Mouse No Longer Waking Computer?
Oct 6, 2012
I had the problem for a few days that my mouse no longer woke up my computer. I looked in BIOS settings, and mouse settings, all was as it should be. But then I looked into what updates I had installed, and on the same day I updated "Intel(R) Network Connections" was when the mouse problem started. So I just uninstalled that, and now the mouse wakes up computer.
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Sep 22, 2012
I have a Logitech M570 trackball mouse, which Windows calls "HID-compliant mouse". I have already unchecked the box in device manager, with no luck. Even a slight scroll will wake my computer, which is very annoying.
It is a Sony VAIO VGN-NW220F laptop:
Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, 64 bit
Processor: Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 23
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Feb 8, 2013
Over the past week, my monitor,keyboard, and mouse become unresponsive after waking from sleep. I haven't installed any new software in the past couple weeks and all my drivers are current. It doesn't happen every time, its random. About 3-4 times in the past week I come home and hit the keyboard to wake it up, the computer wakes up, but the monitor, keyboard, and mouse never come on. I've tried unplugging both the keyboard and mouse and it still won't work. I have to hard reset the comp for them to come back on. Unfortunately, since its random, I can't duplicate it, I just have to try some things out and wait to see if it happens anymore.
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Sep 27, 2012
I have a laptop with a monitor attached. I use to be able to come in and move the mouse to wake up the system. Now, I need to open the laptop and push the power button. I have gone into System/Device Manager/Mice.... and there is no option to "allow device to wake up". My knowledge is limited, but I do understand some things. I just don't see what could have caused this change. It just happened out of the blue!
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Jul 28, 2012
recently my computer was acting up and would not startup past the "windows is starting up" screen. I really wanted to play a bunch of games I just bought so I kept occasionally getting it to work in "last known good configuration". Safe mode didn't work and eventually I ran a disc I have no idea what it's called but it said soldierx on the screen and ran like 8 virus scans and did a bunch of tests on my comp, apparently geeksquad uses it. Anyways it removed 3120 spyware, but right before I decided to run this the only reason I decided to was because my keyboard and mouse stopped working. It works in the bios and anything before I actually get to my desktop, lights up and everything, even the keyboard shortcuts work such as windows search, but I can't move my mouse or do anything with my keyboard. I ran startup repair and it says that windows can't automatically fix the problem, had my dad do some pin reset thing where you do something with the battery and move pin 1 to 2 and 2 to three or something like that and didn't work, the bios has ps/2 enabled and legacy something enabled which I read could be the problem, and I have no restore points.
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Jul 7, 2012
I guess I'm just having a series of minor problems.The function of the right click on my mouse no longer works. I get a rotating circle that eventually states the Windows can not solve the problem.
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Oct 29, 2009
I just installed updates and now I cant middle mouse click to open in new tab for firefox.. is there a way to fix this?
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Jan 4, 2012
sometimes when coming out of sleep mode I'll be greeted with the boot screen. Upon logging into Windows, I get the "Windows has recovered from an unexpected shutdown" error:
Code: Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.1.7600.
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Sep 29, 2010
All of a sudden I can no longer open or close new tabs using the middle mouse click (clicking the scroll wheel) it doesn work in ie or in firefox. Also seems like it doesn't work on the desktop or any other application. I have'nt installed new updates or new programs, I don't have any "mouse software" like intellipoint. This affects both my wireless keyboard with built in trackball and a serperate wireless scrollmouse. The only think I can think of is that a few days ago I changed the the speed of my cursor.. of course this shouldn't have affected anything else.... but it is really annoying as I mostly use my computer for web browsing and always open links in new tabs..
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Jul 25, 2011
My computer will BSOD after waking up from it's sleep. Now it wasn't a usual occurrence, it just lagged but lately it always went to blue screen after waking up.I checked, there are no Flash Drives plugged in, but the USB for the wireless mouse is plugged in but that never had any affect before.
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Sep 23, 2011
I have a homebuilt system that I have had for a little over a year now. I am currently having an issue when waking my computer from sleep. When I wake the computer, I can see the machine turn on and start up (LED fans light up) but the monitor stays black. It stays like that and my only option is to do a hard reset.
After resetting the computer, it says its resuming windows and lets me login, but it runs very slow for a while. On my next restart, the computer "checks the disk for consistency", and then after that everything is normal again.
