Dvd-blueray Righter/hard Drive Disappears From System?

Dec 24, 2012

my dvd / blueray writers disappear from my system after the computer has been on for a while or i startup and try to burn a dvd/blueray...now here is a hint i recently removed the dvd and installed a Hot Swap drivebay..that hard drive dissappears when when the blue ray dissappears... thaey ar on the same sata chipset the mobo has 6 ea 6gb/s sata connectors and 2 3gb/s sata connectors..the blue ray and the hotswap bay are on the 3gb/s chipset...the mobo has the latest bios and it makes no differance what bios version is installed and when i reboot the computer they are back...

here are the stats:

mobo-gigabyte 990fxa-ud7 am3+
16 gb ddr3 1600 mem
amd fx-8150 8 core cpu
ati 6950 video card 2 gb
1200 watt p/s
7 2tb hdd

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Hard Drive Disappears Randomly

Nov 26, 2009

I have an IDE hard drive as my secondary drive used for backups or misc files. I also have an external. But for some reaosn on Windows 7 x64 the IDE (labelled as D randomly vanishes. BIOS sees it fine allt he time. Any ideas or suggestions aside from replacing it as it is still good.

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Hard Drive Disappears Randomly

Jul 17, 2011

I have two optical drives on it one internal and one USB external.For some reason the external drive sometimes disappears from the computer. I can't find it anywhere then a few days later it pops back up. I have tried replacing the cables and checked to power and still the problem continues. I also tried reinstalled the system and sometimes it works.

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Hard Drive Disappears Randomly?

May 22, 2010

I have a 2nd hard drive and somewhat frequently it disappears from Windows explorer like it doesn't even exist. Then once I reboot the disk is back and perfectly fine and intact.I ran the Seagate tools against it and both the short test and long test passed just fine and it says that SMART has NOT been tripped.I did a lot of googling and found similar reports from others. But the things they suggest do not apply. For instance some reports are related to the driver disappearing after waking from sleep. In my case I can be actively using the drive and then it disappears. Also someone suggested disabling power management on the drive, but when I checked the drive is already set to Never power down.I am thinking that perhaps the SATA cable is buggy or not connected solidly. I'm going to open it up and try changing the cable. I really do think the drive is perfectly fine.

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USB External Hard Disk Drive Disappears?

Jan 17, 2012

my external hard disk is disappears.what should i do?

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Brand New Hard Drive Disappears From Windows 7 After Sleep?

Sep 25, 2011

Brand New Hard Drive Disappears from Windows after sleep; WD Raptor only 450GB, disappears from Windows 7 after system resumes from sleep. The drive is just a storage drive. I've got three other hard drives that work fine. Could this be a port issue on the motherboard, Asus P8P67 LE?

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D SATA Hard Drive Disappears After Random Amount Of Time?

Apr 7, 2011

My D 200gb SATA hard drive disappears around 1-90 mins while on windows 7. I have tried registry repairs and alot of things. Its not faulty cables because i used to have win Xp on exact same computer but reformatted to windows 7. Rebooting makes the hard drive reappear but it still disappears after a while. It still shows up in the bios though. When it disappears, it is completely gone, even in device manager.

my important data is on my 200gb D drive and i only use C for my os and some other things like Firefox because its only 80gb

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External Hard Drive Disappears And Reappears On Drives List?

Sep 6, 2012

after searching for some answers on the forums, i've been moved to post a separate thread. i have an external hard drive that disappears for some seconds only to reappear again on my list of drives. my computer alerts as if the external drive were dismounting then remounting. i have run various checks and nothing is presenting as abnormal or of issue. has anybody else experience this, what effect is it having on my computer and what can be done about it

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Upgrading Hard Drive On A Solid State/Hard Drive System?

Oct 25, 2011

So, I have a i7 2600K system with a solid state disk as the boot drive, and an older (c2008) Samsung Spinpoint F3 500GB drive as the data drive for programs (that I deem as not worthy of the quick load times). The hard drive has given me some errors over time, and I bought a hard disk to replace it (a Hitachi 1TB). The issue I'm having is that the fact that Windows 7 puts a small (100MB) partition on the F3, and for some reason, even though I'm running Acronis 2012, it doesn't seem to be able to clone the F3 over to the Hitachi. I've also tried Drive XML, and for my 2 hour wait, I only managed to acquire a boot error. Thankfully, I've not done anything rash to destroy the data on the F3, but given the fact that I've seen corrupted files in Steam from that drive, I'm not will to trust it long term with my data. I really need to get the data onto that Hitachi, though... Anyone have any advice for upgrading the HDD in a SSD/HDD system? I don't really feel like it should be so hard, especially if I've bought Acronis True Image, but maybe they haven't designed their product to handle this scenario quite yet? 

