Searching Through Indexed Files Slow On Low Connectivity?

Jun 8, 2011

On our company we all have Windows 7 SP1 installed. Offline Files are enabled and Indexing Options are activated for the following: Outlook, Offline Files, StartMenu, Users.Searching files through the StartMenu works very well while we're connected to our company. A search result doesn't last more than 2 seconds.But if we're connected to the company through a VPN connection, a search through the StartMenu last up to 15-20 seconds, which is very annoying.So in my opinion, a connection to the network shouldn't care the indexing process of Windows. Why are the indexed files affected on a slow connectivity? An indexed file is something that donot need a network connection because it looks through windows and not on a server or something else.

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Can Files In Dropbox Be Indexed (for Search)

Dec 28, 2012

I could swear that I've done this (i.e. indexed files in my Dropbox) but I just did a search and got zero results which I know is wrong. And when I went to the dialog to add locations to be indexed there doesn't seem to be a way to add anything other than an ENTIRE harddrive

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Searching For Files And Folders?

May 18, 2012

Just got my Windows 7 computer. I am used to XP file search dialog box. I looked at the "How to configure and fully utilize Windows 7 Search" on this site.

I think I am going to have to take a couple of days to figure this out.

Couple of quick questions: 1. In the search results window, I RMB a file and select "open in new window". the new window address bar does not contain a path. It contains some search info. How do I open in a new window and have the path in the address bar?

2. It appears the search does not limit itself to file names. It is also searching for contents. How do I prevent it from searching contents.

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Searching Through Files With Windows 7?

Sep 2, 2012

I switched from XP to 7 this year. I really enjoyed my time with XP especially because of the layout and I knew I would lose certain features like the way I could so easily search for files like mp3's and videos through my external hard drives. I do extensive film editing professionally, although im a bit disorganized as I am currently using two external hard drives and I am looking for some recordings I made from August 2011 but its difficult to find them because I don't have the same search features that Windows XP had compared to Windows 7. look for files through date ranges, type of file be it an image, audio, movie, or text document, and size all at the same time?

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Searching Content Of Pdf Files?

Nov 9, 2009

Search, although taking a long time if you have a number of pdf files, doesn't seem to return any results.

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Searching (for Text) Within Zip FIles

Sep 29, 2012

A true solution within Windows still does not exist in reference to searching for text strings within a zip file. You can find a filename if you know it.

But if you're like me, and you are an admin who is using zipping to archive up logs, but then must occasionally go back and search within those logs for text strings, the Windows Search function does not help you.

I have found a workable workaround however. [URL]

Simply download and install WinRAR, and then follow the instructions found in that link to search within (even nested zips) for text strings in order to find the correct file you are looking for to open.

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Computer Suddnely Shutting Down During Web Surfing Or Searching Files Or Scanning?

Apr 3, 2011

computer suddenly shutdown like power suply is off. but power supply is on.this problem is occurred when website surfing on internet or searching files or when scanning file by antivirus.

MY system hardware and software configration is :

CPU : Intel(R) Core (TM) i3 540 @ 3.07 GHZ
Ram : 2.00 GB
Hard disk : 500 GB
Operating System : Windwos 7 Home premium32 Bit

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Can't Find File Edit View Tools Help Bar When Searching In Files

Jul 2, 2012

When I am in my program folders there Is no options menu as I said in the title.

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Cannot Keep One Note From Being Indexed

Nov 8, 2010

Another index/search problem that I just can't seem to stop, ...and that is the indexing of Microsoft 2007 "Onenote". I've already searched for threads/and read many tutorials on this issue of the indexing & search and read many from Shawn (Brink) and they work for most objects when de-selected in control panel / index options, but with "OneNote", this stubborn sob, will keep adding itself back to the index once its opened the next time. When in the control panel/index options, their its sits all by itself. Its always listed by itself and is not buried in the users folders where the onenote directories & backup's are. When I un-tick "OneNote" in Ctrl panel / Index Options and then select rebuild, it remains unlisted, as its not even seen anymore in the list. But once I open "OneNote", and go to index options, sure enough its listed and checked again, and is being indexed. I've tried going into Local group policy editor "Search" and tried removing by the path to the OneNote Folders and Files. It was done so by path.

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Searching A Bunch Of Text Files For A Particular Text String?

Feb 2, 2012

I have a project where I need to search a large amount of text files on my home PC. I recently upgraded from Windows XP to Windows 7. My research indicated this feature was available in Windows 7.

If you do a search in Windows XP, you get a bunch of fields. You can pick to search for text INSIDE the particular sub folder structure.

I have found this feature in Windows 7, but it is different. I have tried using wild cards but it does not seem to work properly.

