My Computer No Longer Exists

May 31, 2009

I recently installed a problem called EnhanceMySe7en and tried a few tweaks however things didn't really turn out as I had planned.

I made a system restore point before I made the changes, but then when I tried to restore it back, it says there were no points available ... Thats wierd coz I've made 3 restore points over the last 3 days as I've been changing stuff.

Anyways I would love it if anyone knows a possible fix for the problems I've encounterd.

1) The "my computer" link has dissapeared from the start menu (no option to re-add in the startmenu properties)

2) When I open "my computer" shorcut from rocketdock I get no drives showing up

3) Option to add my computer icon to desktop greyed out

4) "My computer" is no longer in the left pane of explorer (libraries and network etc are still there). It means I can't browse to my files. I can only if it lets me type in an address like C:windows etc... but in some browse dialogs I'm locked out completely

5) Another unrelated issue in my shutdown menu. I have logoff, sleep, hibernate, restart options in my shutdown menu, but no shutdown

I suspect with the My Computer issue that its deleted some registry keys pointing to it... please let me know if you have any ideas how to fix it.

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System Restore In Task Scheduler No Longer Exists?

Jan 7, 2012

I was trying to reduce the amount of times system restore was occurring on my PC, so I accessed System Restore in the 'Task Scheduler' and changed the 'trigger' from daily to monthly, and I changed the date to the 12th of each month and changed the time to 6am too. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it, but at the time, windows was also installing updates, which were lots of security updates for Microsoft . NET Framework 4 Client Profile. After the updates, and the changes I made in the 'Task Scheduler,' I restarted my computer, and now when I access Task Scheduler, the sign 'The selected task "{0}" no longer exists. To see the current tasks, click refresh.' comes up... But this only comes up once, and then again, when I click on the 'system restore,' file, which now has no information displayed about it, so I can't access it, so obviously something is wrong with this 'system restore,' file in the task scheduler.... I have tried using the system restore option to a previous point, but that just makes things worse, where I can't access 'Task Scheduler and Event Viewer.' So I undid this system restore, and am left with the problem described above, where it says 'The selected task "{0}" no longer exists. To see the current tasks, click refresh

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Windows 7 64bits Task Scheduler, The Selected Task "{0}" No Longer Exists

Oct 3, 2012

So I don't know when this: "the selected task "{0}" no longer exists. to see the current task, click refresh" error started but I don't know how to repair this.
When I start task scheduler I first get this error and than no matter what folder I click the error pops up again. After this 2nd error it doesn't pop up anymore but all the folders show up empty.

Tried fixes:

Emptying all task folders in C:WindowsSystem32Tasks Download Fix My Task Scheduler 1.0 Free - Repair all Task Scheduler errors - Softpedia
/sfc scannow
Programs believed to cause this issue:

Sadly I have both

it causes some programs to not boot correctly. Like MSIafterburner gives an error, so I have to go to the config settings of MSIafterburner because it tries to boot using the taskscheduler really weird I know :/

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Computer Does No Longer Go To Sleep

Nov 23, 2012

I recently reinstalled windows 7 on my laptop, fujitsu siemens and since then, it no longer goes to sleep (either when I close the lid or when I choose sleep from the start menu). This is very annoying it means i have to shut down the maching everytime i am not using it. The problem is that when i close the lid, the machine pretends to go to sleep for about 10 seconds and then restarts. When I reopen the lid, the machine no longer displays. I have to hold down the power button to force a shutdown and then restart.

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CD/DVD Drivers Are No Longer On Computer?

Sep 18, 2012

My CD/DVD drivers are no longer on my computer. I think I may have lost the drivers. I tired to look for a download but no luck. I have two drivers.

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TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager ID:1057 Object Already Exists?

Apr 25, 2012

The computer is Windows 7 Professional 64-bit edition version 6.1 Build 7601 service pack 1. The computer is not in a domain environment. I believe this may be a security issue however I completed an in-place windows 7 upgrade to try and fix the problem but after all of the windows updates, etc the error remains and appears every time the computer is rebooted..[CODE]

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Computer No Longer Recognizes Cds Or Dvds

Feb 29, 2012

I have an HP Compaq/Computer no longer recognizes cds or dvds

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New Computer Taking Longer To Start Up?

