"memory_management 0x00000001a 6 Times" And "system_service_exception 0x000000003b Once"

Feb 7, 2012

I just recently built my new rig and i keep getting blue screens of death!I current have gotten "memory_management 0x00000001a 6 times" and "system_service_exception 0x000000003b once".

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BSOD System_service_exception?

Aug 15, 2011

I get this BSOD when computer is idle.cpu: intel i7 860mb: asus p7p55d evomemory: 4 gigabytes g.skill f3-10666cl9d-4gbrlos: windows 7 64 bit home premium Seven Forums.zip

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Jul 21, 2012

I've been experiencing regular BSODs now for about 3 months and it is getting worse. Sequence is getting pretty routine. Upon 'cold' boot, system boots fine and I log into Windows and start working. Within about 5-10 minutes, screen freezes with blurred color bars. Upon power off/on, system emits 3 beeps and freezes with black screen. Upon next power off/on, I usually get the prompt to boot in safe mode/etc. Usually after anywhere from 5-8 reboots, the system remains stable unless I leave it in hiberation for extended period of time, in which case it can freeze again.Sometimes, like today, I get BSOD msgs, which I have attached. I've done all sorts of virus scans to no avail

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Get A BSOD Of [system_service_exception] 0x0000003B

Nov 15, 2012

I often get a BSOD of [system_service_exception] 0x0000003B .I use HD 6870 before have a same BSOD.I though it was video card hardware or ATI driver issue. ( I did use DriverSweeper to uninstall the driver and update a new ATI driver still no luck.) So I took the vidoe card out and replace a NVIDIA video card. A few days after, the same Blue screen appear...PS: I still have a ATI driver on my computer but not the new version,because my motherboard chipset need ATI diver to work.(such AMD USB ,RAIDXpert and Promise SATA RAID ) .The driver I installed is form Biostar webside.If I uninstall it, It would case unable to boot , lose all USB port or something.

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Randon BSOD System_Service_Exception?

Dec 14, 2011

I am getting the BSOD S_S_E and I'm not sure why. From what I've read it seems to usually be a memory issue or a VGA driver. I have ran the Mem Diag with zero results and ensured that my video crad driver was up to date. I could not get perfmon / report to run. "The parameter is incorrect." is the error I get.

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BSOD System_Service_Exception Error 3b

Dec 23, 2011

I've been BSODing for about 2 month now. It happens at least once a day. Here is a log of the errors: [URL]

My system specs are:
Windows 7 Pro x64 Full
Age of system hardware: ~5 months
Age of Windows Installation: ~1 year

I have run memtest and it passed 7 times straight In addition I have followed the BSOD posting instructions and attached the zipped file.

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Feb 25, 2012

I have been playing runescape for sometime now, and i bought a new computer recently which gives me a BSOD when im playing(of course i should note that it gives it after like a hour and a half of playing...)I should also note that this happens only when i play this specific game, due to the fact that im not turning the computer off when im going to sleep so i can say if it restarts the computer after a BSOD or not.My computer specs:

Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5800 3.20GHZ
Kingston 2x2GB(4 total) 1300MHZ RAM
Windows 7 Ultimate x64
Asus P5G41T-M LX
Nvidia 430GT 1GB GDDR3
HDD 3.5 Hitachi SATA2 500GB 16MB 7200RPM

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Blue Screen - System_service_exception

Mar 2, 2010

Today i experienced something very new.

As i was closing my counterstrike(after 1-2 hours play) - i got a BSOD.

iam sorry about this But i only managed to get this:



What is this caused by? And please, can someone guide me how to find the log folder? I can't find this. Sorry i am not that good with Windows 7.

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Windows 7 64 SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION Ntoskrnl.exe+864a9?

Mar 2, 2012

I have had a couple BSOD in the past few months, both with the same error. I have searched but can't seem to find errors that match mine.

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BSOD System_Service_Exception After Upgrade From Vista

Dec 7, 2009

Just upgraded an HP Laptop using HP Windows 7 kit. Everything went smoothly with no errors. However, as soon as logged in and got past the welcome screen, received the blue screen with System_Service_Exception.

Tried everything from Advanced Boot Options including various Safe Modes and Repair Your Computer but none has helped- getting the same blue screen with System_Service_Exception. The furtherst I got was to the desktop for 2 minutes before the same thing happened. I am attaching the latest dmp files for your consideration. I can't afford to do a clean install.

