Windows 7 Killed The Partition

Jan 31, 2010

Everything was fine. I installed a fresh copy of Windows 7 on my C: partition a couple days ago, while keeping important data (family photos, videos, etc.) on my D: partition, and everyting went off without a hitch. For the last couple of days I've had no problems. Then this afternoon, I shut down the computer and start it up again an hour later and the D: partition has totally disappeared to be replaced with "free space." The partition had been totally obliterated without warning or explanation - it's just gone. I made the mistake of going into the Disk Manager and reassigning the letter to the partition in the hopes that would fix the problem but now Windows wants to reformat the drive (which I have not allowed since I want to recover the data some how). I've been using and upgrading Windows since the Windows 95 days and I have NEVER, EVER seen this happen. I tried using Partition Wizard as it advertised a partition recovery tool but have not had success with it and I'm now thinking I'm going to have to drop a some money into a more robust data recovery option.

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Minitool Partition Wizard Killed My Windows

Mar 16, 2011

I just tried the tool mentioned above to resize my partitions. I'm running W7x64 on a SATA drive and XP on IDE, so I can startup both depending on which disk I set as boot disk in my BIOS. So far things were running fine but ever since I tried to resize my Windows 7 partition to have more room for my storage partition (same physical drive), my Windows 7 keeps rebooting. I see the normal boot screen and after a while, the PC restarts. I tried the repair console to no avail - the assistant claims it couldn't restore anything, it doesn't even show me any restore points (which I know do exist). The actual Windows 7 partition seems OK though as I can access most folders when I boot in XP.

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Killed 1st OS Partition In A Dual Boot

Oct 26, 2010

I built this machine using a caviar green HD and loaded Windows 7 64. It seemed pretty slow, so soon after I added a 128GB SSD and loaded Win 7 64. On start up I got the dual boot option and would just select the SSD as the main OS drive.I got tired of the dual boot option and foolishly formatted the OS partition on the Caviar.I has assumed with on OS on the caviar it would default to the SSD. Dumb me.I can rectify this with out reloading Win on the SSD. I finally got all my applications set up right.

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Dual Boot Upgrade Killed XP Partition

Dec 15, 2009

My boot drive is a 120Gb Samsung spinpoint, previously one whole partition containing XP. This XP wasnt a clean install, it was an upgrade to Windows 98 I think, and this may be the problem. I have a number of other hard disks, 1 PATA and 2 SATA, which I am using for video editing stuff.

I downloaded GParted, shrunk the XP partition to 76Gb and created a new 35Gb partition for Windows 7. A bit small, but I figured once everything was tested out, I could grow out the Windows 7 partition.

This was successful, and I inserted the Windows 7 disk...selected custom install, and installed to my newly created partition.

Windows 7 did its reboots and I filled in the usual bunff to create basic accounts, etc.

Then I rebooted, and was a bit surprised I did not get the dual-boot menu, it went straight into Windows 7. Using F5 and F8 did not provide any further options, specifically the 'Previous version of Windows' one.

Going into Windows 7 Disk manager, i could see the partition was still there. I read other posts of what Windows 7 does (belately) and yes, it had 'hidden' the XP partition. I gave it a drive letter (D, but Windows 7 saw it as an empty disk!

I downloaded EasyBCD, and it showed only one entry in the bootloader. I tried to add a new entry, using type:"Windows NT/2k/XP/2k3", but the Drive was greyed out; if I selected "Vista/Longhorn" I could then change the drive to D: and then change type back to XP (odd). I then clicked 'Add Entry', but it came back with an error message "EasyBCD could not locate a copy of NTLDR on your hard drive. Please download a copy of NTLDR and NTDETECT.COM from Htpp://(blah blah) and copy them to the drive D: in order for your newly-created entry to work.".

Does this mean my XP partition is truly trashed? Is there a way to get back my XP partition?

I am thinking of maybe inserting the XP disk and repairing, maybe it will detect XP and fix it, but if it will blow away both my installations, I might not bother.

Last resort is to use File Scavenger on the dead partition, but when I checked it out in GParted again just now, it said that 3Gb out of the 76Gb had data, could it be that Windows 7 has just not recognised my original XP partition as an XP partition, thought it was its configuration partition, and just overwrote stuff?

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Old Siferef Infection Killed Windows 7 Updater?

