Backup A Top-level Folder But Not Sub-folders?

Feb 7, 2013

I would like to be able to backup all of the documents I have at the root of "My Documents" but not the subfolders. Is there a way to do that?

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Restricting Folder(s) At Network Level?

Jul 10, 2011

I installed Hamachi Free VPN. I have shared (full control) my entire external drive for convenience for everyone on my LAN. However, there are some folders that need to be excluded from this share over the VPN due to sensitive information in those folders (other users on my LAN backup data to those folders).

Is there a way to restrict ALL users over the VPN from accessing those folders (without adding a rule for every user)?

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File Sorting - Limited To One Level Now / Windows 7 Won't Let Apply That Second Level Of Sorting?

May 9, 2011

In Vista, I was able to sort files by date created, highlight the files I want, then sort again by name, and all the files I selected previously would still be highlighted, but now they're in numerical order. Win 7 won't let me apply that second level of sorting. It's either name or date, but not both.

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Making A Backup Excluding Certain Folders

Jun 12, 2012

I've searched and I couldn't come up with anything(probably using the incorrect keywords in my search).I was wondering if there was a way to make a backup of my computer while excluding certain folders.For example: I want to back up my computer but exclude my music folder cause it's too large for the drive I want to place the back up on and, well, it's not exactly vital. I won't die from not having my music.

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Best Free Software To Do A Backup Of Selected Folders?

Oct 2, 2011

Besides the native program in windows 7, what's a trust worthy good program to backup selected folders like Documents, Pictures, and other random folders I want to backup..

Maybe even something that does it incremental, so say if I connect it every sunday it only backs up changes in the folders and doesn't need to re do everything so that it won't need to re backup my 600GB movies folder, etc because it won't have any changes.

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BackUp And Restore Creates Empty Folders?

Nov 9, 2011

I had to use the Dell Back up and Restore to rebuild my OS and , except for all my email history, address book, profile and bookmarks, I seem to be up and running again. I want to back up to a WD MY Book 1tb external on a regular basis so I don't loose all my programs and profile.

I followed the easy instructions I found here on the Forum for a full system backup and watched the green bar progress to 10-15% complete and left the room. When I returned hours later the screen said "improper shut down" or something similar. When I rebooted there was a backup folder on my external but folder properties indicated it was completely empty.

The next day I tried to create a System Image Bup (Shadow Copy?) and the green bar progressed normally but, when I returned to the PC, the black dos screen said unable to find some file to boot. Again, folders were created but they were empty.

Does Windows 7 BU and restore normally restart the computer after creating a backup file? If so, can I prevent this so I can see where the program is breaking down?

I did create a System Repair disk on a DVD and it seems to have created that okay. The file is almost 300mb so I hope that means it will work if I ever need it.

I do know this new MY Book is a lot more complicated than my other Seagate external and seems to want to format and name files for me?

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Protected Folders Batch File Backup?

Aug 19, 2012

So I am trying to create a batch file that will copy certain folders from the My Documents and Program Files 86 folders. Of course these are protected. I can make a batch file and use robocopy to copy other files just fine. How can I set admin privileges? Or whatever it is I need to do to make it work? I am using group policy editor to run the bat file on shutdown.


Robocopy C:Folder D:Folder

that works fine...but when I try copying files out of Program Files x86 or My Documents the batch fails

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Folders Show Empty After Restoring Backup Files From CD/ROM

Oct 16, 2012

I backed up all of my data files over to a CD/ROM before restoring my Windows 7 PC due to a hard drive failure.

After successfully restoring the Windows 7 PC, I also restored my backed up files from the CD/ROM using HP RecoveryMgr, which was included as part of the backup process. Then I see all folders show "This folder is empty", even though the folder "Properties" show that the folder is not empty and contains files being backed up during the restore.

How can I make the files in the restored folders visible/accessible again?

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Windows Live Mail - How To Get Contacts And Storage Folders From Backup

Aug 15, 2010

Before uninstalling the operating system all data files were backed up into a separate directory on C. After the o.s. was reloaded I downloaded Windows Live Mail and started to use it. I want to recover the backed up storage folders and the contacts folder and instal them into the new Live Mail. Since I am using the most recent installation, is this creating a problem that will not allow the backed up folders etc. to write into the new folders.

