Install Xp Versions On Laptop Especially Since Can Only Use One Computer At A Time

May 17, 2012

I have all my versions of xp however I just received a laptop with win7 home version.Do I need to purchase a separate product or can I install xp versions on my laptop especially since I can only use one computer at a time.?

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Uninstall All The Versions And Reinstall The Most Up To Date Versions?

Jul 6, 2010

My question is are these neccessary and why are there multiples? Wouldn't that in itself cause software conflicts?They came from various games off steam and other programs such as drivers and editing software.I don't understand why it stacked so many, I mean wouldn't it be better to uninstall all the versions and reinstall the most up to date versions? I went this route last time and afterwards I got side by side errors. I just don't want software conflicts so I ask the experts here, is it safe to remove these?

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When Insert D-link Dongle Into Laptop It Takes Too Much Time To Install?

Mar 1, 2012

i am Chandan from Odisha and my E-mail id is (Email removed by Moderator). i want to say, when i insert my d-link dongle into my window7 laptop now it takes too much time to install when ever before it had taken few

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USB Install Flash Drive And Different Versions

Oct 19, 2009

Here is my question: Will i be able to make a USB install flash drive with my Windows 7 professional DVD and use this flash drive to install all my family's Professional AND Home Premium versions and just use their keys to activate?

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What Are The Standard Install Sizes For Different Versions Of Windows 7

Dec 5, 2012

I am wondering if the install size of win 7 on a new build varies greatly based on what version you use? For instance (without any tweaking of modification) Is the install of Professional a lot larger than home premium and enterprise a lot larger than professional? Does anyone know the baseline install sizes for the different versions. I'm mainly wondering about Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate and the space requirement variations between each.

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Don't Install Windows 7 For Acer Laptop Computer

May 27, 2012

if i installed windows 7 to acer laptop computer and go to process near till to format c: then do click next option and give us massage "you cannot install and no drive space". then cannot process.

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Laptop Will Not Time Out And Go Into Screensaver?

Jan 8, 2013

My laptop will not time out and go into my screensaver. I have read several answers on help forums and nothing is working. I have an HP notebook with Windows 7 and am currently using Google chrome (if that matters).

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Get A Fullscreen On Laptop All The Time?

Jun 13, 2012

I am trying to figure out how to get a fullscreen on my laptop all the time... i do not want to see my desktop screen at the top and bottom of the page when i am in the internet.

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Register 2go On Laptop For The First Time?

Oct 3, 2012

I want to register 2go on my laptop for the first time.

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Computer Freezes All The Time?

Aug 6, 2012

I built my computer around 2 years ago and it worked great up untill I left for Afghanistan. On my return from Afghanistan though It has been freezing ALL the time. The first time I went to boot it up actually I wouldn't even turn on at all. It would light up and think for a good 10 seconds and then just turn off and then turn itself on and repeat all by itself.I opened it up and gave it a good cleaning and this seemed to work. I was able to get on and carry on as usual. But now since then its slowly started freezing randomly. Some days it seems fine and some days I cant get past start-up. It will just freeze at the loading windows screen. Now currently I cant turn it on and I am having my original problem. I was able to get to the start-up repair and tried running some tests but for the most part the repair wizard was useless.

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Startng Your Computer For The First Time

Jul 15, 2009

Ok, about a week and a half ago I moved our Wndows 7 RC 7100 media center pc to a new box (Thermaltake DH 102). Well, after a reinstall of Windows 7 RC 7100, I found that the 7in touch screen just wasn't working with 7, so I kicked myself in the ass and reverted to Vista, wich worked flawlessly.

Then, about 4 days ago, I downloaded Wndows 7 (7264), installed, and to my enjoyment, along with my wifes, it to worked flawlessly.

Then she asked me to install our printer, a 4550 Lexmark WiFi enabled printer. Thats when it went down hill. After installing the printer, making sure everything worked right with the wireless, wich it did, I restarted and thought I was in a nightmare . . . I got this message

Startng Your Computer For The First Time

When the desktop reappeared, everything seemed fine, but no printer.

