Toshiba Laptop Randomly Reboots?

Jan 11, 2012

Recently my Toshiba Satellite ( model L675 d-S7016, p/n PSK3JU-00W001), with other info below, began to randomly reboot. Maybe once or twice a day - has never happened while I was using. Battery indicates full charge and working from AC. This is independent of Windows updates that force the laptop to reboot.

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) II P320 Dual-Core Processor, AMD64 Family 16 Model 6


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Laptop Reboots Randomly, No Bsod Or Error Message

Aug 1, 2012

I have a lenovo u400, my processor is an i5 and it run around 50 C when doing normal browsing. runs at 60-70 C when watching movies or light gaming. My Tj. max is 100 C, never seen it pass 75 C. I just bought my laptop a month ago, so I don't know what's the deal. When I touch the bottom of my laptop is feels pretty cool.I have ran malwarebytes and MSE and have not found anything. I have also ran a memory test and everything looks fine.It usually happens when I'm watching a video from a website. My computer just reboots, no bsod or error message. I don't know what to do next. What can I do to troubleshoot this further?

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Toshiba Satellite Laptop Hangs After Loading Desktop Randomly?

Jun 6, 2012

i recently purchased a new toshiba laptop with windows 7 64bit installed, which worked pretty well until i ran into a random crash a few days ago. i'm not sure why it happened, but at the time, i was running a Internet video and then i got a post on google talk. at that point, the computer froze on the sound and i wasn't able to use the mouse anymore. it acted like a stop error, even though no blue screen popped up or anything. it seems like it freezes like this when i leave the computer on for a long period of time or something. it's happened around three times, once with the google talk sound, and twice with the skype sound, and all three times Internet was opened.

anyway, ever since that initial crash, i've had a hard time starting up the computer. the first time, i attempted to run the task manager and click the "show processes from all users" button, however after clicking the button, the computer seems to hang at loading consent.exe, and the cpu was around 4% or so. i was also trying to load google chrome, but it wouldn't load either. after waiting about 5 minutes, i pressed ctrl-alt-delete, which then i got an error that the window couldn't load.the second time i tried running the task manager, i noticed that the networking and sharing center wouldn't work at all. i could run programs (that weren't internet browsers), as well as the control panel... but i couldn't open the networking and sharing window from either the control panel or the icon on the taskbar. consent.exe was hanging in this instance as well.

after those two times, i was able to get the computer working again and didn't have too many problems as long as the computer was on. ran into the problem again after successfully shutting down windows one night, then trying to turn it back on the next day. however, this was even more odd because explorer.exe crashed on its own, but i hadn't done anything since i turned the computer on. i also couldn't get the task manager open for some, after leaving the computer off since last night, i tried turning on the computer again, and once again the computer hanged on trying to load google chrome and the task manager. this time, the task manager wouldn't load, but the icon would appear in the taskbar (frozen. can't right click it or anything.) and skype was working. i made a comment on google talk, but that froze after i got a response.i was able to hit the shut down button in that instance, but after waiting 8 minutes, the windows logoff screen wouldn't show up, so i just shut it down and turned it on again.

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Windows 7 X64 Reboots Randomly While Playing Warcraft

Dec 19, 2012

My windows 7 64bit works fine if ur browsing, emailing, watching a video, but as soon as i start warcraft 3 (DOTA) which doesnt even have high gaming graphics it reboots rite in the middle of the game randomly, it used to work fine a month ago, these random reboots just started. there is NO blue screen, nothing in the event logs just random restarts with no information.

Voltage seems fine - no ups and downs, i have 4gb ddr 3 ram - which works fine? how do i figure out what the problem is? my graphics driver is up to date, there was an update by nvidia daybefore yesterday which i also downloaded hoped it would make the restarts go away

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New Build Randomly Reboots After ~5 Mins During OS Installation

Jan 23, 2012

I've got my new build all setup and tried to install Windows 7 Professional 64bit. (System specs posted at bottom)

First attempt:My computer allowed me to get to drive selection and partition formatting without a selection and then shut off and proceeded to restart itself.

Second Attempt:Chose my drive, un-formatted, and got to the second step of OS installation (forgot the name i know its right after 'Copying Windows Files') and then proceeded to shut off and self restart.

