Cant Get Past "starting Windows" Screen?

May 26, 2012

I have an said laptop and it won't start at all anymore, I turn it on and I get the said logo screen then it goes to "starting windows" screen and freezes with like a fuzzy blue line on top of the screen. I used my recovery CD and tried all 3 reformatting options and nothing works, after all 3 it just restarted my laptop and it continued to have the same problem again

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Can't Get Past The Starting Windows Screen

Jan 12, 2012

I've got a: Presario CQ62 notebook pc with a AMD Athlon(tm) II P320 Dual Core processor, and I can't get past the start up screen with the "starting windows" animation. It will show part of the animation then simply hang. I have a very bad battery but am keeping the computer plugged in. When I attempt a system recovery it says: "A disk read error occurred press ctrl+alt+del to restart" I've tried this many times and I get the same message each time. Beyond that I have no idea what to try.

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Can't Get Past Starting Windows Screen

Nov 15, 2009

I am running a Linux OS right now and am trying to install windows 7.

I turn on he computer and run off the disc. It let's

me load off the cd but can't get past the starting windows screen. Above the

starting windows is a spot of color but no other graphic.

What do I do from here?

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Won't Load Past 'Starting Windows' Screen

Jun 11, 2012

Upon start-up, two options are given: "Start Windows Normally" or "Launch Startup Repair (recommended)".If the Start Windows Normally option is chosen, then the starting windows screen comes up and stays. If I launch the startup repair option, then I still can not get the problem fixed.From the Startup Repair Screen however, I can launch command prompt and restore options,a restore is not really an option because I have not set up a restore point in a while.

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Unable To Get Past 'starting Windows' Screen?

Jul 7, 2012

While watching a live feed on the internet, it stopped responding, so i held down the power button on my laptop to turn it off with the aim of restarting it. Unfortunatley now it won't restart and freezes no the 'starting windows' page. I have tried safe mode with networking, restaring at last known good configuration, booting from cd and repairing but nothing has worked.

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Windows 7 Won't Load Past 'starting Windows' Black Screen

Apr 28, 2011

i am trying to install windows 7 ultimate, it's all legit.It worked fine during installation,but when it got to ( Completeing Installation )After the wouldnt load past windows 'starting windows'then it freezes on a black loaded in safe mode but got an error 'Installation Cannot complete in safe mode please restart and run windows normally.' but nothing happends normally.

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Pc Get Past "Windows Is Starting Up" Then It's A Black Screen

May 1, 2009

This has been having about 3 times now. I'll install everything on 7, restart it, and I cant get back into Windows. I just did a system restore because I couldnt get back in

Is there anything I can do to prevent this in the future?

Btw, what happens is I get past "Windows is starting up" then its a black screen with a mouse cursor, and it stays there.

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Can't Go Past "Starting Windows 7" Screen?

Dec 30, 2012

As stated in the title, my computer hangs at the "Starting Windows" screen.I'm using an iMac 9.1, with a bootcamp partition on Windows 7. (I can't access my Mac OS X partition at all).I don't have a Windows 7 Installation disk or any peripheral disks.I left my computer on all night and when. I woke up the next morning only to find out my computer just had a BSOD. I force shut down my computer then it just hung at the "starting windows' screen. Im assuming its a driver problem, since I can log in using safe mode. Also startup repair doesnt work, it just gives my a black screen.

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Can't Get Past '"Starting Windows 7" Screen?

Sep 26, 2012

Using Win 7 x64, Intel i7 965, Asus Rampage 2, 32gb memory, 2 Intel ssd running RAID 0, 2 Seagate 500gb drives RAID 1. Had the Seagate hard drives fail, but were under warranty and they replaced them. Do NOT have them on-line at present time. Have tried to re-install system (had upgrade DVD for Win 7), but was not able to get the system to recognize the DVD because I can't get to OS. Am unable to get the system to do anything. Have checked BIOS to make sure drives are RAID. Since hardware comes up and ssd's come up,and graphics seems to be ok, am unable to figure out problem.

