Windows 7 Will Not Shut Down Fully?

Feb 10, 2012

have installed a new sound card as my on-board pin had broken,now when i try to shutdown my PC will not fully shutdown.i have to hold in button to turn off , witch means it now starts up in safe mode, i have updated all drivers and disabled and enabled all hardware but to no avail.

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Laptop Will Not Fully Power Off When Shut Down

Jul 26, 2011

Laptop will not turn off when I tell it to shut down. The operating system seems to shut down, but the computer itself stays on (case lights and fan are still active) and can only be turned off by holding the power button for 4 seconds. I have tried everything short of re-installing the OS - which I cannot do because of the non-transferable programs I have on this laptop. It is a Dell Vostro 3450 running Windows 7 Professional 64-bit.

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Windows Never Fully Shuts Down

Sep 30, 2011

When I attempt to shut the computer down (Windows 7 Ultimate x64) it hangs at the Shutting Down screen... for hours... never actually shuts down. After 20-30 seconds there is no disk activity, so I just power it off or reset it and it's fine. Because of this method I worry about losing one of my disks, having already lost my backup storage disk as a result of this issue. In troubleshooting I have done the following: *Logged all the way out of all profiles and then with no one logged in clicked on shutdown, but I have the same issue, so I am thinking that it is a SYSTEM process that is causing the hang up.  *Briefly checked Event Viewer and didn't notice anything. *There was a Microsoft FixIt that I applied that was related to this, but it did not fix the issue (can't remember the KB article number). So, I was hoping that someone could give me some advice on a good program or batch file to run that will do a good job at logging events during the shutdown process. Obviously Windows itself does this, but I was thinking more along the lines of logging specific Services as they are stopped.

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WET Files Not Fully Transferred To Windows 7 From XP?

May 3, 2010

The Easy Transfer created 7 .mig files of which only 3 have been moved from my external hard drive to my C drive.All 7 are still in the external hard drive including the 3 in the C drive.How do I get them to finish transferring to my C drive.This is what I have to do-right?

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Windows 7 Ultimate Will Not Fully Load

Jun 5, 2012

I'm working on a neighbor's computer that had a number of viruses on it. I ran four different virus scanners that I placed on a boot DVD to get rid of them but it appears that the viruses may have roughened up the registry. The computer is an IBM Lenovo model A55 ThinkCentre with Windows 7 Ultimate installed. What is happening is after you click on either the Administrator or User icon to log in, you get a black background for a desktop, a mouse pointer, and a task window but nothing else. I have to close explorer.exe and re-load it in order to get Windows 7 to finish loading. Once I do that, everything appears fine except for the fact that I can't get any windows updates. I installed Comodo security suite offline from my thumb drive but it won't update either. I have already tried downloading and running the Windows 7 update readiness tool which says everything is fine with the registry. I then downloaded and burned a copy of SP1 from my computer to DVD and tried installing it but after the reboot, it says there was an error and couldn't complete and then gives the following code.... 0x800f0826.

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Windows 7 Unable To Fully Boot?

Dec 4, 2011

A couple days ago the power flickered at my house (all my electronics and computer are hooked up to surge protectors), and when my computer came back on, it got to the starting windows screen with the animated logo, but never got past it to the logon screen. It stayed there for about 15 minutes before I shut it off and ran repair.I ran the repair utility, and it said after a while that it was "unable to repair" the problem, whatever that problem is. I ran bootrec /fixboot and bootrec /fixmbr successfully, but the problem continues. Chkdsk also found no problems.This is where it gets weird. I Reverted to an earlier restore point in hopes that would do it, and it still hung up on the startup screen. Last known good also made no difference. I got desperate and loaded a previous image of my computer (which took almost 6 hours), I left it re-imaging while I went to work, when I got home, it had completed, and was sitting on the windows startup screen, just like before. That's where I started to panic a bit.I reformatted the computer, as a last act of desperation to get my computer at least working, nevermind my data. It worked at first, I got in once it completed the install, but after installing some of my drivers and doing a few restarts, it once again hung up on the startup screen. The drivers I was using before all this happened I had been using for months with no problem, restarts included.