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Hard Drive "disappears "?

Apr 3, 2012

So earlier today i started the installation to Windows 7 Ultimate and when i got to the part where you select a given drive on which to install the system it doesn't show up! And then afterwards i actually had to open up my computer and re-attach the cable for my hdd to get it to even show up again in BIOS.

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Install The Vista Hard Drive Into The Windows 7 System And Boot From Either System?

Apr 30, 2012

I have a WIN -7 system with 1 trig SADA hard drive. I also have a Vista system with a 750mb hard drive from my old computer.Can I install the Vista hard drive into the Win-7 system and boot from either system?

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10GB Disappears Off Hard Disk

Apr 27, 2011

ok so if i go into my computer and click on my c drive then highlight everything in there it says that i have 56gb space taken up but when i click on the hard drive itself and go to properties it says 66 gb is taken up. i have hidden files shown so i dont know where this 10 gb has gone. this happed after i turned on restore points and gave it 10 gbs but i deleted that in the screen and turned it off at the same time and it is still gone?

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How To Copy System Drive To A New Smaller Hard Drive

Aug 19, 2012

i have a (spinning) hard-drive with my windows 7system and data on it. it is up to date to this month. the hard-drive is a 320gb. there is jsut 69gb used on the 320gb.i just bought a 256 gb SSD (solid state HD). i would like to place everything on the 256 and put IT in my laptop. i have saved a system image of the 320gb on DVD. windows seems to want an exact size (320gb) to restore the system to.

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Hard Drive Failing - Get A New System Drive?

Aug 11, 2010

My primary system drive where Windows 7 is installed is a: WD 7K 16M SATA2 WD3200AAKS HD 320G - OEM. Long version (feel free to scroll down to short version): Yesterday, I came back to my computer, and all of my applications and desktop were frozen, but I could move the mouse. When I clicked on a window, the cursor would turn to the blue spinning thing, and the window would eventually say not responding and turn a lighter shade of white. I couldn't click on the desktop of the start menu, so I did a hard reset. The computer then wouldn't pass the black "starting windows" screen. I did another hard reset, and it asked me if I wanted windows to try to repair start up. Soon after that, it asked if I wanted to restore windows, but when I clicked OK, I got what looked to me to be a memory error. Then startup repair seemed to do nothing for a few hours, till I got impatient and restarted the computer. I was able to get into Windows, and I scheduled a memory test, and reset the computer. Memory test ran and found no problems. I restarted and Windows loaded, but soon after my computer was laggy and the programs were freezing. So then I thought it may be a HDD issue, so I scheduled to run check disk on that drive, and reset. Check Disk found corrupt files and bad sectors. After that, I was able to load Windows normally, but when I tried to open MC7 for "Live TV", it wouldn't pass the searching for tuner stage, so I closed out MC7, and got an error message in the action center. So I ran chkdsk again. This time, windows wouldn't load after restart, so I went back into repair startup, and it seemed to have found the error really fast, restarted and everything seemed fine. I decided to run chkdsk one more time for good measure, and it had a couple more read errors and found more bad sectors. Now I have been running windows with no apparent issues yet.Short version, computer froze, ended up running chkdsk 3 times, had to repair start up, and now everything is OK for now, but obviously I'm worried about more harddrive failure. Here are my questions:

1)How troubling is this? Do I need a new harddrive ASAP, or can it run for years with a few bad sectors? Any further tests I could run?

2)If I am to get a new system drive, what should I get? All I have on it is windows and my programs. I have separate disks for data. I'm using roughly 32 GBs out of 298. Should I just try to get the same drive (same speed, same capacity), or is there a good upgrade and is it worth getting an upgrade (I don't need more space, but something that would help performance maybe?) or any good deals on sale now?

3) I bought my current (failing) HDD on 9/24/2008, and I'm pretty sure WD has 5 year limited warranty. Should I peruse that angle?

4)How should I got about moving/restoring this OS to the new drive?

4a) I have a half dozen Windows Image Backups saved. Should I just use an old one from before the failure, or should I try to create a new one now, even though the disk may be corrupt?

