Windows Laptop Freezes In Windows But Not Linux?

Feb 19, 2013

I have a toshiba laptop. Its a few years old but still runs great, 2.0 Dual core centrino, 4gb ram and dedicated video. For the past 2 years windows kept freezing and i couldnt figure out why. I have gone through 3 hard drives and reinstalled a fresh version of windows multiple times. A few weeks ago i installed Ubunutu on it and it never froze up ran great. The problem is i dont like linux. So today i put the windows 7 cd back into the drive and reinstalled windows...but the setup even froze on me..thats the first time thats happened. And yes i have use different DVDs so its not that.

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How To Uninstall Any Linux Distro After Successfully Installing Both Windows And Linux

Oct 3, 2010

How do i uninstall any linux distro after successfully installing both windows and linux.i dont want to lose my MBR. [or] will it (Windows) rewrite it again.i am a bit scared to do it myself as i was going to do a secure deletion of the partition.

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Installing Windows 7 On A Laptop With Linux

Feb 19, 2011

i bought a laptop with linux installed in it but i already had a windows 7 from my old pc so how do I install do a clean install on this lap top?When i try it says it can't be installed

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Link A Linux Laptop To A Windows 7 Desktop?

Sep 18, 2012

I have a router with a Windows 7 PC and a Linux laptop both plugged into it via ethernet cables.

Neither pc can see each other under 'network'.

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Install Linux And Windows 7 On A Dell Inspiron Laptop?

Jul 14, 2012

Could you tell me how to install Linux and Windows 7 on a Dell Inspiron laptop?

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Laptop Cannot See Linux Server Running Samba On The Same Network

Oct 19, 2011

I'm setting up home media server. At least trying to...My home network looks like this:2 laptops (ubuntu/windows7) and a home server (ubuntuServer + Samba).I've samba setup in a way to provide password-less access to share folders. I secured it by blocking all IPs but the range I use at home. (I can provide config details upon request).With ubuntu laptop, I can connect to server without any issue. I just go to network tabs and can see windows WORKGROUP share smb share both pointing to same folder. So all works good. I can also mount external drive without issue, or create network drive. Connection never times out and it stays all good.

.Problem#1 Using "map network drive" tool I cannot use hostname (server.local) I've to use IP. This means that every time server box is asigned a new IP by my dumb router I have to delete the drive and run wizard again. This is very annoying. Since IP doesn'ts tay static I cannot use WINS or map IP in hosts file. So I'm open to suggestions from your side.

Problem#2 Windows 7 disconnects network drive every 15 minutes (I think), on SAMBA I configured to stay live all the time. But windows has its own mind so it doesn't keep connection live. This results in, lateness when I try to go to my computer as OS tries to find and add drive on network. Every 2 times in 5 this procedure gives me error, host cannot be reached or something like this. So I've to delete folder and remap drive again, which surprisingly works every time! so annoying! I don't have to do this in ubuntu at all, I don't understand why windows behaves in this way.

Problem#3 Very often I cannot ping linux server from windows using hostname, like this: ping server.local - but I can at the same time ping with IP. And also from ubuntu atm I can ping server.local without any problems.

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Laptop Slow / Freezes Since Installing Windows 7

Feb 24, 2012

My laptop used to run XP, something got corrupted and I got the blue screen of death. I took it to my brother (who is a network administrator) to fix it. He couldn't figure out how to fix or restore whatever system file was corrupted in XP, so he backed up my documents & program files, and then installed Windows 7. He then dumped all of those backed up files into a folder on my C drive called OLD FILES. It has been super slow and occastionally freezes since that time.

The C drive is almost full. I am certain that I have multiple copies of the same files and programs, and have the files for old software that I do not need or use. I cannot uninstall many of them because they were not installed, they were copied. I have tried many utilities in an attempt to find the duplicate files, or to clean up old data, and to speed up the system, but I only see minor improvements

Also, I have very little free space on the hard drive. however I am so afraid of deleting the wrong file or program and being back where I started when it crashed. I need advice on what I should do to fix this situation. Should I leave the OS as is, or change back to XP? And how can I determine which program filess are actually being used and which are duplicates?

