Syntax For Searching Posts For User Name?

Aug 30, 2010

One is a syntax for simply searching for my own posts. Searching the "username" search page for my own username returns no results.

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Syntax Error

Apr 21, 2009

I keep on getting some kind of Syntax error when I want to download some pictures. I can open them, but get this error when I want to save them. Does anyone have some advice here?

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Proper Syntax For Search Filter Within Time Frame?

Dec 8, 2011

I'd like someone to clear me up on the proper syntax to search within a certain time frame. such as since a date, between dates and before a date. I don't think I have windows 7 figured out. Start with this search. This is one I am looking for kay extract*.mpg

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Can't Reply To Posts

Jun 15, 2012

Neither Quick Reply nor Reply are working on my desktop PC, anyone else? Or do i have to resort to violence.Posting from Laptop,so if this works, what's up with my desktop???

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Disappearing Posts / Email

Jan 22, 2012

I was wondering if any tells solution to dissappearing threads/ half composed emails, in relation to a connection dropout? This has happened to me here a few times and also at another forum I am a member of. Usually with email the half composed mail will be sent to draughts in various emailing facilities, however I was wondering if anyone knows of any third party software or other solution which may be appropriate in alleviating this problem.

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Cursor Gets Missed When Typing Posts

Dec 31, 2011

When typing a post the cursor is blinking away as I type.After a few lines it stops blinkingEventually it disappears and can make editing a headache as you can never be sure where the cursor is.As this is a fairly new phenomenon can any one tell me if it is something I have done, or can do, to stop this odd behaviour?, I am using Windows 7 and IE 9 with all updates offered installed.

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Computer Freezes On Startup Before Beeper Posts?

May 18, 2012

i start up my computer and it freezes at my load up screen (It shows F2 for BIOS and F12 for boot menu etc.)i am luckily able to enter the BIOS if i press key quick enough before the computer freezes a few seconds after.i got lucky and my computer functioned one time, i am running System repair on the computer (Windows software)After my issues i checked my RAM moduels, i removed them and put them back in ETC, i can run the memory test x86 (I have the CD and i can boot from my optical drive) if required but i doubt this issues is memory related, plus checking memory is long and tedious As far as i know, the most recent changes made to my computer were changes to the registry with the software CCleaner however i am unsure this is what caused my freezes to start.

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How To Stop Address Bar Searching

Dec 10, 2011

I have a packard bell computer running windows 7 home x 64 my browser is google chrome my problem is when i type into any box on my screen it puts the first letter in the box then the rest of the word types in the address bar. I have tried to stop this but nothing seems to work

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Searching M2N SLI Deluxe Driver

Aug 31, 2009

i need drivers for my ASUS M2N SLI-Deluxe Mainboard (Windows 7 64bit). the ASUS Support told me that drivers will be published if seven is officially released. What can i do to find drivers?

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Windows 7 Searching For Content Only?

Aug 7, 2011

I've been looking to see if there's a button, setting, feature, etc, to search files by content ONLY. I found in Folder Options the radio button to include content in searches. But that's too broad.

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Searching For Files And Folders?

May 18, 2012

Just got my Windows 7 computer. I am used to XP file search dialog box. I looked at the "How to configure and fully utilize Windows 7 Search" on this site.

I think I am going to have to take a couple of days to figure this out.

Couple of quick questions: 1. In the search results window, I RMB a file and select "open in new window". the new window address bar does not contain a path. It contains some search info. How do I open in a new window and have the path in the address bar?

2. It appears the search does not limit itself to file names. It is also searching for contents. How do I prevent it from searching contents.

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Searching Through Files With Windows 7?

Sep 2, 2012

I switched from XP to 7 this year. I really enjoyed my time with XP especially because of the layout and I knew I would lose certain features like the way I could so easily search for files like mp3's and videos through my external hard drives. I do extensive film editing professionally, although im a bit disorganized as I am currently using two external hard drives and I am looking for some recordings I made from August 2011 but its difficult to find them because I don't have the same search features that Windows XP had compared to Windows 7. look for files through date ranges, type of file be it an image, audio, movie, or text document, and size all at the same time?