This doesn't happen every time I put it to sleep, but it has been happening a lot lately. I had this issue last year, but it just stopped, and i can't remember if I had done anything to fix it. I did not have this problem again until sometime last week. The only thing I did last week was I installed the new drivers for my video card and uninstalled/reinstalled MSI afterburner.
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Oct 15, 2011
Recently I built a computer for my friend. After running it through some typical diagnostics, I concluded that it was fine. Two days later he called me and told me that the PSU was making weird noises. That's when his first BSOD happened. It was pretty obvious that the PSU was done, and he RMA'd it back. When the new one came back it was working fine, but after a few days he called me again and said that it was BSOD'ing a lot. I checked it out and it seemed to happen a few minutes after waking up from sleep mode. It happened every time. At first I thought it could have been a hard drive problem so he RMA'd that. When the new one came back it was the same story.
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Nov 5, 2012
I don't know if it's Microsoft's bad OS or this crumby Korean computer - but it sucks to be back with Windows after a decade of Macintosh!This computer randomly fails to wake up. The mouse icon moves, but my screens are all black. I can control-alt-delete to raise the task manager screen. But then clicking does NOTHING.Windows is a **** OS. I hate it. It's always pissed me off since Bill Gates "created" it. Click click click - are you sure you want to click? Why don't you click some more? click click click. Would you like to click again? Are you sure you'd like to click again? And how about all those REALLY helpful popup windows.So thoughtful and caring.Oh yeah, windows. That's why. Such vision.Bill Gates has NO TASTE! I wish Steve Jobs was still alive!here are so many stupid bugs in this system.It reminds me of Millennium Edition. DOes anyone remember that BS? If I didn't need this shite for work I'd burn it. Or enjoy hacking it to bits with an axe.Can anyone help me sort this out? Or am I doomed to continually click stupidly until my tendons freeze up with carpal tunnel and my eyes fall out from staring at the ugly designs everywhere?Lastly, there's an infuriating naming bug - sometimes Windows 7, so intelligently designed, believes a file is open when it is not. Windows won't let you change the name of a file or folder if it believes a file in that folder is open. Brilliant. So, guess what? Yeah, I can't change the effing file name and have to shut down the computer. Since I work in a firm with a high volume of files changing names frequently, I can't tell you how much this pisses me off.Somebody get Windows to hire someone with creative vision who understands how to streamline operations! Someone teach Bill Gates how to paint a picture!In the meantime, I'm going to work on convincing my entire office to move to Mac.
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Jan 17, 2012
My computer crashes right after it wakes up from sleep mode.I used MSDaRT to diagnose the problem, and obtained a Analysis.log file, but I can't figure out where the problem is.Here is a copy of the contents of the file:
Code: Opened log file 'C:Windowsmsdart_crashanalyzer_kd_ansi.log'
Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.11.0001.404 AMD64
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Loading Dump File [C:WindowsMEMORY.DMP]
Kernel Summary Dump File: Only kernel address space is available
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Jan 15, 2013
When my desktop computer wakes from sleeping it takes approx. 20-30 seconds to connect to the internet. From what I remember, several things happened just a little bit prior to my noticing that this was occuring- 1. I installed Skype (I remember installing Skype on one of my computers before and it kept the computer from sleeping, I don't remember if I was able to fix it or had to do a system restore, so Skype has been a problem in the past although not this specific problem), 2. I ran Combofix for a virus infection, and 3. I got a new modem from the phone company after the old one quit working.I'm really not sure what the problem is, ie if it is one of the things above or something else completely, as I uninstalled Skype and the problem persisted (was not able to do a system restore to before Skype being installed due to Combofix deleting my system restore points) and my laptop is connected to the same router that is hooked up to the new modem that my desktop is and my laptop is connected to the internet immediately after waking from sleeping so I'm not sure how it could be a problem with the new modem if my laptop connects but the desktop doesn't. I've tried doing various fixes and tweaks from googling around but haven't been successful in finding anything
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Jun 24, 2011
The computer will not return from waking. The machine is fully updated and power settings are correct. Mouse and keyboard have been enabled to wake the computer.The issue is one of several, sometimes the monitor will go to sleep and either completely ignore the request to wake, nothing happens no HDD activity light fans are active but show no change in speed with keyboard input. Or, the monitor will go to wake and looks like its receiving a signal (Monitor light will change from orange to blue) but remains black. Again with no HDD activity. Or if i turn my back for a few minutes (ALWAYS WHEN IM NOT LOOKING!) the screen will be a nice blue hue and will not show/accept any input. I've disabled hibernation and Hybrid sleep. Switch from S3 to S1 in BIOS. Im hesitant to keep the HDD from powering down since this computer will be used heavily by our sales staff. Put the computer through a very thorough diag and ll hardware passes. I also initially thought the problem was the system image and used another known good image to restore the machine.