Third attempt:Same as first attempt.

I've done more attempts but they have all ended just like my first and second attempt. I've tried taking out a few sticks of memory to check for bad memory (all tested working), installing on different drives to check for a bad drive (both tested working), updated the BIOS, lowering speed on memory, formatting both drives, and stripped my motherboard to where only the necessities were present in order to run the machine. The results have all been the same, looping random crashes and self restarts during the OS installation. Have even tried installing Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit. Same results.

System Specs:

Motherboard - ASRock P67 Fatal1ty Professional Series
CPU - Intel i7-2600k 3.4ghz (liquid cooled, sits at 32 C)
Memory - G.Skill Ripjaw X DDR3 1866 (4x4gb)
Video Card - Sapphire Radeon 6970 2gb
SSD - OCZ Vertex3 120gb (OS installation drive)
HDD - Western Digital Caviar Green 1.5TB 6.0gb/s 7200 RPM
PSU - Corsair Enthusiast series TX750w V2 (single rail)

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System Randomly Reboots Due To Kernel Power Errors In Event Viewer

May 6, 2012

As of recently, I just upgraded my system to the following configuration:

Intel i5 2500K 1155 socket CPU
Gigabyte Z68A-D3H-B3 revision 1.3 mobo
8GB Corsair Vengeance DDR3 1600 RAM
(2) 60GB OCZ Solid 3 SSDs (One for each partition that I'm running on my system)
2TB Western Digital SATA HDD
nVidia GeForce GT430 2GB DDR3 graphics card
Rosewill RD 500-2SB 500 Watt PSU
Rosewill Challenger Mid-Size ATX case

Prior to installing the software, I had tested the memory, CPU, HDDs, everything. All checked out OK. My system hosts two SSDs to run two partitions: One is Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit, the other being Windows XP Professional 32-bit. The additional 2TB HDD is basically to store the tons of data that I have on, and I use the Windows 7 My Documents folders to have everything map to the HDD to acquire my data, download to it, etc.

The issue that I seem to be running into, is that every time I load up the Windows 7 partition, no matter how long I leave everything running, if per say I was to leave it running overnight, when I wake up in the morning, it will show that the PC has rebooted. Upon checking the event viewer, I am seeing multiple entries specifying that the error was caused by a kernel-power error, listed as event 41. Reviewing this info, I later noticed that it was causing a bugcheckcode of 265 everytime the issue occurs.

Ideally, I would like to think that it was hardware related, or driver related, as it mostly occurs when I play movies or videos, but when I boot the Windows XP partition, I never come across any of these issues whatsoever. Granted, the XP partition is used primarily for work when I do remote stuff from home, but granted I want to watch a movie on it I can also. Also, when loading the eventvwr on the XP partition, no kernel-power entries are listed. So clearly, this is occuring on the Windows 7 partition, and not the Windows XP partition. Since I dont really think this is due to hardware issues.

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Laptop Reboots Itself After I Shut It Down?

Jun 22, 2012

I had an HEUR:Virus.win32generic virus detected by my Kaspersky. I coud not get rid of it, so I deleted the file that it was in. All I remember is that the file ended in avgcorex.dll.Everything else works fine on the computer now except that when I go to start and shut down. The laptop shuts down but it turns itself back on right away.

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Laptop Reboots Over And Over Again At First Start-up?

Feb 18, 2011

I bought an ASUS X52J laptop 2 months ago. Worked perfectly up until yesterday - I couldn't play any videos at all. Games worked good, but no videos at allTried updating Flash player, video drivers, than downgrading both - no resultsSo I decided to do a freah install of Windows 7, like with every PC that I had so far - since all that OEM crap is really choking the machine. Anyways, installation goes good until the part when it's supposed to start first time. This is how it goes-BIOS screen-Little gray line and "Windows is loading files"-Black background, some "lights" in the middle and all that "Setup is checking video performance", "setup is editing registry", "preparing Your PC for first start-up" - or something like that. hen, I suddenly get a GRAY background image(instead of blue), a spinning mouse cursor, and it restarts. And it does the same thing again. And again. And again. And again. I even left it like that for half an hour, but nothing changed.