May 29, 2012

I only had my computer a few weeks and already it is starting to take longer to start up. PS I use a wireless connection with a router.

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LifeFrame Is No Longer Found On Computer?

Mar 13, 2012

For some reason, my LifeFrame is no longer found on my computer. I dont know why, I didnt uninstall it myself. I have an ASUS computer and it came with the computer. Is there a trusted site I can download and install this back onto my computer?

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Mouse No Longer Waking Computer?

Oct 6, 2012

I had the problem for a few days that my mouse no longer woke up my computer. I looked in BIOS settings, and mouse settings, all was as it should be. But then I looked into what updates I had installed, and on the same day I updated "Intel(R) Network Connections" was when the mouse problem started. So I just uninstalled that, and now the mouse wakes up computer.

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Adding HP 1200SE Printer Manually - Port Already Exists

Dec 31, 2011

I was trying to add an HP 1200SE printer manually by way of linksys printer server(no Win 7 updated drivers). After configuring it, it didn't work so I attempted to redo entries. I now get a message "port already exists" after I deleted the previous install. How do I delete the already in use port so I can start over? Windows 7 64 bit on just acquired Z570 Lenovo laptop.

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Hard Drive No Longer Shows Up In Computer?

Dec 7, 2011

I have a Western Digital 1TB Hard Drive (External).I use it 99.9% of the time on my Windows 7 64bit computer to store pictures/videos and backup important files.It was working fine until I plugged it into a MACINTRASH to backup files from that computer.It was a simple copy and paste from the MACINTRASH to the External HDD.After copying the files from the MACINTRASH, I plugged it back into my PC.My PC no longer recognizes my external HDD. I unplugged the power, plugged it back in.Same with the USB cable. Rebooted. Then my computer wouldn't reboot and windows did its automatic self repair. Nothing.I unplugged EVERYTHING and left it that way for about 30 minutes. I plugged EVERYTHING back to my computer and turned it on.

Windows booted up fine. I plugged in the external HDD and windows had that little icon telling me it was installing drivers. I was excited to think that it finally would recognize my external HDD.Of course, it didn't work. The HDD does not show up in my computer. It does show up in Device Manager and Disk ManagementDevice MangerUnder Disk Drives it lists it only as "WD" My other drives it has a nice long name like "WD 7500AAK External USB Device" Under properties it tells me Volume information for the disk cannot be found. (The very first time I did that prior to the reboot it said there was 0MB of space on it). It claims the device is working properly Disk ManagementAt first this said that I must initialize my disk. Now it doesn't even show up anymore. I have no idea what to do anymore.

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Removed Cd Drive Computer No Longer Boots?

Dec 12, 2012

I had a stock machine running windows 7. I built a computer for myself and I hardly use cds so when I needed to install windows 7 on the new computer I simply removed my cd drive from my old computer and put it in the new one. I assumed that since the os is installed to the hd that the computer would still run but it does not . I already installed windows 7 on the new computer but when I went to boot my old pc up it says no operating system. Do I just need to buy a new cd drive? Or do I need to buy another copy of windows?

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Previously Got BSOD, No Longer Happens However Computer Randomly Slows

Dec 22, 2011

Basically, my problem is that randomly next to EVERYTHING will stop responding for about five minutes, except the lower profile applications such as teamspeak and mIRC, and its been happening since july. Then, it will work again for a bit and then it will happen again. I got windows 7 home premium 64 bit.

When it first started, it would freeze so bad that it would BSOD, but that has not happened recently, however sometimes even TS and mIRC won't respond, and you can't open any new programs up while its in this cycle plus 99% of the time explorer.exe stops responding as well. We think the problem started happening when we did the windows updates, we didn't do all of them but we did the majority of them at that time, but it may of just been a coincidence. It will happen basically no matter what i got open, if its just Fire Fox or if i got FireFox, WoW, Diablo 2, TS, mIRC all open.

