PC Doesnt Startup After Internal Gpu Driver Update

May 30, 2012

I updated my pc's internal gpu which has G31 express chipset so i updated it to the latest one and i saw that it supported win 7/vista 64bit but now that i have restarted pc it comes to the dell inspiron load screen after loading it goes blank with a cursor at the top left part of the screen so i am kind of stuck since idk wat to do

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AMD Catalyst Driver Doesnt Update

Mar 19, 2011

my graphics card is Mobility radeon HD5145 ..whenever i update my driver only the catalyst control center updates .. but the core driver is stuck at 10.8.

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Why Doesnt New Driver Show In Device Manager

May 3, 2011

I installed a new driver for u-lead but it doesn't show in device manager as unknown or usb. Windows 7 shows that it is compatible. The program won't work.

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Startup Taking 7 Minutes After Update

Dec 6, 2012

I recently reinstalled my Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit OS, and had about 120 updates installed when I shut down my computer. The next time I started up my computer, a notification popped up requesting that I install two system updates. I did find it odd that those updates weren't a part of the 120 or so updates. While updating, my power went out and caused my computer to shut down. That's when the problems started, it took forever to start up, and not just to the startup screen. Before that, the fans would be running. There was no display and my mouse and keyboard were off. It'd go on for about 4 minutes. When things started to show up, everything seemed to be in "slow motion", or in other words, all actions made by me were delayed or lagging by at least a minute. I found out during the boot screen when I had choices to start windows normally or not.
The computer also beeped once, which I understand is normal. From beep to the "Starting Windows" screen, it took 2 minutes and 20 seconds. And the "Starting Windows" screen plus the "Welcome" screen took 50 seconds to get to the Desktop screen.

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HP 15 In 1 Internal Card Reader Driver?

Jun 8, 2011

I have/had a HP Pavilion P6510f and the mobo died. I replaced it with a Gigabyte 880GM-UD2H and now I can't get my internal card reader to be recognized. It's a 5 pin and I have plugged it into the empty FUSB slot and still not being recognized.In device manager, it doesn't show and the only issue is an ethernet card.I can't seem to figure out what to do to get it to work...

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Windows Update Caused Startup Failure

Sep 17, 2012

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2410M CPU @ 2.30GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7
Processor Count: 4
RAM: 6050 Mb
Graphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics Family, -1262 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 699443 MB, Free - 332975 MB;
Motherboard: TOSHIBA, PEQAA
Antivirus: avast! Antivirus, Updated and Enabled

I am convinced that my computer has been dishonored and is trying to commit Hari-Kari.This year-old Toshiba P755 came with Win 7 installed. This August after an automatic Windows Update it failed to startup properly. After logging in Explorer would freeze.I was able to start up in Safe Mode. Windows Update log showed that a half dozen updates had just been installed, and several had failed.I used Recovery and selected a restore point just before the update. All went OK and the computer now worked until the next time I shut down, whereupon it headed off to re-install the updates. This time I noticed it hung in the Installing Updates, do not turn off your computer" screen for many, many hours, eventually failing to install them.

I repeated this cycle three times over teh next few days, growing more desperate each time. Finally I found a kb on the MSDN site that sounded applicable. It had me download and install a "Mr. Fixit" utility. I did so, got one more lockup, then upon entering Safe Mode saw a new option: Repair Startup or some such. I tried it and lo, it worked. No more endless "Installing Updates" messages.I then changed the Windows Update mode to manual. It still sent me messages about updates being available, so I then turned off the Windows Update service.

All was quiet for three weeks. Then last Friday the same drill - hung after logging in. Only this time it has invented a more ominous way to die. I did the Safe Mode->Control Panel->Recovery drill (I can do it in my sleep now) and, uh-oh, it says I have no restore points! I used to have dozens....Looking at the update log, I only see three update that (I think) are when I installed Mr. Fixit. I went ahead and uninstalled them anyway. The computer wanted a reboot, and once again locked on the "configuring Updates" screen.Now I can only start up in Safe Mode with Networking, which is how I am able to write this.

1) With no restore points to choose, what next?

2) How do I keep this from happening again?