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Folders To Windows 7 Libraries Are Not Indexed

Dec 14, 2012

I think i have found a way to add none indexed folders but not 100% sure it will work for everyone or im just doing it the long way around, will post my solution if people say to but its a little long winded

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What Happens When Section Of Indexed Locations Is Deleted In Windows 7

Feb 14, 2013

I found a file named Index Locations under Searches in Windows 7. I thought it was rather long, so I deleted a section prior to January 2013. A box came up saying French could not be ????? but could be deleted permanently. clicked YES. Then I noticed that the number of icons on my desktop (where I keep most of my folders and files) appeared to have shrunk.Have I lost any folders and files and is there any way to retrieve them ??

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Avi Files Slow - CPU No More Than 50% Usage

May 7, 2011

since yesterday the CPU usage on task manager doesn't go above 50% no matter what i run on my pc (benchmarks, movies, games) and I need more than 50% to watch movies so movies are playing slowly. I have no process stealing CPU time and I'm protected with Microsoft Security Essentials.

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Download Files Are Extremely Slow?

Feb 9, 2012

The last three weeks my Windows 7 computer when I download a file it goes at 9-10 Kb/sec. I have a dish and normally it downloads at 5-900Kb/sec. My laptop when I download a file, downloads at usual number(575 Kb/sec). Windows firewall if off, no virus on, I have tried everything from reloadiing Flash Players (11). a 2.90 mb file will download in 10 minutes. before seconds. Please give me a way to go. Ihave called Wild Blue three times, and literally, after ten minutes they hang up on me. I bought a group of people from India that will fix everything! for 166 dollars. They tried the best. all that happened isthat they took me off of being ghe Administrator so that they can get in into my computer(I won't mention their name). My router is Airport Express, which up until now it has ran flawlessly. I have reset router. No joy.

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Copying / Moving Files Why So Slow

Nov 18, 2011

Since I got Windows 7 I have learned it is the same as Windows Vista not much difference, well except the new boot loading screen. Anyway why does it take so long for this to copy or move files?I am copying moving 4GB of data from my USB to my external hard drive and it takes forever, it says 1 hour remaining, it;s all ready been here for good 40 minutes now.Why is windows 7 so slow and copying/moving files?

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Mode XP Is Slow To Open Files

Jun 13, 2011

I installed a graphics software in XP mode. The software works normally but when I open a file of this software on my machine (PC1) The software crashes and the opening of the work done on this software is too slow, but if I get a job done but in the same software that is stored on another computer network software is not slow.

I did a test on another computer (PC2) and when I get work on the network (eg in the PC1), there is slow but when I open a saved work on the same computer (PC2) software is too slow. Does anybody know why this happens? I think it should be something related to XP mode, because it happens in 2 PCs

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Slow Deletion Of Word Files From Recycle Bin

Jan 20, 2012

I was tidying up my book files in my Calibre library and deleted around 850MB. I noticed that the deletion process took around 5mins to complete. I thought that was strange as I have had multi GB files in my Recycle bin many times before which have taken no more than a few seconds to delete. I also make a backup of my Windows on the first of each month and delete the previous months back up which is over 50GB and this only takes a few seconds as well.

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Deleting Large Number Of Files Very Slow

Apr 17, 2012

I run a software tool that often generates 75,000 - 100,000 small files that need to be deleted after the software exits. Right now, it can take 8 - 10 minutes to permanently delete all these files from a single run, and I usually have 4 - 8 runs to deal with, so do the math. I have tried shift-del to permanently delete but it doesn't work - Windows still copies everything to the recycle bin. Also, while moving the files to the recycle bin, I often get an error message: "Error 0x80070050: The file exists." Bottom line is that it takes a *really* long time just to delete these files and I need a quicker way to do it.

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Explorer Slow To Sort Folders/files?

Nov 5, 2009

Why is there a huge delay on the sorting of files/folders in windows explorer?

If I enter a folder that has many subfolders and extra files, it seems to load everything at once in alphabetical order, then there's a delay while it sorts the folders and the individual files separately, also in alphabetical order. This delay can be something like 5 seconds with just a few hundred items, and it just grows from there.

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Windows 7 Is Very Slow At Copying Files Compared To XP

Mar 2, 2010

Yesterday I needed to copy some data stored on a DVD and it took more than ONE hour to transfer the files (11250 files and 151 folders for 625MB) to the hard drive.

I booted on my WinXP partition (so the very same hardware was used) and it took 20 minutes for it to complete the same task.

The data I needed to transfer were full of very small files and although I could hear my DVD player spinning at full speed on WinXP, it was very choppy on Windows 7 as if it was constantly seeking the files on the disc.