Tried booting in Safe mode. Got the black background with "Safe Mode" in each corner but it suddenly restarts. That's it.So I tried to use ASUS Recovery - the F9 on BIOS Screen. Starts and then I suddenly get a HUGE red ERROR over my screen. In the upper left corner's "ASRecovery - OS File DEPLOY ERROR !So now I'm stuck without an OS. And I don't know what to do

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Laptop Keeps Restarting Randomly?

Feb 28, 2012

It started about a week ago and it is currently happening mabye once or twice a day. Some times it can go 8 hours without restarting. Or it will restart 10 minutes after turning it on.I wasnt getting any error msgs or anything, It doesnt freeze or no blue screen. Just shuts off and restarts. I unchecked the restart automatically button and last time it crashed the screen froze and made a constant beeping sound (more of a crashing beeping sound I guess). no errors popped up though. Is there a way to check the crash log so i can see an error msg or somthing?I Downloaded Everest to check my CPU's temp and it stays under 65 C. Other than this my laptop runs fine. I took out the ram seperatly and re seated it and tried running the computer and it worked fine with both ram sticks. I blew out the dust from the fan/vent a few days ago. I got a lot of dust out and its cooler but seems like its crashing more often tbh

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Laptop Randomly Shuts Down?

Nov 1, 2012

ver the past year I could say I have been been getting a lot of random shutdowns with my Dell Studio 15. This can happen when I'm browsing the web, trying to play a game, or I leave my laptop on for a extended period of time (a day or more). I realize a year is along time to wait to solve a problem, but better now than never. My laptop is a Dell Studio 1555 running Windows 7 x64. Sometimes when I turn my laptop back on I can hear the fan running rapidly, yet when it shuts off I do not hear it. I believe these are due to heat and I just need to clean out my laptop. If and when I leave it on I come back to find it has restarted and most of the time there is a not a Blue Screen notice. Usually in this situation I just left my laptop on or I am streaming media. Sometimes it will Blue Screen but most recently, within the past few months it has not. Today it actually has produced one. Unfortunately I believe most logs are deleted due to my use of CCleaner and TuneUp Utilities, but I do have Critical events in my Error Logs which date back to 2 months ago.

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BSOD Randomly On New Laptop?

Jan 6, 2012

My new laptop keeps crashing intermittently. I've tried uninstalling a few programs that I recently added and that doesn't help. I updated drivers and that didn't help either. I ran my antivirus and it came up empty. It's been happening probably 10 times a day for the past 3 or 4 days. this laptop is only a little over a week old and I already moved into and got comfy. I'm REALLY not trying to return it and move in all over again. Maybe you guys can help me out.


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Laptop Is Randomly Freezing

Apr 1, 2012

My laptop is randomly freezing, It sometimes freezes when it is performing on a high level (like when i play graphic intense games, using photoshop or have multiple programmes open), but lately it has begun freezing randomly, when it is just idle. I sometimes recieve a BSOD, but other times it simly just freezes. I have read on random forums that other laptops from the M60J series have had similar problems, and it may be a heating problem or the BIOS. I have attached a .rar file with my perfmon and system health report. You can check the specifications of my laptop in my System Specs.

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Laptop Randomly Shutting Down?

Oct 19, 2012

my laptop randomly shuts down.It's a Samsung R530.It gives no BSOD or anything, but creates a debug log.

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Laptop Keeps Randomly Shutting Off?

Apr 22, 2011

I have an Asus P50iJ Laptop,heres a link to it - ASUS P50IJ-X2 NoteBook Intel Pentium dual-core T4400(2.20GHz) 15.6" 4GB Memory 320GB HDD 5400rpm DVD Super Multi Intel GMA 4500M

My problem is that it keeps shutting down and I cant find the problem.I dont think its overheating because I opened it up and the fan was working fine and there was no dust in the fan or heat sink but I sprayed it down with some dust off anyway. I even tried taking it outside in some cold weather to see. I tried a fresh windows 7 install but that still didn't work.It shuts off plugged in or running on battery to.

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Get Toshiba C650 Drivers For Toshiba C650 Laptop?

Sep 5, 2011

can i get Toshiba c650 drivers for my Toshiba C650 Laptop?

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Windows 7 Laptop Freezing Randomly?

