Win 7 Not Loading On Start Up (boot From DVD)

Mar 6, 2010

Just installed my new rig and trying to get Windows 7 on it. I'm using an Upgrade DVD from Acer 64-Bit, and trying to boot from the CD-ROM setting in BIOS or boot mode. I am unable to get past the "Starting Windows 7" screen with the logo. It just freezes there or loads and goes to a black screen. I don't have other OS DVD/CDs to try out other than the old Windows 7 RC I had a while back. That wouldn't load either. Now I tried to use a different DVD-ROM and it wouldn't load either. What could be the problem?

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Can't Start Loading Fvena Is Compressed

Aug 15, 2011

my problem was started because my brother did a disk clean up on System's drive, and when i try booting my computer

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Windows Is Loading And Start Repair Not To Fix Automatically

Sep 3, 2012

I have Dell Inspiron 1545,when I start laptop it says windows is loading,it takes sometime and runs start up repair, which fails to fix problem automatically and shutdowns the machine.It's windows 7 home basic 64 bit.I don't get complete system recovery option other than start up repair option.When I go for advanced boot up option - F8, all options comes but whatever option I take whether computer repair,safe mode,safe mode with networking,safe mode command prompt,restore to last known good configuration,it does the same thing loading windows and then run startup repair.In logs I see courrpted registry error message.I did diagnostic test, it passes all test, I have windows 7 professional iso DVD burned which I am using to boot, since my installation disc came with laptop is not working at all.I don't have iso for windows 7 home basic.

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Settlers 3 Not Loading After Clicking Start Game?

Mar 1, 2011

i do the usual double clicking on the desired game which in my case is settlers 3, once that is done, settlers 3 comes up on screen !! i then click on 'Start Game' the settlers then disappears and the mouse has its loading thinggy as it should, then the loading thing has gone, the game hasn't come up nothing is happening i sit and wait for 10 mins still nothing.. what is up with it?! and why can't i just play my bloomin' game whys' it have to be so complicated... and why cant it be just install the game and be able to play the game shortly after installation...

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[CRASH] Windows 7 Not Loading, Freezing At Start Up Page?

Feb 5, 2011

I had to perform a force shut down today, upon restart win 7 attempted to load up but got stuck on start up page, again performed force shut down to see if it would load up but with no prevail. if left for 40 min or so it will finally get to login/password screen but after password input nothing happens.I have tried start up repair F8 but again after completion the screen freezes. also where there where more options such as safe mode these have know gone and i am only left with start windows normallyrepair modei did carry out a safe mode but it froze half way through and know that option has gone.i have no backup disk but i did backup win 7 to my external hard drive but am unsure wheter i can load from lap top details are as follows.

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Laptop Won't Start Past Windows Loading Screen

Oct 27, 2012

I was browsing the web and my laptop froze. I held the powe button to turn it off and now when i turn it on, it only goes to the windows logo and no farther. If i leave it alone, after 20 minutes it goes to a black screen with a cursor. I have tried starting in safemode as well and it only loads some of the files before freezing. I have also tried startup repair. After a few minutes it gives a few options such as system restore. I tried a restore and it still doesn't load.

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Windows 7 Stuck At Start-up Loading Drivers Before Booting

May 9, 2011

I was attempting to run chkdsk and went into Safe Mode -- no problems discovered. However, since then whenever I boot / reboot laptop Safe Mode screens reappear. Thinking back I don't recall any guidelines from any Win7 tech sites advising turning off Safe Mode. So, I initially assumed Safe Mode automatically reverted to the prior mode -- apparently an incorrect assumption. How do I get back to Normal Windows Start Up for Win7 Home Premium x64?

I got out of Safe Mode to restart somehow -- ESC key -- I did not force quit by turning off. Since then system now starts by scrolling thru 2-3 screens of "Loading: ... (various driver drive locations / various names)" and then Win 7 login screen comes in with Password box.

Everything else is running fine now except I suspect I need to go back to boot Safe Mode screen and turn Safe Mode off -- return it back to Start Win 7 Normally.

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Error Loading OS / Missing HDs / Windows 7 Failed To Start / 0xc000000f?

Feb 10, 2012

Yesterday I came home from work to a black screen that said "Error Loading OS". Not sure how this happened, so I restarted it and it came right back to that. Spent a few minutes digging around and found out that my hard drive was not set in the BIOS as a boot drive (although no idea how that changed), so I switched it back and the computer booted fine.Today, I come home from work and again, I see the black screen that says "Error Loading OS". I restarted, went in the BIOS, and saw that of 4 hard drives in the system, only 1 (non boot) showed up. This is weird. I shut down for a few minutes, booted it back up to the BIOS, and my primary hard drive was listed again. Selected that, and Windows booted up fine.

