How To Apply Folder Style To ALL Folders

Jan 20, 2013

I am looking to apply my folder style to ALL folders, not just "all folders of this type". How would I go about this?

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How To Apply An Image To A Folder

Jul 19, 2009

I found a way to apply images to folders, I have large collection of music/ videos and I know all xp users love the way folder display images but Windows 7 has hard time applying this.

This step has to be applies manually on each folder but works for me.


1.Right click on a Folder >> properties (select)

2. Properties windows (displayed) >> Select Customise (last tab)

3. Choose File.. (under Folder pictures) >> select Image(.jpg) (Note: All my images are .jpg Format, dont have be to be called Folder.jpg)

4. Change Icon (under Folder icons) >> Restore Defaults >> Apply >> Ok.


Note: My folder is not customise to specific type, e.g. Music, pictures etc. I have left it as General Items. (OS - Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit (6.1, Build 7100) RC)

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Apply UAC Restrictions To An Additional Folder?

Oct 7, 2011

This may seem like a strange thing to do, but today's SSD article reminded me of my desire to find out if this is possible - I have an unusual requirement that discourages me from even going the "small ssd as boot drive, large hdd for other things" route, unless I can find a way to do this. I do QA work for a distributor of downloadable games, so I like to be able to install the entire catalog (150+ GB), and put them into folders under "C:Program Files (x86)", so that I'll be able to see whether the UAC will cause problems for them (I install most of my other programs outside Program Files). Thus, to use ssd+hdd, I would need a way to apply the same restrictions to a folder on the hdd (and preferably also have any virtualized files directed to the hdd as well, but that's less critical).

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Changed The Default Installation Folder, It Will Not Apply?

Oct 30, 2012

I check it several times, went through every step on the web to changing the default installation folder, and no matter how many times I check it, save it, re write it, it won't save. It keeps installing on my SSD (C)

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Share A Folder That Has Sub Folders ?

Dec 18, 2012

I am trying to share a folder that has sub folders (for example, username>documents). I change the sharing to share the folder of username, and I allow the network users to change the files. this is in xp. i access it from my win 7 machine, and when i try to access documents, it says that it cannot access it because I don't have permissions. Is there a way to cascade this sharing change, instead of having to manually change the sharing permissions of each folder?

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Okay To Delete Folders In User Folder?

Oct 6, 2012

I don't use: Contacts, Downloads, Favorites, Links, Saved Games, or SearchesIs getting rid of them as simple as deleting them from the user folder?

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Backup A Top-level Folder But Not Sub-folders?

Feb 7, 2013

I would like to be able to backup all of the documents I have at the root of "My Documents" but not the subfolders. Is there a way to do that?

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Folder Layout View The Same For All Folders?

Feb 7, 2012

When I view a folder full of jpgs I select 'large icons' so I can see thumbnails. Then when I move up the tree to the folders they too are in 'large icons'. I change these to 'list' and my jpgs are shown in 'list' style.How can I select a folder to keep the view type I select as I did in XP?

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Merge Multiple Folders Into One Folder?

Jul 1, 2010

I have a couple of folders that I want to merge into one folder. What is the best way to do this?

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Renaming Folders Always Get Folder Open

Jul 7, 2010

Why is it everytime I want to rename a folder for instance of music, that has never even been opened yet, i always get "The action can't be completed because a folder or file in it is open in another program"?

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Folder View - Reset All Folders

Sep 2, 2012

How to Reset the Folder View Settings for All Folders with the Same Folder Template in Windows 7 ?

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Folder View - Set A Default For All Folders

Jul 16, 2012

How to Set a Default Folder View for All Folders in Windows 7 ?

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Transfer Pictures From The PIC Folder To Other Folders

Nov 29, 2012

I'm trying to figure out how to transfer my pic files from 1 folder to another ..... the only options I have when I click on a pic is SEND: to desktop or compressed file .... I know how to send a pic via email or share it on FB, but for the life of me I can figure out how to make THEME folders . I can copy and paste .... I've got Windows 7 .... have to laugh it says I am 972 years old, one would think with that lifelong experience I could figure this out ..

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Copied Folders Are Larger Than The Original Folder?

