Random Unresponsive Mouse And Slow Computer?

Sep 30, 2011

im running a windows 7 computer with dual video cards to support three monitors as its a work computer, i have 4gb of ram and i have a few work programs on the computer, it was running fine but recently the computer has started to become really slow randomly and the mouse will skip all over the place instead of being a smooth movement. just wondering if you guys have heard of it before. it seems to be when i ask the computer to do something (eg open another program or change from one program to another.) wasnt always like this. also the physical memory use is over 50% even when most stuff is closed. Also it seems slow to boot. but i think this was just the amount of programs opening on boot. ive disabled a few.

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Slow Computer Restarts At Random Times?

Oct 25, 2011

My computer is relatively new. It's a little over a year old Dell Vostro with Windows 7. Lately it's gotten extremely slow, restarts randomly and basically doesn't act the way it should. I've done the virus scan (I have Trend Micro). Everything looks alright but the computer is still a bit of a mess.

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Computer Plays Random Sound Clips, And Net Is Slow?

Oct 5, 2012

I think my computer has a virus, because it plays random sound clips, and I'm getting popups. When I browse net it is getting slow and sometimes crashes for no reason.

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My Computer Plays Random Sound Clips And Net Is Slow

Oct 5, 2012

I think my computer has a virus, because it plays random sound clips, and I'm getting popups. When I browse net it is getting slow and sometimes crashes for no reason.

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Unresponsive Keyboard And Mouse In Windows 7?

Oct 16, 2011

I just built a new system and installed MS windows 7 64bit home premium. Have issue that ever so often my mouse and keyboard stop working when on websites. If I plug into a different slot on the motherboard, it shows no power to my mouse. I am not sure whether it is my Motherboardor the power supply. It seems to happen when there is animation on the website.[CODE]

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Installation Woes KB/Mouse Unresponsive

Dec 8, 2009

So, I'm trying to install Windows 7. The keyboard and mouse seem to work fine until I get to the Windows 7 installation screen. When I'm there the keyboard and mouse are unresponsive. Like, the mouse light and keyboard lights work up until the Windows 7 screen shows up. Anyone know what the problem is? I've had Windows 7 on it previously and had no issues, but wanted to do new clean install.

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Task Bar Unresponsive And Mouse Is Not Registering

Mar 16, 2012

I just started having these problems with my computer yesterday. But when trying to use my laptop the taskbar hasn't been working. You can move the mouse over it but the buttons will not highlight and clicking doesn't do anything. If you use Ctrl+Alt+Del and open up the task manager it temporarily fixes the problem. Also, some times the mouse doesnt work either. You can move the cursor around the computer won't register that you are clicking on something. You have to Tab through things and hit enter to click on anything. When trying to use a web browser (I have tried with Mozilla, Chrome, and IE) you can open new tabs but when you click on a tab to go back to it, it just closes the tab. This is a constant problem. Occasionally, even if you aren't clicking the icon or even anywhere near it, about 20 blank web browser pages will just start opening up and after a couple minutes the internet browser becomes unresponsive. My laptops hard drive also seems like it is in constant over drive like it is trying to load something even if you aren't doing anything.I have ran the indepth virus scan with McAfee and also ran the scan with Ad-Aware and they found nothing. I also did a System Restore going back over a month. When I booted back up again, the same problems were occurring.

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Really Slow / Unresponsive For 10 - 15 Minutes After Boot / Log-in?

May 2, 2012

I'm not sure what happened to cause this but one day (around 2 weeks ago) my laptop running Windows 7 started taking really long to log in. For 2 years I never had any issues, and it would boot / log in and be ready for use within a minute.For the last 2 weeks, every time I try to log in (whether the laptop was powered off or sleeping), my computer is unresponsive / lagging and slow for at least 10 minutes (no programs work, nothing will open, etc.). After a lengthy period of time after log in, it seems to operate normally until I don't use it long enough for it to go back to sleep, and then I experience the same issue when I attempt to log back in

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Windows Is Very Slow Often Unresponsive And Will Not Update

Nov 7, 2012

I turned on my computer last week after it working fine and it all the sudden became very slow and unresponsive to the point of no use. So i reinstalled windows using the recovery partition. After reinstalling windows my computer is still very slow, often becomes unresponsive, windows updates will not download or take absolutely a lifetime to download. I am at a point where i do not know what to do. It is mid semester in school and this computer is important.

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System Slow And Unresponsive Under Heavy Hdd IOs

Apr 9, 2011

Its almost as if the entire system waits on the disk IO to complete before doing anything else.
In fact those of you older folks would remember that using floppies on windows XP caused this exact same issue. I would have thought that a modern computer should not be running into this kind of issue.

