Restore Active Directory Backup Since Workstation XP?

Jan 12, 2012

I have installed active directory with Server 2003.I have created backup of active directory since a computer (XP) being on the domain.How to restore the backup to AD, since the computer (Xp)?

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Active Directory Main Services?

Aug 12, 2011

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition, Service Pack 3, 32 bit
Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 245 Processor, x86 Family 16 Model 6 Stepping 2
Processor Count: 2
RAM: 2943 Mb
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 7025 / NVIDIA nForce 630a, 512 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 238472 MB, Free - 3959 MB; E: Total - 476937 MB, Free - 273517 MB; F: Total - 953867 MB, Free - 865347 MB; G: Total - 476929 MB, Free - 427039 MB;
Motherboard: ASUSTeK Computer INC., M2N68-AM Plus, Rev X.0x, MS1C96B07804918
Antivirus: avast! Antivirus, Updated: Yes, On-Demand Scanner: Enabled

This PC is attached to a network containing several desktops and laptops running Vista. The Samsung laser printer ML-2240 is attachde by USB to this XP PC. Printing over the network operates perfectly with all other PCs. I have just purchased an Acer laptop with Windows 7 and followed the instructions for file sharing, which works perfectly. I have followed the instructions for installing the printer, and received confirmation that it is installed. However, when I attempt to print out of Word 2007 and press the button "find printer" in the Samsung printer profile I get the message "Active Directory Main Services is currently unavailable". I see that this has been found over the years by many people! I am looking for a solution in my context. The rest of the network operates fine still and I can edit the same Word file over the network and print fine.

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Active Directory User And Computers

Aug 18, 2009

Active Directory User and Computers

"MMC could not create the snap-in"

Anybody get this working?

I've googled to no avail

I've tried the Vista fix, registering a bunch of DLLs, but that didn't fix it.

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Steps To Access Active Directory?

Aug 28, 2012

Is access to Active Directory management done via Snap-In?

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The Active Directory Domain Service Is Currently Unavailable

Jun 15, 2011

My HP Photosmart C7280 All-in-One printer is no longer printing unless I print a test page from within the HP software. I get the following message "The Active Directory Domain Service is currently unavailable" I have completely uninstalled the printer,downloaded new HP software and reinstalled the printer. I am able to scan to my PC. My other printer is fine.

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The Active Directory Domain Services Is Currently Unavailable

Dec 24, 2012

Fixing my elderly father's Windows 7/64 desktop. Attempting to print form MS Word to an HP3390 does not give any errors but does not print, either. Attempting to "find printer" from MS Word gives "The Active Directory Domain Services is currently unavailable." I went to services.msc to turn on that service but it does not appear in the list. Driver for the printer is already included in Windows 7, according to the HP support site. Printer is USB connected directly to the computer.

BTW Computer is running MW Word 2003 if that makes any difference.

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Batch File That Needs To Find Info In Active Directory

Aug 26, 2011

My assignment is to develop a batch file that our logon script can call on to satisfy the following condition:

If the User Information for Office 2010(HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftOfficeCommonUserInfo) equals the local admin default "UserInfo" then

go to ldap/active directory and, using the client's "logon name", find the client in ldap and use their "Display Name" as the value for the String "UserName" in HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftOfficeCommonUserInfo I found this bit of code to get me started... but this code doesn't "call out to active directory"

reg add HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftOfficeCommonUserInfo /v UserName /d %username% /f

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Active Directory And Mail Enabled Public Folders?

Mar 7, 2012

I'm having an issue setting up a Mail Enabled Public Folder. I have the folder created, and anonymous are given proper access to allow incoming messages. My Exchange version is 2010 SP1, full updated, running on a Windows Server 2008 R2 box. Whenever I send a message to the mailbox's address, I get an undeliverable:(url)...#554 5.2.0 STOREDRV.Deliver.Exception:ObjectNotFoundException; Failed to process message due to a permanent exception with message The Active Directory user wasn't found. ObjectNotFoundException: The Active Directory user wasn't found. ##

I know the e-mail address is typed in correctly, but I can't seem to figure out why messages aren't going through. I searched online and found some suggestions, all of which either didn't pertain to our environment, or involved patches...which I have installed.

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Unable To Connect To Active Directory User And Computers

Sep 4, 2011

I have encounter a problem where my "Active directory users and computer" function suddenly unable to connect to my remote server. I have run a nslookup and below are the reply

Default Server: Unknown

I confirm it is not the next work issue because in the same network there is few more PC running windows 7 and XP, they don't have the problem as I mention. I also have a virtual XP running in the notebook that I am using, So I try to install the adminpak and run the Active directory users and computer and what a surprise it work. I have try to reformat the notebook and the problem still occur after I use it...