May 10, 2012

So, I'm trying to get an online game working, thinking they had issues. Come to find out, neither my firewall nor updater has been working since January.Here's the link to my original thread, where Gringo helped me get rid of the infection:I dug around and found a registry file to get the firewall working, but I'm stumped on the Updater.

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USB / Net Drivers Killed By Windows 7 Auto Update

Feb 18, 2012

My ASUS Notebook was running fine when I went to bed the other night and Windows 7 did an auto update. I logged on the next morning and all the USB, Network Adapter, and Sound drivers were dead. I checked, and it appears that a few of the components of the Windows update did not complete successfully (.Net framework, Silverlight, etc.), so I assume this has something to do with it. I assumed it would be no big deal to fix the drivers, but boy was I wrong. Here's what I've tried (and failed) to fix this.

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Windows Update Killed HP Laptop Touchpad, Keyboard

Jun 9, 2011

I don't know for sure the the Win7 update killed the track-pad, but about a week or so ago after I let it run I've lost the track-pad function completely and the keyboard is erratic. If I accidentally hit the Caps Lock key the keyboard stops responding. I discovered if I open the keyboard control panel and just change a parameter, like how fast the cursor blinks and APPLY then I get the keyboard back without rebooting. I downloaded the track-pad driver, says it's the same as installed but the system no longer recognizes it's there in the control panel. This is an HP G60 series laptop running Win 7 Home.

I'm downloading TSG to add that info, but searching I see many people have had similar problems like this with no solution on various brands of laptops and Windows.

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System Restore Killed MS Office

Feb 4, 2012

Bought a new Asus A53E i5 3 weeks ago; sometimes it either wouldn't shut down w/o a hard stop or would turn off just because it felt like it - displaying a major error message. And was slow as hell apparently from major bloatware according to Amazon (where I got it). Also, the loaded antivirus "Trend Micro Titanium" was defunct - so I added MS Essentials. Shouldn't have let Bozo coworker touch it, should have just returned it, but he did a system restore, started deleting programs he'd never heard of (to speed it up) and now I have no error log to document my previous issues and no MS Office. Since it came loaded, the key is on the bottom - but can't even get to the point to add it w/o an error message. Is it totally fubared? Did I make the most expensive mistake of the year - because now my warranty is toast - or can I still send it back? I can always add a different version of Office and it hasn't really done the funky shut down crap lately.

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Hard Drive Replacement Killed The Laptop?

Dec 26, 2012

alright, I'm posting on behalf of a friend(doing chat on facebook..), who is trying to replace the harddrive on a windows 7 installation of the new drive did not go to plan, so he tried to put the old one in, and the computer apparently took this as cause to commit seppeku if you will.we have tried everything, up to and including testing for a bad mobo, which I suspect it is.all he's getting is a power light, not even the screen's backlight is coming up.

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CPU Running At 100 Percent Constantly - Killed Processes But No Difference

May 27, 2012

I have two computers, one computer runs smoothly at a cpu level of around 10%, and has less RAM, hard drive space, and runs more cpu related tasks, it has a duel core 2.4, my other computer, however, runs at 100% all the time, no matter how many processes I kill in tskmgr.exe, it runs incredibly slow, it has a duel core 2.2. I've ran malwarebytes, CCleaner, registry cleaner, defrag, and it still runs at 100%, it didn't used to do this, it's happened for at least two months, but it keeps getting worse.

System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, 64 bit
Processor: AMD Turion(tm) II Dual-Core Mobile M500, AMD64 Family 16 Model 6 Stepping 2
Processor Count: 2
RAM: 3838 Mb
Graphics Card: AMD M880G with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200, 256 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 232273 MB, Free - 71833 MB; D: Total - 232275 MB, Free - 58090 MB;
Motherboard: Packard Bell, SJV50TR
Antivirus: Norton Internet Security, Disabled

What I need to do to get my CPU running healthily. The highest process (CPU) Is Hamachi with 20%.

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Windows 7 "update" Killed Blu-ray Playback On Acer Notebook

Jul 17, 2011

When I was running Vista Ultimate x32 on my Acer Aspire 7720-6395 notebook, the Blu-ray playback ran fine. However, as soon as I "upgraded" to Windows 7 Ultimate, the Acer Blu-ray playback software running under Acer Arcade Deluxe was disabled.I ran the Windows 7 upgrade advisor before I paid the $184 to for the "upgrade" to Windows 7 Ultimate, and nothing in the upgrade report indicated that Windows 7 would do anything adverse to my Acer 7720 notebook, much less kill Blu-ray playback. the Acer OEM Optiarc BC5500A Blu-ray optical drive checks out as fully functional, with up to date driver, and will play DVDs and music CDs fine under Windows Media Center. Unfortunately, Windows Media Center emulates Apple in not playing Blu-ray disks. I perform Windows updates regularly, as well as run Norton Internet Security, so I don't think that the killing of Blu-ray playback is an update or security problem.

