Computer Suddnely Shutting Down During Web Surfing Or Searching Files Or Scanning?

Apr 3, 2011

computer suddenly shutdown like power suply is off. but power supply is on.this problem is occurred when website surfing on internet or searching files or when scanning file by antivirus.

MY system hardware and software configration is :

CPU : Intel(R) Core (TM) i3 540 @ 3.07 GHZ
Ram : 2.00 GB
Hard disk : 500 GB
Operating System : Windwos 7 Home premium32 Bit

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Random BSOD's When Surfing And Managing Files?

Jul 11, 2012

I have attached the collected dump files and perfmon report. Also included is a pic of the specific BSOD, and a screen dump of his system specs.- x86 (32-bit) or x64 ? X64- the original installed OS on the system? yes it is- an OEM or full retail version? OEM- What is the age of system (hardware)? Less than 12 months- What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS?) PreinstalledThere seemed to be some indication of ATI involvement in the crashes, so I have tried updating the ATI drivers, but the problem continues - perhaps once a week the system will freeze, mouse pointer can still be moved but nothing can be clicked onEventually it restarts with the DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE BSOD.

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Searching For Files And Folders?

May 18, 2012

Just got my Windows 7 computer. I am used to XP file search dialog box. I looked at the "How to configure and fully utilize Windows 7 Search" on this site.

I think I am going to have to take a couple of days to figure this out.

Couple of quick questions: 1. In the search results window, I RMB a file and select "open in new window". the new window address bar does not contain a path. It contains some search info. How do I open in a new window and have the path in the address bar?

2. It appears the search does not limit itself to file names. It is also searching for contents. How do I prevent it from searching contents.

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Searching Through Files With Windows 7?

Sep 2, 2012

I switched from XP to 7 this year. I really enjoyed my time with XP especially because of the layout and I knew I would lose certain features like the way I could so easily search for files like mp3's and videos through my external hard drives. I do extensive film editing professionally, although im a bit disorganized as I am currently using two external hard drives and I am looking for some recordings I made from August 2011 but its difficult to find them because I don't have the same search features that Windows XP had compared to Windows 7. look for files through date ranges, type of file be it an image, audio, movie, or text document, and size all at the same time?

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Searching Content Of Pdf Files?

Nov 9, 2009

Search, although taking a long time if you have a number of pdf files, doesn't seem to return any results.

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Searching (for Text) Within Zip FIles

Sep 29, 2012

A true solution within Windows still does not exist in reference to searching for text strings within a zip file. You can find a filename if you know it.

But if you're like me, and you are an admin who is using zipping to archive up logs, but then must occasionally go back and search within those logs for text strings, the Windows Search function does not help you.

I have found a workable workaround however. [URL]

Simply download and install WinRAR, and then follow the instructions found in that link to search within (even nested zips) for text strings in order to find the correct file you are looking for to open.

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How To Connect Computer To My Printer For Scanning

Nov 23, 2012

I am trying to scan a document and keep getting an error message - no connection. can anyone help me. I have a Toshiba laptop and HP prnter.

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Searching Through Indexed Files Slow On Low Connectivity?

Jun 8, 2011

On our company we all have Windows 7 SP1 installed. Offline Files are enabled and Indexing Options are activated for the following: Outlook, Offline Files, StartMenu, Users.Searching files through the StartMenu works very well while we're connected to our company. A search result doesn't last more than 2 seconds.But if we're connected to the company through a VPN connection, a search through the StartMenu last up to 15-20 seconds, which is very annoying.So in my opinion, a connection to the network shouldn't care the indexing process of Windows. Why are the indexed files affected on a slow connectivity? An indexed file is something that donot need a network connection because it looks through windows and not on a server or something else.

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Can't Find File Edit View Tools Help Bar When Searching In Files

Jul 2, 2012

When I am in my program folders there Is no options menu as I said in the title.

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Nothing Shows On Computer - Endless Searching Animations (Windows 7)

Jun 6, 2012

Sometimes on my many windows 7 pcs when I go to computer or network nothing shows up and the side has the endless magnifying glasses searching, I can still access a network or drive by typing in the location or drive letter, logging out sometimes fixes this, but mainly have to restart the pc? This a windows 7 bug?