Oct 10, 2012

This issue is absolutely frustrating. I recently did a reinstall of Windows on my Gateway LT20 laptop. I did so from the recovery console (Press F8 at boot, restore from recovery partition and retain user data).After the reinstall, I decided to Backup the rather large collection of personal files that I have on the C: drive. (Actually, this would be a second backup) As I began copying folders over to the external drive, permission dialogs would occasionally pop up......very odd as I am the sole user of the computer and am the admin. I noticed an "account unknown" set as the owner in the security tab and I figured that it was because the files were carried over from the previous install and the unknown account was just my admin account from before. So, I took ownership of each folder (and selected "replace owner on subcontainers and objects). Alas, I was still getting the UAC permission dialog when copying some subfolders. I said 'screw it" and just clicked "OK" to get on with the backup. This is followed by a "do you want to merge folder A with folder A?" dialog.

And so the folder begins copying to the new drive with it's subfoldersHere's the weird part:After I click "OK" the displayed amount of data left to be copied shows zero.....but it keeps copying data. And it just keeps going. The status bar of the copy dialog box shows a smaller amount of data to copy than there actually is in the source folder. And by the time the main folder is done copying, the resulting folder is larger than the original O-o What the deuce?! The properties dialog box tells me there is more files present than what's in the original folder.I.....I just want to copy my damn music and photos to a portable drive. Why do you curse me computer gods?!! *shakes fist at sky* I'm very confused and want to know why and how a source folder that is 18GB turns into a folder that is 28GB when copied.

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Folder Has Sub-Folders And Files But Shows Up Empty

Jan 12, 2011

located in my documents/downloads I open the folder and it comes up empty. If I rename it to some other name, its contents show up actually, strange thing. Also, if I open the folder the long way, that is cusersmyusermy documentsdownloads it opens fine, even i don't change the folder name, I think the error is in the registry, used Revo Uninstaller to uninstall facemoods and it messed up the registry to a state that pc became useless, had to backup registry, but seems it never recovered from it.

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Removing Unwanted Folders From The User Folder?

Feb 10, 2011

In the start menu there's a user folder, and within this folder a bunch of subfolders: My music, my videos, my documents, my downloads, etc.

I want to remove these folders and replace them with my own folders that I'll actually use but every time I do I get an error message telling me that the location... is no longer available.

Is there any way to remove these folders or otherwise deal this this or do I just have to deal with having a bunch of unnecessary folders making a mess of my user folder?

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Typing Folder Name Selects Files, Not Folders

Jul 11, 2011

Normally when I'm in a folder like My Documents, typing the name of a folder selects the folder I want to access. Recently, typing a name selects files with a similar name. How can I fix it so that typing a name in Explorer selects folders before it selects files?

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Password Protect A Folder (or Folders) In Windows 7?

Sep 7, 2012

Is it possible to password protect a folder (or folders) in Windows 7 somehow? I have several possible uses for this. One of them: At work all my colleagues and myself uses a common computer. On this computer I've installed Dropbox with personal files. Although we all have our own user account on the computer, we all are administrators, meaning everyone can, if they want to, enter my Dropbox folder. I'd love to have a password on this folder so that only I can open the folder.

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Cant Create New Folders In Program Files Folder

Apr 12, 2009

whats tthis new restriction and how can i get around it....i am on my admin account initially installed with the OS.

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Vc90 Folders Missing From Winsxs Folder?

Mar 25, 2011

Had system crash due to bad memory. Had to do a clean install as the MBR was broken and none of the MBR repair methods would fix it. This was about 6 wks ago. I have just discovered while trying to install 3rd party photo editing suite that there are no VC90.CRT folders in the Winsxs folder. I have tried to copy all the VC90 files from my lap top via usb stick, to this machine. Winsxs is read only and no amount of trying will get the file attributes to change. Is there anyway to get these files installes without another repair/reinstall/reactivate scenario?

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User Folder - Create Your Own Special Folders

Aug 7, 2009

How to Create Your Own Special User Folder ?

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Write Protected Sub-folders Below The Program Files Folder?

Sep 19, 2012

I recently reformatted my hard disk and re-installed Windows 7, and when I try to edit any files in the subdirectories off any on the directories in the C:Program Files directory, I get 'protected' errors. I found that I could not create files or edit files anywhere below these directories.It turns out that everything in the Program Files folder and below is write protected. I tried changing one of the subfolder's properties and marked everything as Not Read-only, but I still couldn't create/edit files there.I was running Windows 7 before the hard disk crapped out, and I was able to modify the au3.propertied file with no problem.I know that Microsoft wants to put all data files in the C:User... directories, but the program I'm trying to change is AutoIt (SciTE), and I don't think here's a way to change the location of the properties files.I Googled in the Windows 7 support site and found a link to a video telling how to work around this. You have to change permissions of the parent folder and all files/folders below it.