When I inquired of Microsoft and Acer, Microsoft suggested that I address my problems with the Microsoft 7 "upgrade" killing Blu-ray playback to Acer, the manufacturer of my notebook, and Acer responded that my Acer 7720 notebook is out of warranty, so it's not their problem either.So, I did a trial of a commercial Blu-ray add-on software, Cyberlink PowerDVD 11, but that did not work because PowerDVD 11 is apparently not as efficient as the Acer Blu-ray playback software under Acer Arcade Deluxe is, or was, before the "upgrade" to Windows 7 killed it. Cyberlink PowerDVD 11 apparently requires a more powerful CPU than the T5250 Intel Core 2 Duo CPU and/or a more powerful GPU than the NVIDIA GeForce 8400M GS GPU that came with the Acer 7720-6395 notebook.

Hence, it seems like the only options that the Windows 7 Ultimate "upgrade" gives me, after having invested $184 in it, are:

1. Throw away the investment in the Windows 7 "upgrade" and my notebook, and buy a new notebook;

2. Ask Microsoft for a refund on my Windows 7 Ultimate "upgrade" and try and reinstall and run Vista again;

3. Wait for Acer and Microsoft to work out the problems with the Acer Blu-ray playback software operating under Windows 7 (it seems that neither Microsoft nor Acer is interested in doing that, however);

4. Wait for Microsoft to include Blu-ray playback in the Windows Media Center (I can't imagine why they haven't done this already); or

5. Upgrade the CPU and/or GPU hardware on my Acer 7720-6395 notebook to components that would allow me to run PowerDVD 11.

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Unused Free-dos Partition - Can Merge It With Windows Partition

Jul 1, 2012

When I installed Windows 7 on to my new laptop I think I did it on to the wrong partition as there is still a 30GB freedos one.Can I merge it with the partition Windows 7 is installed onto as it is getting full?I don't want to have to reinstall Windows again.

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Copy Laptop HDD To Boot From One Partition And Run A New Windows 7 Pro OS From The Second Partition?

Dec 19, 2012

I'm building a new computer. Can I partition the hard disk, copy my laptop HD to boot from one partition and run a new windows 7 pro os from the second partition?

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Change The System Partition From XP Partition To Windows 7?

Apr 10, 2012

I currently have a dual boot on my computer with Windows 7 and XP. Unfortunately as my computer is quite old my hard drive is not very big and with it being partitioned I am fast running out of disk space. So I tried to shrink the XP partition to allow me more disk space for Windows 7. Unfortunatley this would only let me shrink it by 83mb for some reason. I decided that since I barely use XP anymore that I would simply reformat the XP drive then try and merge them together. When I tried to format the partition it just gave the error "Windows was unable to complete the format". I then discovered in Disk Management that the Windows XP partition was the system partition which was causing the problem.

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Free Partition Manager For Make Partition From Free Space Of Existing Partition?

Jan 23, 2013

I install Windows 7 64 bit in a 60 gb partition of my HDD (C drive). I have about 200 GB free space in D drive. Now I want to make a 60 GB partition from the free space of D drive.

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Created A 20gb Partition On External Hard Drive / No Longer Require Partition

May 9, 2011

I created a 20gb partition on my external hard drive and no longer require the partition. It is currently unallocated space so I want to format it into NFTS. Using computer management the partition was selected and and I went through the steps to format but i keep on getting an error message saying there is not enough space on the disk to complete this operation.

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Can OS Partition Access A Dual Boot Partition If Encrypted With Bitlocker

Aug 29, 2012

I'm a long-time reader but new poster. I am currently running Windows 7. I want to install Windows XP onto another disc and have a dual-boot setup. I keep Windows 7 up to date and secure, but for the XP partition, I would rather not have antivirus running or even installed, in order to limit background processes. I will not be logging into any place or making any credit card purchases when booted into Windows XP. It will just be used for surfing, games, etc. Further, if and when XP becomes compromised or buggy, I will simply overwrite the partition with a backup image.