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Unable To Fully Install Windows 7

Nov 22, 2012

I am installing Windows 7 from a cd as an ISO file after using ImgBurn I have used many windows ISO files and installed from a CD. I am using a Windows XP ISO instillation right now.I have gotten through 75% of the installation. Past the part where you select which drive you are installing, I am putting the OS on my SSD and currently have XP on my hard drive just so I could use the Internet to do research.I get to the Updating Registry settings part, Windows restarts and continues to go to a black screen which asks me if i want to run in safe mode, safe mode with command prompt, last know good configuration everything I select it continues to do the same thing over and over.

I have disconnected the HD so its only booting from the SSD I have changed the settings in BIOS to boot from the SSD I have tried to BOOT from a USB flash drive nothing I do will work and I have spent about 8 hours in the last 2 days trying to figure this out....I know the computer is fine because I had a burned ISO of windows XP and that installed and is running fine.I believe the problem is Windows 7 is not fully installing... Not that it is installed and wont run properly

Phenom 965 BE 3.4
212 hyper evo
gigabyte 990fx ud3
gskill 1886mhz 8gb DDR3

( I have not adjusted the settings in BIOS and as of now it only reads it as 1600mhz, I want to get the operating system installed before I mess with overclocking but this could be an issue?)

1tb HD
620w M2 Silent pro
Old 7950gx2 graphics card waiting on my 7970 on the mail

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Keyboard Won't Work Until OS Windows 7 Is Fully Up And Running?

Feb 8, 2012

I can use my keyboard in my OS fine but trying to go into safe boot or Bios is not possible because the keyboard is not showing up.

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Can't Fully Boot Dvd Windows 7 Installation Disk

Dec 3, 2012

So i burned an .ISO Windows 7 ultimate ( 64 bit ) right now im running on ( 32 bit ) I can't install directly trought dekstop because i get this error "this installation disc isin't comaptible with your version of windows.." So i tried to boot with installation disc, after "setup is loading files" or something, i just get a windows 7 start up screen no letters or anything it just stays there. Only the cursor blue wheel thingy spins for few seconds. I tried different installation files.

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3tb Boot Drive Windows 7 Not Fully Recognized

Jul 17, 2012

I have a brand new set up that is running windows 7 64 bit on a ASrock H61M-GE, supports UEFI (not sure if it is automatically enabled) with a 3TB hdd that is the boot drive. There are no other hard drives available on the computer. Windows has only recognized 1.99TB of the drive in the OS, the other 7XXGB are unallocated. I would like this drive to be in "one piece" and be booted from. How should I go about making this work?

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'the Bios In This System Is Not Fully Acpi Compliant Windows 7'

Feb 15, 2012

about an hour ago my screen froze and the computer became unresponsive. I found it a bit wierd that it turned off as soon as I pressed the power button as normally it takes about 5 seconds to do this. Upon rebooting (and going through the 'start windows normally' thing I got a BSOD saying something along the lines of:'the bios in this system is not fully acpi compliant windows 7'anyway I googled this and fiddled around in BIOS a bit discovering that my 'acpi 2.0 support' option wasn't enabled so I've changed this. Also some people seemed to suggest removing each RAM module individually and testing each one etc so I did this also to the same effect. After putting them both back in I no longer got the above error message but this one:'a problem has been detected:memory_management...etc'Rebooted again and the BSOD I now encounter and have ever since says:

***STOP: 0x0000000A...

I've since tried booting safe mode, debugging mode etc but each time I do this the computer just reboots and takes me back to the 'do you want to start windows normally or start windows repair' screen. The second option ends up with either a non responsive black screen that can only be escaped by powering off or the above (last) mentioned blue screen.It might be worth noting; as my research suggests this is something to do with software drivers, that windows did a fairly massive update last night. Although I was able to run my computer for a few hours playing games/internet until this happened. Also in the past couple of months I have upgraded the RAM and GPU but the computer seemed to run fine with these for the weeks since.

