Random BSOD Memory_management?

Jul 23, 2012

After resting the CMOS around a month ago I rarely got any BSOD's.Now I am getting BSOD quite frequently

Windows 64
6GB Ram
I7 920 (2.66GHZ)

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Aug 15, 2012

I got a MEMORY_MANAGEMENT BSOD while browsing the internet yesterday, then some hours later, while playing a game, I got the DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL one. The next day, I got another MEMORY_MANAGEMENT while watching a video. This is a new system, about 1 month old, so I'm pretty worried about this.I also noticed that I got some corrupted downloads in the last few days, though that could be a coincidence.After getting the second BSOD, I left the windows memory test running overnight, doing an extended test. It did two passes and found no errors. Chkdisk found nothing either. I noticed the WMI errors (event ID 10) in the event log around the same time that I got the BSOD and ran the script MS provides to fix it, though from everything I read it was probably a coincidence and unrelated to the BSOD. It did not happen again after I fixed it but it hasn't been long since I ran it.

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May 26, 2011

I've been getting BSOD's with MEMORY_MANAGEMENT for a few days now. I got 4 of them today.

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BSOD With Messages Memory_Management And Bugcode_Usb

Feb 9, 2012

A few weeks ago my computer began to crash with the Bug_Code_Usb BSOD. More recently it has been Memory_Management. It's an HP Pavilion dm4 running windows seven which it came with when I bought it new. I do not appear to be losing any files and the error occurs randomly about once or twice a day. If I did it right, the correct ZIP should be attached

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BSOD Errors A1 (Memory_Management) And A (Irql_Not_Less_Or_Equal)?

Jun 19, 2012

I have had a very solid stable system since 2010, then I decided 6 GB of RAM and a 9800GT/GTX560Ti wasn't enough. I sold these parts away and replaced them with 24 GB of RAM and a GTX560Ti 448 edition. The instant I throw these new parts into my box I start getting the two different BSoD errors (the ones in the title). I have cleared everything of my previous overclocks with the upgraded components.System Specs: (bolded is what was introduced to the system which created the errors)Windows 7 Professional x647 930EVGA 132-BL-E758 (Motherboard)EVGA GTX560Ti 448 FTW EditionPatriot Extreme Performance (24 GB of RAM)If you need to know anything besides the core components that I have, let me know. Attached are the dump files.

The story so far:I have ran Memtest overnight on all the sticks of RAM and nothing comes up, it claims they're all good. I'm not sure how to test the graphics card, but what I can tell you is that I can login to Windows and within 5 minutes the BSoD shows itself. When in safe mode, (where I am right now), it runs more stable, but I have had it BSoD in here as well; It's just nowhere near as often. So, this makes me think its not hardware related and hopefully it's not because I have no other RAM sticks or graphics card to test with.My thoughts:I only used 3 of the 6 slots for RAM on the motherboard before this upgrade so initially I thought maybe I had a bad slot. I can't disprove that, but I still get the BSoD when using only 1 stick of RAM in a slot that was previously known as working. I uninstalled the graphics driver for my old GTX560Ti and downloaded the latest driver for my new graphics card and still get a BSoD.

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MEMORY_MANAGEMENT BSOD - Only Appears When Shutting Down A Game

Apr 17, 2012

Almost every time I close a certain game my computer BSOD's. It only happens during this one game ( ShotOnline ) Which uses GameGuard. Here are my mini dump files if they are helpful at all. It's a MEMORY_MANAGEMENT BSOD. It happens on 2 different desktops.


Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit, 4 GIG of DDR2 ram, 300GIG Sata HD, AMD Athlon II X4 propus, Radeon GT 545. IT happens on both of my desktop computers.

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Multiple BSOD, Memory_Management, PFN List Corrupt, BAD_POOL_HEADER?

Feb 27, 2012

I got a windows 7 PC six months ago, and ever since have been getting random BSOD's mostly when web browsing or leaving my computer on while it is not in use. Their are no issues when playing games, strangely enough. So far I have replaced themotherboard, ran a disk check and got no errors, ran a SFC scan and got no errorsand ran the Memory Diagnostic Tool with no errors. I'm completely stumped as to what may be causing this. All of my drivers are up to date and I have service pack 1 installed. I am not overclocking[CODE]

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MEMORY_MANAGEMENT BSoD After Installing AMD FX-8150 And Updating BIOS?