If I use Bitlocker to lock down the Windows 7 partition (with the encryption key on a thumb drive) and boot into Windows XP, am I correct in thinking the XP installation see or can't access the Windows 7 partition? If XP gets compromised, can a virus access or write to the Windows 7 partition?

Is there any other reason why this would not be secure? Can a virus write to the BIOS?

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Disk Converted To Simple Partition While Making New Partition, Now OS Won't Load

Jul 10, 2011

I wanted to create a new partition to try out linux. So I decided to shrink E: by 20 GB. I then formatted the free space into a new drive by right clicking and creating new simple volume. I was warned that the drive would be made "simple", but not knowing the implications, I went ahead with the procedure. Now on rebooting, windows won't load. I had made a repair disc, so was able to use it to check for any start up errors. It reported none. Moreover I used "diskpart" through cmd to find volume c: is dynamic.

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How To Create A Logical Partition Inside Existing Primary Partition

Oct 19, 2012

I had my friend Dell Laptop. He want me to create a two extra partitions in existing primary partition which is C:The HDD is 1TB in size.One hour ago I had used Dell data backup program and created recovery discs and then formatted the Laptop to factory default. I thought before formatting it will give me options to create a partitions but it did not had any option.

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Missing Partition And Unallocated Space (Can't Create New Partition)?

Jul 1, 2010

I'm using Compaq Presario CQ40-627TUMy Laptop SpecIntel Dual Core Processor T4400 (2.2GHz, 80Mhz FSB,1 MB L2 Cache)- 2048MB 800MHz DDR2 Memory- 320GB 7200rpm Hard Disk Drive- 14.1' TFT WXGA High-Definition widescreen LCD panel with brightviewtechnologynd i'm using windows 7 Ultimate on boot system partition C, dual boot with linux mint. which mean i got four partition. one for linux mint. one for its swap space. one for windows 7. one for my data storage(movies,drivers,mp3,picture and etc).last few days i try to resize my C partition (120gb) to make it smaller to gain some unallocated spaces and resize the D partition because my D (almost 100gb) (ntfs/primary/data storage) almost full. i use easeus partition master v5.01.

After done resizing and restart i can't see any D partition. so i was worried that my data will disappeared. i try to look for it but there is no Drive D even on the easeus or diskpart. the only drive appears was C Drive.i remove my Linux Mint and its swap (60gb) and thinking that i could get some more free space and do some cmd prompt windows 7 repair fixmbr thing to remove the grub. then i use partition recovery to transfer those missing data from partition D to C Drive. (appears as unformatted)i try to use partition wizard home to resize it back to 300gb. and it works. but i cant make a partition. it will disappear just like that.i also try to use diskpart,command prompt diskpard, and paragon. but also not working. the C drive was shrink but theres no unallocated space and no D drive (the new create partition). i try logical partition,primary,ntfs and fat but also not working. even the unallocated space also gone. i use almost 4 3rd party partitioning software but still got no luck with it.example:i divide 300gb into 2 partition which exist the C partition 150Gb but the other one gone. i wish theres other way than format. i also done many time. doing check disk, partition table doctor, searching for bad sector. but no errors with my hdd.

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Cannot Partition Hard Drive Due To Large Number Of Partition

Mar 30, 2011

i recently installed windows 7.. it had only 2 drives c: and d: .. i need to partition d: drive into 3 partitions. is it possible?

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Cannot Mirror System Boot Partition On Unallocated Partition

Dec 18, 2012

I have Windows 7 ultimate 64-bit installed on DELL desktop (Optiplex 990) i7 Core. I have two HDD: Disk 0 contains the operating system 500GB. and Disk 1 empty 1TB.

I want to make a partition on disk 1 to mirror the operating system partition and keep the remaining for data storage. I tried to do but I had the following error message: "All disks holding extents for a given volume must have the same sector size, and the sector size must be valid."

I tried to attach a screen shot but couldn't.