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May 26, 2011

I've been getting BSOD's with MEMORY_MANAGEMENT for a few days now. I got 4 of them today.

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Dec 23, 2011

Getting MEMORY_MANAGEMENT, PFN_LIST_CORRUPT, and more recently SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION.Attached my dump files. Basically, been having issues with this for the past year. Sometimes it runs fine for weeks, or even a month or two, sometimes.. not so much. Gave it to a local computer shop here and they had it for a month and couldn't figure out what was causing the issues, only could tell me that everything passed hardware tests. I've replaced parts that were under warrant (CPU and HDD) and have tried pulling out each stick of RAM and running them individually. Sometimes, turning the power completely off, unplugging, then putting power back to it seems to get it running again. If I shutdown for any length of time, though, the BSODs start. Usually, if i just put it to sleep, it'll continue working for a long time. I'm pretty sure I even reinstalled windows a few times and ran without any of my current programs, to the same effect.

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BSOD While Computer Idling - System_Service_Exception (0X0000003B) - NToskrnl?

Oct 17, 2012

My PC has been stable since I built it 3 months ago. However recently I have been getting BSODs that only identify the kernel as the application that caused the issue. They state SYSTEM SERVICE EXCEPTION and 0X00000003B as further information. After some searching I realized these are too general to pin down the issue without some experts looking at the minidump files.The only thing I can think of that's different now than before is that before I didn't have Win 7 SP 1 (I had one of those borked installations, had to do the full repair install and now I have windows 7 sp1 installed)

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Random BSOD Memory_management?

Jul 23, 2012

After resting the CMOS around a month ago I rarely got any BSOD's.Now I am getting BSOD quite frequently

Windows 64
6GB Ram
I7 920 (2.66GHZ)

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BSOD With Messages Memory_Management And Bugcode_Usb

Feb 9, 2012

A few weeks ago my computer began to crash with the Bug_Code_Usb BSOD. More recently it has been Memory_Management. It's an HP Pavilion dm4 running windows seven which it came with when I bought it new. I do not appear to be losing any files and the error occurs randomly about once or twice a day. If I did it right, the correct ZIP should be attached

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Regular BSODs (mostly Memory_management, Pfn_list_corrupt Etc)

May 2, 2012

I've been getting BSODs almost daily for a while. They seemed to stop for a while, but now seem more common again. No pattern I can see (can be while browsing, or working)Often I get pfn_list_corrupt or memory_management I've tried running Mem86 but all looks good. Tried chkdsk and all looks good.I've tried updating video card driver but that didn't seem to help.Temps are good so I know it's not an overheating issue.I'm attaching dumps and perfmon.


Windows 7 Home Premium 64 OEM
AMD Phenom II X6 1055T (stock speed)
Zalman CNPS9700LED cooler
ASRock M3A770DE Mobo
8GB Corsair Desktop 1333MHz DDR3
Pair of Radeon HD 5670 video cards
500GB Hitachi Deskstar (170Gb free)
Cooler Master GX 750 PSU

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BSOD Errors A1 (Memory_Management) And A (Irql_Not_Less_Or_Equal)?

Jun 19, 2012

I have had a very solid stable system since 2010, then I decided 6 GB of RAM and a 9800GT/GTX560Ti wasn't enough. I sold these parts away and replaced them with 24 GB of RAM and a GTX560Ti 448 edition. The instant I throw these new parts into my box I start getting the two different BSoD errors (the ones in the title). I have cleared everything of my previous overclocks with the upgraded components.System Specs: (bolded is what was introduced to the system which created the errors)Windows 7 Professional x647 930EVGA 132-BL-E758 (Motherboard)EVGA GTX560Ti 448 FTW EditionPatriot Extreme Performance (24 GB of RAM)If you need to know anything besides the core components that I have, let me know. Attached are the dump files.

