Windows 7 Will Not Boot Past Starting Windows Or In Safemode

Jan 6, 2012

I am trying to fix a friends labtop. I have been on the internet trying to find an answer but nothing works from answers on internet. When you turn the computer on it shows, Windows Error Recovery. Either Launch Startup Repair or Start Windows Normally. I use Launch Startup Repair and the screen goes blank after a couple of minutes the mouse comes up and can be moved but the screen stays blank. I have pushed buttons nothing has happened, it stays here, so I have to turn it off. It starts all over again. So I try Starting Windows Normally, it will just stay at the Starting Windows logo. It will stay here forever. The windows logo will fade with the color but it will stay here. I will then turn it off and try booting in Safemode. It starts with the drivers loading but then it freezes on Loaded:windowssystem32DRIVERSAtiPcie.sys. This is for all three of safemode options. I have tried all the other boots in the options and none of them work. They all will just freeze on starting windows or go to blank screen. So I tried to boot to Windows 7 CD. I put it in and nothing comes up. There is no Click on keys to boot from cd, but the cd does make noise like it is doing something. It will just be on a blank screen. I have also reset the bios to factory.

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Windows 7 Will Not Boot Past The "starting Windows 7" Screen?

Jan 25, 2011

problem: windows will not boot past the "starting windows" screen. The processor gets really hot as if its trying to do something but it never makes it to the desktop.When I launch startup repair, the automatic startup repair tool always fails to fix the problem (surprise)When I view the problem details, I get this:[CODE]

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Can't Get Past The Starting Windows Screen

Jan 12, 2012

I've got a: Presario CQ62 notebook pc with a AMD Athlon(tm) II P320 Dual Core processor, and I can't get past the start up screen with the "starting windows" animation. It will show part of the animation then simply hang. I have a very bad battery but am keeping the computer plugged in. When I attempt a system recovery it says: "A disk read error occurred press ctrl+alt+del to restart" I've tried this many times and I get the same message each time. Beyond that I have no idea what to try.

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Can't Get Past Starting Windows Screen

Nov 15, 2009

I am running a Linux OS right now and am trying to install windows 7.

I turn on he computer and run off the disc. It let's

me load off the cd but can't get past the starting windows screen. Above the

starting windows is a spot of color but no other graphic.

What do I do from here?

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Won't Load Past 'Starting Windows' Screen

Jun 11, 2012

Upon start-up, two options are given: "Start Windows Normally" or "Launch Startup Repair (recommended)".If the Start Windows Normally option is chosen, then the starting windows screen comes up and stays. If I launch the startup repair option, then I still can not get the problem fixed.From the Startup Repair Screen however, I can launch command prompt and restore options,a restore is not really an option because I have not set up a restore point in a while.

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Unable To Get Past 'starting Windows' Screen?

Jul 7, 2012

While watching a live feed on the internet, it stopped responding, so i held down the power button on my laptop to turn it off with the aim of restarting it. Unfortunatley now it won't restart and freezes no the 'starting windows' page. I have tried safe mode with networking, restaring at last known good configuration, booting from cd and repairing but nothing has worked.

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Compaq 610 Laptop Is Not Booting Past The Starting Windows 7?

Jan 2, 2012

My laptop recently hang, so I just hard started it. On switching it on, it does not get beyond the Windows 7 logo.

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Windows Stuck In Boot Loop / Safemode Included

Oct 11, 2011

i installed LibUSB-Win32- drivers so i could use iRecovery on my iPhone,on completion of installation of LibUSB my keyboard and mouse turned off, well all of my USB was disabled. so i was forced to restart, sadly same thing, login screen no keyboard or mouse, i tried in safemode, same thing. however my keyboard works in CMOS and BIOS so i know its a OS issue. and this only happened when i installled LIBUSB, i looked it up and tried manually removing LibUSB using the Win7 setup disks command prompt. i deleted LibUSB0.sys out of Windows/Systen32/Drivers so that LibUSB wont be called upon during start up, however doing this has now meant my PC will reboot after loading Windows even in safemode, the Starting Windows screen appears. fades and riight before it goes to the login screen it restarts, Safemode too. i have no Restore points and i cannot and i mean Cannot Format this harddisk, its not backed up and i have over 400GB of data i absolutely NEED.Im so stuck its not funny i have no idea what to do to get windows booting again and without this silly LibUSB stuff! i dont have aany PS./2 Ports on my mobo either!, what can i do >? Please ive asked everywhere and no one knows what i can do except reformat.