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Copying Folders To Backup Hard Drive Resets Created Date

Nov 23, 2010

I've just recently realized that copying folders to a backup hard drive resets their "created" date. Should my computer ever crash, all my backup files will state to have just been created on that certain date. Me, being the organize-freak I am, have been looking for a solution so my backed up files can have the same time stamps as on my computer right now. I've done a little searching, and have found that people always recommend Robocopy. Problem is, I can't understand a word of the tutorials. How to run Robocopy to carry out what I want? And also just for the heck of it, is Robocopy the only solution? Is there some sort of back up program on Windows 7 that can do that?

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Share A Folder That Has Sub Folders ?

Dec 18, 2012

I am trying to share a folder that has sub folders (for example, username>documents). I change the sharing to share the folder of username, and I allow the network users to change the files. this is in xp. i access it from my win 7 machine, and when i try to access documents, it says that it cannot access it because I don't have permissions. Is there a way to cascade this sharing change, instead of having to manually change the sharing permissions of each folder?

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Automatically Backup Folder On One HD Onto Another?

May 28, 2011

I have my extremely precious photos and videos in one folder of a secondary HD.

When I make changes to the folder on my 2nd HD I would like it to automatically sync up a copy of the folder on my 3rd HD. Can anyone recommend a solution?

I would like to avoid me having to manually make a copy of the folder and copy it to my 3rd HD or always have to make changes to both folders.

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How To Backup Only NEW Files Instead Of Whole Folder

Jul 8, 2012

I just backup files to an external HD and a second internal HD time to time. Then I get new pictures and designs and need to make up backups of those. Is there a good system that backs up only the new stuff? Many are corel files and some folders are pretty big to backing stuff up yet again takes a lot of time and space.

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Can't See Windows Folder When Backup

Oct 11, 2012

My computer(Win 7 home premium) crashed with "bootmgr is missing" error So I take out the harddrive and put it into a SATA-USB enclosure and connect to second computer
Now I can see all the directory except "windows" folder, what can I do to get the files out?

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Okay To Delete Folders In User Folder?

Oct 6, 2012

I don't use: Contacts, Downloads, Favorites, Links, Saved Games, or SearchesIs getting rid of them as simple as deleting them from the user folder?

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Folder Layout View The Same For All Folders?

Feb 7, 2012

When I view a folder full of jpgs I select 'large icons' so I can see thumbnails. Then when I move up the tree to the folders they too are in 'large icons'. I change these to 'list' and my jpgs are shown in 'list' style.How can I select a folder to keep the view type I select as I did in XP?

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How To Apply Folder Style To ALL Folders

Jan 20, 2013

I am looking to apply my folder style to ALL folders, not just "all folders of this type". How would I go about this?

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Merge Multiple Folders Into One Folder?

Jul 1, 2010

I have a couple of folders that I want to merge into one folder. What is the best way to do this?

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Renaming Folders Always Get Folder Open

Jul 7, 2010

Why is it everytime I want to rename a folder for instance of music, that has never even been opened yet, i always get "The action can't be completed because a folder or file in it is open in another program"?

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Folder View - Reset All Folders

Sep 2, 2012

How to Reset the Folder View Settings for All Folders with the Same Folder Template in Windows 7 ?

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Folder View - Set A Default For All Folders

Jul 16, 2012

How to Set a Default Folder View for All Folders in Windows 7 ?

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Transfer Pictures From The PIC Folder To Other Folders

Nov 29, 2012

I'm trying to figure out how to transfer my pic files from 1 folder to another ..... the only options I have when I click on a pic is SEND: to desktop or compressed file .... I know how to send a pic via email or share it on FB, but for the life of me I can figure out how to make THEME folders . I can copy and paste .... I've got Windows 7 .... have to laugh it says I am 972 years old, one would think with that lifelong experience I could figure this out ..

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Restoring Files From A Backup Folder?

Aug 9, 2011

Backstory: My computer decides to crash on me while browsing some site, and it failed to startup after that. After many tries of getting it to work through system restore/system repair, it still would not load up. I then see an advanced option of restoring to the system default, with an option of saving all personal data such as files and documents. After this successful reinstall, I have a huge folder (190 gigs!) worth of my old files sitting in a folder named 'Backup' in the C: drive, all on a fresh version of Windows 7 (ie: default programs and icons like internet explorer). I have tried running Windows' Backup and Restore application, but the aforementioned backup drive does not show up. Is it possible to transfer everything back?

tl;dr: restored old comp to system default, (with an option to save personal files/programs, all in a new folder C:/Backup) but can't figure out how to move/replace this system default back to my old setup.

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File And Folder Backup Software?

Apr 12, 2012

I am looking for software to back up my PC and Laptop.The criteria I would like are -

1) to be able to shedule backup sets at different periods (eg documents daily; photos weekly; etc)

2) to do the backups as incremental, rather than everything every time.