Was using the computer for about an hour when everything just froze. The mouse still worked and moved, but nothing else at all was working. So I restarted again, and I got to a "Windows failed to start" / 0xc000000f error. Off to the BIOS again, where again, only 2 or 3 of my 4 hard drives were listed. I shut down, left it for a few minutes, rebooted back, and selected my primary drive again. Then I went ahead and created an image of my primary drive just in case.I have no idea wh thought it might be a hard drive failure, or it could be something messed up in my motherboard. I have a 64GB Crucial M4 SSD drive that is less than a year old, along with an ASRock Z68 PRO3 motherboard that was bought at the same time.

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Boot-start Or System-start Driver Failed To Load:dtsoftbus01

May 21, 2011

So ive been getting the black screen with movable cursor lately and have tried many a methods to remove it i tried checking in my event log for something, and this is waht it said "The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load:dtsoftbus01" So what does this mean and how can i fix this?

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Boot-Start Or System-Start Drivers Failed To Load

Mar 7, 2012

Monday couldn't boot up PC, had to go to system recovery and restore to previous day.

Log files show below that 4 things failed to load. Tuesday couldn't boot up PC again.. tried to restart like 4-5 times.. Finally comes up and in the logs there's numerous things that failed to load. Running a sfc /scannow right now.

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The Following Boot-start Or System-start Driver(s) Failed To Load?

May 8, 2012

I found corrupted system files, but it appears that the hard disk is fine. executed chkdsk and no bad sectors.Just looked into this on event viewer-The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load:xsoaynmfmfxpefxbozedltnzvijcvI am running Acer Aspire X3950-U3022 with Windows 7 Home Premium Home Edition.

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The Following Boot Start Or System Start Drivers Failed To Load

Oct 3, 2012

I'm not sure where to even begin to fix these problems. Some online searches suggested doing a system repair but I want to get some more feedback here before proceeding.Here is the message from the event log:The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load:



I realized some of these are not Windows 7 related but most are. While the computer "works", I do experience frequent reboots and freezes. Perhaps some of these driver loading failures are part of the cause of my issues.

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Freezing After Boot From Drivers Not Loading?

May 22, 2012

my laptop running 64 bit windows 7 started freezing. Restarting helped for about 10 minutes, then it freezes again. I looked at my system log and noticed a couple errors, the most serious of which said that these boot-start or system-start drivers failed toload:CbFSctxusbmdiscacheMpFilterNIPALKnipbcfknipxibafnipxibrcSolutospldrVBoxDrvVBoxUSBMonWanarpv6I'm currently running Malware Bytes and GMER in safe mode, and it's not freezing

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Loading Drivers Via Win 7 Disk Boot

May 5, 2009

I'm installing the official MS downloaded 64-bit build 7100 RC (released May 5). I'm installing onto an Athlon 64 X2, 4 GB RAM, etc. I have integrated graphics card that I'm using to get it running, before trying to get my ATI 4670 to work. The int. graphics card is an ATI X1250 chip.

When I just boot it, everything loads fine, but the Windows screen is mostly white with black lines through it. You can see where textboxes are, but not what's in them. The mouse cursor is fine throughout. So, I figured my drivers were just bad.

So, I tried to load the system via the Windows 7 boot disk, then go to the Repair Windows option. This all works fine and the screen looks normal. I open up the folder with my drivers (downloaded directly from Gigabyte today), and select my .inf file. It brings up a list of drivers to install. I click on my chip (again, the X1250), and it loads for a bit before saying the driver failed to load. So, I don't know what I'm doing wrong here other than just being SOL. Any thoughts?

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Will Not Boot Up Past Loading Screen

Nov 15, 2009

Ok, so iv put this computer together, installed windows 7 Ultimate 32bit and i got it up and running perfect for like a day.

The next morning i switched it on and was working good for couple of hours then it seemed like the whole computer started to slow down and i got a blue screen error. so i rebooted and tried to start windows but, it then says windows is loading files then goes to the logo loading and after that it just goes to a black screen!? iv tried everything to get it back running safe mode, low res mode, repair, boot from disk etc but nothing.

So i thought i would try and put the HD in another computer and wipe it to re-install windows but when i put it in another comp it does the same thing.. does the logo loading and then to black screen

Iv found that when i remove the HD from my PC and boot from the windows 7 disk then it gets to the windows 7 installation bit so do you think it could be a problem with the HD?