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Computer Won't Get Past The Windows 7 "starting Windows" Screen

Nov 7, 2011

i was simply surfing through espn and Internet when i realized that my laptop (gateway nv79) was running quite slowly and then after a while it completely froze. i couldn't do anything, nothing i did would work . so unfourtunantly i had to hard shutdown it. and here's what happened after i rebooted it, it comes up with two options

1. start startup repair(recommended)
2. start windows normally

-i go to "start windows normally" and it goes to boot up normally, but then after the windows 7 logo appears it just stays there and nothing happens

-i go launch startup repair and it says loading files, but then it goes to a black screen with the logo � micosoft corporation and nothing happens

-i tried f8 advanced boot but it doesnt do anything

-i tried safe mode with networking, it says loading files and please waitt but even after 10 mins it just stays the same

-i dont have win 7 cd

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Windows 7 Will Not Boot Past The "starting Windows 7" Screen?

Jan 25, 2011

problem: windows will not boot past the "starting windows" screen. The processor gets really hot as if its trying to do something but it never makes it to the desktop.When I launch startup repair, the automatic startup repair tool always fails to fix the problem (surprise)When I view the problem details, I get this:[CODE]

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Windows 7 Unable To Get Past "Starting Windows" Screen

Jan 15, 2013

I'm using a dell inspiron 1440 laptop, recently replaced my internal hard drive with a new solid state drive. It was working fine until today when I tried to boot my laptop up, and it gave me a BSOD before reaching the "Starting Windows" screen. Subsequent attempts at selecting the Startup repair and start windows normally options only gave me "failed to repair", and the windows logo getting stuck respectively. Safe mode cannot be started. However, when I tried to launch startup repair from my win 7 installation disk, I found that my HDD is not detected by my laptop. Subsequently, my laptop has also told me to reseat my hard drive. I reseated it a few times, but it did not solve the problem. Diagnostics ran on my laptop did not identify any problems.

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Compaq 610 Laptop Is Not Booting Past The Starting Windows 7?

Jan 2, 2012

My laptop recently hang, so I just hard started it. On switching it on, it does not get beyond the Windows 7 logo.

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Windows 7 Will Not Boot Past Starting Windows Or In Safemode

Jan 6, 2012

I am trying to fix a friends labtop. I have been on the internet trying to find an answer but nothing works from answers on internet. When you turn the computer on it shows, Windows Error Recovery. Either Launch Startup Repair or Start Windows Normally. I use Launch Startup Repair and the screen goes blank after a couple of minutes the mouse comes up and can be moved but the screen stays blank. I have pushed buttons nothing has happened, it stays here, so I have to turn it off. It starts all over again. So I try Starting Windows Normally, it will just stay at the Starting Windows logo. It will stay here forever. The windows logo will fade with the color but it will stay here. I will then turn it off and try booting in Safemode. It starts with the drivers loading but then it freezes on Loaded:windowssystem32DRIVERSAtiPcie.sys. This is for all three of safemode options. I have tried all the other boots in the options and none of them work. They all will just freeze on starting windows or go to blank screen. So I tried to boot to Windows 7 CD. I put it in and nothing comes up. There is no Click on keys to boot from cd, but the cd does make noise like it is doing something. It will just be on a blank screen. I have also reset the bios to factory.

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Can't Get Past Windows 7 Screen?

Oct 27, 2012

sung laptop (rv510) and when i load it up it won't load past the windows 7 screen dose anyone else have the same problem as me if you do and have fingered out how to fix this

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Windows Won't Go Past Welcome Screen

Mar 1, 2012

So one day I shut down my laptop (Sony Vaio, E series, VPCEB15FG, Windows 7 home premium 64-bit). The following day when I tried to turn it back on it refused to go beyond the welcome screen.. And it just kept restarting. So I started it in safe mode with networking and that seems to be working fine..

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Windows 7 Won't Load Past Welcome Screen

Oct 9, 2011

My mother's Toshiba laptop is less than a year old, and has been acting up lately. She doesn't download anything on it apart from windows updates, but she does have it set up to use a proxy server (through a legitimate service) so that she can watch her beloved BBC here in the U.S., which is mainly all she does on the computer. It suddenly started freezing/sticking on the blue welcome screen with the spinning circle when she tries to boot.(Sometimes it acts like it's doing something, sometimes it freezes. I left it for upwards of half on hour to see if it would finally get to the desktop, but it didn't.) I've tried starting it in safe mode with and without networking, to no avail. At one point, through logging in/waiting/closing the laptop/opening it again and such, I was able to "change user" and login, which did get me to the desktop. However, I wasn't able to do anything before it froze completely.Ctrl/Alt/Delete didn't help.

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Windows Won't Get Past Start Up Screen

Sep 27, 2012

I use Windows 7 64-bit and it wont get past the start-up screen. I would like to retrieve some personal files from my hard drive before i reinstall windows, is there any way i can do this without removing my hard drive and as a last resort could you guys link to some good videos/guides that are in detail about removing your hard drive and inserting it into another computer.