4b)Or is there a better program to be using than Windows backup and restore?

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Internal Hard Disk Disappears Randomly Since Install Windows 7 Pro 64 Bit?

Jul 14, 2012

2 weeks ago i replaced XP with Windows 7 Pro 64 bit on my PC and since then my D: drive randomly disappears. I have been using the PC which has 3 internal disk drives with XP for the past 3 years never having problems with the disk drivesSince i installed Windows 7 Professional 64 bit, the D Drive is dropped from time to timehen i look under device manager the disk is completely gone, and also if i go to command, diskpart, list disks .... it does not show up.

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Gateway Disappears Everytime Restart System

Oct 21, 2012

i m suffering from the problem every time I restart my lappie I have to change my default gateway IP in my Network and sharing settings.

It is vry irritating windows saves everthing but not my default gateway IP i had dell studio 1558 with windows 7 home premium 64bit

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Copy Whole System To New Hard Drive

Oct 8, 2009

im looking to get new harddrive and was wondering isit possible to copy whole os to new hdd?

meaning like copy whole os to new hdd so i dont have to reinstall all my programs because im going to use my current hdd as external storage using caddy and my new hdd as my sole drive

ive been told theres some program called ghost something that does it,,is this true or even possible

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Can Run A Hard Drive Using XP In A Windows 7 System

Jan 3, 2012

Assuming the hard drive for my last (XP) system wasn't the part that failed, I'd like to find some way to use it in my new computer. The old hard drive has an expensive program on it that I need for work, and the program either won't work at all or wont work without an upgrade according to the supplier when I asked why I can't run the program using Windows 7. Is it possible to install it in the new case and run the XP based programs?

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Hard Drive Parity System

Jul 1, 2012

I am a photographer and I am always growing my storage. I have 8 slots in my computer, and I basically want to fill it up with extra HDs. I already have my OS setup finished. But I have random hard drives lying around. I would like to set them up as one drive with a parity... and then replace them as I get bigger better hard drives. Can someone point me in the right way?

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Have Two 2 Operating System On One Hard Drive

Dec 8, 2009

I currently have windows vista 32 bit on my hard drive. I want to upgrade to windows 7 ultimate, but don't want to format this HD just yet.

Is there a way to load windows 7 onto this hard drive then have that portion of the HD boot up in windows 7? That way I can run windows 7 and still have my windows vista and all my files on the same hard drive.

If windows 7 works out, can I delete that windows vista portion and copy the files into the Windows 7 portion?

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Blank Hard Drive - No Operating System

Jan 26, 2012

I came into the possession of a new HP computer, the hard drive has no operating system on it. Is there any way of putting windows XP or Vista on this system without going out and buying them. Are there any operating systems online that can be downloaded?

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Way To Switch Operating System To A New Hard Drive?

Aug 5, 2012

My hard drive is slowing down the preformace of my computer. The hard drive gets a 5.9 rating in windows 7 performance ratings. I would like to switch out to a newer hard drive possibly Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB WD1002FAEX. I do have an external backup drive

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Hard Drive File System Randomly Changes By Itself?

Feb 17, 2013

So, i woke up the other day to see my Windows 7 computer is now completely screwed up that i am on right now..C drive is Mirror RAIDed to let you know.It is reporting 74.1MB free of 465GB total on the drive.No matter what i delete, it does NOT EVER free up space.As a matter of fact, some files delete, then come right back, files i've added myself.. weird #1Two, i run chkdsk in windows, it says C drive is a RAW drive and cant scan however it boots up fine to it every time.  weird #2So i then use windows repair command prompt to chkdsk /F /R  It sees it's NTFS JUST FINE..but reports ZERO errors..  weird #3I scan using Intel Matrix Storage Console in windows, NO ERRORS, weird #4But i am getting Disk I/O errors like crazy in windows logs and in programs, etc..   weird #5I selected all files on Disk C-  total space in use under 300gb, but showing 465GB in use.. weird #6Scanned for infections with AVG, no errors, i tried malwarebytes, will not open- 0xc000005. weird #7So i have a drive that can't be read but is read but reporting wrong size but measures right size that has no errors but has errors.

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System Image - Hard Drive Clone?