Sep 16, 2012

I recently bought a new AMD FX-8150 and installed it on my ASUS m5a97 mobo which has 24GB of ram. 2x4 and 2x8 of DDR3. Everything was moderately fine before I replaced my old CPU (AMD Phenom II x3) with the AMD fx-8150. After that, I couldn't play some of my games because apperently I needed to update my BIOS, which i recently did.  thats when things got weird. I keep getting blue screens, mainly memory management so I ran a standard and extended windows memory diagnostic test and came up with no errors. I have not done prime or 86+ yet. I, personally, think there are some instability issues here despite the fact the cpu is on the supported list for my asus mobo. Also some other weird things have happened. My google chrome crashed in such a way that it corrupted my profile and i had to reinstall it and it would not save the favicons in my bookmarks bar. my xfire kept crashing, too. when i try uploading a file to the internet and browse to DESKTOP via a windows explorer window, chrome crashes. I've ran a full malyware scan with no threats and cleaned by registry with CCleaner, i do not know what else to do. I don't think reformatting will help since i believe this to be a hardware error.

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[BSOD] Random Crashes. Startup, Starting Game, Once Fully Random?

Dec 10, 2011

Been having some crashes.At first they occurred on start up. Claiming the computer wasn't properly shut down. Now today, the other crashes started, with the first happening out of nowhere, the second happening upon starting a video game. I've been without crashes for a while now, only having used my browser(Opera) and copying some files to an external hard drive. As well as the SF tool.I only have 2 dump files available. SF tool file should be in attachments, unless I made a mistake somewhere

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Random BSOD During Random Times, Error 0x8000000000000002

Feb 26, 2012

I reformatted my computer multiple times, yet my computer seems to BSOD randomly.What happenes is that everything becomes unresponsive; cant alt+tab, cant ctrl+alt+del etc etc. everything freezes randomly... then boom, BSOD. its happened twice, with no apparent pattern.And then, when it restarts, it tries booting but then it goes into the boot selection screen and my SSD is nowhere to be found. I have to power off then power on again for it to boot up and log in.

- System
- Provider
[ Name] Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power
[ Guid] {331C3B3A-2005-44C2-AC5E-77220C37D6B4}


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BSOD With "Memory_Management"?

Mar 8, 2012

I BSOD with the above error. I believe it was caused by ntoskrl.exe

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Random BSOD Happens At Random Times

Mar 13, 2012

x86 (32-bit) or x64 ? 64 bit

- the original installed OS on the system? this is a built computer by myself. have had 64 bit forever on here

- an OEM or full retail version? oem

- What is the age of system (hardware)? memory is about 2 years old everything else is about 5 years old

- What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS?) os was installed a few months ago.attached is the info that was requested. these blue screens happen at completely random times. could be during boot up. could be just sitting in sleep and blue screen.

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Random BSOD, Random Codes, While Using And While Away?

May 18, 2012

A couple weeks ago I started having random BSOD and restarts, I have researched several different solutions to no avail. At one point, I thought the problem was solved after restoring a restore point, however, the dreaded BSOD is back after a couple of days.

- Restored the earliest restore point
- Ran chkdsk with no errors
- Ran full scan AV (just in case) using MSSE.
- Updated all Windows and drivers updates.

I believe this is related to a driver issue, however, I'm not sure which one.Attached is both the BSOD App and System Health data.

Basic specs:

- Windows 7 x64
- Original Install
- System age: 6 months
- OS install age: 6 months (not reinstalled)

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[BSOD] Random BSOD - Kernel Data Inpage Error

Dec 15, 2012

This started happening last night while i was playing Borderlands 2, it has happened at idle, playing just about any game in my library, during downloads and just browsing the web. I changed all of my accessible drivers, and it continued to happen, so i moved all of my personal files onto my external HDD. I re installed windows on my SSD (did not reformat) and reformatted my HDD. I re installed my drivers, re-enabled SLI and it ran fine for about an hour, just downloading WoW, and then happened again twice.