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Left Mouse Button Click Becoming Very Unresponsive?

Sep 26, 2012

when ever i click the left mouse button to open any file or programs,it doesnot respond.After clicking it for 8 or nine times then it responds.others all the keys of the the keyboard and the right mouse button are working fine..please help me how to get thru this problem..in short to say left mouse click is unresponsive.have to click 8,9 times to open up something?

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Extremely Slow Unresponsive Startup/restart?

Jan 15, 2013

This just recently started happening and I cant figure out why. Each time I restart or turn my computer on it takes like 10-15 minutes before I can even do anything. Some programs like Spotify, Skype and even my Task Manager arent showing any letters, I dont know if it was because I tried opening them too early upon restart or not but this whole situation is annoying. I'll provide pictures as an example of whats going on with the letters. Just now I clicked on skype and got an error that said "Out of system resources" I closed it and nothing happened but what is going on...

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Windows 7 Randomly Freezes. Mouse & Keyboard Then Unresponsive?

Feb 9, 2012

I got a new machine recently and it all works fine, except the operating system seems to randomly freeze. When it does the only way I have found to get out of it is to manually plug it out and restartOn freeze the keyboard and mouse become entirely unresponsive, the cursor does not move, nor do either click buttons do anything, if I'm typing somewhere the text does not appear, and Ctrl+Alt+Del doesn't bring up the usual screenI'm running windows 7 home premium on a 64 bit machine. I haven't found anything quite like this problem around so I thought it deserved a new topic by itselfI can't think of what to do to determine the cause or any potential solution. Everything's up to date. I think all the drivers are too. I put in different virus software 'cause I thought that might be itdit: The last time it happened I tried putting the keyboard and mouse into different USB ports, but that didn't work.Edit2: I just went to my device manager and manually checked for updates for all the drivers, and it turned out my graphics card needed an update (I updated it myself about three weeks ago so I discarded this as a potential problem). So I installed the update.

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Windows 7 Clean Installation - Dell XPS 410 Slow / Unresponsive

Dec 1, 2011

I've been troubleshooting this computer for some time now. At first, I disabled RAID because of the blue screens and I found that one was bad and the second of the RAID 1 appeared fine. Well, I installed XP to ensure it would work and that was extremely slow. My client didn't have a disc to XP MCE, but instead bought Windows 7. The installation took about 12 hours and the system is often unresponsive. On resource monitor, the 2.13Ghz Conroe CPU is barely tapped and the 2GB of RAM is barely at 30%. However, the system takes forever to boot and it very often stops responding for a period of time.

I did my research and found out that this model--original specs--can handle 7 better than this. I told the client it was probably an HDD error, as it seems to hang everytime the system must access the HDD. I can't even run the Index to find out what the systems rating is. I mem tested the RAM and chkdsk the HDDs before removing the first because of its clear faults in its inability to hold an OS installation. I recently installed the 2.5.3 BIOS update, but I haven't had a chance to install a newer version of Intel Matrix Manager.

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Video Turns Black And Grey, Keyboard/mouse Becomes Unresponsive

May 11, 2012

I bought a new computer with the following parts. PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks CPU: Intel Core i3-2120 3.3GHz Dual-Core Processor ($117.99 @ SuperBiiz) Motherboard: ASRock P67 PRO3 SE ATX LGA1155 Motherboard ($102.55 @ Newegg) Memory: Patriot Signature 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($41.99 @ Amazon) Hard Drive: Samsung Spinpoint F3 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($109.99 @ Newegg) Video Card: Asus Radeon HD 7850 2GB Video Card ($249.99 @ Amazon) Case: Fractal Design Core 3000 ATX Mid Tower Case ($69.99 @ NCIX US) Power Supply: Corsair 500W ATX12V Power Supply ($41.98 @ Newegg) Optical Drive: LG GH22NS90B DVD/CD Writer ($22.98 @ Newegg) Monitor: Acer S220HQLAbd 21.5" Monitor ($128.96 @ CompUSA) Total: $886.42 (Prices include shipping and discounts when available.) (Generated by PCPartPicker 2012-05-12 00:22 EDT-0400)

When I first got it, it arrived without the video card so I used a temp one. The computer started crashing, so I thought it was because the video card was old. I borrowed another one from a friend and uninstalled the old drivers and installed the new ones. The same thing happened with this one. I decided to run some test so I downloaded prime95, memtest86+, and a video benchmark. Everything passed except for prime95. Memtest ran for 11 hours with no errors and prime95 crashes after a couple of minutes. I returned the motherboard because I thought it was faulty, but the same thing happens with replacement. I tried moving the memory sticks to different slots and using one and then the other. I tried installing windows 7 32bit and 64bit. I ran the diagnostic test for the cpu and everything passed. I have installed the latest updated drivers.

