Doesnt Have Screensaver On By Default

Apr 14, 2009

Windows 7 doesnt have Screensaver on by default? It has the nice dimming feature but then doesnt set the screensaver on by default!!

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How To Set Default Wallpaper And Screensaver For Custom Install

Dec 2, 2011

I've been playing around with the OEM folder used for custom branded OEM installs. I've figured out how to set the OEM info and add custom wallpapers and screen savers to the install media. What I haven't figured out is how you actually set the default wallpaper or screen saver during the install? If someone knows where the info is stored in the registry I can probably do it with a reg file like I do the OEM info displayed on the system screen. I've been testing by installing from a USB thumb drive. Once I have everything the way I want it I'll burn a DVD of the final version.

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Cd Drive Doesnt Work

Nov 18, 2009

I installed windows 7 two weeks ago and everything worked well expect for the sound (5.1 doesnt work, still working on it). But yesterday when i wanted to watch a dvd my cd drive didnt work. i put it in but ni response but it in again and again no response. looked in "Computer" but it didnt show any cd drives. Only A: and c: (a: was a floppy drive which i dont have :s)

Do you know if this is a driver problem and how i need to fix this?

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Laptop Doesnt Want To Turn Off?

Mar 5, 2012

For 3 days now my laptop doesnt want to turn off, i've just been putting it to sleep.

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Hotmail Doesnt Work?

Jun 6, 2012

[#2e00ff][/#2e00ff]Code :[cpp][cpp][email]ucazdoyle1958@hotmail.comndefined[/email][/cpp][/cpp]

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Windows 7 64-bit Doesnt Use All Installed RAM

Jul 8, 2010

I recently purchased a new system (about 2 weeks ago) but I've noticed my 64bit software is only able to use 10 of 12GB installed.When I look at the system properties I see windows recognizes 12GB RAM installed but sais only 10GB of it is available.Any thoughts? I paid lots of money for my RAM so I'm not really considering this a luxery problem (When I startup it sais the memory frequency is 1066. Not sure if this is useful)I'm not really thinking a faulty stick because windows recognizes al sticks.

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Restoring Using An Image Doesnt Work?

Dec 3, 2011

I have a PC running Windows 7 with 3 HDs(not partition, different HDs).2) I used Windows 7 to create an image of the OS HD(C and placed it in D.3) I used the image once or twice so I know it's a god image, and it's notcorrupted.4) Lately I've been having performence/computer-gets-stuck-issues and Iuspected the HD(C because my RAM is fine, and finally windows alreted my that that HDis failing.(plus, I can hear "ticks" of the HD's nittle trying to read whenever the computer got frozen for a sec or two.5) I replaced the HD that was C: with a new one, and installed Windows 7 again.6) Tried to restore using the image and the recorery system said that it needs to formatthe drive that it's on(makes sense) and ordered me to perform the restore throughthe windows installation disk,7)I did. but I get a similiar error that ordered me to restore with an image but using a windowsinstallation disk(and I got to this error using the instllation disk)How can I make the image work?the only problem I can see is that the image was taken off a a different HD

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AMD Catalyst Driver Doesnt Update

Mar 19, 2011

my graphics card is Mobility radeon HD5145 ..whenever i update my driver only the catalyst control center updates .. but the core driver is stuck at 10.8.

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FEAR Doesnt Work On Windows 7?

Sep 17, 2011

I got the good old horror game FEAR and everytime i play it lags pretty bad like rank even on low and stuff it just has crappy FPS.or is it because FEAR is just to old and Win 7 is just too new!?

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Graphics Card Doesnt Work In Pc?

Jul 7, 2012

i have xfx nvidia geforce 9500 gt 1gb ddr2... 2 days ago it became totally dead, my pc does not start when it is put but pc works fine with on board VGA... and the gaming card also doesnt work in another pc with the same specification as mine... is there any way to repair..?

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When In Format Screen Sata HDD Doesnt Appear?

Jan 24, 2011

Yesterday I got a blue screen later then my n5010 laptop uses to stuck at "windows is starting" screen.So I decided to format and install windows 7.When I put Windows 7 Dvd and got to format screen.I coudnt see sata hdd ( it does exist in bios ) . I tried to install sata drivers but it didnt work from external I think.So I called dell sevice . THey said do the diagnostics test Now I am doing the tests.It passed the confidence , the long test and the read test.It is at seeking test now.I cant call dell service because its closed by this hours

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VPN Doesnt Provide Internet Access?