I have thought about just buying a new laptop but that is not really an option at this time. So what do I need to do to make this laptop A) run faster and B) clean out all those duplicates and extra files I do not need.

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1, 32 bit


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Windows 7 Laptop Starts Boot Then Freezes?

Jan 5, 2012

I have a 64bit windows 7 asus laptop. whether booting normally, or in safe or any other mode, it will start the boot process then freeze. elements of one or two lines of blue screen (possibly the windows background) start to appear at the top of the screen when it freezes. Could this possible be something with the Windows load page?

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Windows 7 Completely Stalls And Freezes On Toshiba Laptop

Jun 5, 2012

I own a Toshiba Satellite L645D-S7040, when i use my Laptop it will completly freeze randomly without any reason or warning. when it freezes nothing will move (mouse) and the is frozen in time. any program that was runing at the time is also frozen in the middle of what ever task it was doing. like if i was watching a video it would make a high pitch scream until i restart it. normally it freezes after 10 to 30 minutes after start up and at time it could take hours to days to freeze. After the freeze i check the event logs and the only thing posted is the fact that i shut it down. i even did a factory restore and it still does the freezing. and yes windows 7 is the stanfard OS i the laptop. it is only about 14 months old. i am thinking of buying a new hard drive but i would rather solve the problem then buy a hard drive.

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Samsung Laptop Freezes On Windows 7 Startup Screen

Nov 29, 2012

I just picked up a used Samsung Series 3 Laptop and had an issue with the keyboard not working properly. While reinstalling some drivers the computer re-started itself and then proceeded to freeze on the "starting windows" screen. I tried to run the windows repair option, it boots into a green background which says'please wait'...well I waited and waited and nothing happened so I kept retrying it. Eventually I left this on for a half hour or so and it actually finally went into the windows repair option!

I chose to re install windows from the partition and thought everything was fine, it went through the downloading and installing of those files and restarted, froze on the 'Starting windows" screen. I left it there for 40 mins plus, thinking maybe it just needed time, the only thing it did was reset itself after 30 or so minutes and froze again. I tried going into Bios and resetting the defaults, I don't even care about the keyboard not working anymore, I just want to get the computer functioning again!

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Windows 7 Toshiba Laptop Freezes Up For Seconds After Showing Desktop

Dec 12, 2011

In the last few days my Toshiba Satellite L745-S43210 hasn't been working right. Recently it won't boot up properly. It started to boot up and then it would freeze up seconds after showing my desktop. I managed to go into safe mode and use msconfig to change start up programs and turn it to only the essential items. After that it worked and I tried turning everything back on and it worked fine last night. I assumed it was just overheating from being used so much in the last few days. Now today when I tried starting it up I was able to enter my password but the screen went black with my mouse pointer working. I turned it off and tried again a few times before going into safe mode.

I went back into msconfig again and turned it back to only essential programs and I performed a virus scan with Super Anti-Spyware and Malware Bytes and the only thing that they found were cookies. I cleared them out and booted up windows again and it worked fine. Now I am trying to select only certain programs and choose only the Microsoft, Intel and Toshiba programs/services and now when I boot it up I don't even get the the text box to enter my password, it just shows the blue windows start up screen. Right now I am using Safe Mode With Networking to type this and try messing with start up programs again.

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Windows 7 Laptop Freezes - No Longer Able To Boot After Hard Restart

Nov 1, 2012

I have a HP labtop and my laptop froze all of a sudden so I did a hard restart of the computer. After restarting the computer I am no longer able to boot my computer up, the screen will go black sometimes after the log in screen. But now I do not even get the option to go to the log in screen now it just goes to the startup recovery stage. Everytime I try to fix start up I get startup repair off line following by the details of 0.00000 or something like that. The numbers are all zeros in the details but I tried other options like restoring to a previous point and I keep getting errors.