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Searching A Bunch Of Text Files For A Particular Text String?

Feb 2, 2012

I have a project where I need to search a large amount of text files on my home PC. I recently upgraded from Windows XP to Windows 7. My research indicated this feature was available in Windows 7.

If you do a search in Windows XP, you get a bunch of fields. You can pick to search for text INSIDE the particular sub folder structure.

I have found this feature in Windows 7, but it is different. I have tried using wild cards but it does not seem to work properly.

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Computer Shutting Down By Itself

Nov 3, 2011

my computer started to shutting down by itself a few days ago. It will shut down just from turning it on, sometime a few minute while its on, and even a hour later. One time, it shut down by itself but the PSU is still running. [code]

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Computer Keeps Shutting Down?

Jul 18, 2011

i have a windows 7 laptop, and i'll be either working on a document or trying to upload an edited video to Internet when my computer inexplicably shuts down - taking with it all my hard work. i've run malwarebytes antimalware and it finds nothing. i also installed a norton security suite from comcast recently, so i don't know if that has something to do with it.

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Computer Keeps On Shutting Down By Itself?

Oct 20, 2011

my computer keeps on shutting down by itself while I'm using it. What should i do ??

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Computer Shutting Down And Then Booting Up Again On Its Own

Aug 27, 2012

System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 26 Stepping 5
Processor Count: 8
RAM: 6134 Mb
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 275, 896 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 610477 MB, Free - 498062 MB; D: Total - 131060 MB, Free - 115290 MB; E: Total - 499999 MB, Free - 438502 MB; F: Total - 1299734 MB, Free - 887333 MB; G: Total - 253865 MB, Free - 235324 MB; N: Total - 199999 MB, Free - 197217 MB;
Motherboard: ASUSTeK Computer INC., P6T
Antivirus: Norton AntiVirus, Updated and Enabled

My computer is shutting down then booting up again on its own. I have checked everything and can't find anything.

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Computer Randomly Shutting Down?

Sep 17, 2012

I have a problem with my win 7 computer randomly shutting down. I experienced overheating from graphic card and CPU or a bad HDD where the computer would just freeze and shut down (from my other computers), but this one shuts down as if I clicked on 'shut down' button on my start tab.

It closes my open applications first then shows 'logging off' screen to 'shutting down' screen and than shuts down. This happens pretty randomly. I use this computer mainly for web surfing and watching videos. I never use it for gaming. Sometimes it would shut down within 5 minute of usage and some other times it would not shut down at all for hours.

Its a HP compaq machine with 2.7ghz AMD Sempron, 2GB SDRAM, and Window 7 home premium 64bit. I added a Radeon HD X1300 graphic card and been using it for about 2 years without problem.

I ran all diagnostic programs and ran Malwarebyte AntiMalware and Microsoft Security Essential and found no problem. CPUID HWmonitor showed all components were around 30-45 degrees. My only guess left is the power supply.

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Computer Shutting Off For No Reason?

Apr 24, 2011

Last night I was on face book playing a game and my computer shut off for no reason.I turned it back on but it shut off again after about 10 minutes.I downloaded hijackthis but it won't seem to work for me,it dos the scan but I get a message saying,for some reason your system denied write access to the hosts file.If any highjackthis domains are in this file,hijackthis may not beable to fix this.

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Computer Been Shutting Itself Down Randomly

Oct 18, 2011

so recently my computer's been shutting itself down randomly and i noticed this happened when im surfing the net (with firefox). It just did it again 2 times in the last 30minutes and now im on chrome. It would usually black out for 1 second then the BSOD comes on for another 1s then the screen totally blacks out like theres no system unit connected to it and yet the sound coming from the unit can only indicate its still running!is something burning out in my computer or is it just firefox? on windows 7 btw, computer bought in june 2010.Ran memtest and after 7 passes and 7 hours there were no errors.

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Computer Has Been Shutting Down Unexpectedly

Oct 6, 2012

My computer has been shutting down unexpectedly for a while. I installed a new power supply, stopped using Internet Explorer, and replaced Vista with Windows 7. The problem seemed to go away. However, recently I've been getting the BSOD and having the computer shut down. Before I go buy a new computer (current one was purchased in 2007), I thought I'd see if anyone here has any suggestions. I went to the Event Manager and found the following errors in the Administrative Files that occurred around the time of the last shut down.