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Toshiba Loading BIOS But Not Going Into Boot Manager

Dec 9, 2012

I haven't touched this laptop in a while. I received a virus which then slowed down my computer and made it really really slow to get into the windows log in screen. It wouldn't go past that. Now, 2 months later, I'm trying to install Ubuntu as my only OS. I hope this will get rid of whatever past problem I had. Is this true? The problem with this, is when I power it up and turn it on, the computer only goes to the "Toshiba Leading innovation" H2 BIOS screen. From here, the laptop screen keeps turning black/blank at random intervals (the disk drive kicks up after it turns blank). The screen returns to the BIOS screen... and I keep hitting F12 and nothing.

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GTX 285 Driver Not Loading On Boot = Hang At Win Statup

Dec 6, 2009

So this is not the first box I've built but it is the first time I have not been able to boot easily for so long. The symptoms are that it hangs at the windows logo on the start screen, most times. If I do a safe boot, then sometimes it will boot successfully afterwards.

I can play Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, watch movies but opening a picture would cause a BSOD. I fixed the last symptom by reseating the card and installing the latest driver (195.62) while only the vga monitor is connected. It still hangs at the start screen though on a cold boot.

I have used the Windows 7 mem test to confirm it's not memory. I have then done a boot log (ntbtlog.txt) and I can see the following lines repeated as it tries and retries to load drivers:

Did not load driver @hal.inf,%acpi_amd64.devicedesc%;ACPI x64-based PC

Did not load driver @cpu.inf,%intelppm.devicedesc%;Intel Processor

... (more of the previous line)

Did not load driver @oem6.inf,%nvidia_dev.05e3.01%;NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285

This happened on the driver that came with the device too. I can tried repair installs and clean installs of my OS. I tried deleting the driver altogether and then letting windows load a driver for it and same result. Aside from sending the card into the manufacturer for testing, are there any ideas out there on what i can do?

Sadly, I am actually enjoying the challenge. Mostly because on the rare occasion I can boot normally and use my pc normally and leave it on for easy's sake.

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System Prompt After Boot Up - DLL Files Not Loading

Mar 10, 2011

Just after booting-up my system is prompting me that two dll files are not loading. I have investigated the necessity of the dll files and they have no relevance to the OS or anything I am using. How would I stop the system from attempting to load these files?

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Windows 7 Stops Loading During Boot Process

Nov 9, 2012

My PC goes through the BIOS stage and starts to load Windows 7, the GUI comes up and then it just stays there, goes into space with nothing happening. I have booted in Safe Mode and that works, but it won't boot into Safe with Command Prompt or Networking. I have tried the Repair my Computer option but that did not fix it. Then I did a System Restore but that did not fix it either. Not sure as to what to do next.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot Past The Loading Screen?

Sep 16, 2009

My problem is that windows 7 wont get past the loading screen when its loading the OS. I have noticed that it will work when i have only 2GB(one stick) in but when i try to put all 8GB(4 sticks) in, it wont work. This same thing happened when i was trying to install windows 7 from a fresh install.

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Windows 7 Not Loading On Dual Boot System

Jun 23, 2010

I have sony vaio laptop and i was running windows vista on it. I did a partition and dual boot the system with ubuntu 10.4. Then i download easybcd tool to set windows vista as a default OS to boot with, but accidently in easybcd software i unistalled vista boot loader. now when i reboot the system ubuntu works fine but when i try to load vista its says NTLDR is missing Press Ctrl+Alt and Delete to restart. Then tried to boot from cdrom because i have a fresh copy of Windows 7. the system doesnt boot from cdrom. So now i am stuck with ubuntu on my system.

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Loading Mouse Configuration Earlier In Boot?

Jul 28, 2011

I like to use my mouse on the left side even though I'm a rightie, so I have the primary buttons switched. Unfortunately, Windows 7 loads that config almost at the end of the boot up process, which of course is annoying if you're trying to click on a few things while the boot finishes (and not knowing which button to use

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Windows 7 Cannot Install, Unable To Boot To XP ERROR LOADING OS?

Dec 7, 2010

Loaded 7Ultimate and got to Install screen. Selected drive and made new partition. Clicked next. Received error: Quote: Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition. See the setup log files for more info. I don't know how to get to the logs, but what does this message mean? I have tried almost 6 or 7 times and even once with my 7 Home edition disk. Ran the startup repair a couple times. Tried formatting the drive from my XP Pro sp3 disk.So now here's where the real problem comes in: ERROR LOADING OPERATING SYSTEM. Now I can't get back into XP! Tried booting from ERD Commander 05, but I get an error code 4096 with that, and "File SETUPREG.HIV could not be loaded".How can I get XP back to booting properly? Maybe it's a faulty hard drive and needs returning. But it is extremely important that I get this computer back up and running immediately.