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How To Fully Optimize Windows 7 Home Premium Edition

Dec 23, 2011

How can I get the most out of my fresh Windows 7 installation? I have a Lenovo B570 with a 2nd Gen i3 processor and 4GB DDR3 RAM. 500 GB HD.I use my computer daily and work from home on my computer. I run a lot of memory intense programs and software so full optimization is necessary. I almost always have multiple programs open. I would like to know what programs I should get(ie Tune Up Utilities, Advanced System care) for optimization

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MS Windows 7 OEM System Builder Version - Fully Assembled Computer

Sep 28, 2012

My system builder pack warnings refer to a "fully assembled computer system." I bought it to install on a new system C: drive, but I need to add two data drivers (D: and E later.

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How To Fully Format Laptop Hard Drive Without Windows 7 Bootable Disk

Jan 28, 2013

How to full format my laptop hard drive. I have already Re install windows 7 in E: drive. Previously I have win-7 in C: drive after encounter some problems, Re-install new Windows 7 but that time I didn't format the hard disk that's why its install in drive E. Now when start the up of the lap top both selection are coming will start with old win or new win-7...and having some trouble with my windows 7 that's why I want to full format the hard dive without bootable disk and install new win-7.

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How To Use 6gb Ram Fully

Nov 8, 2012

i have 6gb ram ddr3,but win7 shows 3.4 only usable.what can i do?

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Computer Won't Fully Start Up?

Jul 27, 2012

I was watching netflix when randomly the internet window closed and ventrilo closed in the background. Then the computer shut off, much like if you restart the computer and the windows close. This time though it did not ask me to close any of them before it shut off. Then when I went to reboot my computer it got past the bios and some intro screens but then just got hung up on a black screen with a blinking cursor. It never reached the boot menu. It is seven 32 bit.

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Laptop Will Not Turn On Fully

Oct 9, 2011

My laptop will not turn on fully, the power comes on then immidately goes out why? what do i need to do what what might be the cuase of this?

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How To Fully Enable Cookies

Jan 12, 2012

how do i fully enable cookies

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ADMINISTRATOR Account Not Fully Working?

Jan 18, 2012

My Windows 7 Home premium userid has ADMIN privelage. When in BACKUP and RESTORE the MANAGE SPACE and CHANGE SETTINGS buttons do nothing. I can backup system ok. The other buttons, eg CREATE SYSTEM IMAGE work fine.Every few days ADOBE FLASHPLAYER pops up saying it cannot be updated as I need

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Computer Not Fully Shutting Down After SP1 Update?

Jul 29, 2012

Any time I go to the windows start menu to shut off the PC, windows will shut off but leave the fans and LEDs (probably the hardware as well) on and running. I can of course just flick the power switch and it will shut off, and I can also turn the PC off manually by simply holding the power switch, but it would be nice if windows would just shut the computer off. I am fairly positive this isn't a hardware issue even though I did just get a new system as this issue was not happening until Windows updated to service pack 1. It may have been one of the other updated that went with it, but I think SP1 may be the culprit. System is as follows:AS Rock Extreme 4 Z77 i5 3570 Gigabyte GTX 670 16GB G-Skill RAM "F3-1600C9D-16GXM" M4 Corsair 256 GB SSD (Boot Drive)

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Added Disk Not Fully Recognized By OS

Oct 28, 2011

I'm adding a third disk to my PC and am unable to get to a point where Win 7 recognizes the hardware with a drive letter. The Device Mgr says there are three hard drives attached and the Storage Controller tab recognizes the Marvel 91XX chipset and says the driver for the Sata III Ports is installed.

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Acer Battery Not Gets Fully Charged

Aug 12, 2011

I have an Acer Aspire Laptop, and since mid-June the battery has decided that it won't charge fully, 40-45% at most. I have left it charging overnight many times but that won't do anything.I've heard that I need to run the battery down completely, then run on whatever 'juice' the laptop has left in it until that has completely emptied aswell.

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DNS Error That Won't Fully Load Anything Or Open It Right

May 29, 2011

I have a HP G61 - 336NR Notebook and a Belkin wireless router. I keep getting DNS errors every single day. And its nonstop I have to sit here and refresh google like 10x just to connect to it. I have set my DNS manually to Open DNS and still no luck I've called my ISP and my Router company and still nothing. Sigh my laptop isn't the only one that can do it. I've done various restarts/factory restores and still doesn't work..