So if it's not the motherboard, memory, cpu, nor gpu, what could it be. Can someone please help me identify the problem(s). I don't know where the .dmp went but here is a screen shot [URL] and I will attach the PERFMON HTML file.

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Windows 7 Computer Freezing And Becomes Unresponsive

Feb 6, 2012

Recently my computer started freezing it completely freezes and becomes unresponsive and I have to hold down the power button to reboot, so my first attempt was to scan the hardware I ran a Pc-Check diagnostics and all the hardware passed I then completely formatted the hard drive and restored the computer. Once Windows 7 completely installed I installed the missing wireless driver however, after using the computer for about 15min it froze again. I then disassemble the laptop and did some internal cleaning I blew out the dust from the heat sink and applied new thermal paste to the processor. Even after that the problem still remains. Now there is a catch when I boot the computer in safe mode it doesn't freeze even after leaving it on for 5hrs so I don't know what the problem is in normal boot.

Toshiba Laptop
Model L505-S5984
Windows 7 SP1 64-bit
2X4GB DDR3 Memory = 8GB
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor T6500

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Computer Freezes And Monitor Becomes Unresponsive

Jan 21, 2012

i have a acer aspire am3802-u9062 and while playing games like sc2, world of warcraft, and multiple other games, the computer makes the humming sound through the speakers which i assume means its frozen but the monitor becomes unresposive. i've tried dusting out the inside, taking off the side, turning the back facing the open part of the room, putting a fan by the side of it, so it doesnt seem like a heat problem. i have the recent video card update. i can also watch live-streams and hd videos on Internet with ease and no freezing. im baffled and can't figure it out. also have never had a bsod.

os - windows 7
(home premium 64 bit)
cpu - intel core 2
(quad proccesor q8300)
memory - 8 gb ddr2
hdd - 1 tb
odd - dvd super multi drive
vga - nvidia geforce gt 220 1024 mb

it only started happening recently, about 3 weeks ago. i've also ran programs like advanced system care, smart defrag 2, fix cleaner, ccleaner, along with full virus scans?

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Computer Freezes Randomly / Keyboard Becomes Disabled And Unresponsive

Jan 12, 2012

i am currently unable to work on assignments on my own computer or enjoy games because it freezes completely sporadically requiring a hard boot. essentially the computer freezes on me and the keyboard becomes disabled and unresponsive. the mouse cursor on the screen slows down, like the sensitivity was turned down 95%, and moves sluggishly, and then i know the freeze is coming. the computer desktop freezes completely, the keyboard becomes disabled and sometimes the screen turns a faint transparent white depending on what application i am running. the cursor then turns into an animated hour glass that i can move around the screen totally normally, with no lag, but everything is unresponsive. i then need to do a hard boot and end up frusturated, tempted to through my computer at the wall.i've scanned the computer with at least 10 different reputable antivirus programs and i have repaired all the registry errors. i've uninstalled programs i no longer need and searched all over solutions, to no avail. [code] i looked at event viewer to try to see a log of the issue but the only error it reported was id 41, from the hard boot. when i'm on Internet and it locks up permanently, the Internet video continues to play.also the freezing is totally random and sometimes i can go for 5h without it happening, other times it freezes up within 10 minutes. usually it freezes up between 10-30 mins of system starting up.

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Random "mouse-clicking" Or Random Toggle?

Jun 25, 2011

Whenever I am scrolling or just typing inside a MS-Word-2010 or PDF document, it's like someone is clicking with the mouse outside the window. The window menu is greyed out, and the blinking mouse cursor disappears.In order to continue scrolling or typing, I have to click back on that window.Sometimes it happens even while I'm typing, then I discover that some of my typing doesn't appear in the document and I have to click on the document again in order to bring back the mouse cursor into the document I use a wireless mouse but it also happens when I turn it off and use my laptop's touchpad 2 days ago I installed a Java update and NET framework updates.

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Random BLSC 0x50 New Computer, New Install, Random Program Crashes?

Apr 8, 2012

Random BLSC 0x50 New Computer, New Install; Random Program Crashes?

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Random Computer Shutdowns Random BSODs

May 10, 2012

I dont know if this is the right area or not, as i just joined, but it seems to be the best place. I recently bought a new computer, and now it will randomly shut down. Its also making loud pitch noises. That just started happening. I called tech support and they told me it was probably just the power supply. Before I send it in though, i want to make sure that is what is wrong. I dont know all to put on here.

