"overclocking Failed" Message At System Startup

Nov 25, 2012

I just recently built a new computer and i decided to see how much more speed i could get out of my processor with amd overdrive's autoclock feature. it brought it from 3.1 GHZ to 3.2, and it wasn't stable so i just reset the settings back to default. I also tried overclocking my graphics card with MSI afterburner and it wasn't stable or worth the tiny bit of extra fps so i clicked reset to default. now whenever i shutdown my pc and turn it back on it says "overclocking failed" and then it takes me to my bios screen where it says that settings have been changed in the advanced section in my bios, so i go there and click the reset to default button.when i boot into windows i get weird lines and purple squares and then the screen flashes and it says that my display drivers have stopped working. so my computer is unusable and i have spent alot of money building it and i don't know what to do!

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Windows 7 Won't Startup, System Repair And System Restore Failed?

Feb 15, 2013

Living is south FL can be a bitch when the rains come as there often is a ton of accompanying lightening that plays havoc with the electrical system, even though I have surge protectors inside and outside the house. We just had some very heavy rains with lightening and my computer shut down several times, but I could restart it each time...except for the last time when Windows wouldn't startup. At that point, Start Up Repair came into play. Although I routinely backup on an external drive, of course I never did it this month-DUH!Results from SUR were error free (error code=0x0) on all the parameters tested, however there were the following error codes reported:"Unspecified change to the system configuration might have caused the problem." Failed: 0x1fRepair Action: System FilesFailed: x490There were more options to select for a recovery task, but I didn't try them as they didn't seem to be as salient as the two above.

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After Ran Startup / Repair System Restore Failed

Aug 6, 2012

I was being an idiot and messed with Msconfig memory. Restarted and gave me bsod. After that I ran Startup repair system restore failed.I checked the memory box I think it was 0, not sure. if you need additional information let me know.

-What I did Messed with memory in Msconfig

-What I have access to in Startup Repair Cmd

-What I tried System restore Startup Repair

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Getting An Error Message At System Startup?

Jun 7, 2012

i am getting an error message at system startup ,there was a problem starting msipkb32.dll.

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After Splash Screen Goes Away / Windows Shows Up Saying That Overclocking Has Failed

Jul 16, 2012

today after installing a windows update, my computer took forever to shut down. (5 minutes)after trying to start it back up, my motherboard splash screen hangs there for a good 10 minutes, then starts up.but after the splash screen goes away, a window shows up saying that overclocking has failed (even though i didnt overclock it)

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Checking File System On C Message On Startup

Apr 13, 2011

When i startup my new-ish laptop (Dell 64bit i7processor running windows 7) i keep getting a black screen with a message in white letters reading:-

"Checking file system on C: The type of the file system is NTFS. Volume label is OS. One of your disks needs to be checked for consistency. You may cancel the disk check, but it is strongly recommended that you continue. To skip disk checking, press any key within 10 seconds."

When i didn't press any key to escape the message it remained static like that for over an hour. Can anyone explain what is happening and how can i maintain a healthy disk in the first place to avoid this message?

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How To See If Your System Is Stable While Overclocking?

Jul 8, 2012

I'm very new to overclocking and I'm really bad at it. I can't overclock higher than 5 %. It is not because my hardware is bad because I can auto overclock to 29 % without any trouble. For my cpu I can adjust 10 voltages and I really don't understand it anymore. Can anybody explain me why there are multiple voltages in the cpu and which voltage does what

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Overclocking System AND Graphic Card?

Dec 27, 2011

Q. Is it safe/stable to overclock system and in addition to that also overclock graphic card.? How to be sure for stability. previous Gr. Card HD 4350 died I suspect because I did little overclocking in system ( as now) and then in graphic card was on AUto Tune, overdrice. Graphic card showed erratic behaviour after couple of hours completely died. My system specs briefly:ASUS P5QPL PRO Q9400 2GB CORSAIR DDR2 Dual Channel.Graphic card: SAPPHIRE RADEON HD 6850 GDDR5 1GB.I have done little overclocking on system, some initial steps only. then in catalyst it is set to :Enable Graphic overdrive. 775 MHZ for GPU and 1GHz for GDDR5. these values I got through Auto Tune.