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EXE Files Slow To Load From Networked (Windows 7 X64) Computer

Jan 9, 2012

I added a second machine to my home network, and want to share files back and forth between machine A and machine B. Both are Windows 7 x64 ultimate. I have a shortcut on B's desktop to a folder located on A called "sharedfolder". When using system B and I click in Asharedfolder, I can then click on a pdf, or an avi, or txt, or whatever, and it loads just as quickly as if the file were on B's hard drive. But if I click on an exe file, it take about 15-20 seconds to load. No prompt, no nothing, it just takes that long. It happens with or without no antivirus running.

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Pc Getting Slow When Copy Files At Home Group Network

Jul 20, 2011

have win 7 ultimate 64, home network over wifi to my wife laptop, router sisco e3000. CPU : qx9850 (@3800 MHz), VGA Ati 5870, motherboard asus p5q deluxe ( or how this model) 8 gb gskill DDRII 1200 MHz . 3 sataII hdd, case xcilio 1000. All stable and not overheating. Games runs good. BUT! When I start to copy files ( like films, music and etc large one) my entire omg fast crazy pc slow down and become really slow!!! And speed over Ethernet is 2 mb/sec or 2,3. Ok, leve the speed it's Over wifi so w/e. I tried to set up netsh rss enable, autotuninglevel disable, chimney enabled . Did link Speed & duplex auto I can remove ipv6 but home network require it.

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Very Slow To Open Files From Windows Explorer - Ok Within Application

Nov 28, 2011

Sometimes if I open a file by double clicking it in windows explorer, it will sit doing nothing (and that explorer window is then tied up) for a few minutes! Then the file opens normally in the correct application. But opening the application first, and getting it from the file open menu, or dragging the file into the open application is ok. The problem goes away if I reboot windows, but can come back again later for no apparent reason.

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Transferring Large Files Make Windows 7 Slow Down To A Crawl?

Aug 13, 2009

My main HDD is comfigured into two partitions, C: for Windows 7 and D: for data/downloads/etc. Whenever I copying a large file from Partition D: to Partition C: and vise versa, the transfer slows down to a crawl and the HDD activity light on my case stops blinking.

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Programs Install Slow, System Almost Unusable When Transferring Files

Jan 25, 2009

Has anyone run across this? Whenever I install a program via the DVD drive or from a mounted ISO the install is painfully slow. The system them responds super slow. This also happens when transferring files from multiple drives. I understand there will be a lag when the hard drive is in use, but this never happened under the same setup in Vista.

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Windows 7 Extremely Slow While Copying Large Files Between Partitions

May 27, 2009

Everything is so slow e.g. opening of FireFox, opening of Excel, opening of Task Manager etc. While I'm copying 750GB of data from one partition to another partition, why? I'm running Windows 7 x64 7100 on a separate partition and I have a Q6600, 4GB ram and 5 X 1 TB WD Black edition drives...Task Manager is showing 33 running processors, 3 - 5 % CPU usage and 1.35GB of ram usage. Is this a Windows 7 bug? Windows 7 is super fast when I'm not copying/transferring large files between partitions!

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Slow Folder (music Files) Access (green Line)?

Mar 19, 2012

When I access my Music files (2600 files, 185 folders, 20GBs) on my Samsung (D) drive I get this slow green line in the address bar going from left to right, takes like 15 seconds to go across, I'm assuming it's indexing(?) the music folder and can't really do anything until that green line finishes going across, is there something I can turn on or off to speed up the "green line" so I do not have to wait the 15 seconds? Would a SATA 6.0 drive help speed up the "green line"?

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How To Stop Address Bar Searching

Dec 10, 2011

I have a packard bell computer running windows 7 home x 64 my browser is google chrome my problem is when i type into any box on my screen it puts the first letter in the box then the rest of the word types in the address bar. I have tried to stop this but nothing seems to work

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Searching M2N SLI Deluxe Driver

Aug 31, 2009

i need drivers for my ASUS M2N SLI-Deluxe Mainboard (Windows 7 64bit). the ASUS Support told me that drivers will be published if seven is officially released. What can i do to find drivers?

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Windows 7 Searching For Content Only?

Aug 7, 2011

I've been looking to see if there's a button, setting, feature, etc, to search files by content ONLY. I found in Folder Options the radio button to include content in searches. But that's too broad.

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Searching For A Certain Piece Of Log-in Software

Mar 13, 2012

Some time ago, I stumbled upon a piece of software that could automatically log in at start-up, and then log the computer. The purpose of this piece of software is to allow the computer to start up and load the different progresses while the computer is locked. I have searched for it but was unable to find it, so now I wondered if anybody knows it?

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