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Windows 7 Won't Load Past 'starting Windows' Black Screen

Apr 28, 2011

i am trying to install windows 7 ultimate, it's all legit.It worked fine during installation,but when it got to ( Completeing Installation )After the wouldnt load past windows 'starting windows'then it freezes on a black loaded in safe mode but got an error 'Installation Cannot complete in safe mode please restart and run windows normally.' but nothing happends normally.

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BSOD System Won't Boot / Cannot Boot To Safemode

Jul 10, 2012

My Windows 7 64 bit machine will not boot. It keeps going into Windows System recovery mode. I have tried that multiple times and rebooted each time but no luck.System specs - Windows 7 64 bit, 16gb ram. Core i7-920 with 12 gb ram. This is an OEM disc that I bought from comp store, all parts and OS are less than three years old. C: drive - windows install a few apps, Drive 1 - games and music,

1) tried looking up this error with instructions. online instructions have had me go into the command prompt to perform edits on the c: windowsSystem32 folder. These do not come up in my prompt on my c: drive - where windows in installed. See program files etc, but no Windows32 folder.
2) already have run the c: chkdsk /r to try and fix the disc. It went through everything and comes back saying there are no problems. Still cannot boot to windows either get BSOD mentioned above or recovery mode.
3) Cannot go to previous restored state (one of the choices ) as it states that I have no restore points although I know that I have established at least 2 in the last 2-3 months
4) Tried inserting the Windows 7 disc and running repair from there but it just takes me to the same Windows system recovery mode which still does not work.
5) I tried hitting F8 during boot to go into safe mode but no good. it only takes me to a screen which gives me the option for boot order.
6) run the memory test from recovery console - no problems.

I have read the BSOD thread but everything there seems to assume that you can already boot into Windows at sometime and download the exe to run. (I cannot get into windows at all)Does anyone have any suggestions? I built this one myself (4th build) and have never in the 10 years of using Windows had a problem which I could not get into at least safe mode.I can go to maybe until this weekend but need to use my computer by Saturday cob.If I have had no luck at that point i will have to reinstall windows (it is on its own harddrive with most all of my applications on separate drives. So that may be a small blessing.I have had no strange occurrences while using the computer which is on pretty much 24/7.Is this what happens when a harddrive crashes? This one is about 2.5 years old and there have been no warning signs that something was amiss (no clicking etc)

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Doesn't Boot Into Safemode

Mar 14, 2011

My laptop does not seem to boot into safe mode. I've been tapping F8, even though it says F8...system restore on the bottom left corner, it still won't boot. I tried this other method on advance recovery method and chose use system image created earlier - that and return to factory condition gave me an error saying "windows cannot restart the computer into the windows recovery environment." One method I haven't tried is using msconfig - in boot option. I'm worried about using this method..What if when I restart my laptop and it keeps loading to safe mode. I just did an sfc scan.I forgot what it said. It did found some corrupted files, and it repaired it. The reason why I want to use safe mode is to use this recovery disc - I notice that when I turn on my laptop, it takes quite a while to boot up. As a result, I also found that I have a problem with creating an system image. I want to use this repair disc, but I can't go into safe mode, so I can choose repair your computer.

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Pc Get Past "Windows Is Starting Up" Then It's A Black Screen

May 1, 2009

This has been having about 3 times now. I'll install everything on 7, restart it, and I cant get back into Windows. I just did a system restore because I couldnt get back in

Is there anything I can do to prevent this in the future?

Btw, what happens is I get past "Windows is starting up" then its a black screen with a mouse cursor, and it stays there.

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Cant Get Past "starting Windows" Screen?

May 26, 2012

I have an said laptop and it won't start at all anymore, I turn it on and I get the said logo screen then it goes to "starting windows" screen and freezes with like a fuzzy blue line on top of the screen. I used my recovery CD and tried all 3 reformatting options and nothing works, after all 3 it just restarted my laptop and it continued to have the same problem again

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Can't Go Past "Starting Windows 7" Screen?