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Windows 7 Won't Get Past Login Screen

Oct 9, 2012

Windows 7 machine working fine from 20 april 2011 - 5 October 2012 I found an old cd and stuck it in the machine to see what was on it. Turns out a few scanned hi-res images and a fujiimage viewer.exe file. I thought i'd open the image viewer and see what it was. Double clicked and away we went. I moved the mouse to navigate to the start of the image viewer and the computer froze (blue circle thinking icon) I waited 5 mins and then ctrl + alt + del to get to task manager. Pulled that up - image viewer not responding - so attempted to close the program from task manager. Poof windows lost all my desktop icons and went to the loading screen background not my desk top background. I waited another 5 mins and then hit th re-start button.So comp goes back to loadup - gets to the bit where windows is loading and the flag comes up all nice and shiny. Freezes. Reset. your computer falied to load. Options to check and repair or star windows normally. Start win normally, get to flag screen. freezes. back to your comp failed to load. go to repair. wait 1+ hours. windows cant repair. reboot. your comp failed to load (im getting sick of typing it let alone looking at the bloody thing). Start win safe mode. starts gets to log on. loads desktop. looks ok. restart. gets to logon. slowly ( i mean over 5 mins to get to desktop). gets to desktop. hit Ie falis to load. firefox fails to load. desktop greys out. try to shut down. takes 2 mins to get past logging off sign. then hangs on win shutting down sign. I reset again I knew bios battery was on it's way out so I changed that, also f8 at startup and chose load from last known good configuration. over 40 mins to get to desk top. after 2 mins of trying to click on the desktop icons greys out. cant pull up task manager.

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Get Past Windows 7 Screen Just Prior To The Login?

Oct 19, 2011

i would like some info or pointers on what i can do to get this laptop working, i have rebooted it in safe mode and it attempts to start up, it get to the point where the windows 7 blue log on screen shows up but does not have the login or user account part but the theme shows up

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Windows 7/64 Takes Forever To Get Past The Welcome Screen

Apr 25, 2012

From day one after a fresh install on my then new machine i've noticed this. The welcome screen hangs for about 1 minute if i use a solid color for the desktop instead of a background. I fixed it about a year ago by using a background instead of a solid colo. I however hate backgrounds and much prefer black. So i made a solid black jpg and used that. Well, long story short, i think that background makes it take forever sometimes when opening a picture in windows photo viewer ! Fix one issue, the fix causes a new one. Welcome to the world of MS windows !!! I removed the background and pics then opened up immediately. So i seem to have a choice of either quick startup and slow jpg's or visa versa.

PS: the startup issue is obviously a bug in Windows 7, and i know this because I've had it happen on 2 other PC's.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot Past The Loading Screen?

Sep 16, 2009

My problem is that windows 7 wont get past the loading screen when its loading the OS. I have noticed that it will work when i have only 2GB(one stick) in but when i try to put all 8GB(4 sticks) in, it wont work. This same thing happened when i was trying to install windows 7 from a fresh install.

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Can't Make It Past Windows 7 Splash Screen

May 29, 2009

Well i just got my new DVD-Drive today, so i burned a copy of the windows 7 ISO x64. i have backed up all my files and inserted the disc. when i reboot my computer it makes it past the windows is starting up screen. but then when i can see my mouse cursor with the little circle spinning, the circle stops and the screen stays at the blue screen, no pop up boxs to install or anything else i can do...

A74MX-K Foxconn MB
AMD Athlon x2 2.6ghz 5000+
HIS Radeon HD 4650
2 X 1GB Kingston RAM

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Wouldn't Go Past Windows Logo Screen

Oct 21, 2012

I'm having incredibly annoying issues with my windows starting up on my asus g73sw laptop. It wouldn't go past the windows logo screen. I thought my hard drive was probably shot, so I replaced it with a brand new solid state drive, fresh windows install. Worked perfect for one day, then the same problem. Tried completely fresh installs twice since then and never transferred any files at all in case they were corrupted. The computer will load now, but not before sitting on the windows logo screen for 5 minutes or more. I have checked the BIOS to make sure the solid state drive is boot option number 1.

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Windows 7 Not Making It Past Start Screen?