3) to be able to see each folder and file on the back up device (ReadyNASDuo) - not a single compressed file.

4) to leave any files intact on the back up which may have been deleted on the PC/laptop (in case they were deleted accidentally)

5) to be able to select folders in groups for a set of backups (eg user data which may be on seprate drives.

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Complete PC Backup Image Folder

Apr 12, 2009

I don't know if this has been asked already and sorry if it has.

Is there a way to save both Vista and Windows 7 complete system image on the same partition? If possible rename the folders at least (I tried this but didn't work)?

I have a limited space in my hard drive and allocated only one partition for system backups. I'm quite happy with Windows 7 and I would like to have both Vista and Windows 7 backups just in case. I'm also trying to avoid multiple DVDs as backup media as much as possible so that restoring the image would be easier for my kid when i'm not around.

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Selecting Backup Target Folder

Nov 15, 2009

I have a notebook running Windows 7 Professional, and it's set to back up via network to an external drive which is connected to a desktop running Home Premium.

On the notebook, when I'm selecting the backup target, it lets me choose a specific folder on the external drive. However, when I'm backing up the desktop directly to the external drive, the only choice is the root of the external drive.

I'd like to specify a folder into which the desktop can back up instead. Can this be done, or am I going to have to pop for another Professional anytime upgrade?

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Copied Folders Are Larger Than The Original Folder?

Oct 10, 2012

This issue is absolutely frustrating. I recently did a reinstall of Windows on my Gateway LT20 laptop. I did so from the recovery console (Press F8 at boot, restore from recovery partition and retain user data).After the reinstall, I decided to Backup the rather large collection of personal files that I have on the C: drive. (Actually, this would be a second backup) As I began copying folders over to the external drive, permission dialogs would occasionally pop up......very odd as I am the sole user of the computer and am the admin. I noticed an "account unknown" set as the owner in the security tab and I figured that it was because the files were carried over from the previous install and the unknown account was just my admin account from before. So, I took ownership of each folder (and selected "replace owner on subcontainers and objects). Alas, I was still getting the UAC permission dialog when copying some subfolders. I said 'screw it" and just clicked "OK" to get on with the backup. This is followed by a "do you want to merge folder A with folder A?" dialog.

And so the folder begins copying to the new drive with it's subfoldersHere's the weird part:After I click "OK" the displayed amount of data left to be copied shows zero.....but it keeps copying data. And it just keeps going. The status bar of the copy dialog box shows a smaller amount of data to copy than there actually is in the source folder. And by the time the main folder is done copying, the resulting folder is larger than the original O-o What the deuce?! The properties dialog box tells me there is more files present than what's in the original folder.I.....I just want to copy my damn music and photos to a portable drive. Why do you curse me computer gods?!! *shakes fist at sky* I'm very confused and want to know why and how a source folder that is 18GB turns into a folder that is 28GB when copied.

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Folder Has Sub-Folders And Files But Shows Up Empty

Jan 12, 2011

located in my documents/downloads I open the folder and it comes up empty. If I rename it to some other name, its contents show up actually, strange thing. Also, if I open the folder the long way, that is cusersmyusermy documentsdownloads it opens fine, even i don't change the folder name, I think the error is in the registry, used Revo Uninstaller to uninstall facemoods and it messed up the registry to a state that pc became useless, had to backup registry, but seems it never recovered from it.

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Removing Unwanted Folders From The User Folder?

Feb 10, 2011

In the start menu there's a user folder, and within this folder a bunch of subfolders: My music, my videos, my documents, my downloads, etc.

I want to remove these folders and replace them with my own folders that I'll actually use but every time I do I get an error message telling me that the location... is no longer available.

Is there any way to remove these folders or otherwise deal this this or do I just have to deal with having a bunch of unnecessary folders making a mess of my user folder?

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Typing Folder Name Selects Files, Not Folders

Jul 11, 2011

Normally when I'm in a folder like My Documents, typing the name of a folder selects the folder I want to access. Recently, typing a name selects files with a similar name. How can I fix it so that typing a name in Explorer selects folders before it selects files?

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Password Protect A Folder (or Folders) In Windows 7?

Sep 7, 2012

Is it possible to password protect a folder (or folders) in Windows 7 somehow? I have several possible uses for this. One of them: At work all my colleagues and myself uses a common computer. On this computer I've installed Dropbox with personal files. Although we all have our own user account on the computer, we all are administrators, meaning everyone can, if they want to, enter my Dropbox folder. I'd love to have a password on this folder so that only I can open the folder.

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