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Slow Boot And Random Slowdowns After It

Nov 20, 2010

In the last few days it's gone from taking me maybe a minute to boot to several minutes and even after the computer has fully booted there is random slowdown, but there aren't really any processes using up cpu cycles according to the task manager. I've tried everything from reverting to another save point, defragging, limiting which services and programs start at boot, reinstalling drivers and and various programs without luck. I tried using the windows performance analysis tools to study what was running when during the boot process and it's pretty inconclusive. It runs much better in safe mode. I also run Linux and it does not seem laggy and as I've tested the hard disk and ram I'm lead to believe it's not a hardware issue.

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Slow, Moving Mouse

Oct 26, 2009

Ok this is my first post here. I have installed Windows 7 32 bit clean installs twice now on a Dell GX960 4 gig of Ram. I go to install Groupwise and Norton and I notice installs are going extremely slow, I can move the mouse and the speed seems normal. I have noticed this when I try to open the internet, move something, boot up, shut down I move the mouse and you can see the busy circle works normally, stop moving the mouse and the busy circle stutters and the machine seems really slow.

I have checked the event viewer and there is nothing there except where I have cancelled installs for office or adobe. I have checked the device manager and there is no conflicts. Deleted the Dell Laser mouse and rebooted, it reinstalled and still same issues.

I have installed this on 2 laptops and have no issues with them, they actually run GREAT! Decided to do my office machine and well, it is not going as smooth

Any ideas would be helpful. Anyone seen this before??

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Why The Mouse Is Too Slow On The Laptop

Apr 6, 2011

why is the reason that my laptop is too slow,.. but i dont really sure if it could be the mouse,.. is working very slow and i set it already in high speed,..so it gettind freezed each time I need to wait to continious next step..

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Slow Shutdown, And Random Spike Freezes

Sep 18, 2011

I have recently started experiencing abnormally slow shutdowns (it will go to the windows login screen with the shutting down message and hang there for about ~5 minutes), and random freezes on my PC. The freezes happen from things as small as moving the mouse. I run a weekly virus scan, and have come up with no viruses, though it could be something not detected by my antivirus.

The PC is less then 2 years old.

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional , Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1090T Processor, AMD64 Family 16 Model 10 Stepping 0


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No Monitor Signal, Keyboard And Mouse Dead At Random

Sep 8, 2009

I have a really strange problem, after a while (1-2 minutes) Windows just seems to freeze, the monitor signal dies and so does the keyboard and mouse. This seems to be pretty much random and does not occur at a specific time. Safe mode works well without the problem. This problem occurs both during the installation and on the installed OS. I managed to install Windows using safe mode (multiple times). I have been running XP and Linux on the same machine for a long time without any problems.

I have tried to install it multiple (allot) times, using different CDs and USB memory, same result. Even different isos. The iso I'm using is from MSDNAA and it's CRC checked. I have removed all "extra" hardware, disabled BIOS integrated hardware and usb stuff. No luck. I only have 1 monitor connected so it's not a multiple monitor problem, even tried booth DVI connectors. Have installed all the latest updates and tried different nvidia drivers.

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Windows 7 64 Bit With SP1 Mouse Slow To Startup

Jul 18, 2011

The mouse is slow to start up after first power up and login. Is there a way alter the start up to activate the mouse asap. The mouse is a Microsoft basic optical usb. I have it pluged in to a usb powered bus. The laptop has only 2 usb plugs and one is in use by the usb bus and the other by another device which will only work when not plugged in to a bus.

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Slow Mouse And Mini Freeze?

May 11, 2009

I have just installed Seven(7100), I like it (it seems like a better Vista version ) but I have some mouse issues, it is a bit hard to explain but when I rollover a link, a folder, a button ... it freezes for few millisecs.Is it a video driver problem ? A mouse driver problem ? Seven automatically installed the graphic driverHere are my specifications : VGNFE21BCore Duo 1.66 GHz1 GB (DDR2 SDRAM)NVIDIA GeForce Go 7400It is not great but should be sufficient, I had no problems with XP and was a bit slow with Vista but have not encountered this current problem.