Mar 29, 2012

To prevent the new default route from being created, select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) on the Networking tab for the properties of the VPN connection. Click Properties, and then click Advanced. In Advanced TCP/IP Settings, on the General tab, clear the Use default gateway on remote network check box. I have internet access but I dont think its through the VPN. I am connected but it says on the VPN stats: Without internet access. Because when I try to go through some blocked ports in my school it still doesnt work but It works with YourFreedom(with openvpn mode).

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Graphics Pixel Doesnt Suupport?

Sep 24, 2011

how to solve this error for playing point blank..Graphic Device does not support PixelShader: Standard VGA Graphics Adapter

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Word Doesnt Start, Its Disappeared?

Sep 27, 2012

Mom wants me to right a letter to grandmother but word doesn;t work. (Alert!) I can;t even find word or excell its like they disappeared. (Alert! Alert!) I need to make this work real fast or mom will punish me (Red Alert!)

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PC Doesnt Startup After Internal Gpu Driver Update

May 30, 2012

I updated my pc's internal gpu which has G31 express chipset so i updated it to the latest one and i saw that it supported win 7/vista 64bit but now that i have restarted pc it comes to the dell inspiron load screen after loading it goes blank with a cursor at the top left part of the screen so i am kind of stuck since idk wat to do

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Currupt File And Start Up Doesnt Work

Sep 23, 2012

Well when I turn on my laptop, it just starts at Windows Error Recovery. Then it has two options which are 1. Launch Start up Repair (recommended) and 2. Start Windows Normally. But when I go to the second option it does not work and just goes to the first option and that itself doesn't work either.

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DVD+RW Drive Doesnt Recognize Blank Disc?

Dec 30, 2011

I have Dell computer with HL-DT-ST DVD+-RW GSA-H73N SCSI CdRom Device...never had a problem with it now all of a sudden it wont recognize a blank will play a dvd movie with no problem...I uninstalled and then reinstalled the drivers which did nothing...also uninstalled the drive completely which didnt help either

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Seagate HDD Doesnt Show Up In Disk Managment?

Dec 1, 2012

After searching the entirety of the internet I have come here to try to resolve my problem. I have a Seagate barracuda 1.5tb 3.5" 7200rpm hard drive which i was previously using to run windows server 2008. I am now trying to use it as an external hard drive for my laptop, however the laptop does not seem to recognize it. I tried using two different cases, three different usb ports, and i confirmed that everything was properly plugged in and powered on. The hard drive does not appear in disk manager, my computer, or the BIOS.

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Xbox Wireless Receiver Doesnt Work?

Jan 17, 2013

I have a official xbox wireless receiver for windows and i cant get it to connect to the controller. I have installed all the drivers from the microsoft website and tried all the guides on the internet, but it still doesnt work.Anyone know any possible solutions? I have tried it on both my computer both running Windows 7 ultimat

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Suddenly Windows Installer Doesnt Work

Apr 20, 2011

I need urgent help because after my AVAST free 30-days trial ended,my machine has starting going backwards.I've downloaded MSE (microsoft security essentials) and tried to install it,but it comes up with:ERROR CODE=0x8004FF01 (which means Windows Installer cant be started/accesded) I've also tried with AVG but it comes up with= The WIS could not be accesed. This can occur if the WSI is not properly installed. But,people,problem is I GOT WIS UP AND RUNNING,I can see it the services tab.I suspect that is a Virus or a missing file.I also tried doing the following things to no avail

-System restore.
-Malwarebytes says there is nothing (malware).
-Full scan avast says there is nothing.
All said that the operation was successful but it stills comes up with the same error.

I fear using my GMAIL,HOTMAIL and PAYPAL accounts because I dont know if they will get "stolen" Know Im starting to think who was the one responsible for this...

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Why Doesnt New Driver Show In Device Manager

May 3, 2011

I installed a new driver for u-lead but it doesn't show in device manager as unknown or usb. Windows 7 shows that it is compatible. The program won't work.

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Ipod Doesnt Auto-play In Windows 7?

Jul 2, 2011

iPod won't autoplay on windows 7. I've set my iPod to manually choose the music and video files, which automatically checks the "enable disk usage" box. However I am unable to AutoPlay it in windows explorer. When I right-click on my iPod and select AutoPlay nothing seems to happen.