Feb 4, 2013

That's basicly it. Running Windos 7 Home Premium on a newer Toshiba computer. Startup will act all fine and dandy until it reaches he part where the Windows sysmbol shows up is says Starting Windows. From there... well, that's it. I've left it there for 20 minutes and nothing happened. It does launch in safe mode.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot Past Acer Splash Screen?

Jun 12, 2011

I have an ACER extensa 5630Z. It's been running all day, and I looked over and it had restarted and got stuck at a blank screen with a blink cursur, Every reboot will show the Acer splash screen, then straight to the blank screen with the blinking cursor. Any ideas what I can do to fix this? I've hit F2 and can get into the bios, but other than that I don't know what to do..

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Computer Will Not Load Past Windows Splash Screen

Dec 20, 2011

I'm not sure of the system specs of the computer in question.I bought it cheap off of a friend and he's doesn't remember the specs and I can't get into it to check them.When I start up the computer it loads with a new loadup screen (did not happen till after the problems started). The screen says Asus Motherboard A8N-SLI Deluxe. It then goes to a screen that shows PCI device listing.I'm not sure what it all is for.At the bottom it says "A disk read error has occurred" "Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart.Occasionally it skips this screen and instead goes to the windows 7 Splash screen, but regardless of which it goes to I can't do anything else except restart the computer.When I press F8, F10 or F11 it goes to either RAID Utility or Setup Utility and then I can't get any further with it without restarting and the aforementioned problems continue. I'm fairly certain it's a virus, my computer was showing signs of a virus in the days leading up to this problem but as Malwarebytes failed to show any problems with the computer when I scanned it I ignored the problems. I'm also aware that all I may be able to do is wipe the harddrive, and I'm fine with that.

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Laptop Won't Start Past Windows Loading Screen

Oct 27, 2012

I was browsing the web and my laptop froze. I held the powe button to turn it off and now when i turn it on, it only goes to the windows logo and no farther. If i leave it alone, after 20 minutes it goes to a black screen with a cursor. I have tried starting in safemode as well and it only loads some of the files before freezing. I have also tried startup repair. After a few minutes it gives a few options such as system restore. I tried a restore and it still doesn't load.

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Computer Will Not Load Past Windows Splash Screen

Apr 4, 2011

When I start up the computer it loads with a new loadup screen (did not happen till after the problems started). The screen says Asus Motherboard A8N-SLI Deluxe. It then goes to a screen that shows PCI device listing . I'm not sure what it all is for. At the bottom it says "A disk read error has occurred" "Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart. Occasionally it skips this screen and instead goes to the windows 7 Splash screen, but regardless of which it goes to I can't do anything else except restart the computer.When I press F8, F10 or F11 it goes to either RAID Utility or Setup Utility and then I can't get any further with it without restarting and the aforementioned problems computer was showing signs of a virus in the days leading up to this problem but as Malwarebytes failed to show any problems with the computer when I scanned it I ignored the problems. I'm also aware that all I may be able to do is wipe the harddrive, and I'm fine with that.

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Laptop Wont Run Past Windows Startup Screen?

Jan 2, 2013

my laptop wont run past the start up screen! it freezes and then goes black. or if it restarts it goes to either lauch startup repair or safe mode. I have tried system restore, repair best last configuration. none have made a difference i am running it through safe mode at the moment as that is the only thing i can get on..i have no idea what else i can do!

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Windows 7 Will Not Load Past "Starting Windows"

Apr 14, 2012

2 days ago my Windows 7 x64 Home premium system worked fine. I woke up the next morning and It would not load past the "Starting Windows" screen. I have a stock ASUS Essentio series computer with 8 Gigs of ram a 320Gb Western Digital Hard drive and a 6 core intel processor.

I have tried so far:

I have removed the hard drive and replaced it with an older windows vista x64 drive I have. The Windows Vista drive booted right up with no problem.

I have Booted the computer with the Vista drive as the OS drive and the Windows 7 drive as a secondary hard drive. When I did that the Windows 7 drive showed up, all the files were there but the problem was I could not access any of the files under my user folder. (access permission or something) But it seems that this would show the hard drive is not fried.

I have tried restoring the drive to an earlier restore point but each restore point I try it says that it can not restore. I have tried the windows repair option and that freezes on "Loading windows files" I have even tried going into the bios and booting under different drive settings. Nothing.

By looking through this forum It appears that there is something wrong with my Windows 7 drive booting drivers maybe. Or possibly a system update that went wrong overnight and now the OS wont boot up. (or something else I could be completely wrong)

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