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Windows 7 Laptop Freezes At Desktop Shaking With Colored Lines On Screen

Jul 27, 2011

I have a Acer Aspire 5542-1462 laptop, windows 7. One out of every 3 boot-ups the comp. freezes at the desktop with the screen shaking with long colored lines or short lines in a small area of the screen.

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Laptop(Dell Core I3 Vista. Laptop Freezes To Start?

Jan 30, 2013

Laptop(Dell core i3 vista. Laptop freezes to start?

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Windows 7 Got Reformatted By Linux?

Jun 27, 2011

i was trying to install linux on a usb drive so i could easly have a portible computer in my pocket but when i ran the linux for the first time meaning the portible usb worked it reformatted my windows 7 ultimate and ALL the data i had on it i do need this data but i can deal without it all i need is to format my computer back to windows 7 ultimate.

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Windows 7 Concurrently With Linux?

Oct 25, 2011

I want to install Ubuntu Linux(latest version)concurrently with Windows 7 Ultimate(x86), so that I can Use both OS on my PC and just boot from whichever one I want. Is that possible, if so, advisable?

My specs: 2048MB RAM; Intel Core 2 Quad 2.66GHz

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Converting Windows 7 To Linux?

Jan 20, 2012

I have a Gateway netbook pre-installed with Windows 7 Starter. In just 7 months it has got viruses and is full of error messages, not able to uninstall the programs causing this mess, and my web browser keeps redirecting me to alternate websites which I never typed on the address bar. I am sick and think about completely deleting the whole C disk from the Windows 7 (backup my files first) and try to replace Windows 7 with some type of free Linux OS. My netbook has no CD drive nor floppy disk drive, only USB drives. My questions are:

1. Can I really get rid of all the Windows 7 files already pre-installed?

2. Can I install and run Linux OS efficiently in my netbook?

3. How can I install Linux OS on my netbook from a USB flash drive?

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Does Windows 7 Have Anything Like The Linux Chroot

Mar 1, 2011

Does Windows 7 have anything like the Linux chroot?I have an application where some of the parameters lock up the system requiring a cold boot.I appear to be one of the very rare users with this problem.I'd like to run through more parameters to give the developers more specific information about what might be causing the problems. As you can understand, hitting a param and crashing can get tedious really quickly.I'm hoping there is a process that let's me isolate the app so when it crashes I can close it gracefully rather then cold booting.

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Windows 7 Concurrently With Linux?

Oct 25, 2011

Would like to know, I want to install Ubuntu Linux(latest version)concurrently with Windows 7 Ultimate(x86), so that I can Use both OS on my PC and just boot from whichever one I want. Is that possible, if so, advisable?

My specs: 2048MB RAM; Intel Core 2 Quad 2.66GHz

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Get Partition D Which Set-up Linux For Windows 7?

Feb 13, 2012

I had set-up windows 7 first and then i set-up linux in my computer. Now i no longer want linux in my hardware, how can i do to get partition D which i set-up linux for windows 7?

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Manually Add Linux To Windows 7 Mbr?

Apr 5, 2012

I recently installed ubuntu as a duel boot between my win 7 installation, and I then reset the MBR, as I prefer the windows mbr.

Now, I cant boot into linux, so my question is: Is it possible to add ubuntu to the windows mbr manually, and if so, how?

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Linux Drive On Windows 7?

Jul 4, 2011

I have a problem on my windows. I never installed linux on the same laptop. so that there is a dual boot to linux and to windows.i found that linux can read windows partition ..whereas when I enter (boot) on my windows can not access the linux partition as drive.

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Windows 7 Don't Boot On Linux?

Jan 17, 2012

i have a copy of windows 7 ulitmate and cant get it to boot up, its all activated on the disk

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File-sharing From Windows To Linux?