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Startup Isn't Booting Properly After BIOS Update

Nov 14, 2011

i went to update my BIOS after one of my games(call of duty: Black ops) was lagging badly and i did everything to reduce lag even though my computer could run it on high settings. BTW the lag was gone after i upgraded BIOS for the game i mentioned above.So a friend suggested that i update the BIOS. i did and then after restart my computer would freeze but when i unplug a usb device from 2 ports grouped together it booted. Today i got the boot until i remove a USB device but now i get crashes in games. it also decided to install printer drivers...again even though the printer has been working fine since the day i installed windows 7 x64 months ago. My version is not a beta or a RC its a full version fully updated with some minor tweaks like UAC turned off but nothing major that would cause startup to fail.i know i dont have a virus or a rootkit. Thats the first thing i checked. This didnt happen till after i updated the BIOS. so here is what i have done so far:Startup repair twice(i chose the recommended option).....neither time it worked it just reverted it back two days.did a antivirus,rootkit, spyware,etc... scan found only small stuff that wouldnt cause this much problems. in other words small stuff that i got rid of easily that is fairly common such as data miners and tracking cookies.also ran combofix....didnt find anything.next did a scan using Advanced windos Care 2 didnt find anything wrong with the disk or anything else.also ran chkdsk also didnt find anything.i ran out of options of stuff to do. i dont mind re-installed windows 7 but kind of want to use that as a last resort.

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Windows 7 64 Bit Update Configuration Freezes On Startup?

May 11, 2011

i got a home built computer with Corsair Dominator DDR3 1600MHz 4GB CL9 Gigabyte GA-MA790GP-UD4H,Socket-AM2+/AM3 GPU is a XFX Radeon HD 5770 1GB GDDR5 AMD Phenom 9850 Black Edition Quad-Core Samsung SpinPoint F1 500GB SATA2, WD Caviar® Black 750GB, 3,5", SATA

My PC was woriking fine and got some updates, moste of them installed with no problem at all, but two days ago i started up my computer and it whent strait to, config/update screen and starts at 32% it dosent built up to 32%, it starts there and dose nothing else, same thing happends if i manualy reboot and start it in safe mode.

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Download Driver Tv Tuner Internal For Windows 7?

Feb 13, 2012

I have S- TEK SU7130PCIA TV Tuner card. It works with windows XP, but now I want the drivers for window 7.

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USB Internal Media Card Reader Driver

Jun 27, 2012

I have a 3.5" slot reader setup that after 2 years still wont load drivers. Supposedly this is a windows 7 PnP item but its never worked. EVERY tech I've ever talked to says its PnP so I replaced it with a new item thinking that'd fix it. Same thing. No update from the MOBO driver site either.

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Windows Update KB2639308 Causes Infinite Startup Loop

Mar 17, 2012

on March 13, the "tuesday windows update packet" started updating my system automatically. It auto downloaded the updates (which I didn't realize it was even updating) It seemed to be hanging on the shut down screen. I came into the room about 2 hours later and Windows was still shutting down (actually it was on the blue screen that says, shutting down) Not knowing that the computer updating, I shut the computer off by hitting the power button because I thought it was weird it didn't shut down 2 hours earlier. I have read other posts where people also experienced this same scenario... the update seemed to freeze the computer at shutdown.The next day I tried to boot up... and the computer would not boot to the desktop, even in Safe Mode. I tried to do a system restore, system repair, etc. to dates before March 13... even Feb. 28th... but system restore did not work.

After 5 hours of trying various entries into the command prompt... I found this one that worked.:

dism.exe /image:<drive letter>: /cleanup-image /revertpendingactions

sfc /scannow /offbootdir=<drive letter>: /offwindir=<drive letter>:Windows BUT... my problems aren't totally clear yet:

I was able to load back into the desktop with almost everything functioning properly. Once the computer loaded back up to the desktop... I checked windows update and 5 of the updates failed. So, I started to update them one by one, which they did successfully... except one. The last update on the list, which is a Windows 7 x64 critical update KB2639308... still isn't updating properly and... it causes the infinite startup loop if I try to update. I read on Microsoft Answers that several others were having the same exact problem as me... the first time they downloaded the update, it froze their computers at the shutdown screen for hours and hours, they turned off their computers and got stuck in the infinite startup loop.Also, when it goes into the infinite loop, and I run Startup Repair, the diagnostic passes all tests except it does say this: Startup repair Diagnosis and repair details:

