Unknown Hardware Desktop Won't POST Properly?

Nov 28, 2012

For the last few days, i have had a rather frustrating problem with my system. It doesnt want to POST. Let me explain this; Turning the computer on is a mystery. The initial startup seems pretty standard, except that there is no beep, Fans run at 100%speed for a few seconds, and nothing appears on the screen. If i then turn it off via the ON/OFF button, and start the system anew, it will first turn on for a second, then go off again. Waiting 4-5 seconds, the System "magically" starts itself up, with the same symptoms as mentined before.This all has happened after a recent LAN party, where a power shortage apparently may have been the sinner. Just mentioning, i am writing this using that system, as it can still BOOT using a few primitive measures. Removing the source of power to the computer ( by first removing the power cable, and then turning off the outlet before re-inserting it ) and consecutively turning it on, it will 50% of the time POST and start up as usual.

One thing to note also, is that recently, every time i have / have been opted to save a file on my local hard drive, the system has made a loud BEEPing noise similar to the one coming at the strtup.

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Random Crashing And Inability To Post Properly

Feb 17, 2013

I'm not sure if this is the most appropriate forum to post this problem. I'm uncertain as to whether the problem is hardware or software related.

Recently, my Windows 7 computer has been randomly crashing, and then restarting itself. I was initially under the belief that it was doing this when it was inactive, as it would always seem to happen when I wasn't using it. However, today, the myth was debunked. It crashed while I was using it.


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Loss Of Ability To Post Links To Desktop?

Jan 15, 2013

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5400 @ 2.70GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10
Processor Count: 2
RAM: 4095 Mb
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8400GS, 512 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 948766 MB, Free - 881032 MB;
Motherboard: ECS, G41T-M6
Antivirus: avast! Antivirus, Updated and Enabled

Hello folks I am an 84 year old lady & am hoping 1 of you bright young things can help me get back on track.I used to be able to go to my explorer find a page copy the link & then paste it onto my dasktop if it were 1 that I would use often. I seem to have lost my ability to do this.

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Desktop Went To Sleep Mode / Will Not Boot / Post / Restart

Apr 5, 2012

I fell asleep with my PC on and woke up with it stuck in sleep mode. I performed a hard shut down via holding down the power button for several seconds. Now the pc will not post and my monitor claims no signal. No beeps from the Mobo speaker. I've replaced my cmos battery so far.Mobo is an asus m3a79-t Deluxe and I've heard some issues of bios not supporting sleep modes?

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Desktop Icons Not Aligning Properly?

Jun 25, 2011

I recently formatted my hard drive and reinstalled Windows on my hard drive and now I have a strange issue. I have align to grid selected (as I did before) and now I cant put icons in the lower row. Whenever I try they always move up about an inch from the taskbar.

Is there a way to change the size of the grid or something? I would like to do this without third party software, as it worked fine before.

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Desktop Icons, Not Displaying Properly?

Jul 1, 2011

I recently reinstalled Windows 7 and I copied my old appdata folder. I do not know if this is what is causing the issue, as it was causing invisible icons to be pinned to my start menu.Anyways, my current problem is, when I choose to display my desktop toolbar on the task bar, the toolbar displays my current desktop shortcuts, the sub folders you see when you view the window (ie, libraries, homegroup, network, computer, control panel, user folder, recycle bin) and icons that are not displayed elsewhere, such as a second control panel.What could be the problem and how would I stop the sub folders and second control panel from displaying?I have tried to remove the icons from the desktop folder, but they do not have an option to be removed. I have tried deleting them from the task bar toolbar itself, but it acts as if it deleted it, but they do not go away

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Windows 7 Recovery Disk Shows Operating System: Unknown On (Unknown)?

Oct 18, 2012

When I was booting one day last week I got a nasty BSOD when Windows was trying to load. Then on the next reboot Windows 7 said it couldn't load and needed to do the recovery OS option from the Windows 7 repair on the CD. Well, before trying that I did a cold reboot and it got back into the OS fine so I didn't think much of it. Now, I noticed Ghost shows the C: drive status as "Unavailable" and it can't back it up anymore. It does give me an option to restore from one of my old backups. I'm thinking the MBR got hosed up somehow or something like that. But I'm skeptical to run an MBR repair since I have that 100MB partition on my SSD where my OS resides.

Ghost Shot> This was about a week ago my Windows 7 started acting up right before the big patch Tuesday. I've been running it for over a year now and it's been solid. When I first set it up I installed it on my SSD (Intel 510 120GB) drive. One of the qualms I had with the install is Windows created a separate boot sector on the disk drive where it stored my boot files. This is known the the "system reserved" operating system files 100MB partition. Apparently the way to avoid this is to use a third party partition tool before doing the windows install. That way it will keep the Boot sector files on the same partition which is how I would of liked it for doing restores from Ghost 15,etc. Anyway, ghost was backing up my system C: drive before last week. I have yet to even try and use Ghost to see if it would successfully restore my OS but I've been using it to backup my C: drive anyways. Prior to last week it could backup my C: drive fine. I might try a Ghost restore point from a few weeks back before this happened but not sure yet[CODE]

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Desktop Not Properly Booting 7 Premium 64bit?

