No Longer Provide End User Support Downloads

Feb 16, 2013

i am trying to update my BIOS. I went to insyde website (thats the bios manufactor) but then no longer provide the end user support downloads or whatever... and next then i went to acer (my system brand) and they have a few BIOS updates but i do not know which one to choose.

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User - XP Support Tech

Dec 31, 2009

I noticed the other day when I was reading through the forum that there is a Windows 8 site. I checked it out and it is nice to see that when the betas come out people will be able to help each other there. I also have notice that there are some great people on this site and have resolved many problems with Windows 7.

My question is: Is there a sister site to this one for Windows XP? And do the same smart users here read and reply in it? I have a Windows XP problem that no one has been able to solve and I would like to post it in these forums and see if someone is smarter than Microsoft at resolving a problem.

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User Switching No Longer Works After SP1 Install

Mar 21, 2011

Windows 7 Ultimate, 32 bit. Not on a domain. After I installed SP1, "Switch User" disappeared as an option. "Hide entry points for Fast User Switching" in GP Editor is set to Not Configured.

I also checked the Application Information service as Andre suggested, and it was not running. I started it, set it to automatic startup, and rebooted. Still no joy.

I have uninstalled SP1, and I now have the option to switch users as I did before installing SP1.

I'd prefer to keep my system updated, but for this system anyway, the ability to switch users as opposed to logging off is more important.

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Windows Update - PC No Longer Allow To Login To Only User Account

Aug 13, 2012

Well I did some windows updates earlier, and now for some reason my pc is no longer logging me into the only user acct on this system automatically, it sits there at the choose user screen till I click, How do I go about setting it so that it'll auto login that user on boot?

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Which Remote Support Software To Purchase For A 50+ User-base

Jan 15, 2013

I am currently trying to decide on the best remote support software to purchase for a 50+ workstation business. I have experimented with Real VNC and TeamViewer, and whilst they are quite comparable I noticed that TeamViewer has a feature called "Seamless Windows". I will be providing remote support to local users, and several interstate branches - therefore the software that I decide on must accommodate a wide diversity of geographical locations.I was also looking at a product called GoverLAN, but it seems to me that GoverLAN only works on a single LAN and can't be used over a WAN in a similar way to both RealVNC & TeamViewer?

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Standard User Account Password - Logon Feature Will Not Support It

Nov 30, 2012

I set up a standard user account on my desktop and it worked. I did the same thing with my laptop and when I try to enter a password in my standard user account on the laptop, it says the logon feature will not support it. Is there something I am overlooking seeing that it works on the desktop?

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Microsoft Updating Skydrive, No Longer Can Sync User-defined Folders?

Apr 26, 2012

The beauty of Live Mesh, though, is that you can sync any folder anywhere on your hard drive without having to move or copy it to a specific location. You simply tell Live Mesh which folders to keep in sync on each PC, and it does the rest.The new SkyDrive will sync your files. But unlike Live Mesh, it won't sync specific folders from anywhere on your PC.Instead, it creates a folder on your PC called SkyDrive. Any subfolder or file you wish to sync has to be moved to that specific location. So what was once an automated process now becomes a manual and laborious task. It also can easily create problems for applications that want to store content in your Documents folder, for example.I just switched to Skydrive for this! It was a royal pain figuring out how to junction my documents folder on my second drive into my Dropbox folder. Is there any way to avoid upgrading?

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Can Provide Windows 7 DVD To Customer If Use OEM

Jan 7, 2013

I've built a dozen PCs for myself and family members, but now I have a paying customer that wants a new PC with Windows-7 installed.I have my OEM copy and can easily install & register it for them, but I'd like to provide them with their own copy of Windows 7 on DVD. My OEM copy is too big to fit on a normal DVD and I'd rather not give them an OEM disc anyway.Is there a way to provide them with a DVD of Windows-7 after I install my OEM copy, or must I purchase the "full" version for $125 just so they have a physical copy?

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VPN Doesnt Provide Internet Access?

Mar 29, 2012

To prevent the new default route from being created, select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) on the Networking tab for the properties of the VPN connection. Click Properties, and then click Advanced. In Advanced TCP/IP Settings, on the General tab, clear the Use default gateway on remote network check box. I have internet access but I dont think its through the VPN. I am connected but it says on the VPN stats: Without internet access. Because when I try to go through some blocked ports in my school it still doesnt work but It works with YourFreedom(with openvpn mode).

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Provide A Generate-able Temporary Password For Login?

Oct 6, 2010

I have a PC at home that is shared with several people. What I would like to do is to have a way to somehow generate and give people a temporary password that they could use to login to my account on my PC, thereby not having to disclose my password. Does anyone know of any software or something built-in to Windows 7 that would allow me to do this?

