do a scan with MBAM or Super AntiSpyware.And after learning about it thru this site, currently doing a free online ESET scan, which the one other time I used it found junk that none of the other programs did.I saw an article stating that most problems involving keyloggers, trojans, scareware, etc., could be prevented by my running my computer as someone without Administrative privileges - that this would prevent most programs from being able to take control, even if I unknowingly clicked on a downloader for a trojan/keylogger.I am in the USA and interested in some non-USA sports, so use free streaming sites a lot which sometimes contain various types of malware.I try to be careful, but occasionally, as tonight, I have to do a System Restore when scareware gets a program into my computer.

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[Far Cry 3] Error: Insufficient Access Privileges?

Jan 17, 2013

I bought "Far Cry 3" through Steam.I have been getting the error message: "You do not have sufficient access privileges to run the game. Please contact your administrator."Since then I have been trying to fix this issue several hours everyday, opened a support ticket with both Ubisoft and Steam. However no matter what I have done the error is still the same.I have tried to: Run the game as "hidden administrator". Given ownership of "C:" to myself. Changed Steam.exe, farcry3.exe, farcry3_d3d11.exe, Uplay.exe and UbisoftGameLauncher.exe to "Run as administrator" for every user. I have given "Full Control" to "Everyone, SYSTEM, Users (MyComputerNameusers) and Administrator (MyComputerNameAdministrators)" in the Steam and Ubisoft folders. I let Steam, Uplay and Far Cry 3 through the HIPS function (eset nod32). I always have UAC turned off

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