Apr 24, 2012

I wasn't sure what sub category to put this under because I'm not sure where the problem actually lies Windows boots but almost every time it does I get to a blank screen with just my desktop background. No Icons or anything. I am not even allowed to bring up the task manager because ctrl+Alt+Delete will not work.

The only thing I am able to do is right click because the mouse still works which gives me the typical functions of right clicking on the desktop. No other programs or services will work other than that.

I have a Dell XPS 8300 that IS registered and it is practically out of the box. This issue has been occurring since I purchased the computer three weeks ago. The issue was happening before and after all the critical updates so I am assuming their is no built in fix yet.

I have browsed a lot of other similar topics about icons disappearing, however I cannot interact with my desktop at all. If their is a quick fix link or something I should do please let me know.

If you need any additional information please let me know, this is my first time on these forums so I'm not exactly sure what is required.

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Desktop Will Not Shutdown Properly After Using Sleep Mode

Jul 28, 2012

recently, i've noticed that whenever i sleep my computer, attempting to shut it down later does not work. the process just hangs at the Windows 7 screen with the Shutting down...message. i've let it run for 30 minutes one time and nothing happened, still Shutting down... every time this has happened, i end up manually powering off. the computer shows no ill effects on start up (other than the 'your computer shut down improperly' message). i can't find any unusual events in event viewer, either. it shuts down fine when not having used sleep mode. to sum it up: when i power on my computer normally and DO NOT use sleep mode at all between a shut down, everything is fine. when i power on my computer normally and DO use sleep mode at some point between the shutdown, the computer will typically HANG at the shut down screen and not actually shut down. however, what makes this tough to trouble shoot is that sleeping it for 5 or 10 minutes will have no effect on shutting down...but sleeping it overnight (7-8 hours) will. this problem has been occurring for about 3 months now, though i only started noticing the trend recently. i typically shut my computer off during the week and sleep it through Friday and Saturday and then shut it down again on Sunday (now, i shut it down all the time of course). the computer is virus and malware free according to MSE and Mbam. the only thing i can think of that i installed in between now and 2 months ago were various Steam games and graphics drivers updates. my HDD has never given me any trouble, memory is fine, CPU isn't overheating, etc, etc. my specs are Windows 7 (legit copy before anyone asks), 8gb RAM, 2500k, AMD 6950, Samsung Spinpoint 1TB (regular HDD, no SSD).

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Icons On Desktop Aren't Displayed Properly

Jan 9, 2013

[URL] icons on my desktop aren't displayed properly..

i have try to rebuilt my iconcache .. but can't able to do

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Dell PC With Windows 7 Not Working Properly - No Icons On Desktop

Dec 5, 2012

I have Dell computer with Windows 7. I went to start it up, I have no login. I goes straight to my desktop. It has no start up or icons, just blank picture. What can I do?

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Computer Hangs After Post

Jun 12, 2011

Computer posts, then checks hard disk RAID status (Healthy), then a white blinking cursor appears on upper left corner on black screen, and hangs there forever, UNLESS i put in a Windows bootable CD, then based on my boot priority order (CD ROM, HD) it reads the CD, then it displays "Press any key to boot from CD or DVD...", for which i don't press anything, and the computer proceeds to boot Win 7 OS correctly. So basically it doesn't boot unless i just have a bootable CD in tray.

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Reboot Loop Before Post?

May 2, 2011

The problem is minor and it's just a bit of an annoyance I've been dealing with from time to time.[CODE]Basically, If I were to I put my computer to sleep(using the sleep function, not hibernate) and try to wake it up within a few seconds, the computer would go into an automatic reboot loop that would continue to boot, shut down, boot, shut down until I turn off the PSU completely. I'm trying to figure out which component might be causing this problem, if any. I've updated my bios, drivers, and ran memtest but nothing seemed out of the ordinary and it didn't fix the problem.

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[64-bit] POST Stalls At USB Drive?

Sep 17, 2012

I've done a search for issue and found none. I have a 2 Terabyte Seagate USB drive.When I try to boot with this USB drive connected to computer the POST hangs. Once I remove the USB drive the system boots as normal. My system also has a USB RF Transceiver for the keyboard and mouse. It causes no problem though just the drive.