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Random But Frequent BSOD And Reboot Without BSOD

Jun 3, 2012

I never used it heavily at the start and assumed it was just a driver and that i'd figure it out later.Well; now is later and I can't figure it out.I've done a re-install of the OS (HP recovery)This system is about a year old and is an HP Pavilion dv6 laptop with AMD Phenom II N850 Triple Core @2.2 ghz 6 gig memory 64 bit Windows 7 Home Premium.

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Random BSOD After A Long Time Without BSOD

Sep 10, 2012

Like I said it was fine for a good while but today the Sht hit the fan and BSOD after BSOD and only just stabled now

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.1.7600.


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Dec 23, 2011

Getting MEMORY_MANAGEMENT, PFN_LIST_CORRUPT, and more recently SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION.Attached my dump files. Basically, been having issues with this for the past year. Sometimes it runs fine for weeks, or even a month or two, sometimes.. not so much. Gave it to a local computer shop here and they had it for a month and couldn't figure out what was causing the issues, only could tell me that everything passed hardware tests. I've replaced parts that were under warrant (CPU and HDD) and have tried pulling out each stick of RAM and running them individually. Sometimes, turning the power completely off, unplugging, then putting power back to it seems to get it running again. If I shutdown for any length of time, though, the BSODs start. Usually, if i just put it to sleep, it'll continue working for a long time. I'm pretty sure I even reinstalled windows a few times and ran without any of my current programs, to the same effect.

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Had A Random BSoD

Nov 21, 2011

So I do have a OC, but it was stable (Intel Burn Test, Prime95). I was playing the Binding of Isaac (flash game on steam). What is most likely the cause here?

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Random BSOD While Away From PC?

Mar 23, 2012

Code: Is Windows 7 . . .
- x64
- Original OS - full retail version
- What is the age of system (hardware)? < 8 months on the oldest piece
- What is the age of OS installation ~ 1 month

System specs are in.... my system specs. Basically 3 times now that I've came home or came to my computer after being asleep and I see that it had experienced a BSOD.

I'm running an SSD boot drive and the computer doesn't sleep/hibernate, it just turns off the monitor after 10-15 minutes.

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Random BSOD

Nov 7, 2009

I am getting BSOD on my installation of Win 7 Ultimate. I am attaching the latest dump file. Any idea what i should do? I have a feeling its my video driver.

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Random BSOD On ASUS F3T?

Mar 8, 2011

Seems totally random, i cant link it with any of my programs or activites. The notebook doesnt boot up every time after the BSODs. I have an ASUS F3T-AP026 notebook, with 2x1G Kingsmax RAM. This time i can only upload 1 minidumb file, since i tried to install another Windows 7 last night. This time a "memory_management" happened, but before i encountered "bad_pool_header" "irql_not_less_or_equal" "driver_irql_not_less_or_equal" "reference_by_pointer" and i think there were some others that i dont remember. I even sent my notebook to the country ASUS service, but they said in 3 days they didnt encounter the problem.

Memory Summary For SC-PC
Number of Memory Devices: 2 Total Physical Memory: 2047 MB (2048 MB) Total Available Physical Memory: 785 MB Memory Load: 61%


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New Computer, Random BSOD?

Apr 5, 2011

040411-11154-01.dmp040511-9531-01.dmp040511-9282-01.dmpSeven Forums.I recently built a new computer (put it together myself) and I am having trouble with random BSOD's. I thought I had fixed the issue but it seems to be repeating.


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Random BSOD At Brand New PC?

May 20, 2011

I bought and assembled a new computer for a friend of mine, tested it, everything seemed fine, until they proved not to be. I've tested all components (proccessor, GPU, RAM, HDD) with all the tests I know for painstakingly long periods, with no errors whatsoever, but neverthelese computer keeps rebooting with BSODs at *random* intervals (independent of use).

is that it *might* be an incompatibility issue between the ram modules and the motherboard. Here I attach the SF tool results and an speccy image of the system.