Boot critical file h:windowssystem32
toskrl.exe is corrupt.
Repair action: File repair
Result: Failed. Error code = 0xa


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Slow Startup / Shutdown - No Auto Refresh And Update Hangs

Oct 3, 2010

I just installed a retail copy of win 7 on my laptop and have been experiencing some issues. At first everything worked fine but out of the blue my desktop/folders have not been auto-refreshing. Whenever I try to delete or create a new folder I have to manually refresh to the folder in order to view it. When shutting down my laptop it takes 5+ minutes and when my desktop is loading after booting up the laptop it takes several minutes for everything to load and for the win 7 chime.

Finally, it won't allow me to update. When I try to use the windows updater it hangs for a while on "creating restoring point" (which may be normal) but then permanently hangs on installing update 1/16 at 0%. If I try canceling the update nothing happens and even when I try to shut down the laptop it attempts to install the updates but hangs on update 1/16.

From researching these issues I've realized that the auto-refresh problem is not uncommon and has something to do with a network. This may be unrelated but these problems only started to occur when I was transferring pictures via a USB stick.

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Samsung Sata 1tb Internal Hard Drive Down Load Driver?

Oct 22, 2011

Ive got a samsung 1tb/5400rpm/8m) i need the driver to load in on insall of windows 7.

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Connect An Internal IDE DVD Writer And An Internal SATA DVD Writer To The Same Motherboard?

Dec 16, 2011

Can I connect an Internal IDE DVD Writer and an Internal SATA DVD Writer to the same Motherboard?

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Cd Drive Doesnt Work

Nov 18, 2009

I installed windows 7 two weeks ago and everything worked well expect for the sound (5.1 doesnt work, still working on it). But yesterday when i wanted to watch a dvd my cd drive didnt work. i put it in but ni response but it in again and again no response. looked in "Computer" but it didnt show any cd drives. Only A: and c: (a: was a floppy drive which i dont have :s)

Do you know if this is a driver problem and how i need to fix this?

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Doesnt Have Screensaver On By Default

Apr 14, 2009

Windows 7 doesnt have Screensaver on by default? It has the nice dimming feature but then doesnt set the screensaver on by default!!

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Laptop Doesnt Want To Turn Off?

Mar 5, 2012

For 3 days now my laptop doesnt want to turn off, i've just been putting it to sleep.

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Hotmail Doesnt Work?

Jun 6, 2012

[#2e00ff][/#2e00ff]Code :[cpp][cpp][email]ucazdoyle1958@hotmail.comndefined[/email][/cpp][/cpp]

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Windows 7 64-bit Doesnt Use All Installed RAM

Jul 8, 2010

I recently purchased a new system (about 2 weeks ago) but I've noticed my 64bit software is only able to use 10 of 12GB installed.When I look at the system properties I see windows recognizes 12GB RAM installed but sais only 10GB of it is available.Any thoughts? I paid lots of money for my RAM so I'm not really considering this a luxery problem (When I startup it sais the memory frequency is 1066. Not sure if this is useful)I'm not really thinking a faulty stick because windows recognizes al sticks.

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Internal Card Reader Not Recognizing Card; Driver Is Working Properly?

Nov 6, 2012

I have a "SanDisk Ultra CompactFlash" 4GB card and an internal card reader (HP desktop). When I insert the card into the reader, the green light above the slot turns on as if it recognizes the device, but it doesn't show up. Device Manager says that the driver is installed and working properly, and I have uninstalled it,reinstalled it, and restarted my computer. A system restore isn't really an option because it isn't my computer.

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Restoring Using An Image Doesnt Work?