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Post Text Only Page To Web With Url

Feb 18, 2013

I have what may be an unusual question. How do I post a plain text-only page up on the internet? An example of what I want is url...There's no html on this page. Only plain text.I tried to do this on Google Sites using the "Add Files" feature, but when I go to the link it goes right to a "download file" dialog box which is not what I want. url...

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No Post, No Bios, No Boot From CD?

Nov 26, 2011

Seems to be Deadand now other other HP desktop (with the identical motherboard) is now failing as well. This one is a pc6000, and all I ever get is the screen that displayes the BIOS, processor, CPU speed and the 4 memory banks. So far, so good.Then it says Initializing USB controllers.DoneThen several blank lines before it says Press <F10> to enter SetupThen nothing... although sometimes after the 'Done' line it says 1st Drive: None2nd Drive: None3rd Drive: None4th Drive: None00 USB mass storage devices found and configuredbefire going to a new screen where it sayseboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot media in selected Boot device and press a keyPressing any key just redisplays the msg.What could possible be going on with these 2 nearly identical HP desktops with the same mobo?

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Post Upgrade Problems

Nov 9, 2009

I had no problems with the first two computers that I upgraded from Vista to Windows 7, both were 64bit systems. I'm having post upgrade problems from vista to windows 7 with my 32 bit machine (Sony Vaio VGN-NR430E). THe machine did fine with the compability check for Windows 7.


1) Some icons on the desktop are not appearing. Instead of the icon, I just have a white icon in it's place.

2) Taskbar icons are either white or blank. If I click on the white or blank icon the application will run, If I hover over the blank or white icon it tells me what application it is.

3) Control panel icons are not present.

4) Start menu icons and folders are white. If I click on them, it just hangs like it is trying to do something and will remain like that until explorer crashes.

Ideas that I tried but did not work:

1) Tried rerunning the Windows 7 upgrade. But when it gets to the compability check, the check just keeps running. eventually I then must cancel out of the upgrade

2) Tried a chkdsk at bootup. No errors, but it did not fix my problem.

3) Tried rebuilding the iconcache. Did not work

4) Tried some other type of scan (sfc /scannow)that was started from the command prompt. it did not work.

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No Post And Startup Screen

Feb 10, 2013

Usually POST screen would show up first with a laptop company logo, but now Windows 7 startup appears first instead. Then, the Windows 7 startup screen freezes immediately. What's the problem? Motherboard or corrupted BIOS?

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Way To Make Own Key Combination During Post?

Aug 31, 2010

I found this document to be quite interesting:Install Windows 7 FAST without a DVD or USB device[2]=General Tips..Now when you get a computer from Dell, HP, ect. they have prepared a factor key combination to acess the recovery partition to start it up.Is there a way to make your own key combination during post? For instance, what if you make the perfect image...having it on a disk partiton is so much faster than a usb disk or even a dvd.

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How To Get Install File To Run Right After POST

Nov 13, 2010

I am trying to reinstall XP (I dont think OS matters) on my computer, but I dont have my disk with me. no one else seems to have it either. fortunately, I had copied my disk onto my hard drive a long time ago, and have an empty flash drive, so I copied the files onto the flash drive and tried to get it to run for me. My computer said boot error. How do I get it running? I really need to wipe my computer.

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Virtual Xp Post Installation?

Jan 5, 2012

I installed Virtual xp by folling all steps in the document [URL]however, in 7th step i.e. open and run windows xp mode..when i click on start-> program -> windows virtual pc i am not getting sub menu consisting windows virtual pc and windows xp mode.instead i m getting explor window showing desktop.ini file.

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Post Win7 Upgrade To Do's

Oct 19, 2009

First off, I just migrated over to Windows 7 Forums from Vistax64 and am excited.

I'm currently running Vista Home Premium 64-Bit on a Pentium i7 with 6gigs of Ram and a pretty hardcore video card. Plus, the computer is only 4 months old and i am a pretty tidy user with very little on the drive.

SO: I've elected to upgrade instead of clean install. Now, I'm not looking for any responses explaining to me why I'm an idiot for upgrading instead of doing a clean install because I'm not. I am aware of the drawbacks and I'm ok with them, though they form the backdrop to my question in this post.

There have been a lot of posts about why you should go for a clean install. I hope this post about upgrading gets some intelligent attention, too.

Here's my question: what steps can I (and other upgrading users) take post-upgrade to minimize the "dust" from my (our) old vista OS? For example, a good registry cleaning seems like a good place to start. But what else?

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Questions About Post W7 Upgrade

Oct 24, 2009

On my laptop i have a limited amount of HD space i currently have 37 gb free of a 160 gb drive. After i upgrade to Windows 7 is there any way i can delete my old vista files? and if so where would they be located and is it safe to delete them?