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Cannot Boot Into Windows 7- Stuck On Loading Operating System

Mar 14, 2012

The first problem was that it kept booting into the windows startup repair. For a split second i can see windows 7 loading but then it automatically went to the startup repair , after many many reboots i opened the command prompt in windows startup repair and tried fixing the master reboot.Now it gets stuck at loading operating system.Even when i try to boot from the windows 7 CD and Truecrypt rescue disk it still gets stuck at loading operating system.The whole harddrive was encrypted with truecrypt and it use to go to truecrypt bootloader after loading the operating system but it doesn't do that anymore.

Specs :

mobo : Gigabyte GA-890FXA-UD5
cpu: phenom ii x6 1090t
gpu : radeon hd 6950
hard drive : western digital black caviar 1TB

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Reinstalling Windows 7 - Loading Operating System Boot From CD / DVD

Jan 29, 2013

I am attempting to reinstall windows with files burned from an .iso onto a blank disc but when I press f12 then go into CD-ROM it goes to the next screen and says: 'Loading Operating System... Boot from CD/DVD..' Then it will boot normally.

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Stuck Halfway Through Loading Windows / Cannot Boot Into Safe Mode

Feb 26, 2012

my Dell Studio 1555 laptop will not boot either into regular windows or safe mode.When booting into safe mode, the very last file that will load is "CLASSPNP.SYS".When that happens it will stay stuck loading the next file for a few minutes, then restart itself into the Windows Error Recovery screen.When I try start-up repair, it goes to a blank black screen and repeats the procedure above (ie. it gets stuck and restarts a few minutes later) When I hard-shut down by pressing the power button, a BSoD appears for a fraction of a second right before it dies.What could the problem be, and what can I do to fix it? I have the windows 7 install disk, if needed. Should I go ahead and try an installation repair using the disk?

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Slow Cold Boot - Only Catalyst Control Center Loading Up As Startup Item

Feb 9, 2011

I have installed windows 7 on my computer about a year ago. I've never had any problems to the point where I would need to reinstall the OS, however, I've noticed that on cold boots the system runs painfully slow, it will boot up fairly fast on a normal restart tho, like 20-35 seconds. On a cold boot it can take about 1-2 minutes to load in windows, and then once that happens its not so much it going slow as that there is a point during which I cannot click anything or else it will take forever to accomplish.

What I mean by this is, it will load to my desktop and for a period of about 3 more minutes I will try to right click on the desktop and it will do the circle thing for like 20 seconds before giving me the drop down menu. If I right click again right after, it shows up instantly. Same with trying to open up a file within those first couple of minutes. It will take like 45 seconds to open a picture. I have tweaked my windows 7 to startup only necessary drivers and turned off search index along with Aero.

My HDD isn't fragmented and I've got about 120gbs out of 450 available. So its not that bad. Now some of you may say, well its just loading the processes. But I only have catalyst control center loading up as a startup item. And even after it loads. It goes through a wierd 3-4 minute phase in which everything is slow as hell. Then works perfectly fine.

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Won't Boot From Start Up Have To Push F1 Key When Asked Tried To Set In Boot Menu

Nov 12, 2012

when booting up windows 7 why do I have to key in F1 for windows to start up

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Certain Sites Not Loading Or Not Loading Properly

Aug 10, 2011

One particular site that is not loading at all, on any browsers on my computer is [URL]. There are many more that fail to load as well. I did test these sites on my iPhone with no problems though. There are a handful of other sites that do open but do not load properly [missing images, ect.] I also thought that it might be malware but I installed & scanned my computer with four different programs which did not solve the problem. I'm guessing that it still may be some problem on the software side with settings but I can't seem to figure out where to look. BTW, I've been using Microsoft Security Essentials as my antivirus program for the past couple of days now. Prior to that I was using Avira but it seemed to be giving me problems so I uninstalled it and installed the Microsoft app.

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Windows Not Loading After Update, Hangs On "Loading Operating System."

May 1, 2012

During a recent windows update my pc froze, (mid-update) and I restarted my machine. Now windows gets stuck at the black" Loading operating system..."screen. After a long wait it will eventually display boot from cd/. When I boot from my windows dvd my os is not shown in system recovery. I Have also tried running start up repair from recovery with no luck.

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How To Get HDD To Boot From Start

Dec 8, 2010

I have a External HDD with windows Ultimate on it, but how do i get that HDD to boot from Start, I have tried to select it in setup but no luck.

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