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Folders Burned To Recovery Disc Are Still In Burn Folder?

Apr 7, 2012

I have a new Asus laptop. When I went to burn recovery discs as advised, the instructions popping up on screen were not clear and I ended up moving the files to the temporary burn folder. Eventually I figured out how to proceed with the real burn and did end up with my recovery discs, however I still have the files in temporary burn and am being notified about them every time I turn on my computer. I'm scared if I remove them I will be deleting the actual recovery files.

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Right Click Folder Crash With Only Folders With 1 Letter Names

Jan 15, 2013

kind of unusual this one. When I copy with right click everything works like a charm BUT I have 2 folders that have 1 letter names only, when I right click these to copy or cut I get this error and it crashes explorer and i have to restart explorer

Microsoft Visual C++ Error "The Application Has requested The Runtime to terminate in an unusual way"

Edit sorry my system is WIndows 7 x64 and if i rename the folders to something with more letters it will copy fine. What is causing it to crash with just a 1 letter name?

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Copy Multiple .wma Files In Different Folders To Single Folder?

Dec 27, 2011

I need to 'extract' .wma files from within many different folders to a single, main folder. It looks like this: Main Folder>Artist>Album>Track (.wma) but there are many artists. I want to get all the tracks from within the two subfolders into a single folder.

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Display Hidden Folders / Files To Access An Appdata Folder

Feb 5, 2011

I was trying to display Hidden Folders/files to access an appdata folder under C:Usersusernameappdata. (it's to fix an issue with the game Dead Space 2) Anyway, I opened My Computer, then C drive, then Users. In here, I right clicked on empty space and opened properties. I checked 'Hidden' and apply. Said it needed administrator rights, I accepted. Then most desktop items disappeared, most files from my documents disappeared and after reboot, The ATI catalyst control centre is popping up an error message saying 'failed to start'.I realised I chose to hide all the files within that folder instead of showing hidden files/folders..I went to folder options and chose Show Hidden file and I can see them again but they have that see through look to them. ATI catalyst still won't start on reboot. I tried system restore to yesterday but still exact same.When I go to User Properties on the C drive again, it shows the files as Read Only and Hidden is unchecked.

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Desktop Erased / Can't Locate 'My Documents' Folder And 'Start Menu' Folders

Jun 22, 2011

I recently restarted my computer only to be met with an empty desktop.Also, My Start Menu is empty. I can't locate any of programs or documents.a Right clicking and going to windows explorer, I could only view : "My Computer", "Windows (C); and when I click on them, they contain few irrelevant files.In other words I can't find my personal saved documents, "my document" folder , recycle bin and all other programs.My wifi still works so the only thing I can do on my system is browse on the internet.However, I can open a microsoft office file, PDF files, if I download it directly from my email or from an external drive.I can save files on my new blank desktop.I presume this is a virus attack.

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Hide The Downloads, Links, Favorites, Searches, Videos, Saved Games, And Contacts Folders (just The Folder, Not Contents)?

Nov 2, 2011

Is it at all possible to hide the Downloads, Links, Favorites, Searches, Videos, Saved Games, and Contacts folders (just the folder, not contents)? I've tried just hiding it like any other folder but it won't work.AND if possible, have explorer open in my home folder instead of libraries.

PS: I tried disabling libraries entirely, but it opens to My Documents instead of my home folder.

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XP Style Won't Go Away

Jun 11, 2012

this morning my computer had to go through startup repair but when my computer rebooted afterwards, everything was classic XP style. Ever since this morning I've been unable to change it back to my custom visual styles like Appows Nite and Leopard OSX. I've tried going through performance information and tools, but still no luck; it makes it look like regular Windows 7 aero style, but not my other installed themes.

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How To Apply Visual Changes Without Log-off

Jul 24, 2012

I've developed a application to apply visual changes and have other options, but the problem is that it requires logoff to apply the visual changes please provide some batch files to apply the changes without logoff.

Visual changes include:

frame transparency
padding size
and other registry operation

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Apply A Windows 7 Hotfix?

Jun 28, 2012

I've been having some bluescreening problems, and this one place I checked told me to install a couple of hotfixes. So I went to the places he indicated, filled in the stuff, got the links for the downloads emailed to me, and when I ran the file I downloaded, it unzipped a number of .sqm files.

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