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POST But No Login / Black Screen

Sep 8, 2011

For starters this is not my computer, I'm attempting to fix a friend of mines laptop. I have no idea what he was doing prior to this meltdown but the computer will no longer boot so far as to get to the windows login screen. I have tried booting in safe mode on all different settings but after the bios readout it just goes to a black screen with the pointer (same as reg boot).

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Cannot Create A Dump File To Post

Dec 15, 2011

I cannot due to the fact I cannot access anything except the f8, f10/alt, f2 and f12 screens which no matter which selection I attempt I end up back to this dreadful blue screen and errror message. I am posting from a nearby desktop computer with hopes you will be able to guide me in using either my Windows operating system reinstallation disc, or a boot/repair disc I have with restore tools included.I have changed the boot order a few different ways, with no luck. I have tried windows debugging and every other option in the f8 menu, with no luck. I have tried the f12 selections, with no luck.As I've learned, the PC is a Gateway NV59C with 4GB DDR3Mem, 320 GB HHD, Intel HD graphics, Intel Core i3-330MHD with Windows 7 and 64bit.

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Post Cloning Of OS Hard Drive

Oct 15, 2011

I have on my laptop (a thinkpad, from Lenovo) Windows 7 Professional, obtained via something called "MSDN Alliance" and my university. A few weeks ago, I finally had the opportunity to upgrade my hard drive. Thus, I placed the new disk in a USB case, plugged it in via USB, and performed a disk clone via a software from a company called EASUS. I then removed the old disk, placed the new one in its location (that is, inside the laptop), and removed the USB equipment. Good as new, I though. And everything appears to be working fine -- except the "nag screen" that seemingly randomly pops up out of nowhere and tells me that I am using a (I don't recall the text exactly at this moment) less that legal/legitimate installation of Windows. I can check if Windows has been activated -- and it has (of course, I did this after having installed it) (i.e., on the "old" disk), I have tried searching for solutions, however I only find issues when similar clonings have changed the drive letters.

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Garbled Screen - ASCII - DURING POST

Nov 12, 2009

I recently attempted an install of Windows 7 onto a friends PC. The specs are listed below. Here is a link to a screenshot of the problem www.ronnarozny.com.

This occurs after a Windows 7 install. The system boots to the Windows 7 setup, where personal options are selected. After this, a reboot will begin the POST, and prior to completion, this screen appears. I do not believe the POST has finished, and I do not think it is handing boot duties to the OS.

What I have attempted so far is:

Memtest - checked out ok.

Replaced CORSAIR mem with other sticks.

Reformat from command prompt on boot disk.

Removal of all hardware, including video card.

I am completely stumped on this issue, and any help would be appreciated.

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Long Delay Between POST And OS Integration?

Oct 30, 2011

Intel 82801GH I/O Controller Hub (ICH7DH) SATA Controller in IDE mode. Windows 7, SP1, Home Premium, 32 bit. Plextor DVDR PX-L890A ATA Device. HD and CD-ROM both connected to black connectors on Intel D975XBX2 MoBo. BIOS set on default. With CD-ROM connected POST proceeds normally until it gets to "EB" test where it hangs for 2 minutes then proceeds to integrate with the OS. When integration complete, the CD-ROM and OS operate normally. If I disconnect the CD-ROM from the black connector, POST and integration proceed normally and rapidly.

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PC Takes Too Long To Bios POST?

Nov 29, 2011

topic says it all. i have corsair tx650w. and I don't know if the psu causes this phenomena

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Windows 7 Auto-Post Install?

Oct 21, 2010

I am trying to create a disc that will automatically install and activate Windows 7 Professional. Included in the installation disk will be several ninite installers that will install the latest versions of programs needed for my department. After windows 7 installs and activates, when the user logs onto the computer he/she needs to be prompted with options to install either Essential List of Programs Suggested List of Programs Complete List of Programs Choosing any of the three options will run Ninite Installer associated with the option. For now the prompt will be implemented as a simple VBScript. I've managed to get the unattended activation and installation step working, but I'm stuck on the prompting step. Does anyone know any way to configure the installation CD to run a script as soon as the user logs onto the computer? In case you're wondering, I'm using VLite to help create the installation CD.

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Hard Drive Won't Boot After Post?

Mar 25, 2012

After removing a virus with malwarebytes the next day the computer (Dell studio xps running Windows 7 64 bit 8Gb) will post but then goes to black screen with blinking cursor and continuous beep. Removed and reset memory, CMOS battery, etc. BIOS sees the SATA drive. Booted from Win 7 disk - recognized the hd but disk repair did not work - was able to restore to a restore point, but after reboot, same thing. Finally took out hard drive and placed in another Dell computer to see if it was the drive or something else - it's the hard drive - computer sees it, but after post goes to black screen. Attached to my Mac and was able to back up files, but would really like to be able to repair windows to keep programs

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