Apr 12, 2012

I am stack at certain process while trying to load a system image onto new hard drive using Windows 7 x64 image restore function from the windows 7 disk, I got my primary drive 500 gigs with windows 7 and all my files,I made a system image onto another clean internal hard drive size 160 gigs and I was successful, now I disconnected my 500 gigs primary hard drive, attached a new 250 gig hard drive and I proceeded to load the system image, I boot to windows 7 cd,I get the option to repair , click on restore from system image file , everything looks good computer finds the hard drive 160 gigs with the system image as source,I press next look for the target drive and I see it there 250 gigs drive thats freshly formatted ..., I select the target press next it all looks good and then I get the screen that there is no target hard drive... I made sure that this hard drive is not being excluded from format and new process... I am lost ... what am I doing wrong here, I reformatted those 2 drives twice I tried this operation about 8 times , I get the error message each time I am attempting to create this new system image..

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How To Move Operating System To New Hard Drive

May 2, 2012

I am not very good with computers, so I don't really know how to do this, and need explanation in simple english. My hard drive is constantly causing BSODs on my HP laptop (Windows 7) and I have ordered a new hard drive. I am not quite sure how to transfer the operating system.

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WD External Hard Drive Not Recognized On System?

Aug 10, 2012

and i got problem with my brothers WD external hard drive, it's not recognized in my computer, my brother says "it lost the drive letter or may be some files broken" he had some knowledge about that but we can't fix that one.

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Transfering Installed System To New Hard Drive

Sep 8, 2009

Here's the deal: I've bought a new 1.5TB hard drive for my PC to replace the 320GB one in there at the moment (turning it into a HTPC). Problem is, it's one of those mini-tower PCs and it only has the one hard drive slot. This means it's re-installation time!

So the question is, what do you lot think would be the best way of setting up Windows 7 on this new drive, hopefully keeping as much as possible of my current setup? As far as I can work out, my options are as follows:Use the Windows Backup thing to do a complete PC backup, installing Windows on the new hard drive, then restoring the system from the backup. Use a Linux live CD and use Partimage to create an image of the system partition which I can then put on the new hard drive and hope it boots (obviously once the MBR is sorted, etc). Just install Windows on the new hard drive and set everything up again from scratch. The hard drive arrives in 2 days, so what do you reckon?

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Can't Install Operating System On Hard Drive

Nov 23, 2011

i cant install operating system on hard drive because hard drive is change to dynamic suggest tome to change dynamic into logical

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How To Format System Hard Drive With Windows 7

Feb 27, 2012

i have laptop reinstalled with windows 7, it doesnt work properly, cos ram is 1GB only, i want to reinstall windows xp now, but it does not allow me to do that.
message comes that newer version is installed on this machine and it is not letting me to install windows xp.

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Moving Hard Drive From One System To New Desktop?

Mar 24, 2012

I had Dell XPS 8300 Desktop & had bought & Installed Windows-7 ( Ultimate ) on it's 500 GB HDD.I gave that system to my relative except Hard Drive.Now I bought Dell T-7500 Workstation with only DOS installed on it's hard drive to save some money & because I already have Windows-7 ( Ultimate ) DVD.I took out the hard drive with DOS from the workstation & replaced it with the hard drive that I had in XPS with Win-7 already installed.I then tried to boot it in the workstation but it wouldn't boot & gave error messages.So I formatted the OS Partition & fresh installed Windows-7. Now it does load Windows -7 but first it goes thru some other commands as follows when I start the system.

Dell SAS 6 Host Bus Adapter BIOS
MPTBIOS ( 2008.08.06 )
Press Ctrl - C to run SAS Configuration Utility
Searching for Devices at HBA 0.....
Dell MPT Boot ROM Successfully installed

Then it loads Windows-7.All of above happens on its own, I didnt touch anything.So what is going on & what do I have to do get rid off those initializing commands ? I have never had this happen to any previously owned Dell systems.Also I haven't installed any drivers yet but Sound, Video & Internet does work.Do I need to install any drivers & if yes, which ones ?Here is the configuration of Dell workstation T-7500 :

Intel(R) Xeon(R) E5645 2.40GHz, 12M cache, 5.86 GT/s QPI, Turbo, HT, 6C
Intel(R) 5520 Chipset
DOS Factory Installed (English)
Integrated Intel(R) SATA 3.0Gb/s controller with support for RAID
Integrated High Definition Audio


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Moving Operating System To New Hard Drive?

Jan 6, 2013

I want to install a new hard drive on my laptop. How can I keep the windows 7 operating system that is now installed on the current hard drive?

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