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The Partition Table Does Not Have A Valid System Partition

Jul 24, 2011

I wanted to resize a partition, so I backuped all important files and booted from a vista PE CD. The program used is called "Easeus". After the resizing a message appeared, which told me that the system information couldnt be updated. After a restart, it - well, it didnt restarted. I tryed to format my C:Windows partition, but Easus decided to randomly format my linux partitin, too. Yey. After that i just formated everything, so i can create one big partition so this never happens again :P. To put it in a nutshel, there is no way to boot besides from booting from a cd. The diagnostic tool of the fabricator is giving me the "error code: BIOHD-3 No bootable drives detected" message.I tried to fix it with a win7 repair disk (just realized, that the disk is for 64bit, i have a 32 bit os - i think it doesnt matter, because there isnt any os installed at all). I used pretty much every "bootrec" command, sucessful, but no change. The startup repair gave this message: "the partition table does not have a valid system partition" diskpart - act isnt helping either: "The specified partition type is not valid for this operation."I dont know if i could install any os from a disk - i dont have a bootable installation cd/dvd. Because of that i would be happy if someone can tell me where i can find a free os and how i install it. From a os i can install my win 7.

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How To Compare Clone Of A Partition With Source Partition?

Jan 14, 2012

I just cloned two partitions from a resident HDD to an auxiliary Momentus XL HDD in an enclosure that is connected to the computer via eSATA.Is there a way to compare each cloned partition with its original for integrity? If this were just a file, I'd use a unix/cygwin utility like diff or cmp.However, it is a partition.

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Partition Size On 2nd HDD Used For Image Files Of OS/App Partition?

Dec 29, 2010

I'm preparing a fresh install of Win 7 Pro on a 2 disk system (90GB SSD and 1TB HDD). I'll be placing the OS/Apps on the SSD and Data and image restore files on HDD.Qs:1. If I allocate ~60GB for the OS/Apps partition, and actual storage of the OS/Apps is 35GB...what size partition do I need on the HDD to save this image file? I assume the compressed file will be 45-50% of original. Will I want to store multiple image files created over the course of time as apps are added and system is further optimized, and hence need a partition that is a multiple of the OS/App partition size? What do you do?2. Also, an 8GB RamDisk will serve as scratch disk space for some apps (RamDisk +) which can save an image of the session's writes upon shutdown. I plan to save this image to the 2nd HDD. Is it recommended that I save this to same partition that stores the OS/App image in Q #1 above,

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Changing A Dynamic Partition To A Basic Partition?

Mar 16, 2012

i have a hp laptap with a core i3 . with 8gig of ram. 500 gig hard drive. i made a 100 gig partion and it went to dynamic changing it back to basic. i read the mini tools application. if i tried that would it erase my hard drive if i went back to basic. all i wanted was a back up for my files.

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Format Partition C Damages The Hidden Partition?

Jun 6, 2011

Table top, Acer brand, Aspire M5700HDD: 500GBPart: 1. Hidden partition, 20GB, eRecovery2.Partition C partitioned by Acer, 240GB, OS3. Partition D partitioned by Acer, 240GBI plan to format both C and D partitions and make 4 partitions.So, check with Acer firstAcer's reply is confusing, saying that the hidden partition will be damaged if format C partition

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Installation - Partition - Why A 100MB System Partition ?

Oct 22, 2009

I have started the installation process of windows 7 on a clean 1 TB hard drive. In order to ensure expediency of the read time of my primary drive, I choose the custom installation. When I did I partioned the drive as 250GB & 700GB. Hoever it also created a 100MB system partition on its own. It never did this in Vista. Is it suppose to do that?

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How To Move Page File From C: Partition To Another Partition

Mar 27, 2011

I am trying to keep the size of Image Files as small as possible. I'm told that it helps to keep these files from getting too big if I move the Page File away from the drive being imaged - in this case , my C: bootable drive.

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Setup Was Unable To Create A New System Partition Or Locate An Existing System Partition - Installation Error

Dec 28, 2011

I have my HP Laptop which came with Windows Vista as the OS. I want to upgrade to Windows 7 so I bought Windows 7 from my local store.I entered the disc and did boot from CD. It reached to the page where it shows the disk partition. I deleted the partitions and created new one. However, whenever I create the partition, it creates a primary one and gives me error saying Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition.

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Way To Make A Partition NOT A System Partition?

Jul 2, 2010

I recently acquired a 60GB SSD and want to migrate my current system hard drive to the new drive. However, when I go to the Windows Backup manager to create a system image, it wants me to copy ALL of C partition and ALL of D, when it should only be C.D drive is full of a bunch of crap that I do not want included in the system image.If there even are system files on D, by no means is copying the entire partition necessary!Therefore, is there any way to make partition D NOT a system partition?

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