Jan 6, 2012

i have a small web server running Fedora 15 and Apache, and I have a "pictures" folder on a windows machine that I have mounted from my /etc/fstab file, with "rw" access, however when I try to use a freeware PHP script in this particular folder, it doesn't display properly (won't show subfolders).I created a new folder directly on the linux machine, and the script works fine there.

Here's the setup:D:SharedPics - windows ntfs folder, shared as \winserverpics, and this share is mounted as /var/www/html/pics with RW access (although the username/pw I supply in .smbcreds file has "full" access.) PHP script does not work here.All linux permissions show rwxr-xr-x for files and folders, and owner is "root:root"I copied all of the files/subfolders from the "pics" folder into another folder, directly located at /var/www/html/pics1. file/folder permissions are exactly the same as the pics folder. PHP script works fine here.File and share permissions on the windows machine are set for read/write/modify for "Everyone", but it seems that the samba "service" is receiving different permissions. I've checked the smb.conf file and not been able to find anything that would cause "read only" permissions.

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Deleted Linux Now Cannot Boot Into Windows 7

Mar 30, 2012

I posted here a little less than a week ago asking how to reclaim the free space from the linux partition I deleted. Today I restarted my computer for the first time and it won't recognize win7 on my computer. Was I supposed to do something after I deleted linux? I tried using my win7 cd to see if I could boot like that, but it just wants to reinstall windows, which I would rather not do.

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Linux To Windows 7 Change And Lost Cd?

Sep 27, 2011

I have a Sony Vaio VPCEB 15-FA. Everything works fine on Linux but, I need to run Windows 7 for some new required work. When I load the 7 the system does not recognize the cd drive. It works fine under Linux. I have reformatted, loaded Windows 7 only etc but, it still does not work.

I assumt that the Linux made firmware changes to my cd drive that need to be reset.

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Recover Windows 7 After Installing Linux?

Oct 31, 2010

install linux ubuntu on top of my windows 7 , i have a hp pavilion notebook dv-6 2155dx 4gb ram 500gb hdd it comes with windows 7 pre-instal , is there anyway how to get back to my wondows 7 i don't have the cds for this notebook?

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Uninstall Linux And Install Windows 7?

Dec 22, 2011

My friend had another friend get rid of windows 7 and put linux on her computer and she wants windows back.I am just wondering if their is an easy way for someone who is not 100% tech savy to re-install windows. ive read the other forums and there is a bunch of stuff about partitions and GRUB that im not sure of.

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Combine Linux ISOs With Windows 7 ISO?

Sep 4, 2012

This may sound like a strange question, but basically what I want to do is make a DVD that's an "essential Windows reinstall kit".

I do freelance computer repair and most of the computers I have worked on have had some nasty viruses that screw up Windows to the point where it's easier to just reinstall it. Problem is, simply deleting the partition isn't enough most of the time since viruses can infect the MBR and boot sector.

My essential tools are DBAN to wipe the hard drive, GParted to make a partition that fills the drive (to avoid that stupid System Reserved nonsense) and then the Windows installation disc.

DBAN is only about 2MB and GParted is like 120, both of those should fit on a single layer DVD along with the Windows install files.

I am familiar with tools like XBoot and other Linux multiboots that use syslinux or GRUB, but the problem is that Windows 7 is a tricky bugger and will crash if you try to load it using one of those.

Anybody know if there's a way to take a Windows 7 ISO and successfully launch it from a multiboot so I can combine it with DBAN and GParted?

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How To Dual Boot Windows 7 And Linux

Nov 18, 2012

I would like to learn some linux and for that i need a secondary OS, I want to keep my Internal as my Windows 7 drive and that has boot priority but i want the linux to run from partition 2 (or 1) on an external HDD

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Installing Windows 7 On A Linux Machine?

Dec 21, 2012

I recently bought Dell Vostro 1550, it came with linux installed on it. I want to install windows on it, Please guide me in proceeding further.

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