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Searching Content Of Pdf Files?

Nov 9, 2009

Search, although taking a long time if you have a number of pdf files, doesn't seem to return any results.

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Searching For A Certain Piece Of Log-in Software

Mar 13, 2012

Some time ago, I stumbled upon a piece of software that could automatically log in at start-up, and then log the computer. The purpose of this piece of software is to allow the computer to start up and load the different progresses while the computer is locked. I have searched for it but was unable to find it, so now I wondered if anybody knows it?

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Searching For File Extensions Other Than Ones Specified?

Jun 29, 2011

Using Windows 7, is there any way to search for files that have different extensions than ones specified in a search query?I have a bunch of directories and subdirectories and I only want two specific extensions to remain in all those directories. The others I want to review and then delete.

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Searching (for Text) Within Zip FIles

Sep 29, 2012

A true solution within Windows still does not exist in reference to searching for text strings within a zip file. You can find a filename if you know it.

But if you're like me, and you are an admin who is using zipping to archive up logs, but then must occasionally go back and search within those logs for text strings, the Windows Search function does not help you.

I have found a workable workaround however. [URL]

Simply download and install WinRAR, and then follow the instructions found in that link to search within (even nested zips) for text strings in order to find the correct file you are looking for to open.

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Searching For File But Forgotten Its Name?

Dec 8, 2012

I am searching for a file on my hard drives which I know is there because I saw it a few weeks ago but I can't remember how I named it. I know it is a document but when I type *,doc in the search box I get loads of e-mails and music files. How do I exclude all but genuine Word or publisher files.

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Windows 7 Has Stopped Searching In Libraries

Sep 18, 2012

when i try to search for something in a library folder, windows explorer does nothing.If I go to the actual folder search works fine.

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Searching For MYTV2 Tv Tuner Drivers?

Dec 1, 2011

i have windows 7 64 bit and i got this older tv tuner card. Now i can't find driwers for windows vista or 7.

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Indexing And Searching External Drives

Oct 25, 2010

Is there a way that I can search and index external drives and USB flash drives from the Start button search?

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Searching External Hard Drives?

Nov 7, 2010

I have used "search" in microsoft before there was windows. From that time to 95, 98, xp, vista, but Windows 7 has me baffled. My Desktop pc died and I was well backed up but now I need to find some stuff in one of the drives. Windows support is useless. Give it more than one word and it is lost most of the time. When desktop comes up I am limited to all programs on the c drive of where to search. When I go to computer and select an external drive of course the search option disappears. I detest the standard layout as it is so different from all the other systems which were easy to use.

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Searching For Specific Words In Documents?

Jun 15, 2012

I want to be able to find documents that have specific words in them. The result must be only those documents that have all of these specific words. When I run a search I get documents with all 3 words, or 2 words or just 1 of the words. I just want the documents that have all 3 of the words.

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Searching For Alternative Music Player?

Nov 8, 2011

Not looking for anything fancy or complicated - at the moment I use WMP and I am happy playing 320k mp3s although this might change and the requirement is an easy method of cutting the last played tracks from a random list and placing them at the bottom of the list. Also it would be nice to add new tracks in a random order to places within the list. The main thing is to listen to something new rather than repeat stuff. My list mainly consists of favourites and will probably not exceed 1000 items.

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Windows Explorer - Searching For Items?