The story so far:I have ran Memtest overnight on all the sticks of RAM and nothing comes up, it claims they're all good. I'm not sure how to test the graphics card, but what I can tell you is that I can login to Windows and within 5 minutes the BSoD shows itself. When in safe mode, (where I am right now), it runs more stable, but I have had it BSoD in here as well; It's just nowhere near as often. So, this makes me think its not hardware related and hopefully it's not because I have no other RAM sticks or graphics card to test with.My thoughts:I only used 3 of the 6 slots for RAM on the motherboard before this upgrade so initially I thought maybe I had a bad slot. I can't disprove that, but I still get the BSoD when using only 1 stick of RAM in a slot that was previously known as working. I uninstalled the graphics driver for my old GTX560Ti and downloaded the latest driver for my new graphics card and still get a BSoD.

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Aug 15, 2012

I got a MEMORY_MANAGEMENT BSOD while browsing the internet yesterday, then some hours later, while playing a game, I got the DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL one. The next day, I got another MEMORY_MANAGEMENT while watching a video. This is a new system, about 1 month old, so I'm pretty worried about this.I also noticed that I got some corrupted downloads in the last few days, though that could be a coincidence.After getting the second BSOD, I left the windows memory test running overnight, doing an extended test. It did two passes and found no errors. Chkdisk found nothing either. I noticed the WMI errors (event ID 10) in the event log around the same time that I got the BSOD and ran the script MS provides to fix it, though from everything I read it was probably a coincidence and unrelated to the BSOD. It did not happen again after I fixed it but it hasn't been long since I ran it.

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Get The Error MEMORY_MANAGEMENT (0x0000001a) Or 0x00000050

Nov 8, 2012

When my computer start everything works perfect and runs fine,but when i start Leageu Of Legends i will get after 20 minutes sometimes more sometimes less the BSOD.Yesterday i didnt had anny bsod when playing Leageu of legends.today i did get the problem again.week ago same story.I think i got a problem with my RAM or something else.I get the error MEMORY_MANAGEMENT (0x0000001a) or 0x00000050.

Computer specs:
500gb harddisk,
windows 7 ultimate 64bit,
nvidia gtx550ti 3gb,
8gb ddr3 ram,
MSI 760GM-P23(FX)

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Blue Screen MEMORY_MANAGEMENT 0x0000001a

Oct 23, 2010

I run Windows 7 Pro 64-bit on a home-build Core-i7 860 using an ASUS P7P55D Deluxe m/b with 8GB RAM. I have been getting blue screens at random for months, mostly MEMORY_MANAGEMENT 0x0000001a.Several memory tests picked up nothing. Switching out my boot SSD and doing a clean Win 7 install did not help. I downloaded BlueScreenView and can now see that 4 of 5 crashes this month were as follows:MEMORY_MANAGEMENT 0x0000001a caused by ntoskrnl.exe address ntoskrnl.exe+70740Switching out RAM to pin down something that happens twice a week will be a slow process, and I'm not even sure that RAM is the issue.

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Sep 25, 2012

My PC Specs are:

Gigabyte GA-D3H-Z77 Motherboard
Gigabyte 2GB GTX 670 Graphics Card
Corsair 8GB (2x4GB) RAM
Intel i7 3770k processor
Noctua NH-D14 fan
Corsair 650W PSU
Lexa S Case

Since this morning, sometimes when I turn my PC on, it will restart/blue screen restart after logging in, and sometimes when I am actually on my PC it will suddenly crash, it blue screens and gives me this error:


(This is someone else's picture, however the problem is the same)When my PC starts up the next boot, it gives me this message:Windows has recovered from an unexpected shutdown(After I click show problem details)

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.1.7600.
Locale ID:2057


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Blue Screen Of Death- PFN And Memory_management Errors

Jan 18, 2013

os windows 7 x64
retail version upgrade from xp to win 7
AMD Phenon 2 x4 3.2mhz
4gb of ram
500gb hdd 2 x partions
mother board 4 months old cpu 4 months old
2gb ram 4 months old **2gb ram 3 years old ** thinks this maybe problem
AMD redeaon 6700

find a health report attached and Windows_NT6_BSOD_jcgriff2 attached

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MEMORY_MANAGEMENT BSOD - Only Appears When Shutting Down A Game

Apr 17, 2012

Almost every time I close a certain game my computer BSOD's. It only happens during this one game ( ShotOnline ) Which uses GameGuard. Here are my mini dump files if they are helpful at all. It's a MEMORY_MANAGEMENT BSOD. It happens on 2 different desktops.


Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit, 4 GIG of DDR2 ram, 300GIG Sata HD, AMD Athlon II X4 propus, Radeon GT 545. IT happens on both of my desktop computers.