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BSOD While Shutting Down Computer?

May 17, 2012

I have Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit and when i went to shut it down i got BSOD.Technical information stop:0x0000008e(0xc0000005,0x8c9dc3bc,0xb9b1ba04,0x00000000)classpnp.sys-address 8c9dc3bc base at 8c9d8000,data stamp 4a5bbf18

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BSOD While Shutting Down Computer

Jul 9, 2012

It is a 1-week old PC (installed OS a week ago), and I installed the OS by downloading it from Microsoft and installing it using a bootable CD.

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Computer Keeps Shutting Down When Burning Dvd?

Sep 27, 2012

Whenever I burn a DVD of videos my computer shuts down immediacies, or a few times when Roblox is being played maybe it uses lots of graphics? I was told to clean the Cpu fan will get someone to do that but could it be something else?

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Computer Randomly Shutting Off

Jan 3, 2013

Recently my computer randomly shuts off, then it tries to turn itself on by itself and it keeps rapidly turning on and off like simultaneously, after like 10 sec it finally shuts off, during the on and off process the power light blinks yellow to white. It can take little as 3 hours before it happens to a whole day, so during all that time i am mostly playing WoW or League of Legends, so the 3 hours to a day seems odd in when it does it. It only happens when i am watching a movie or show or playing a game. If i just leave my computer alone it never does it. I have a cpu temp program and gpu temp program and the temps are no where near the max temp.

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Computer Randomly Shutting Down?

Sep 14, 2011

Computer randomly shutting down?

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Computer Randomly Shutting Down

Sep 15, 2011

Here is the link to find the description of my problem from keswolfe: (username)


This is in reference to my first post. I did not give a link to where you could find what my problem is. I only found he "edit" icon only after I posted this notice.

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Computer Shutting Down Repeatedly?

Sep 24, 2011

I have a Toshiba L305 Satellite laptop.It had windows vista OS. I tried to upgrade it to windows 7 but the upgrade was unsuccessful and a message was displayed on a windows 7 background that it would revert back to the older OS. It kept rebooting every time and shutting down with display of this message. Since the computer was not working anyways I took this as an opportunity to disassemble the system and clean it inside out as I had'nt cleaned it since I bought the system. After assembling back the system,, when I boot the system the computer after the POST displays the same message and shuts down but the difference this time being it does'nt reboot back on its own.When I start the system the second time it shuts down much quicker many seconds even before the message display.The same keeps repeating everytime. Booting for a a minute or two the forst time followed by a shutdown and then after rebooting shutting down much quicker time. What could be the problem PSU or excess heat at the CPU.

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Computer Won't Load All The Way Before Shutting Down

Oct 10, 2011

i have a hp pavilion a647c and one day i went to up date with the auto updater when it updated it restarted then it would not stay started longer then ten seconds?

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Shutting Down Computer Get Restarted Again Itself

Jan 30, 2013

When i shutdown my pc it got restarted, i thought it was my mistake. But this issue happened in today morning also. I have to shutdown my PC twice to let it shutdown properly without restarting.

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Computer Shutting Down On Windows 7?

Feb 9, 2013

my laptop keeps shutting down and then a kernel critical error comes on and it restarts, what does this mean?

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Computer Keeps Shutting Down For No Reason?

Feb 15, 2013

My computer keeps o hshutting for no reason...

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Computer Not Shutting Down Properly

Sep 16, 2009

I have a dual boot computer running Vista Ultimate and Windows 7 RC.

I recently built a new computer for my wife and loaded it with just Windows 7 RC pending delivery of the full retail version in October.

Both computers have a similar problem. Sometimes - but not always - after shutting down the computer using the Start>Shut Down button it appears to shut down but has actually gone into a deep sleep with a blank black monitor and will not wake up no matter what keyboard buttons you press. It will also not reboot when you hit the computer power button.

The only way you can switch the computer off is to hold the computer power button down for about 10 seconds - then press it again for a normal reboot.

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