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Overclocking Process - Missing Operating System Error

Feb 1, 2013

Ok, so in the process of overclocking, I rebooted my computer and then got the "Missing operating system" error. I reset the CMOS and that didn't work, in the process of trying to boot from my Windows 7 disk/Linux distro's so I can see if one of my drives crashed but nothing seems to want to boot, so I am at a loss. Also, it seems in the BIOS, some of my SATA devices aren't being recognized. That may be because I reset the CMOS but I'm not positive. I can only see one of my SSD's in the BIOS and one of my optical drives.

i5 2500k
MSI Z77-GD55
XFX DD 6870
12GB of G.Skill Ripjaws red/blue (2 x 4GB) & (2 x 2GB)
Corsair Force 3 60GB boot drive (Raid 5 with OCZA3 60GB)
OCZ Agility 3 60GB boot drive (RAID 5 with CF3 60GB)
WD 1TB Caviar Black storage
Corsair TX850M
Corsair H70

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Fix The Net Framework 3 5 Set Up Failed Message?

Jul 14, 2011

how do i stop this mesage auth remote download failed wins 7 ultimate 64 bit o/s message comes up on boot

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Error Message: Assersion Failed?

Sep 18, 2012

Let me start by saying that I'm a neophite when it comes to issuses of anything other than turning the computer on. It appears to me that when a Microsoft update was installed it obviously changed something. I keep getting an error message that reads:[CODE]

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Using Macrium But Get Message Clone Failed

Oct 8, 2011

I've wanted to clone a drive. I have just installed a WD20EARX (J:/), but after only a couple of seconds, I get the following Error message: Failed to prepare operations. Error code: 10 'File system error is found' with extended code: 458,774 'Block bitmap corrupted'" module="10" time="1318002352".I've checked out the FAQs and that's not helped.I have also tried using Macrium, but get the message: Clone failed - - VerifyFileSystem failed.I have checked through Device Manager and all appears to be OK in there. Ithe new drive is showing up in there OK, but when I check up in Start > Computer, it's not showing up in there.Anyone any idea what it all means and simple step-by-step instruction of how to get around it. I am using Windows 7 and the new drive, 2TB, is formatted to NTFS

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Windows Failed To Start Error Message

Oct 31, 2012

How can I get into my laptop? I have a Windows failed to start error message. Asking me to inser my windows installation disc which didn't come with laptop

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ERROR MESSAGE: The Remote Procedure Call Failed And Did Not Execute?

Jun 27, 2009

I have just managed to crash Windows Explorer and have receivedthe following error message (no error code provided);"The remote procedure call failed and did not execute"Whenever I try and double left mouse click on computer, control panelor any other windows processes I receive the above error message.I was wondering if any other members have received this sameerror message?

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Boot Up Get An Error Message That Says, 'failed To Load Branding Configuration'?

Dec 16, 2012

Every time I boot up I get an error message that says, 'failed to load branding configuration'...what can I do

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Windows 7 Randomly Crashes On Startup Or Requires System Repair On Startup

Jan 14, 2011

Ever since I bought my new computer and installed Windows 7 64 bit Pro I have noticed that sometimes when I start my computer the startup locks up or crashes, requiring me to restart or it takes me to the system repair screen and running this process does nothing.

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Boot From VHD Startup Repair Failed?

Apr 27, 2011

My OS is Windows 7 Ultimate x64 and its boot by vhd.

One day, it failed to go to Windows and stuck at Startup Repair. I think it was caused by invalid driver.

But anyway, my concern is the Startup repair is unable to repair a Windows that is installed in a vhd. Then what should I gonna to do?

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Message At Startup

May 19, 2009

Every time at startup I get this notepad message. What is it? How do I turn it off?

It's not a big problem but it's very annoying...

I'm using Windows 7 RC 32 bit.