Apr 17, 2011

i'm running my Windows 7 on a SSD and i've done the optimized settins what i've read over the internet. I also use the Windows Classic theme, where i see the statusbar etc.My problem is when i open My computer and then go to some drive(non-SSD) it opens the drive but doesn't show the files/or shows the files but still they're not sorted correctly, untill it is done with the "Searching for items."(which is written on the statusbar at the bottom.This can take a few seconds to what seems like a minute, probably only though a good 30-40seconds.I wouldn't have a problem with this if it only did this once, but it does this "Searching for items." pretty much all the time when i go to a drives(non-SSD) root. Notice the root of the drive, when i go to some subfolders on the drive it doesn't "Search for items" and shows the files on the folder instantly, but when i then click back to the root of the drive it starts the "Searching for items." all over again. I had couple of thoughts of why this is happening, first i thought it would be because i had disabled the pagefile due to my SSD; now i've added the pagefile on my SSD and the problem is still there.The second thing which i thought of was the Indexing of the drives, i've disabled the Indexing on my SSD but i've left it on for every other drives. I don't know if there's a possibility that the indexing on the other drives may be off even though when i click on the drive and choose properties, i can see that the Allow indexing is chosen.

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Message Can Be Found Through Searching But Doesn't Appear Otherwise

Jul 4, 2012

I am currently having difficulty viewing received emails from at least one customer. In order to "fault find" the issue I have been sending test emails to the customer, and she has been responding.

If I look in my Inbox there are no response emails from the customer. When I perform a search of the Inbox no results for the customer are displayed, however if I then click on "Try searching again in All Mail Items" I get results returned. This would be normal if I was expecting an email from my customer to be in a folder other than my Inbox, however the "In Folder" column of the search results shows "Inbox".

I can double click the message and open it, I can also mark it as unread. However no matter what I do it doesn't appear in the Inbox. I have performed a repair on my OST file using Scanpst.exe - errors were detected and corrected, however the issue persists.

I am using an Office 365 account, so I also tried to find the message by logging into Outlook Web Access, the mail was also missing "online". A search of the online files didn't reveal the message either.

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Indexing And Searching Hundreds Of PDFs?

Dec 23, 2012

I am looking for a program that can index search huge amounts of PDF files.It also should have advanced search capabilities (phrases, list of words, dates etc) and it should have result previews.The one I came across is copernic desktop. But I didn't find the advanced search... and there were no result previews for pdf files (at least I didn't find it).The Ideal software would be like this: I put all the PDFs in a folder > Software indexed all the files in the folder and subfolders. once it's finished indexing I can enter advanced searches in the software and it immediately shows me not only the files which contain the search terms but also a preview (like google results, where you can see the search term highlighted in context)

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What Is The *.* Equivalent In Windows 7 For Searching For Everything A Specific Location

Nov 19, 2010

Whats the *.* equivalent in Windows 7 for searching for everything a specific location?

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Windows 7 Search No Longer Searching Mp3 Tags?

Jan 30, 2013

The new Windows search in 7 is horrible. how to search the inside "metadata" of mp3's? Ridiculous to now have to add search variables and not be able to just turn the option on as XP.

Does anyone have an alternative by any chance? I have been using "Everything" search which is lightining fast for searched unlike Windows 7.

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Searching Through Indexed Files Slow On Low Connectivity?

Jun 8, 2011

On our company we all have Windows 7 SP1 installed. Offline Files are enabled and Indexing Options are activated for the following: Outlook, Offline Files, StartMenu, Users.Searching files through the StartMenu works very well while we're connected to our company. A search result doesn't last more than 2 seconds.But if we're connected to the company through a VPN connection, a search through the StartMenu last up to 15-20 seconds, which is very annoying.So in my opinion, a connection to the network shouldn't care the indexing process of Windows. Why are the indexed files affected on a slow connectivity? An indexed file is something that donot need a network connection because it looks through windows and not on a server or something else.

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Does A Hard-drive Require Manual Searching

Sep 17, 2012

does a hard-drive require manual searching

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Unable To Use USB - Searching Windows Update / No Driver Found

Jun 27, 2012

I have installed WINDOWS 7 (Lisenced) in HP-Laptop. After that i can install all drivers. Then i can use all USB drivers. I am using 3 USB regularly. Then I installed VMware 7. Now I cant use all USB drivers except 3 drivers. While connecting, It scanning "Searching Windows Update" then it shows the error "No driver found".

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