Apr 25, 2012

I have a 3 years old ASUS F50VL laptop and it has stared to freeze randomly, like everything just stops. Sometimes when I let it hang on freeze for about an 20 seconds, the screen goes wierd, like graphics card is gone or something... I've noticed that the HDD LED stops blinking aswell... maybe the HDD could be the problem?

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Laptop Always Freezes Randomly After Starting Any Program

Feb 20, 2011

I have a Toshiba laptop, that always freezes randomly. It worked fine up until about a week ago... I can't do anything, I start a program or a game, or open the internet and it freezes usually within five minutes. I can't do anything to fix it, like move the mouse or press control alt delete.

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Laptop Randomly Waking From Hibernation Mode?

Sep 9, 2012

this morning I woke up to find my laptop was active and I was worried it might overheat now the past few days it has been doing and I did some research, and I am wondering should I make it so that tasks can't wake the machine up?

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Laptop Will Randomly Shutdown Once A Week Or Every Two Weeks

Nov 3, 2012

I just bought an ASUS Zenbook UX32A, it has an SSD 32 and SATA 500, I deleted the recovery and did a clean install of Windows 7 on the SSD (originally win was on the SATA) and I uploaded all the drivers and did some windows updates. the laptop will randomly shutdown once a week or every two weeks, and the boot order will get switched to the SATA. Obviously i will get an error "windows cant boot" etc. I have to manually go in bios and switch it back to the SSD.I scanned the computer with Avast and did the boot scanner, 100% clean

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Laptop Freezes Randomly, Error 0x00000e9?

Jan 3, 2012

I'm using an OEM windows 7 home premiun laptop.Lately my laptop freezes i first tried reformatting it using the acer erecovery tool but same i tried using the windows recovery partition( i have 2 recovery partitions;i'm guessing 1 is acer's and the other is windows') i press the f8 key and a black screen appears saying windows is loading files. the load bar only loads a little bit and then i get another screen sayin i have an error because of failing hard disk (sorry i cant remeber the whole message) but in the bottom i get this:status: 0xc00000e9info: an unexpected I/O error has occurred.'m guessing my hard disk is failing. and if i want to change my hard disk will this affect my OEM windows?

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Laptop Hard Drive Freezes Randomly?

Dec 20, 2011

A random times, often not long after startup/wakeup my hard drive appears to freeze. The hard drive light lights up solid, any programs accessing the drive freeze and resource monitor says the disk is "100% active" yet also says "0kb disk I/O" is occuring.After a couple of minutes it fixes itself and anything ive attempted to do during the time it was frozen all happens really quickly.The nature of the problem makes me believe its the hard drive at fault, but its smart readings are fine and ive ran the dell diagnostic tool that came with the laptop without finding any problems. Ive also done the ususal routine of updating drivers and the BIOS etc.

Dell XPS L502x
Intel core i7 2ghz (2630 i think)
8gb ram
Nvidia GT 540m
Toshiba MK6461GSGY 640gb HDD

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Laptop Wireless Randomly Stopped Working

Aug 5, 2010

Yesterday I was using my laptop, everything was working fine, I left it for a couple of hours whilst I went away to do something else, when I came back it was in Standby Mode, I powered on & I noticed that my wireless wasn't picking up my network, I tried multiple restarts, installing the device driver again & switching to switch on the side to no avail it just has a Orange light & does nothing.

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Annoying Sound Randomly On Lenovo Laptop?

Jun 20, 2012

I am running Windows 7, I actually searched through ALL the windows 7 sounds on my LAPTOP to identify the sound, and NADA! So what other type of file extension could play a sound? Perhaps I can search for it, then eradicate it. It would have to have a file extension of some sort, right?

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Windows 7 Turns Off Display And Power Randomly On Laptop?

Oct 3, 2012

I have rebuilt my system twice now and my system is still turning off the display and powering down randomly. I have followed all the guide lines for disabling sleep mode and it still randomly stops running by turning off the display and powering down. I have to push the power button again and then Windows start up in diagnostic mode where I can select safe mode if I want.

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Laptop Randomly Freezes And Screen Turns Black After?

Jan 9, 2012

I'm not sure if this is the right section to post this but, ever since I reformatted my laptop, it randomly freezes for about a second and a stuttering noise comes up. Then the screen turns black. It doesn't shut off because I could see the back light, it just turns completely black. What's causing this problem and how do I fix it? I checked the Event Logger and there are tons of errors and some critical kernal-power things.