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Failed Startup Due To SZKG64.sys Missing Or Corrupt

Jan 8, 2012

I have an Macbook Pro with an Intel processor, which I have partitioned as a dual boot and have Windows 7 Ultimate X64 installed. This setup has ran fine until last week. I installed an old Guitar DVD course, and the default video player was Windows Media Player. For some reason the videos would only play sound but no video. The videos would play fine if I went to the folders and used a different media player, but within the lessons software it by default used Windows Media player. I tried updating all the codecs to play avi files but with no luck. I read where it was a known issue with WMP 12, and rolling back to WMP11 usually solved the issue. I found an older version of WMP 11, but I think it was infected with malware, and I was caught in an infinite boot loop where Windows wouldfind a problem, try to repair it, and couldn't, and reboot only to keep doing that over and over. I ran /fixmbr and /fixboot and managed to get out of the boot loop, but now I keep getting an error "Windows is unable to start due to a missing or corrupt file WindowsSysWOW64DriversSZKG64.sys From researching some it seems to be a driver from an antivirusspyware program I have installed called StopZilla. I've looked everywhere for some way to get past this but can't seem to find a solution. Also I have ran three different rescue cd's and nothing has shown up.

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Error Message During Startup

Feb 6, 2012

I recently just starting having this problem in which it states that a specified modual cannot be found when i enter onto desptop?. I have no clue where this came from and it is very annoying. I have attached an image at the bottom of what specifically it states.

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Error Message On Startup

Aug 27, 2012

Whenever I boot up my computer, I get a message that says

"There was a problem starting 3DLCXtime.dll The specified module could not be found"

The box has an 'OK' button and an x in the top right, I just hit 'OK' and the box goes away and doesn't bug me, but I wish to have it stop, since it kinda worries me that it may be a larger problem that may slowly get bigger.

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Error Message On StartUp

Jan 22, 2013

Dell Dimension 8400 o/s W7 Ultimate, running fine for months, has suddenlt started to have an error window pop up on the Desk Top during start up.

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Error Message On Startup?

Sep 18, 2010

Everytime I login a popup appears: Quote: There was a problemstarting:C:UsersUserAppDataRoamingMFWMAAECE.dllAccess is denied. I've justuninstalled a program which it might be related to but I haven't had any problems anywhereI've searched for the file in the folder and in start menu and its not coming up with anything.

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Computer Won't Boot - Failed To Do Startup Repair And Restarts

Feb 19, 2012

Basically the issue is that my computer won't boot. I have had it for just over a year and have never had any issues with it. It's protected and isn't used for anything dodgy, my brother uses it for SWTOR and I use it mostly for uni work and a bit of gaming here and there. Anyway out of nowhere it failed to start. Its done this once before and last time I just told it start Windows normally and everything was fine. This time not so much.

It loads up Startup Repair even if I select start Windows normally as it fails to do so and restarts itself automatically. I left it to detect errors but when I checked it a few hours later it still said searching so I cancelled and left it. I tried again yesterday and have left it on for approximately 25 hours to no avail, it still says searching! I have a lot of stuff I haven't backed up so I want to save it. Also note that there are no pieces of hardware plugged into the machine at all, only the mouse, keyboard and monitor.

Basic Info :-
Windows 7 x64
8 GB Ram
NVIDIA G Force 950

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Unexpected BSOD Error Message On Windows 7 Startup

Jul 3, 2012

I am not computer savvy when it comes to these sorts of things. The heading states it all and am wanting a bit more of an insight at any problems that may be occurring etc.. Also, as of late I have noticed that my DVD player refuses at times to read a DVD movie or game title, and only after a few open / closes it seems to work. - x86 (32-bit) or x64 ? Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit - the original installed OS on the system? As Above - an OEM or full retail version? Retail Version

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Startup Repair Not Working, I/O Error Message In Cmd Prompt?