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Semi-random Partial Lock-ups / Slow Downs

Sep 28, 2011

For the longest time I've had this problem where my computer will be on, everything working, then all of a sudden it stops but it doesn't crash.. no blue screen.. and oddly enough it doesn't completely lock up. I try to move the mouse and it may not move instantly, but a few seconds later it will jump and freeze again. It acts as if it goes from normal speed to then processing everything at about .0000001 frames per second, if that makes sense. Upon forcing down the computer, it will restart and hang at the "detecting IDE Drives" part of my Bios boot, then I fully force it down again and it boots up fine. At first it would only do this when I was downloading or installing with my 1.5TB drive installed so, I "uninstalled" it by disconnecting the power and SATA cable and it worked, didn't have any "slow down" or install/download issues after that.Now, I had plugged it back in a few months ago and everything was working fine, downloads were going perfectly fine, installs worked without a hitch, until today I decided to install XNA 4.0. When trying, it did the whole slow down/lock up and required me to restart. Recognizing it, I unplugged the drive again and rebooted. Tried to reinstall, then XNA 4.0 installer kept crashing saying "invalid Drive F:/" which is the drive I unplugged... why it was continuing to look for that drive I have no idea, anyways. I messed around with it a bit I plugged in a USB stick and renamed it to drive F:/, it would start installing but now still do this lock up. Some how after loading my BIOS on a boot and having only my 150GB raptor plugged in (no 1.5 TB, no USB drive) I was able to boot and install XNA 4.0 without errors. However, at the very end it started to lock up and slow down.

Now, whenever I boot my computer it continues to do this lock up, even with the drives I thought were problematic uninstalled. During start up it will make the windows chime and then start to slow down/lock up and act almost as if it's processing the sound in very, very slow motion. It would do this to video as well back when it would crash while I was playing games, until I initially unplugged the 1.5TB drive. Anyways, I am stumped now since it seems to be something completely different than a drive problem and do not know where to go from here. [code]

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Random Slow Boot Times After Memory Upgrade?

Jul 16, 2012

I assembled a PC a year ago based around the Asus M4A87TDUSB3.0, with it was bundled a Phenon II X6 1090T and 2 x 2 GB fast DDR3. I have a 750W PSU, running a Radeon HD5570. I have a dual boot config, with Windows 7 64bit as default but also XP as other OS because there are some old games I really like that only work in XP (I tried emulation but software rendering isn't up to it). 90% of the time I'm in Windows 7. I've set up the system to that the Windows 7 partition isn't visible to XP, so that my Windows 7 restore points don't get wiped out when I boot into XP.Anyway, to cut a long story short, system has been working well, reliable and without issues for the last 10 months. However, a couple of months ago I decided to install a second drive of the same size but faster. I migrated the entire contents from the old drive to the new faster one without problems. I then reformatted the old drive and made it a dedicated backup drive for Genie Timeline. All worked well.

A couple of weeks later, I decided to upgrade the RAM from 4GB to 16GB and used Crucial's system scanner to find suitable upgrade. I took out the old modules, installed the 16GB new ones as a complete kit (with same latencies etc). First boot didn't seem to go well, system hanged before Windows Logo. I rebooted, went into BIOS and set the memory timings to Auto and set up Memory Counter to show on screen. I rebooted and it showed 16GB and it then booted into Windows normally. All fine, I did a Windows system rating and got 7.4's and 7.5's on everything apart from the HDD which comes in at 5.9Problem is, I now randomly get slow boots. It probably happens once in about 5 times, the entire boot sequence will take around 14 minutes whereas normally things are fine after about 3 minutes. I've pared down startup programs in MSconfig to really just the stuff I need to get by, so I know it's not that. If I shut down and restart, the chances are it boots fine again. It's not Windows Updates causing this, I can see those when that happens. I've taken out the memory modules and have cleaned the contacts with Servisol, unplugged and plugged the HDD connections back in. For a few days, the problem seemed to go away but it then came back.

When it's in its slow mode, everything is a bit sluggish, it's almost like I would imagine it would be with a minimum amount of memory or if it was running some heavy process in the background. I also notice when it's like this, that rather than the drive light being solidly on when booting, it's more of a fast flicker, with periods of inactivity lasting a few seconds.I'm not a technical expert, my guess is that it's either the hard drive or the memory. However, I'm also wondering if there is something in the BIOS that I need to do. Also, I've noticed that when shutting down, sometimes it doesn't quite feel like it's shutting down right, by this I mean that usually, in the last second before power off, the chassis fan runs to max as FanXpert hands control of the fans back to BIOS I guess

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USB Mouse Slow To ERspond After Wake From Sleep

Feb 19, 2010

I have a Razer Copperhead USB Mouse. Specs of my desktop can be found here: TechComet: My Gadgets, Basically, I put my desktop to sleep (using S3-STR) and when I wake it up my moues does not respond for about 15-30 s after which it works fine. I am running Windows 7. I have no other problems with my system, my keyboard responds fine and I have all necessary drivers installed. I have no idea why this is happening and the fact that my computer resumes from sleep in 2 seconds is great, but not when I have to wait another 30 for the mouse to work!

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