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Windows 7 Laptop Persistent Freezing/lockups Randomly

Feb 2, 2012

I've finally decided to make my own thread about this rather than keep looking for solutions in other people's threads. My laptop has been freezing up very randomly since Christmas break, and I've run just about the gamut of ways to fix it. It do not believe it is an application problem because its happening in safe mode even.

What happens is I can be doing nearly anything and the screen will flicker a little bit, a little flashing, and as soon as this starts, everything is frozen, even caps lock is unresponsive. It can happen while surfing the web, while playing games, during start up, just after start up, you name it. I think we can eliminate it being the video card because with the driver uninstall, the problem still happens.

It also doesn't seem to be a problem with CPU because the usage seems to be low when this happens. EDIT: It's definitely not the CPU: I was just observing it while it happened and it was at a measly 4% usage while I was just sitting doing nothing.

Event viewer is of little help, I tried to uninstall several applications that had been running concurrently with the shut downs, to no avail.

I'll attach my dxdiag

The computer is an ASUS brand G60vx series notebook. I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit. I think it will also help to mention that this computer is nearing its 2nd birthday, and I'm highly suspect of the age being a factor. I forgot to mention, also what happens is that the sound playing will become warped and degenerate into a buzzing crackling type noise (can't really describe it beyond that). This leads me to believe its the sound card, but I only have one thing showing up in my device manager the High Definition Audio Device.

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Laptop Freeze Randomly, Need To Take Off Power Supply And Start Again?

Mar 7, 2012

it freeze totally at random, i cant move my mouse or do anything.

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BSOD On Laptop, Normal Temperature, Crash Randomly?

Sep 22, 2012

I suddenly get this BSOD on my laptop this morning . It was fine for 4 months . Then my little brother plays some games ( Torchlight 2 , some mini games from Popcap ) The laptop gets BSOD .

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Laptop Gets Stuck Randomly And None Of The Keys Or Mouse Works

Jul 24, 2011

I have a HP dv6000 with a 4 GB RAM and Intel Core2 Duo @ 1.50 GHz processor. I have Windows 7 Ultimate, 32 bit operating system.

Sometimes the laptop gets stuck and then none of the keys or the mouse works. Yesterday I was watching a movie and the same thing happened but the movie didn't stop.

Today morning the laptop wasn't booting and then later I took out the battery and reinserted it and it worked. Are these two problems somehow related?

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Oxc00000e9 Randomly Started Weeks After Laptop Dropped

Sep 4, 2012

so my girlfriends laptop yesterday had a windows update. after it reboted, it would come to the windows boot manager screen saying 0xc00000e9, a unexpected i/o error. apperantly she dropped it a few weeks ago. but i wasnt sure that had anything to do with it. so i went and checked and removed and rehooked up all the drives and hdd. and i noticed one of the ram chips wasnt locked in anymore. so i relocked that too. and to no avail. i cant get into safe mode, or anything else. i made a recovery disk with my laptop, running 7 ultimate 64 bit. i get it to load up to the point where it says chose your country ( for the keyboard i guess) and it just sits there with a mouse pointer on the screen and nothing else. for about 20 mins i let it sit and nothing happened. i rean a seagate hdd diag tool. and that wouldnt run past 2% without errors. so i am not sure at all what to do. or what real damage is done to the HDD, and since i cant get into checkdisk i cant find out either.

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Laptop And Xbox 360 Disconnects Randomly From Wireless And Ethernet?

Dec 2, 2012

I have a HP G62-371DX Notebook that I have been using to access the internet. Lately I have been experiencing random disconnects that will last from maybe 30 seconds to 2 minutes. They will happen maybe every hour or two and are becoming really annoying. At first I was using the laptops wifi abilities to connect to my router. So when these disconnects began to happen I tried plugging in an Ethernet cable into the router and still experience the same disconnects. The only other devices in the house that experience this is the xbox 360 which is connected with an ethernet cable aswell. The router that I had was an old netgear router, but in the past week we got a new router which is a SMCD3GNV. I have only had it working today and I had the problem maybe 3-4 times within the first 12 hours (with both the wifi and ethernet connection). I have tried updating the firmware and resetting the router and modem.

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