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Can't Fully Implement Theme - ExplorerFrame.dll

Jun 12, 2011

- I've tried installing several different Windows 7 Visual Styles (themes) and while some haven't worked, many others have, including the one I'm using now.

- One part of the theme I can't get to work, however, is to change the navigation buttons in Windows Explorer. I know they are stored in ExplorerFrame.dll

- I have found that there is one version (1.77MB) in the System32 folder under Windows and other one (1.42MB) in the SysWOW64 folder, also under Windows.

First, I've tried following different theme instructions by 1) Taking ownership of the file, 2) renaming the default file to something like ExplorerFrame.old and 3) Copying the appropriate (x64 vs. 32-bit) ExplorerFrame.dll from the them into the appropriate directory.When I restart the computer nothing has changed. I have also tried downloading a theme changer that allows you to change the bitmap file associated with the navigation buttons. Even after changing Windows still only shows the standard ones.

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Can't Delete Catalyst 12.6 Fully, Conflicts With 12.7?

Jul 24, 2012

I've tried updating my drivers "the proper way" by uninstalling my current Catalyst drivers (12.6) and updating to the Beta 12.7 version. Everything goes fine, the driver uninstalls and the other one sits perfectly aswell. Except that in every game i try, the user interfaces sometimes get distortioned and many graphical elements simply dissapear. I've uninstalled the driver, checked it in safe mode through driver sweeper (latest version) and i've noticed that a lot of files never gotdeleted I press analyze and clean - after reboot all the files are at their places. I've tried manualy deleting them through regedt32 (regedit aswell) and i'm getting an error "Cannot delete %%%% Error deleting the folder"

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CONVERT XTODVD Does Not Utilize Fully CPU?

Sep 3, 2012

is any of you knows why CONVERT XTODVD does not utilize fully my CPU? i have set it to use 8 threads but that's all i can do

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Videos Won't Play Until Fully Buffered

Dec 14, 2012

Internet videos play just fine -ive tried uninstalling and reinstalling flash and even tried different versions

running windows 7 i3 , 8gb ram , ssd/hdd gtx560ti but figured this is a software issue instead of hardware. all my drivers are up to date

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Realtek HD Audio System Not Fully Functional?

Feb 18, 2012

After a reinstall of Windows 7 I got this confusing onboard sound system working after a struggle, but it is no longer able to record streaming audio as it did before; there appears to be no stereo mixer/what-you-hear etc.Windows insists the drivers are up-to-date. During several attempts to get it working, I found at least two different configurations: The first offered a confusing number of line-in and line-out options, the second configuration was a straightforward Line-In/Line-Out/Mic setup - but no stereo mixer.

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Laptop Goes On Once Opened And Keeps Cutting Off Before Starting Fully

Mar 9, 2011

Today, I noticed my laptop seems to come on whenever I open it. It then cuts off before starting fully. A startup repair program ran a couple of times and the laptop now lasts longer while on. However, when I turn it off, it starts automatically when it is opened. I ran malwarebytes and zone alarm with no effect. I then ran RKill and it stopped 3 programs.

Processes terminated by Rkill or while it was running:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Common\Google Updater\GoogleUpdaterService.exe

I am re running the malwarebytes now. I am running a Windows 7 ultimate on a sony vaio.

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Facebook Page On IE Doesn't Fully Load

Jan 7, 2013

and my sidebar only has lines . On google CHROME facebook works.Also I get a message saying hotkey has stoped working. Says doyou want to fix online but nothing happens.Went to Hotkey utility and you can't repair it..... only uninstall it.Hope I haven't deleted something I shouldn't have. I did systen restore and that doesn't help.that their is a black box with a red line where my clocketc on my desktop where it was. Tried putting them back on but just get the above.

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Make ACTUAL Superbar In Seven Fully Transparent?

Jul 30, 2009

somebody has ripped off the superbar for windows xp except that in xp it's fully transparent and i think it looks better. is there anything to make the ACTUAL superbar in seven fully transparent?

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