Dec 30, 2012

As stated in the title, my computer hangs at the "Starting Windows" screen.I'm using an iMac 9.1, with a bootcamp partition on Windows 7. (I can't access my Mac OS X partition at all).I don't have a Windows 7 Installation disk or any peripheral disks.I left my computer on all night and when. I woke up the next morning only to find out my computer just had a BSOD. I force shut down my computer then it just hung at the "starting windows' screen. Im assuming its a driver problem, since I can log in using safe mode. Also startup repair doesnt work, it just gives my a black screen.

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Can't Get Past '"Starting Windows 7" Screen?

Sep 26, 2012

Using Win 7 x64, Intel i7 965, Asus Rampage 2, 32gb memory, 2 Intel ssd running RAID 0, 2 Seagate 500gb drives RAID 1. Had the Seagate hard drives fail, but were under warranty and they replaced them. Do NOT have them on-line at present time. Have tried to re-install system (had upgrade DVD for Win 7), but was not able to get the system to recognize the DVD because I can't get to OS. Am unable to get the system to do anything. Have checked BIOS to make sure drives are RAID. Since hardware comes up and ssd's come up,and graphics seems to be ok, am unable to figure out problem.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot Past Windows Splash Screen - Will Boot To Safe Mode

Dec 29, 2011

WIndows 7 premium home version on a lenovo laptop freezing at splash screen. I can boot into safe mode just fine. Whereby I have to run a system restore back to an older date but the issue still comes back up and this seems to be especially true when trying to wake it from sleep mode.

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Computer Won't Get Past The Windows 7 "starting Windows" Screen

Nov 7, 2011

i was simply surfing through espn and Internet when i realized that my laptop (gateway nv79) was running quite slowly and then after a while it completely froze. i couldn't do anything, nothing i did would work . so unfourtunantly i had to hard shutdown it. and here's what happened after i rebooted it, it comes up with two options

1. start startup repair(recommended)
2. start windows normally

-i go to "start windows normally" and it goes to boot up normally, but then after the windows 7 logo appears it just stays there and nothing happens

-i go launch startup repair and it says loading files, but then it goes to a black screen with the logo � micosoft corporation and nothing happens

-i tried f8 advanced boot but it doesnt do anything

-i tried safe mode with networking, it says loading files and please waitt but even after 10 mins it just stays the same

-i dont have win 7 cd

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Windows 7 Unable To Get Past "Starting Windows" Screen

Jan 15, 2013

I'm using a dell inspiron 1440 laptop, recently replaced my internal hard drive with a new solid state drive. It was working fine until today when I tried to boot my laptop up, and it gave me a BSOD before reaching the "Starting Windows" screen. Subsequent attempts at selecting the Startup repair and start windows normally options only gave me "failed to repair", and the windows logo getting stuck respectively. Safe mode cannot be started. However, when I tried to launch startup repair from my win 7 installation disk, I found that my HDD is not detected by my laptop. Subsequently, my laptop has also told me to reseat my hard drive. I reseated it a few times, but it did not solve the problem. Diagnostics ran on my laptop did not identify any problems.

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Pc Won't Boot Past Windows 7 Log?

Jan 20, 2012

From the 2 options given I chose "Start Windows Normally"....After pressing Enter it will not go beyond the black screen where it says "Starting Windows" and inmediately reboots to the "Windows Error Recovery" again.I then chose the other option which is "Launch Startup Repair", entered the Disk, wait for it to load system files but it reboots to the Disk loading the files again like an eternal loop.Tried the F8 Advance booting options, chose "boot in safe mode with command prompt", it starts loading but then it reboots itself again!!I don t know what is going on, this is very strange, yesterday I worked all day in the computer..My system specs are these:>XFX Nforce 750i SLI>Intel Core 2 Quad Q9400 @ 2666 MHz>3x2gb Corsair CM2X2048-6400C5 DIMM DDR2 PC2-6400U DDR2-800 (5-5-5-18 3-22-6-3)>ATI Radeon HD 4300/4500 Series>WD Caviar Blue 500gb

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Windows 7 Will Not Load Past "Starting Windows"

Apr 14, 2012

2 days ago my Windows 7 x64 Home premium system worked fine. I woke up the next morning and It would not load past the "Starting Windows" screen. I have a stock ASUS Essentio series computer with 8 Gigs of ram a 320Gb Western Digital Hard drive and a 6 core intel processor.