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Dual Boot With XP Doesn't Provide Option

Oct 26, 2009

I created a separate partiton and installed Win 7 fine. It dual booted fine as well. I then renamed the old XP boot partition and this caused the PC to give NTLDR missing and wouldnt boot.

So I reinstalled Win 7 as a custom install and it all boots fine into Win 7 without providing me a dual boot option. I am not too concerned about this as eventually I was going to go completely over to Win 7 anyway

Question I have is

1) The old Win XP boot partition is viewable in explorer. Can I just reformat this and reclaim the space - I want to make sure that the PC is not looking for any files in that old partition

2) Can I delete the Windows.old folder as well

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Way To Get Existing Drivers To Provide Louder Volume

May 4, 2012

I've been refurbishing some Dell Optiplexes and have run into a problem.The Optiplex 755 runs Windows 7 perfectly, with good volume for the onboard audio.With the 745s though, the audio is extremely low and faint. I've tried running the audio drivers in compatibility mode and as administrator, but nothing seems to work.Does anyone know of a way to get the existing drivers to provide louder volume, or a different driver that may work?It looks like the integrated audio is 'ADI 1983 High Definition Audio'

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Does Microsoft Provide An Iso Of Windows 7 Home Premiun 32 Bit

Jan 13, 2013

my friend has this computer with OEM windows 7 home premium 32 bit.But is running slow, it is a Sempron(AM2) with 1GB DDR2.I want to give him 3GB of ram and my Athlon X2 3800+.If i change the processor will i need to revalidate windows or you only need that if you change the motherboard? Also, If we need to format his computer (cos it's slow), how would i go about revalidating OEM windows 7? Does Microsoft provide an iso of windows 7 home premiun 32 bit? And then can we insert the key on the sticker normally or we need to do something else?

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Unable To Find A Single Resolution That Will Provide A Good Display On All Websites

Nov 1, 2011

I am unable to find a single resolution that will provide a good display on all websites. As a result I am adjusting it when moving from one site to another. Not difficult to do, but if I could rid myself of this chore, it would be great. Problems are wrong screen size and garbled text.WIN 7 premium, 64 bit, using 32 bit IE9 due to the lack of a flash player that will work on 64 bit IE9.

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Lost Driver Cd For UMAX AStra 5800 Pl Provide Link To Download Free?

Feb 17, 2013

i lost scaner driver..could u please provide a link...

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No Drivers Found. Click Load Driver To Provide A Mass Storage Driver F?

Jan 7, 2013

Okay so, my laptop's system is unable to boot, so I just tried to format it since I have to do that for a very long time, and when it asked me in which partition I want to install windows there was nothing, although when I clicked "Load Driver" I could access the hard disk's files, the hard disk IS listed in the bios normally but windows does not recognize it, I tried using Kaspersky Rescue disk(the only CD I had along with the recovery disk)and when I used the File Manager, the hard disk still didn't show, are there any drivers I have to install?I have burned both fujitsu9that's my laptop) and Seagate's websites and can't find anything, I have searched forums but the only answers were "check if your hd is listen in bios".So, i IS listed in bios but I can't reinstall windows nor access it

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In PerfMon, What Type Of Info Does "event Traces" Provide

Sep 23, 2011

In trying to get a solid grasp on PerfMon features, we were wondering what the best use of "event traces" would be and what is the info that it provides.

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No Drives Were Found. Click Load Driver To Provide A Mass Storage Driver For Installation?

Dec 5, 2011

emachine EL1200, AMD Athlon 64, Boxer 61 MB DA061L, 08120-1, 48.3V801.011. 2GB RAM, SATA HDD. Originally Win Vista but upgraded to Win 7 home premium 32 bit which worked ok. Problem - at boot up the following happens: verifying DMI pool data...update success, boot from CD, bootmgr is missing, press ctrl+alt+del to restart. inserted win 7 CD, installation progresses to stage where i get error message: no drives were load driver to provide a mass storage driver for installation.

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"you'll Need To Provide Administrator Permission To Copy This Folder"

Apr 16, 2011

I am bashing my head and getting nowhere with windows 7....I have 3 users; a, b, and c (say)and administrator; z (say)when logged into z, I want to copy the folder of user 'a' but when I try to do this it comes up with ..."you'll need to provide administrator permission to copy this folder"But...whatever I try and do it will not allow me to copy the folder in question.

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"no Drives Were Found. Click To Load Driver To Provide A Mass Storage Driver For Installation"

Jan 1, 2013

I just got a brand new computer for christmas, it's a hp compaq dc5850, and it was working fine until now! I tried turning the computer on and it got stuck at the blue hp invent screen, I didn't know what to do, so I finally decided to just try and restore it. When I try to use the windows 7 disc to do this it keeps saying "no drives were found. Click to load driver to provide a mass storage driver for installation".