I tired of reformatting. Update on the troubleshooting of the problem I am encountering, I find out that the windows 7 that I am running is not able to resolve any PC name on my network. I am mentioning this because went I am using the virtual machine install in the notebook (Win XP) to remote desktop to other PC using the desktop name it is working fine.

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Run Time Error 75 In Active Directory User For Windows 7?

Dec 20, 2011

I m having problem accessing a specific software while log in to my PC under Active Directory domain user. This software works file while work as administrator but show run time error 75 , path/file access error.

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Backup Directory - You Do Not Have Permission

Nov 10, 2009

After I make a full system backup in Win 7 I move to the WindowsImageBackup directory. I try to move down the chain to the directory named after my computer. But when I try to move down the chain I get an "You do not have permission" message. I am an administrator and I am able to get around the message but I'm just wondering if there is something I can do to not make the message pop up each time.

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Backup Cannot Find Non Existing Directory

Feb 23, 2012

This is so weird. I created an image backup for drive C and F.After completion of the backup I got the following explanation in the error log. Backup encountered a problem while backing up file F:Prior 2010Orig Music. ErrorThe system cannot find the path specified. (0x80070003)That directory does not exist anymore. How can the backup look for a non existing directory? How do I get rid of this for the next backup?

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Created A Backup Image Using The Microsoft Backup Utility And Now Can't Restore?

Aug 9, 2011

I created an image using the Microsoft Backup and Restore tool in Windows 7. I saved the image on a network shared folder.I then went to the Advanced Recovery Methods in Windows to restore my image...that I just created. It restarts the computer and goes into recovery mode, I point to where the image is located, I entered the network credentials and it give me an error. "The Specified network resource or device is no longer available. (0x80070037)"

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Backup External Drive Seen By My Computer, But Not Backup & Restore

May 25, 2012

I'm running Windows 7 64x Home Premium on a Toshiba Qosmio X505 laptop. I just got it back from the warranty repair center, where they replaced the hard drive and graphics fan & heatsink, and reloaded the factory windows version. Before I sent it out for repair, I used Windows Backup to create a backup of all my files on a Toshiba casio 500GB external USB drive (I had over 300 GB of files, so it was easier to use Windows Backup than drag and drop all the files, at least at the time). Now that I have the laptop back, I'm having trouble restoring my files. When I go to Control Panel-> Backup & Restore, a message appears in the restore section, saying "Windows could not find a backup for this computer." I've tried reconnecting the drive as well as restarting my computer, but to no avail. I can see and explore the files in My Computer, so I know the hard drive is properly connected.

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System Backup & Restore Will Not Restore Bookmarks Or E-mails?

Feb 9, 2012

OK, so a couple of days ago, my HP desktop crashed and then went through the whole System Recovery loop(I couldn't login to Safe mode, wouldn't let me past the System Recovery Screen). Well I backed up the entire C drive using Backup your files in the menu. Then it shows you all the file types it will back up; i.e photos, videos, e-mails and bookmarks. So I did that to an external hard drive and it comes out to 143GB.Now comes my problem. I've been able to copy everything from the external hard drive using RecoveryMgr.exe which opens the WIM files and saves them to my C: hard drive under System Recovery Files. However it does not seem to work when it comes to putting in my old Thunderbird e-mails, contacts and such or in Firefox to restore my bookmarks, saved passwords.

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[BACKUP] Windows 7 Backup And Restore Utility?

Aug 23, 2012

When you wish to recover your system using this utility, do you use the Windows program at desktop or the rescue disc I created from the program?The reasn I ask is because I used to have better luck using Acronis' disc rather than the program and wonderd if the same applied here.Also, does the backup remove the existing one so that you only have one at a time or can you have more than one.

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Restoring A Backup From Windows Backup And Restore

Aug 8, 2009

I currently use Vista Ultimate. I am preparing to move to Windows 7. Is it possible to restore files from Vista Backup and Restore Center to Windows 7 after a clean install?

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System Restore - How To Restore Backup Created

Aug 26, 2012

I have been have some problems with my HP dv 8500 laptop. It has vista on it. I could not get any windows updates. So I backed up my files to a flashdrive and did a system recovery. I have files on the flash drive but cannot transfer them back to the laptop. I would love it if someone could guide me through the process.

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Using Windows 'backup And Restore' To...restore Some Files?

Jul 17, 2012

I have an old HD that I used to use for backups in a different PC setup, and though I deleted those backups when I moved on to a different HD, the backups were recoverable using Pandora and I believe intact since I never used the drive in question after that time. So specifically, I now have a folder called "Backup Set 2011-02-13 190024" that contains a 84 zipped folders worth 13.1GB that comprise that backup, and I want to restore them in some automatic fashion to see what's actually worth salvaging. (I assume this doesn't have to be done one-folder-at-a-time, drilling down through five layers of branches in the folder-tree, and almost immediately forgetting where I am...) But when I look at "Backup and Restore," I can't bring up this or any target folders - the link "Select another backup to restore files from" produces a blank set of choices, and there doesn't appear to be any way to 'load' a particular folder to restore, as I would have expected.