I just recently upgraded to service pack 1, and the problem still occurs. I've ran CCleaner, malwarebyes, anti virus, and all came up with little to no malicious activity

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TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager Event ID: 1057: The Relevant Status Code Was Object Already Exists

Apr 25, 2012

The computer is Windows 7 Professional 64-bit edition version 6.1 Build 7601 service pack 1. The computer is not in a domain environment. I believe this may be a security issue however I completed an in-place windows 7 upgrade to try and fix the problem but after all of the windows updates, etc the error remains and appears every time the computer is rebooted...

Log Name: System
Source: Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager
Event ID: 1057
Task Category: None
Level: Error


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USB Hard Drive No Longer Appears In "Computer"?

Mar 16, 2012

Today at college I tried to continue my work by plugging in my USB hard drive and it simply wouldn't appear in "My Computer".When I tried later on that day it would appear as a "Removable Disk" but I was unable to double click it.The technicians at my college said that I need to format it, but when I tried to create a backup last week it was unsuccessful so it would mean losing all of my college work.

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Computer No Longer Recognizes Cannon Printer And Cannot Find The Printer

Jul 14, 2012

Why did my computer stop recognizing my printer. I cannot find my printer desk.

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Cannot Rename File Because File (Doesn't) Exists

Oct 7, 2010

I tried to save a file and got an error on saving it, so I quit the program. The file appears as if it was never saved and doesn't show up in directory listing (GUI or cmd.exe).

However, if I try to rename any other file to that filename, it says "Cannot rename file, because file exists" and appends a number to the end. I cannot remove the number. This happens both in the GUI and cmd.exe as well.

So, basically cmd.exe del says the file does not exist, but ren says a duplicate file name exists....

I have no idea how to delete that "ghost" of a file so I can actually use the filename. I checked folder options and it's not a hidden file or anything like that - it just (doesn't) exist, but it does?

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Machine Keeps Asking For Password On Startup No Password Exists?

Oct 11, 2011

Machine has Windows 7 Ultimate. I recently changed the hard drive. When I went boot, the screen displayed "Enter Password ". This machine has never had a password and I am at a loss as to what is wrong. This machine has previously been running well for over six months. Any HD that I substitute (I've tried four) has the same result.

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Windows Xp Exists But The Boot Shows Two Windows 7 Only

Sep 27, 2012

once windows xp and windows 7 was installed .windows 7 crashed and i re installed it now it shows two windows 7 and the drive still contains windows xp in d drive. windows 7 is installed in c drive.

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Computer No Longer Recognizes The External Drive After Removing External Hard Drive

Oct 23, 2011

.I didn't wait for the computer to tell me it was ok to remove the drive in the usb port. Now my computer no longer recognizes the external drive After removing my external hard drive (without the ok) my computer no longer recognizes the external hard drive. What do I do.

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No Longer Able To Use VPN

Oct 31, 2011

I'm working in China for the time being and I was having good luck with a VPN called freegate. Now that I've installed a wireless router my IP has changed and I am no longer able to use my VPN. I am also running Avira free antivirus if that makes a difference. I'm new to using VPN's and I really need help in understanding how a VPN works so I can access Facebook and other sites banned here by the government.

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Can't Use OE Any Longer

Nov 8, 2011

I'm currently using outlook express on XP. It starts up and checks email in less than a second. It uses hardly any system resources. I like this.I'm getting a new laptop with W7---can't use OE any longer (not compatible). So which client should I use? I don't care about extra functionality, fancy graphics or other bloat. Just speed in starting up and checking email (I heard windows live/thunderbird mail are slow and a significant drain on resources)I really don't like the idea that I'm upgrading to a MUCH faster PC only to end up with a slower email experience.

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IE 8 (32 Bit) No Longer Working

Feb 28, 2011

I am running Win 7 Pro SP1, but this problem started before I upgraded to SP1. In my start menu, 64 bit IE8 opens and works just fine, but the 32 bit version does NOT run. Also, the Windows update choice on my menu does not run (Does that require the 32 bit version?). When I try to connect to the update via its website, it always refers me back to the start menu, so no help. Is there some registry key that got turned off?