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Mar 21, 2012
I've been having two main problems recently. One being a BSOD upon waking up a sleeping/hibernating computer and two being a randomly dismounting HDD.The former problem has been happening for well over a year, but I've just kind of ignored it. Recently, my computer's starting to BSOD even when its not waking up, so I thought I might want to finally take a look into what's happening. If anyone would be kind enough to tell me how to post dump logs, I will gladly supply them.The latter problem also is a recent occurrence and happens sporadically. I know this isn't the exact forum to post this in, but I thought I'd mention it to see if it is somehow connected. Sometimes I'll try to access Mozilla or a shortcut on my desktop and a message will pop up, notifying me that that file is unavailable for access. Then I check "computer" and see that my main data drive (the HDD) has disappeared! This problem remedies itself once I've restarted my computer but is still none-the-less disconcerting. Does this hint at a failing hard drive? It's important to note that when I try to back up the HDD or check disk it, it usually will disappear in the middle of my attempts, or my computer will BSOD and fail to complete the tests.
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May 9, 2012
Recently (for the last few months), I've been having a problem where if I sleep/hibernate my laptop (Dell XPS 15), whether that be by shutting the lid or manually, upon waking I receive a BSOD after 5-20 minutes. The message presented is a DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FALIURE. Interestingly, until the crash my USB ports also stop working completely.I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium x64, which is NOT the original install, but a new one made from a retail CD. I installed this straight after getting the laptop (July 2010), and had no problems until mid-March.
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Jan 13, 2012
I am running Windows 7 Pro 64bit and am having an issue with the computer returning back to sleep. At the moment, I have hybrid-sleep enabled, and if I schedule a recording while the computer is powered down in the hybrid-sleep mode, it will wake itself to record the program. However, I'd like the computer to place itself back into its previous state after the recording is complete. So far, I haven't been able to figure out how to do this. The computer wakes just fine but will not return back to sleep. I'll add that during the waking/recording process, the computer has not been touched to "wake" it up, if you will. Is there a setting in the power options that I need to check that I haven't seen?
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Jul 25, 2011
I am running windows 7 64 bit, and have 4 external hard drives attached (not the best way, but until I can afford a server, the only way). I am using my computer as a media center only. When I wake my computer it can take a while (30 seconds to a minute), before I can use it, due to it starting up my external hard drives, but I have noticed a couple of times, my computer will wake without starting up my external hard drives (able to use media center within 2 seconds). Does anyone know if there is a way to get my computer to wake up without starting up the external hard drives every time?
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Oct 31, 2012
Over the past few months I began having this recurring problem where the computer goes into sleep mode, next I click the mouse to wake it and the lights and fans go on but the screen stays black. I then have to perform a hard restart where I was usually getting the "start in safe mode" screen, but lately I have also been getting BSODs.
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Nov 23, 2012
I recently reinstalled windows 7 on my laptop, fujitsu siemens and since then, it no longer goes to sleep (either when I close the lid or when I choose sleep from the start menu). This is very annoying it means i have to shut down the maching everytime i am not using it. The problem is that when i close the lid, the machine pretends to go to sleep for about 10 seconds and then restarts. When I reopen the lid, the machine no longer displays. I have to hold down the power button to force a shutdown and then restart.
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Sep 18, 2012
My CD/DVD drivers are no longer on my computer. I think I may have lost the drivers. I tired to look for a download but no luck. I have two drivers.
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May 31, 2009
I recently installed a problem called EnhanceMySe7en and tried a few tweaks however things didn't really turn out as I had planned.
I made a system restore point before I made the changes, but then when I tried to restore it back, it says there were no points available ... Thats wierd coz I've made 3 restore points over the last 3 days as I've been changing stuff.