Dec 3, 2011

I have a PC running Windows 7 with 3 HDs(not partition, different HDs).2) I used Windows 7 to create an image of the OS HD(C and placed it in D.3) I used the image once or twice so I know it's a god image, and it's notcorrupted.4) Lately I've been having performence/computer-gets-stuck-issues and Iuspected the HD(C because my RAM is fine, and finally windows alreted my that that HDis failing.(plus, I can hear "ticks" of the HD's nittle trying to read whenever the computer got frozen for a sec or two.5) I replaced the HD that was C: with a new one, and installed Windows 7 again.6) Tried to restore using the image and the recorery system said that it needs to formatthe drive that it's on(makes sense) and ordered me to perform the restore throughthe windows installation disk,7)I did. but I get a similiar error that ordered me to restore with an image but using a windowsinstallation disk(and I got to this error using the instllation disk)How can I make the image work?the only problem I can see is that the image was taken off a a different HD

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FEAR Doesnt Work On Windows 7?

Sep 17, 2011

I got the good old horror game FEAR and everytime i play it lags pretty bad like rank even on low and stuff it just has crappy FPS.or is it because FEAR is just to old and Win 7 is just too new!?

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Graphics Card Doesnt Work In Pc?

Jul 7, 2012

i have xfx nvidia geforce 9500 gt 1gb ddr2... 2 days ago it became totally dead, my pc does not start when it is put but pc works fine with on board VGA... and the gaming card also doesnt work in another pc with the same specification as mine... is there any way to repair..?

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When In Format Screen Sata HDD Doesnt Appear?

Jan 24, 2011

Yesterday I got a blue screen later then my n5010 laptop uses to stuck at "windows is starting" screen.So I decided to format and install windows 7.When I put Windows 7 Dvd and got to format screen.I coudnt see sata hdd ( it does exist in bios ) . I tried to install sata drivers but it didnt work from external I think.So I called dell sevice . THey said do the diagnostics test Now I am doing the tests.It passed the confidence , the long test and the read test.It is at seeking test now.I cant call dell service because its closed by this hours

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VPN Doesnt Provide Internet Access?

Mar 29, 2012

To prevent the new default route from being created, select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) on the Networking tab for the properties of the VPN connection. Click Properties, and then click Advanced. In Advanced TCP/IP Settings, on the General tab, clear the Use default gateway on remote network check box. I have internet access but I dont think its through the VPN. I am connected but it says on the VPN stats: Without internet access. Because when I try to go through some blocked ports in my school it still doesnt work but It works with YourFreedom(with openvpn mode).

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Graphics Pixel Doesnt Suupport?

Sep 24, 2011

how to solve this error for playing point blank..Graphic Device does not support PixelShader: Standard VGA Graphics Adapter

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Word Doesnt Start, Its Disappeared?

Sep 27, 2012

Mom wants me to right a letter to grandmother but word doesn;t work. (Alert!) I can;t even find word or excell its like they disappeared. (Alert! Alert!) I need to make this work real fast or mom will punish me (Red Alert!)

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Currupt File And Start Up Doesnt Work

Sep 23, 2012

Well when I turn on my laptop, it just starts at Windows Error Recovery. Then it has two options which are 1. Launch Start up Repair (recommended) and 2. Start Windows Normally. But when I go to the second option it does not work and just goes to the first option and that itself doesn't work either.

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DVD+RW Drive Doesnt Recognize Blank Disc?

Dec 30, 2011

I have Dell computer with HL-DT-ST DVD+-RW GSA-H73N SCSI CdRom Device...never had a problem with it now all of a sudden it wont recognize a blank disc...it will play a dvd movie with no problem...I uninstalled and then reinstalled the drivers which did nothing...also uninstalled the drive completely which didnt help either

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Seagate HDD Doesnt Show Up In Disk Managment?

Dec 1, 2012

After searching the entirety of the internet I have come here to try to resolve my problem. I have a Seagate barracuda 1.5tb 3.5" 7200rpm hard drive which i was previously using to run windows server 2008. I am now trying to use it as an external hard drive for my laptop, however the laptop does not seem to recognize it. I tried using two different cases, three different usb ports, and i confirmed that everything was properly plugged in and powered on. The hard drive does not appear in disk manager, my computer, or the BIOS.

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Xbox Wireless Receiver Doesnt Work?

Jan 17, 2013

I have a official xbox wireless receiver for windows and i cant get it to connect to the controller. I have installed all the drivers from the microsoft website and tried all the guides on the internet, but it still doesnt work.Anyone know any possible solutions? I have tried it on both my computer both running Windows 7 ultimat

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