Jun 8, 2012

i am running windows 7 home premium 64 bit on my core i3 lennovo laptop
Problem is that i have been running a 2nd monitor and about a month ago the laptop screen went crazy and stopped working but the monitor kept working so i just went along with that. All has been fine but 2 days ago a tried to log in and the computer froze so i manually restarted it to find the startup repair come up, it did its thing, restarted a few times over a day and then it said that the problem could not be repaired, i tried it again and the same thing happened.I saw the infinite loop tutorial so i tried it and got to the final stages and it said that the action could bot be performed because of an i/o error.I searched around and saw that people have used chkdisk And sfc scannow. I tried these but kep geting the same messge about the i/o error.

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Windows 7 Startup Message 'path Is Not Of A Legal Form'

Nov 6, 2012

All of a sudden, my pc now has this small message box load when it gets to the desktop which says "The path is not of a legal form."I have searched everywhere on the net to find something that might be able to help diagnose what is causing this but to no avail.

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Boot Manager Failed To Find OS Loader - Startup Repair Giving Errors

Oct 5, 2011

I am currently using windows 7 ultimate x64. I was in the middle of a process restoring my computer to a few days back and suddenly it froze. I did a power shut down and when I turned it back on, I wasn't able to get back into windows. I was brought to startup repair and it gave me errors. 'Boot manager failed to find OS loader'. There was options for restoring, but all my restore points were gone. Recovery wasn't able to find image backup.

"Startup repair cannot repair this computer automatically". I was told to go into safe mode to restore, but whenever I enter safe mode, startup repair would take over and shows the same errors, also I read a tutorial using a repair disc ( made a copy of it on someone elses ultimate x64 computer) and I get the 0x00000e9 error if i boot from disc. What can I do? As of now I don't have the installation disc with me. I wont be able to get hold of it until tomorrow. There's a lot of important files in that hard drive and I really cant lose any.

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Dell / Windows 7 Ultimate - Out Of Range Message Displaying On Startup

Feb 7, 2011

On Startup my desktop displays (OUT OF RANGE). I ran diagnostic and error code 2000 0146 is displayed. Windows will not start up.

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Each Computer Upon Reboot Displays An Error Message Saying The "updates Failed"

Nov 27, 2012

I have 4 Win 7 computer that will not up-date, Windows shows 21 updates available (all 4 computers show same), upon reboot system says "Updates Failed". Each computer upon reboot dsiplays an error message saying the "updates failed". rinse - repeat.This started with one computer about a month ago, I now have 4 that are doing it. I have scanned with Combofix, Superantispyware, Rkill, Symamtec's Endpoint, eSet on-line, Panda on-line, Malwarebytes, JRT, ADWcleaner, CCleaner, FSS, awsMBR, and tried the MS FIXIT.

I also tried this procedure:

1) Disabled Windows update Service

2) Deleted all files in c:\windows\softwaredistribution\datastore and deleted files in c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download

4) 3) Downloaded and installed the most up to date Windows Update Agent.

5) Restarted Windows Update Agent, made sure Workstation and Background Intelligent Transfer Services were running.

6) Ran the MS Mr. Fixit program to repair update issues.

7) Ran the Windows update. 21 updates to install (as always).

8) Rebooted

9) Guess what, same issue!

I tried this on ALL 4 COMPUTERS I have with this SAME issue, 2 of which are on the same domain, the other two are laptops. ALL 4 FAILED. All four (4) again show the need to receive 21 updates. All 4 were again ran through the update process, all four (4) again failed post re-boot to take the updates (message stated �up-dates failed� post re-boot)

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The Error Message: The Application Has Failed To Start Because Its Side-by-side Configuration Is Incorrect?

Aug 9, 2011

The error message: the application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log for more details.the event logs of the error:

theres 3 errors:
Activation context generation failed for "C:Program Files (x86)NVIDIA CorporationNVIDIA System MonitorNVMonitor.exe".Error in manifest or policy file "C:Program Files (x86)NVIDIA CorporationNVIDIA System MonitorMicrosoft.VC80.MFC.MANIFEST" on line 4. Component identity found in manifest does not match the identity of the component requested. Reference is [code].....

i have an intel core i7 running 64 bit if that makes a difference.

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