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Make All The Files In Directory A Have The Same Date Created/modified Attributes As Directory B?

Oct 25, 2011

One directory (Directory A) containing the same files as Directory B but with the wrong Date created / modified to make all the files in Directory A have the same date created/modified attributes as Directory B.

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Replace Files In Multiple Directory, From A Single Directory?

Jan 14, 2011

I have a 10 files that have all been categorised into about 40 folders. These files have been damaged.I have a backup of all these files, but they are not categorised and sit in a single directory.Does anyone know of an easy technique to batch replace the damaged files with the originals?

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32-bit Restore Backup To 4-bit OS?

Dec 13, 2011

I made a backup restore file of my complete Windows 7 32-bit PC onto my new 1tb ext hard drive. I then did a clean install of Windows 7 64-bit OS to my PC. (Don't ask, I wasn't thinking at all.)Anyway now I NEED to restore some of the files I have stored on my ext drive but I keep hitting a brick wall. I have tried compatibility, restore wizards, etc but I can't retrieve want I want onto the 64-bit system.

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How To Restore From Backup

Apr 19, 2012

Had a HDD failure - disk replaced and a clean install of Windows 7 32bit carried out.had been using backup tool to create incremental backups .. I have the nice 'backup folder' Backup set date xxxon an external HDD ... and in it a number of files

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Backup And Restore In 7

Jul 10, 2009

How to Create a System Image Backup in Windows 7 & How to Do a System Image Recovery in Windows 7

I decided to give it a try....this is by far the easiest method of doing image/ghost creation and restore

And although on the microsoft website compare editions page it is not mentioned as a feature of Home Premium it is still there although you will not be able to backup to a network location unless you get professional or ultimate

So for me I am ditching third party software in place of the features built into Windows 7

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Backup And Restore From Different OS's?

Oct 24, 2012

I backed up Windows 7 from one computer to an external hard drive. If I plug this in to a Vista machine and restore it from that, will it have windows 7 on it? I'm very skeptical but I want to know something about it before I try anything.

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Backup Will Not Restore To New Disc?

Oct 1, 2011

I have backed up my system image to an external hard drive which is 500gig and I have installed a new hard drive which is 500gig. The old one that I have removed is only 320gig so I know there is no issues there. If I try and restore to the old drive (320gig) it will try and restore but if I swap it over for the new one it will not start backup and I get the message 'The system image restore failed

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Is Backup Necessary If System Restore Used

Dec 26, 2011

As per the question title.

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Lost Restore From Backup?

Sep 19, 2012

I have a Dell Inspiron 15R 5520.Previously when booting windows and rapidly pressing F8 and then choosing repair computer there was an option to restore the factory image on the repair menu.I then installed a clean windows retail disk and now when I press F8 and choose repair the Dell Datasafe restore option is gone. The recovery partition is intact and still contains the Factory.wim image.Is there anyway I can get this menu back or restore the factory.wim without it?

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Location To Set Up BackUp And Restore

Dec 14, 2012

I set up Backup and Restore in the Wrong place, I believe. I set it up on my G Drive which is called HP Tools. The drive capacity is 3.95G. I began getting messages that there was no more room on the G Drive. It had only saved to the drive once.

So I went out and purchased a 8G flash drive and set it up to use that drive. Now I am getting similar notices saying there is no more space on that drive. It has only saved one restore point.

How much space do I need? In the past, with other computers, I have saved it on my C drive I believe.

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Backup Restore Problem

Nov 7, 2009

I just built a new system and I had Windows 7 installed in RAID 0 on two 150 GB WD Velociraptors. Everything was fine until one of the drives had an error. For fear of the drive failing and since it was so new I decided to Backup everything (system image) and send it off to be replaced.

In the meantime, I wanted to go ahead and continue using my computer just using the other Velociraptor. So, I deleted the raid, changed the drive back to Non-Raid, Changed the BIOS back to IDE, and popped in my restore Disk. I booted the restore disk, plugged in my external (USB 2.0) 500GB HDD where the backup image is located, found the image and continued through the process. Then I got this error. "The image restore failed. No disk that can be used for recovering the system disk can be found"

Next I put in the Windows 7 DVD to see If it would install on the drive and everything went smoothly. So I again booted from the restore disk thinking maybe the drive was not partitioned or formatted properly before and tried again. Same error. Why won't it let me load this image onto this HDD? And once my new raptor comes in and I return the system to its original configuration, will it let me restore it then?

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Registry - Backup And Restore

Feb 24, 2009

How to Backup and Restore the Windows 7 Registry ?

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