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Strange Defult Login User Prompt - Local Admin, Not Domain User?

Jan 17, 2012

So a new box recently built, when booted, defaults to the local administrator account.This is a Windows 7 machine for a Linux guru that doesn't want to be bothered pressing more buttons than is necessary, if you get my drift. So my question is, after pressing do I dictate to Windows that the preferred used is "HisDomainAccount" on our company domain, as opposed to the local admin account?

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Windows 7 Takes Forever To Load The Select User/switch User Screen?

Jan 17, 2013

Earlier today I turned on my Toshiba laptop (Satellite P855-S5200) and got some sort of error screen, and then it brought me to a screen asking if I wanted to do a system repair or start windows normally. I chose system repair, but then it seemed to get stuck in that process (It was taking forever and nothing was happening), so I turned off the laptop (I know, big no no), booted in safe mode, and did a system restore to a restore point from about a week ago. The "starting Windows" screen came and went, no problem. Everything seemed fine till I got to the User Selection screen (the default blue one with the little hummingbird or whatever). Then it just sat there on that screen. I could see the hummingbird and the little squiggly lines, but there were no buttons to click my user. I just let it sit there, and after about 5 minutes, the user names popped up, and I was able to continue using the computer without any problems, no other speed issues whatsoever. It now makes me wait every time, always about 5 minutes, before the user names pop up. It does this when I restart the machine and when I try to switch users.

It is a Pentium Core i7
2.3 Ghz
Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit

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'User Profile Service Failed' When Changing Default User Location

Apr 22, 2011

I changed the values in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionProfileList in order to move the default user locations to my second partition. I then created a new user profile but when I try to login I get the message 'The User Profile Service failed the login'. When I set these values back to normal, new accounts work fine but I really want my user accounts on the second partition.

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Admin User Changed To Standard User Startup Programs?

Oct 31, 2012

I changed a user from admin to standard after creating a new admin account. When I boot into the standard user, I am prompted by UAC for the admin password for 4 programs to start. All the programs are ASUS utilities that came with mymotherboard.I have checked the permissions of the programs and the User group has full control.Also, these programs do not show up in the MSCONFIG startup tab. I want the utilities to run but do not want to have to authenticate every time I boot

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Downloads Always Get To About 98% But Never EVER Finish

May 4, 2011

I use the latest version of firefox and use Dodo wireless broadband and I can never get beyond 98% of a download, it's very frustrating when certain programs have to be updated to even run. According to dodo's signal charts I should be in the best location for their signals and when I contact them they refuse to take any responsibility for it. I wasted countless gigs on downloads that just won't finish. Is there anything I can do to make the downloads finish? I've tried disabling my anti virus, firewalls, tried using IE8, NOTHING WORKS!

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All Downloads Are Blocked?

Feb 10, 2013

I am working on my daughter's Presario CQ 56-115DX Notebook running Windows 7. It has been running erratically and has a lot of junk on it and no anti virus. I have tried to install several free antivirus programs and also a Revo Uninstaller with both IE, Chrome and Firefox. All Downloads are blocked (or automatically "cancelled") including your TSG SysInfo. I turned off the Firewall but that didn't help. I also did a System Recovery back to 1-30-2013 to no avail.

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All Downloads Crash Ie9

Apr 21, 2011

whenever I try using IE9 to download something (so far just a 634mb mod for arma 2) it crashes after you do the "click here to download" , it correcly goes to filefront but then crashes before anything else happens.

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All Downloads Are Interrupted?

Aug 14, 2011

Suddenly everything I try to download from sites like rapidshare, megaupload etc are interrupted on both INTERNET EXPLORER AND GOOGLE CHROME !! The downloads finish and then both browsers give an error saying The download is interrupted ! like this "123/123 KB Download interrupted" I deleted and installed Google Chrome yet still I can't download anything !!

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IE 9 Downloads Are Slow?

Apr 2, 2012

I don't mind IE 9 but I went back to IE 8 because my download speed seemed to be cut in half. I have internet speed of 7 mbps-Verizon. The download manager in IE 9 is slow.

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How To Transfer Downloads To Usb

Apr 10, 2011

how can i transfer my download video to mu usb?

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My Downloads Not Completing

Mar 12, 2012

Im having an odd problem with a windows 7 computer. An engineer here is trying to download a 80mb+ file the file will speed along at about 200-300 kb until randomly it will stop..... For example the file is 55% done,downloading at 222kb/s and will remain like that stuck at 55% and the dl speed will usually stay the same or slowly(The course of minutes).

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