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Random BSOD Even After Format?

Jun 28, 2011

I have been experiencing random bsod for the last 3 days so i deceided to format, however that didn't seem to help at all. I am thinking that it might be because of my wifi usb adapter which has been acting weird lately.Anyway here are some CPU-Z screenshots and a zip of the minidumps after formating.

EDIT: i have also attached the SF results.

EDIT2: Ran memtest, had 211712 errors only on first pass.

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BSOD At Random Times?

Sep 14, 2011

My xps m1530 crashes randomly more and more regularly.

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[BSOD] Random Crashes With New SSD

Dec 22, 2011

I recently got a Kensington HyperX SH100S3B/120G SSD. I've been getting these stange BSODs. It doesn't happen during any particular kind of activity, usually it's just browsing the web or writing documents or something.

Every time the BSODs happen, for some reason the boot order switches from the SSD to my backup drive, and I have to go into the bios and change it. But other than that, my hard drive seems to be perfectly fine functioning afterwards...what's causing this??

All my components are pretty new, so I don't think hardware failure is very likely here. I've thought maybe I should update my bios? But I'm not sure honestly. My mobo is H67MA-E35-B3 LGA 1155 H67 mATX Intel Motherboard.

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Random BSOD Mostly When Playing?

Oct 6, 2012

i built a new machine few day ago... Now i'm getting random bsod time to time...Hardware: OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64 CPU: Intel i5 3570k MOBO: Asus Sabertooth z77 GPU: Radeon 6970HD Ram: 16 GB GeiL Evo Corsa SSD: OCZ Agility 3 120GB (OS installed here) (firmware 2.22) HDD: Samsung 500GB Sata2

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Got Random BSOD And Restarts

Oct 23, 2012

My computer random show up BSOD than restart.

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BSOD During Random Occasions

Nov 15, 2011

I've been trying to diagnose this problem myself for quite some time... Been reading crash dumps. It's always a Vista driver fault. What I find strange is that its caused very randomly by different processes. Sometimes by a game, my browser, or even explorer.exe. It's so random that I can't figure out how to truly reproduce the problem. I've jsut a about given up. Im using Windows 7 Ultimate x64 OEM. It's a laptop i've had since the latter half of 09. I did a clean install of window's earlier this year. Been having these random BSOD for a little over a month now.

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Random BSOD On New Build?

Nov 23, 2011

I have a new custom built computer put together by someone I work with. I have been plagued with problems and I think it's hardware related. I got my friend to reinstall Windows but it crashed several times before install completed. He said he tried on my SSD and Samsung HD but still the same problems occur.Ran Memtest and passed several cycles but tried again and got errors. I removed a ram stick and it passed but got a BSOD after 30 minutes of browsing the web. Then the other stick had the same problems but passed Memtest for 20 minutes until the text on screen garbled where errors are usually listed. I reran test and it passed for a long time. I have no overclock and everything is running at correct voltage. Seems to be very random and can happen when purposely restarting my PC or doing barely anything at all.I'm starting to think it's either the RAM or motherboard causing the problems. Here are my components-

i7 2600k
Gigabyte G1.Sniper 2 Z68
8 GB G.Skill 1866 Ram
ATI 6950
OCZ Vertex 3 120 GB SSD
1TB Samsung HD
Corsair HX850W PSU

I include my last batch of crash dumps since I had Windows reinstalled.I might have to RMA something but want to narrow things down.

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BSOD At Random On New Build

Nov 24, 2011

OK so I built a system and after a frustrating bout with BSODs caused by a bad mobo (replaced) i finally got it to work. However i was just browsing the interwebs and i got a bluescreen in fact ive gotten several 3 have been stop code 3b

Windows 7 Ultimate
AMD FX-4100
ASUS Sabertooth 990FX
8gb of ram
560 Ti 1gb

ran memtest for 12 or so passes while i was at work no issues with it did a sfc/ scannow and all that good stuff. driver scanner is turning up clean thinking this is beyond my knowledge they happen every 3-4 days and its quite irritating. all dumps as of late attached

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