I have tried so far:

I have removed the hard drive and replaced it with an older windows vista x64 drive I have. The Windows Vista drive booted right up with no problem.

I have Booted the computer with the Vista drive as the OS drive and the Windows 7 drive as a secondary hard drive. When I did that the Windows 7 drive showed up, all the files were there but the problem was I could not access any of the files under my user folder. (access permission or something) But it seems that this would show the hard drive is not fried.

I have tried restoring the drive to an earlier restore point but each restore point I try it says that it can not restore. I have tried the windows repair option and that freezes on "Loading windows files" I have even tried going into the bios and booting under different drive settings. Nothing.

By looking through this forum It appears that there is something wrong with my Windows 7 drive booting drivers maybe. Or possibly a system update that went wrong overnight and now the OS wont boot up. (or something else I could be completely wrong)

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Windows 7 Won't Boot Past Bios?

Aug 6, 2012

In the chaos of moving to a new house yesterday, a box my friend was moving ripped and a bottle of beer smashed onto my open and powered on laptop, scattering both liquid and glass everywhere. We immediately powered down and removed the battery, and placed the laptop upside down and mopped up the excess liquid from the outside as much as possible, and set it to dry upside down on a towel.My laptop is a Lenovo U330, I had my brother install Windows 7 on it for me last year, but he kept the disks so I don't have any of them.Several hours & some blowdrying later, we attempted to start up the laptop (I would have preferred to wait longer, but I needed to know if mine would work in case I needed to borrow my friend's for the week). The laptop will load the lenovo startup screen, and then flash the windows loadings screen (with the option to press f2 or f12) for a few seconds before recommending that I run startup repair. Which if I select it, will freeze after a few seconds. Usually my laptop's pretty noisy, but while the battery light flashes as if there is activity going on, there's no noise coming from it at all.

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Windows 7 Will Not Boot Past Microsoft Logo

May 4, 2012

I can't access system recovery or most of the advance boot options. I have tried using repair cds and install cds but the computer refuses to boot from cd drive my laptop is an hp model g61. I don't really know what other specs you need I have noticed it always stops when loading a certain driver atipcie.sys. The full error I get is: "Stop: c0000135 the program can't start because %hs is missing from your computer try reinstalling the program to fix the problem". I'm not even sure what that program is.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot Past The Loading Screen?

Sep 16, 2009

My problem is that windows 7 wont get past the loading screen when its loading the OS. I have noticed that it will work when i have only 2GB(one stick) in but when i try to put all 8GB(4 sticks) in, it wont work. This same thing happened when i was trying to install windows 7 from a fresh install.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot Past Acer Splash Screen?

Jun 12, 2011

I have an ACER extensa 5630Z. It's been running all day, and I looked over and it had restarted and got stuck at a blank screen with a blink cursur, Every reboot will show the Acer splash screen, then straight to the blank screen with the blinking cursor. Any ideas what I can do to fix this? I've hit F2 and can get into the bios, but other than that I don't know what to do..

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Dell XPS Windows 7 64-bit Won't Boot Past Classpnp.sys File

Feb 10, 2013

I've been scouring the internet trying to fix a boot issue with my Dell XPS 420. It worked fine last week but on Saturday started to blue screen. I installed a new HD and installed a fresh copy of Win7 64-bit. I reinstalled my ATI video drivers but nothing else (e.g. I had to update a load of codecs for Win7 on the other install). I tried booting again from the original hard drive and everything came back with no errors. I left the PC up overnight, and now I get the same blue screen with various errors. So I disconnected from that hard drive and tried to boot from the fresh install, now it blue screens there as well. So I hit F8 and tried to boot in Safemode with Networking. Hangs at the casspnp.sys file. Then tried to boot from the DVD and repair but the repair only gets so far and yet another blue screen.I have 8gb of RAM onboard, and I have an ATI 2400 video card installed that is jacked into a Panasonic plasma display. Other than that, I've not customized anything else. I've ruled out the RAM as I swapped it out. Could be the DVD as it was having what appeared to be I/O issues. However, it seems to work fine with I press F12 and boot from the DVD. I have this PC connected to a Port Authority KVM. I've reset the KVM as well. I also have a USB hub in the mix as well. I reseated my RAM, the DVD cables.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot Past EVGA P55 Splash Screen After Update