Anyways I would love it if anyone knows a possible fix for the problems I've encounterd.
1) The "my computer" link has dissapeared from the start menu (no option to re-add in the startmenu properties)
2) When I open "my computer" shorcut from rocketdock I get no drives showing up
3) Option to add my computer icon to desktop greyed out
4) "My computer" is no longer in the left pane of explorer (libraries and network etc are still there). It means I can't browse to my files. I can only if it lets me type in an address like C:windows etc... but in some browse dialogs I'm locked out completely
5) Another unrelated issue in my shutdown menu. I have logoff, sleep, hibernate, restart options in my shutdown menu, but no shutdown
I suspect with the My Computer issue that its deleted some registry keys pointing to it... please let me know if you have any ideas how to fix it.
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Feb 29, 2012
I have an HP Compaq/Computer no longer recognizes cds or dvds
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May 29, 2012
I only had my computer a few weeks and already it is starting to take longer to start up. PS I use a wireless connection with a router.
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Mar 13, 2012
For some reason, my LifeFrame is no longer found on my computer. I dont know why, I didnt uninstall it myself. I have an ASUS computer and it came with the computer. Is there a trusted site I can download and install this back onto my computer?
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Dec 7, 2011
I have a Western Digital 1TB Hard Drive (External).I use it 99.9% of the time on my Windows 7 64bit computer to store pictures/videos and backup important files.It was working fine until I plugged it into a MACINTRASH to backup files from that computer.It was a simple copy and paste from the MACINTRASH to the External HDD.After copying the files from the MACINTRASH, I plugged it back into my PC.My PC no longer recognizes my external HDD. I unplugged the power, plugged it back in.Same with the USB cable. Rebooted. Then my computer wouldn't reboot and windows did its automatic self repair. Nothing.I unplugged EVERYTHING and left it that way for about 30 minutes. I plugged EVERYTHING back to my computer and turned it on.
Windows booted up fine. I plugged in the external HDD and windows had that little icon telling me it was installing drivers. I was excited to think that it finally would recognize my external HDD.Of course, it didn't work. The HDD does not show up in my computer. It does show up in Device Manager and Disk ManagementDevice MangerUnder Disk Drives it lists it only as "WD" My other drives it has a nice long name like "WD 7500AAK External USB Device" Under properties it tells me Volume information for the disk cannot be found. (The very first time I did that prior to the reboot it said there was 0MB of space on it). It claims the device is working properly Disk ManagementAt first this said that I must initialize my disk. Now it doesn't even show up anymore. I have no idea what to do anymore.
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Dec 12, 2012
I had a stock machine running windows 7. I built a computer for myself and I hardly use cds so when I needed to install windows 7 on the new computer I simply removed my cd drive from my old computer and put it in the new one. I assumed that since the os is installed to the hd that the computer would still run but it does not . I already installed windows 7 on the new computer but when I went to boot my old pc up it says no operating system. Do I just need to buy a new cd drive? Or do I need to buy another copy of windows?
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Dec 22, 2011
Basically, my problem is that randomly next to EVERYTHING will stop responding for about five minutes, except the lower profile applications such as teamspeak and mIRC, and its been happening since july. Then, it will work again for a bit and then it will happen again. I got windows 7 home premium 64 bit.
When it first started, it would freeze so bad that it would BSOD, but that has not happened recently, however sometimes even TS and mIRC won't respond, and you can't open any new programs up while its in this cycle plus 99% of the time explorer.exe stops responding as well. We think the problem started happening when we did the windows updates, we didn't do all of them but we did the majority of them at that time, but it may of just been a coincidence. It will happen basically no matter what i got open, if its just Fire Fox or if i got FireFox, WoW, Diablo 2, TS, mIRC all open.
I just recently upgraded to service pack 1, and the problem still occurs. I've ran CCleaner, malwarebyes, anti virus, and all came up with little to no malicious activity
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Dec 10, 2009
I'm using HP Pavilion dv9000 notebook, and these are my power settings: The problem is that after my computer screen is turned off when I'm away, every now and then it turns on again. My computer is open all the time, and it bothers me especially when I go to sleep.. How can it be fixed? (There are no vibrations or anything that would cause the mouse to wake up the computer)
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