Reinstalled, restarted again, . . . . . . same thing . . . .

Startng Your Computer For The First Time

No printer, but everything else is fine. I've downloaded the latest drivers from lexmark, tried compatibilty mode, and it all ends with the same result . . .

Startng Your Computer For The First Time

Any ideas?

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Two Users On 1 Computer At The Same Time?

May 18, 2011

I was looking into how to make this happen and I am running into some problems.What I want to do is basically run my main OS on the first screen and maximize vmware with my other windows 7 os on the second screen.I have two sets of keyboards and two sets of mice, windows 7 is ready to roll on both my computer and my vmware, I just need to find a way to isolate the keyboard commands to just the vmware on the one set, and just my machine on my OS.From what I've looked up, this can be done. I have a decent amount of knowledge in vmware and computers, but I was hoping someone here could fill me in if they knew how to do this, because the only "walkthrough" I could find is for vmware 6.5 and vista, and I don't think it applies to what I'm doing on version 7.1. I need to be able to have two users on my computer at the same time, at my disposal.

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My Computer Crash All Time

Jul 4, 2012

My computer crash all the time, it's a clone : motherboard intel, graphic card ATI RADEON HD 4600. [code]

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Laptop Crashes Every Time Suspend It?

Jun 4, 2012

My problem is that any time I close my laptop's lid, or sometimes when I put try to suspend it, the computer crashes. It initially stays on, and the leds are blinking, than they stop blinking, and it turns completly off. When I turn it on again it tells me that blue screen was the problem.

I'm worried since I bought it last year, it's a Toshiba Satellite M645, Intel Core I5 M480, 4Gb ram, Windows 7 64 bits.

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Laptop Windows 7 Loading Time?

Apr 9, 2011

I have a HP DV7-1247CL x64 and use Windows 7 Home Premium. My ISP is Verizon FIOS Ultimate and my average speed up/down is about 35/35 with a wired connection.

Recently I have noticed that after signing in it takes about 2 1/2 min to get the Windows 7 loaded. I don't think this is average so what is the average load time.

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How To Make Laptop Be Off After Specific Time

Feb 23, 2012

how to make laptop be off after specific time ,I have windows 7 and I cant find an option in power setting to do it !!

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Laptop Booting Time Is Slow

Jan 6, 2011

The boot time is slow. Ive used an antivirus program, as well as malware etc. and its no faster. Does data have any impact in reducing speed?

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Turn On Laptop Twice Every Time After A Long Gap?

Jul 12, 2011

i have to turn on my laptop twice everytime after a long gap

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Bypass A Time Restriction That Has Been Set On A Laptop?

Aug 3, 2012

I'm trying to bypass a time restriction that has been set on a laptop, there are 3 user icons that have passwords I have no knowledge of, how can I bypass all this to get online and running, its a dell ispirion laptop?

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A Computer That Has A Really Hard Time Booting Up

Jun 26, 2011

Okay, I turn on my computer, and after four seconds it shuts off, then 4 seconds later, it shuts off, etc. Then after this process repeats itself for about 4 times, it will take a long time (~5-10 minutes) to show the computer manufacturer logo. Then after that,another ~2 minutes to show the Windows logo, then ~5 minutes to show the user account selection screen. I tried taking out the RAM, leaving one stick in, and then booting it up. It worked, so I am currently in the process of replacing the RAM (I now have 1GB instead of 2). But after a while, it got worse. I have no idea what to do know, and I really need this computer for work.

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Can't Restore Computer To An Earlier Time

Jul 14, 2012

As of last night when I click on Internet Explorer none of my Home Page Tabs show up anymore,well they do but it says "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" I have two bars so I don't understand whats going on. If I type in another webpage in the search engine it then takes me to the webpage but then I wind up getting kicked of once again. HELP !!! This all started when I clicked on the tool bar in the top right corner,went down to Internet options,clicked on the Advanced Tab,then clicked reset Internet Explorer settings. I have tried Restoring my computer,"Control Panel",then under "System and Security" I went to 'Review your computers status',then all the way at the bottom "Recovery" then when I Choose a Restore point "I chose two different restore points and both times it tells me "

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Computer Goes Back To A Certain Point Every Time Log In?