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Why Doesnt Windows 7 Recognize Two Of Hard Drives

Sep 21, 2012

My motherboard is ASUS P6X58D Premium, Intel i7 920 2.67Htz, Windows 7 Pro 64bit, Hard drives: C: WD Caviar RE2WD500YS, WD1002FAEX 64mb cache, 3rd drive is 1TBWD1002FAEX 32mb cache, and 4th drive is: 1TB WD1001FALS-00J7B0 32mb cache.When I click on My Comuter in Windows 7, it does not see hard drives #3, and #4 but it does see the C: drive that is a 500GB WD drive and the first 1TB WD hard drive.Drives #3 and #4 are not seen by Windows. Western Digital Data LifeGuard Diagnostics(DLGDIAG) sees all four drives but the SMART status of drives #3 & #4 say: Not Available. I can run a Quick Test on drives #3 & #4 and they pass the Quick Test but it won't run the other WD tests for drives #3 & #4

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Clipboard Doesnt Seem To Hold Onto Last Copied Item Long At All?

Sep 2, 2010

It was bad in XP, but seems worse in Windows 7.Clipboard doesnt seem to hold onto last Copied item long at all. I will copy a string of text and if I I dont paste it very soon after it wont paste.Usually I hcopy a piece of text, and if I have to minimize a few windows or do too many keystroke before pasting it gets lost and I have to go back and re-copy it.Its just beuggier than expected for such a nice OS.

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Graphics Card Doesnt Detect Monitor Correctly?

Oct 23, 2011

i have this big problem is that my graphics card as a problem that in almost 2 years it never did thisi never had problems with this computerbut what happend is that i use a LCD screen the resolution is use is 1768x992 and i use a Nvidia GeForce 9800 GT graphics card what happends is that when i turn the computer on i see the screen with ALOT of lines with weird colors and i thought this was a drivers problem so i installed the graphics card drive and clean the PC up for the 2nd time nothing worked so i tried formating it but i doubt it that would work because those lines where there so yeai did manage on getting a screen cap from the windows and it looks like thishe weird part is that the lines and stuff that appear on the screen as well dont show up on the picture so i tried using another monitor and it had the same resultim using Windows Ultimate 32 bit i have my graphics card connected to my TV(LCD) with a HDMI cable i thought it could be that so i tried another cable it didnt work so at this point i ran out of ideas

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Clean Install Of Win7 Doesnt Find HD Drivers

Dec 18, 2009

Ok, i built a "whitebox" for a friend at work and they wanted to windows 7 64bit. So, i built the machine and have been trying to figure out how to get it to recognize the HD for the past 4 hours... mainly thanks to Samsung for making impossible to find drivers on their website for the Spinpoint F1 HD102UJ 1TB hard drive and i am also having problems finding drivers from the Gigabyte website... Anyway, suggestions? I gone through all the suggestions about checking the BIOS for RAID settings, but there is only 1 drive in this machine.

Furthermore, after trying to find the drivers online for about 2 hours...i ended up reformatting the drive from the utility disk that samsung had on their website..

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Homegroup Sharing Network Suddenly Doesnt Work

Nov 16, 2011

I have a wireless network setup comprising of a Windows 7 desktop and a Vista laptop,Everything worked fine but I suddenly have found that my computer sharing network setup is no longer working.When I try to access my Desktop PC from my laptop the Desktop Computer PC icon shows,but when I click on it I get a message,Windows cannot access Desktop Windows has sent the request to the DNS server and that name was unknown",When I try to access the laptop from my Desktops Windows7 (control panel>network sharing center) the Laptop icon no longer shows as it did previously.

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Windows Doesnt Go Into Sleep / Hibernation Mode When Battery Low?

Jul 21, 2012

I am having a problem where my laptop doesn't got into sleep / hibernation mode when the battery is running low. It just shuts down suddenly causing the machine to give me an error about not been shut down property upon reboot.

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Crypto Hybrid Pci Tv Tuner Doesnt Work On Windows 7?

Mar 2, 2012

Greetings, windows 7(64) are unable to find or myself drivers for my crypto hybrid pci tv tuner.i was wondering if there is a way to make the device to work under win7. Mobo is p5b-e.

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Local Area Connection Doesnt Have A Valid Ip Configuration?

Apr 15, 2012

having a problem with connecting to the internet

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Gta Iv Doesnt Work / "the Application Has Failed To Start?

Oct 30, 2012

I cant guess why my gta iv doesn't work.It showsthe following line,"the application has failed to startbecause its side-by-side configuration is incorrect.please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail"I have i3 processor and 6 gb ramradeon graphics 1gb windows 7 32 bit

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