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WIn 7 Will No Longer Boot

Jun 23, 2009

Today I did a fresh install of Windows 7 Build 7232 because it was newer and also because Build 7077 would no longer boot. I have reinstalled 7077 and reinstalled 7232 twice. Windows works okay for a while and then will freeze and I will have to power off the PC and restart. But when I try to turn it back on it hangs at the Starting Windows screen. My other desktops have no troubles with Windows 7 at any build. I can start in Safe Mode but nothing else. Thanks in advance.

PS I had just finished installing Adobe CS4 software and was using Google Chrome when it froze. BD 09 is my antivirus with firewall disabled, firewall is Windows Firewall. And all are x64 installations.

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Everything Takes Longer To Start Up?

Apr 26, 2011

I've been having a problem for a while that everything is taking longer to load upMy computer startup time has drastically increased, from around 20 seconds (to login screen) to around 40 seconds. Additionally, individual programs take longer to load, too. Where Chrome used to be a nearly instantaneous load, I now have to wait around 10 seconds for it to start up and become responsive. However, after opening each of the programs for the first time (after each computer startup), closing the program and reopening it will result in a normal load time. Only the startup times have been affected; the actual performance is fine.I've already run virus scans (I have Norton Security Suite), chkdsks, tinkered with msconfig, and many others, just short of reinstalling Windows. I'm not too sure what to do now, as a re-installation would take quite a bit of time to create a backup[CODE]

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Windows 7 No Longer Genuine?

Apr 12, 2011

I built my first custom PC about 4 months ago. I bought windows 7 ultimate off Ebay, installed it, entered my product key, installed Microsoft Security Essentials and everything worked fine. At the time it said my copy of windows 7 was genuine.Now 4 months latter my computer randomly pops up with a message telling me my copy is no longer genuine. Microsoft Security Essentials is no longer running, my desktop background has turned black and in the bottom right hand corner of my screen there is a message saying

-"Windows 7
-Build 7600
-This Copy of Windows is not genuine"

As far as I can tell my copy of Windows 7 is genuine. It came with a sealed COA, a proof of License label and holographic discs.

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Pin To Explorer No Longer Functions?

May 12, 2011

For some several months now I have been happily using the "Pin to Explorer" function as a means of quickly accessing several folders, last night Windows installed a critical update of some sort and on rebooting this morning, right clicking the explorer folder on the task bar showed all my pinned folders gone, I dragged a folder to the task bar and got the "Pin to Windows Explorer" option which I selected, but to no avail, nothing is pinned any longer. I do have "store recently opened programs" checked as well as the second option "store and display recently opened... etc"this seems not to have any effect.I tried a system restore prior to the update, no to restore this function?

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Desktop No Longer Shuts Down?

Oct 16, 2011

This started, that I noticed, maybe four weeks ago. I select shutdown from the start menu. Desktop starts closing down. Get the waiting for programs screen. Monitor blacks out, All fans stop. Silence.

Sounds good, unless I move the mouse, then everything starts up again. It hasn't actually shutdown, it's more like sleep mode.

The only ways to shut down properly is to hold the start button down on the box or send to sleep and mains power off (on the PSU). To be honest, neither is a preferred way I like to shut down my PC. Apart from anything else I get a lot of "didn't shut down properly" screens with either method, plus I give the Step-Daughter major ear grief for using the power off button to shut down!

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Can No Longer Open Files

Feb 4, 2011

a friend was burning movies to DVD that I downloaded from bit torrent and ever since I am unable to open any compressed files-zip, avi, ect. My laptop was re-furbished by Gateway so it did not come w/ OS disc to re-install anything. I have Windows7 home premium 64bit & am not very knowledgeable about computers.

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Can No Longer Send Emails

Jul 27, 2011

But as of last week I can no longer send emails. Have been through account setting etc but with no luck. Had service provider on the phone and they tried all sorts of things but no joy.

Only thing that help was making a new account and used, then everything worked for about a day. Then deleted new account and used original one for a day or so then failing to send again..?

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