Jul 18, 2010

I have been using my Windows 7 x64 system for about 5 months without a problem. I booted it yesterday, and an autoupdate occurred as soon as Windows 7 started up. It looked like this autoupdate made changes to /COMPONENTS. As soon as it finished, the system rebooted, and got stuck on the eVGA P55 splash screen. It was stuck there for about 10 minutes, so I manually shut down the computer. Every time I turn it on now, I get stuck on the eVGA P55 splash screen. I can not get into safe mode or anything. Any suggestions on how to go about fixing this? Did some stupid Windows autoupdate crash my new computer? I am turning those off if that is what happened.

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Windows 7 Newly Built Computer Won't Boot Past Logo Sometimes

Feb 23, 2012

Alright I am running Windows 7 ultimate x64 on my newly built computer. My computer can successfully boot past the bios and get to the logo screen. Then I get to the Windows logo which is a hit or miss. Sometimes it will boot successfully and I will have no problems whatsoever and I can enjoy my computer without worrying about anything. Then sometimes it will get hung on the logo and it will just stop responding. I don't know if this is an issue with my HDD or maybe my power supply. I think that this may be a problem with my power supply because I notice that my keyboard LED turns of when it hangs like that. The only question then is "why is this not a consistent problem that I can isolate?"

Here are my specs:
Case: Coolermaster HAF 922
CPU: Core i7 3930k (3.2 ghz stock; will OC to 4)
Motherboard: x79 Asrock Extreme 4 (x5 sata 6.0 Gb, x2 usb 3.0 ports, PCI-e 3.0 support, and quad-channel memory)
RAM: 8 gigs (2x4 gig's) of 1600 DDR3
GPU: x1 Radeon 6870
PSU: 600 Watts
HDD: 500 gig's 7200 RPM (Seagate baracuda)
Cooling: closed loop liquid cooling, Tuniq TX-2 High Performance Thermal Compound, and the standard fans on the case
Optical drive: LG 12x Blu-Ray reader and DVD combo drive
Monitor: 22" LED 1920x1080 -- ASUS VS228H-P (21.5 viewable)

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Can't Get Past "starting Windows" On Windows 7

Jul 22, 2012

I was playing around with OC'ing my GTX580s and had a system freeze. It's happened plenty of times on me before and upping the gpu voltage usually fixed the issue. This last time though it won't get past "starting windows".

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Windows 7 Boot Hangs On Starting?

Mar 20, 2010

When I boot up Windows 7 it gets to the "Starting Windows" screen which includes the Windows Logo with some animation. Once there it just hangs for about 5 minutes, then starts normally.I have Home Premium, 64 Bit, Dell XPS, Intel i7, 6BG of memory. I have several peripherals connected directly to it: Display, USB External Drive, Webcam, Bluetooth adapter.I tested booting in Safe Mode and it was very fast with no delay.I don't restart Windows 7 often so not 100% sure of when this really began. After the install booting up was very very fast. So this happened over the last month or so.The only hardware item I would mention is a Realtek card/usb reader which is built in to my unit as part of it. After Win 7 install it did not work at all and it took quite a while including working with Dell to finally track down the appropriate drivers. Now the unit works fine but I believe the problem began around that incident.Prior to uninstall or disabling the item I just wanted to check and see if this problem has been seen and make sure I am not going to do something to simply create a new problem. Also, since it was so difficult to finally get this Card Reader up and running I am concerned about just uninstalling it.

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Windows Boot Manager Keeps Starting Up

May 12, 2011

Everytime I start up i get this annoying screen:

1. How do I removed this from my startup

I have set my msconfig right:

and i also did disable here:

What the **** is wrong!

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Boot Hangs On Starting Windows 7?

Feb 15, 2012

tion-issue for more info on that. Anyway I am past that point and windows is up and running fine except for one issue. It's my dad's laptop and he always thinks he can fix issues himself, one day when he had vista about 3 or so months ago he was having some boot issues, so he went inside bios and I believe changed some things around, he really has no idea. I addressed the issue but ever since he made changed his computer takes an incredibly long time to boot up, could this be something he changed in bios? On windows 7 it hangs on Starting Windows and with Vista it did it at basically the same place when the windows logo first appears with the loading bar.

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