Nov 6, 2012

so everytime I log-in to my computer it basically restores back to a certian point.And also It starts as a black screen with nothing except for my mouse until I open Task manager and run explorer.exe which for some reason doesnt run on its own anymore. Its probably due to the fact that I wanted to put a cool theme on my computer and that involves replacing the explorer.exe file and explorerframe.dll file, and I did that. But then I decided I didn't need a theme so I put the original Explorer.exe and explorerframe.dll back on to replace the ones I put on before. It changed everything back to normal except for the start orb. I wanted the old start back or atleast a new one. So I got windows Start orb changer. It worked well for some time until at one point everytime I turned on my computer I got an error saying expstart.exe failed and something about bitmaps. and It just black screens until I run explorer.exe from the task manager...and goes back a day or so

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Computer Delaying For Long Time When Doing Anything

May 28, 2011

Whenever I want to install a program, my computer takes forever to show the window that guides you through the installation.For example, I download Firefox, Double-click the .exe installation package and then nothing happens for literally 4 or 5 minutes. Eventually the wizard installation window will open and allow me to install by clicking Next etc. But why is there such a delay for the setup window to initially appear. My computer never did this when it was brand new.

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Running .bat Each Time Computer Starts?

Jun 26, 2011

i would like to if its possible on windows 7 to run a bat each time computer starts from HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun for example of from startup or its just not possible because of the uac ? i dont want to use task scheduler

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Computer Is Not Showing Exact Time

Mar 7, 2012

I am running a Packard Bell desktop,model BV ixtremeX9610 with Win7 home premium. A couple of times I have fired it up and the displayed time in the task bar has been wrong. Also have a clock widget on the desktop page which is about 5 hours out. Emails have time stamps which are way out. This sounds like a CMOS battery problem to me, but when I asked a 'Tech guy' from Packard Bell and enquired which battery type I need he assured me that the machine didn't have one! I have reset the clock using the bios - but the widget clock is still wrong.Time zones checked, OK. Must admit, haven't actually checked motherboard yet, but feel sure there MUST be a CMOS battery there.

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Decrease Boot Time Of Computer

Oct 4, 2012

I have been at this for about 3-4 hours trying to decrease the boot time of my computer I was able to get it from 10 minutes down to 5-6.I biggest thing I noticed is the time between the Windows animated boot screen and the actually blue login screen just shows a black screen about about 2 minutes or so. Anything I can do to decrease this? Logs, etc?

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Monitor Computer Usage Time

Dec 30, 2012

I am looking for a program which can effectively monitor the time a user spends on a computer, perhaps by looking at keystrokes/mouse movements, or something else...either way, I'd like to be able to compare the usage time on several computers. If I could monitor these times remotely, that would be great, but it is not necessary. It would also be great if rather than just saying "user x spend y time on the computer today", it would log it, so say between what times the user was active.

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Why Computer Is Typing Two Different Letters At Same Time

Aug 20, 2011

when certain keys are pressed several keys are pressed at the same time. there are corresponding keys and the coupling is not random.

o=o+ toggle of full screen mode backspace= backspace + up key

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Limit Computer Time Usage?

Sep 18, 2011

I'm looking for a powerful software that will limit my own computer usage, of course on an administrator account. For example let's say from now until one month later I limit computer usage for one hour a day, since I decide and confirm my decision to the software it will be impossible to change my mind under any circumstances, until the time limit has expired. I know how to fix computer time. But I cannot find this software!!!!!! ALL software's are made for parental control (don't word on administrator account or changed easily) but I could find no program to limit computer addiction!

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Computer Shuts Down Everyday At A Certain Time?

Dec 2, 2011

My computer shuts down everyday at 12 am and then I turn it back on manually. It is no the antivirus scans, I checked the times. hat this could be and how do I turn it off ?

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Computer Freezes After Some Time Of Use Of Internet?

Jun 12, 2012

my computer freezes every time i use internet ,...why is it happening ....and this is my new computer ...

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