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Multiple BSOD, Memory_Management, PFN List Corrupt, BAD_POOL_HEADER?

Feb 27, 2012

I got a windows 7 PC six months ago, and ever since have been getting random BSOD's mostly when web browsing or leaving my computer on while it is not in use. Their are no issues when playing games, strangely enough. So far I have replaced themotherboard, ran a disk check and got no errors, ran a SFC scan and got no errorsand ran the Memory Diagnostic Tool with no errors. I'm completely stumped as to what may be causing this. All of my drivers are up to date and I have service pack 1 installed. I am not overclocking[CODE]

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MEMORY_MANAGEMENT BSoD After Installing AMD FX-8150 And Updating BIOS?

Sep 16, 2012

I recently bought a new AMD FX-8150 and installed it on my ASUS m5a97 mobo which has 24GB of ram. 2x4 and 2x8 of DDR3. Everything was moderately fine before I replaced my old CPU (AMD Phenom II x3) with the AMD fx-8150. After that, I couldn't play some of my games because apperently I needed to update my BIOS, which i recently did.  thats when things got weird. I keep getting blue screens, mainly memory management so I ran a standard and extended windows memory diagnostic test and came up with no errors. I have not done prime or 86+ yet. I, personally, think there are some instability issues here despite the fact the cpu is on the supported list for my asus mobo. Also some other weird things have happened. My google chrome crashed in such a way that it corrupted my profile and i had to reinstall it and it would not save the favicons in my bookmarks bar. my xfire kept crashing, too. when i try uploading a file to the internet and browse to DESKTOP via a windows explorer window, chrome crashes. I've ran a full malyware scan with no threats and cleaned by registry with CCleaner, i do not know what else to do. I don't think reformatting will help since i believe this to be a hardware error.

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BSOD With "Memory_Management"?

Mar 8, 2012

I BSOD with the above error. I believe it was caused by ntoskrl.exe

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How To Become Administrator At All Times

Aug 13, 2012

Often I am told that I need to be an Adminisrator to do something when using Windows 7. Is there a way to become a Adminisrator when I boot into Windows, and be a Adminisrator all the time I'm using Windows 7? Or is there a way of disabling the feature that pops up the message telling me that I need to be an Adminisrator to do something when using Windowd 7?

I am using Windows Ultimate (64 bit).

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Getting BSOD Every Day 2-3 Times Per Day?

Jun 14, 2011

i started getting BSOD approx 3 days now. It happens every day 2-3 times. The message i get is the following (my pc operates at windows 7 starter):

Problem Signature:
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.1.7600.


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BSOD At Different Times?

Aug 29, 2012

I recently "repaired" my laptop by replacing the hard drive. Originally I was told that its the motherboard that was faulty and not the hard drive, but after replacing the hard drive, it seemed to be working OK. However recently, at random times my laptop has been experiencing the BSOD.I have Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit and all the system specifications has been attached with this post.At the moment, I solved the issue by using system restore to restore the machine to an an earlier date and at the moment I haven't experienced any BSOD. I installed BlueScreenViewer to read the minidump and it said the the problem driver that caused the crash was athr.sys.

System Model- HP Pavilion dv7 Notebook PC
System Type- X86-based PC
Processor - AMD Athlon(tm) X2 Dual-Core QL-64, 2100 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 ----------------------Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date - Hewlett-Packard F.22, 09/09/2008

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PC Take Some Times Before Starts?

Jan 15, 2013

So , when i turn off PC for a first time of a day , pc always take some time before starts. i turn it on and nothing loads up on screen for about half minute , then pc work like normal , windows start and i enter my desktop.btw PC is not new, im not sure if was like that before, cause it was my brothers PC. I know that he spilt cola for about 1 month ago. It was just little , and it comes on graphic card. But like i said so long PC running perfectly except that start litte late. Could it be graphic card ? Games works perfect and everything else like i said. Also pc have hdd like 5 years old.Also i reinstalled windows , but still the same. Should i be worried about this

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Cat Meowing At Random Times

Jul 13, 2011

I also have the "Cat Meow" problem on my computer AND it is NOT a screwed up cooling fan. It's interesting that when there is no answer people resort to a little humor. The sound(s) (including a lions roar), randomly occur. They are short and sweet, not really that annoying but curiosity persists as to their origination.

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