Simple Php File Manager?

Aug 3, 2012

I'm currently have a website from zymic hosting, And I was wonder if it's possible to find a PHP-based file manager, so I can upload and manage files without using FTP. I'm mostly looking for one that allows me to get the direct url of a file so i can share that file.

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Device Manager PCI Simple Communications Controller?

Jun 21, 2011

Is this a modem issue and how do I fix it? I can't seem to find a driver for this anywhere

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Monitor Page File In Task Manager / Resource Manager

Dec 7, 2009

I am installing more RAM in my system, and want to monitor the page file for improvement/reduction in size and use. Other than performance monitor, can I see the page file in either task manager or resource monitor?

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Simple File Encryption Software?

Oct 2, 2009

basically i just want something where I can right click a folder in windows 7 and choose "encrypt" or something similar, and then be able to enter a password. then from that point forward, when i try to click on that folder it will prompt me for that password before it will let me view it.i don't need to encrypt entire volumes, just a few folders here and there?

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Legacy Networking - Simple File Sharing

Dec 26, 2009

I have 2 Windows 7 machines connected to a network with several other devices all of which I can see in Windows Explorer - Networking. I've set up shares on each of the Windows 7 machines and turned off Password protected sharing in Advanced sharing settings. The first time I try to access shares on either of the Windows 7 machines from the other machine it asks for a username and password before I can access the shares.

Once the credentials have been accepted the shares continue until the machine is rebooted. Setting the 'Remember credentials' box on the login page doesn't help. Other shared resources (XP desktop, NAS, Media player) on the network all work fine from either of the Win 7 machines. What I am looking for is the equivalent of the old "Simple file sharing" from XP, can anyone tell me how to set this in Windows 7 (Ultimate & Professional)?

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Configure Windows Explorer 7 For A Simple File Search Like In XP?

Jun 27, 2012

configure Windows Explorer 7 for a simple file search like in XP. Despite my readings it's too complicated for me.

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Open Multiple Files One Click - Simple Bat/batch File

Nov 10, 2009

I have a simple batch file to load multiple files with one click, but it's not working.

When I run it, it simply very quickly pops up the cmd dialog, which quickly disappears, and nothing is loaded.

I've tried 'running as administrator' - same problem.

File is xxxxx.bat

I've even tried the fail safe:

start /d C:\Windows\System32\calc.exe

and that doesn't work, so it's not a error in my paths... for some reason, it just won't load...

Worked in XP fine...

Is there a different technique in 7?

Basically, end result, want to open two programs with one click (one icon on taskbar).

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Using File Permissions With An Online File Manager?

Apr 30, 2012

I am using Ajaxplorer which is great but I am having some issues with file permissions. Let's say I create a file which is read only in Ajaxplorer it says it's changed file permissions but when I right click on the file to check it it's the same permissions as it was so didn't actually change.

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Dual Pane File Manager

Jun 25, 2011

I am looking for replacement of window explorer - dual pane.I know there is Directory opus. I have seen a few others last year bur I am unable to find them now.I use windows 7 ultimate sp1.

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Task Manager Running A Batch File

Feb 13, 2012

I have written a batch file to run every afternoon, using Task Manager.When I was running WIndows XP, the Task Manager (or it may have been the batch file itself) opened a new DOS window whilst it was running so that I could see everything was working correctly. Under Windows 7, the same batch file will only run in a new window if I run it myself - if it runs in Task Manager it will only run in the background. How can I get it to oipen a DOS window whilst running through Task Manager, please?

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Changing Default Directory In File Manager?

Jan 25, 2011

I open the WIndows 7 file manager by right-clicking on the start button and then choosing Open Windows Explorer. It always defaults to Libraries, but I would rather it defaulted to C: Is there a way to change this?

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How To Get Explorer File To Execute On Its Own Without Task Manager

Dec 9, 2012

My PC is windows 7 ultimate 32bit OS! Few days ago I connected my pc with few friends pc to play a game via lan! After that day whenever I start my pc the start screen (desktop) does not show and directly my documents folder opens. When I close the folder a blank screen appears. Then I go to task manager n new task n then type explorer.exe, then it works normally !!!

This has happened every time I restart the pc. I downloaded MSE and removed the viruses that had corrupted the explorer file. Then I went to run n used the sfc / scannow command.... but nothing works and same old error i.e., no startup screen! How do I get the explorer.exe to execute on its own without always going to task manager! There is no other error in the pc other than that!

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64 Bit Alternate To Windows Explorer File Manager

Dec 24, 2009

Need a 64 bit file manager as an alternate to windows explorer

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Get A Boot Manager File For Acer Computers?

Jul 8, 2012

My acer boot manager is not responding, can't get to the bios screen as it is set to boot from cd/dvd. Purchased full version windows 7 and it still will not boot?

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Windows 7 Boot Manager - File Cannot Be Recognized

Nov 10, 2012

Recently I changed the boot logo/screen on my computer to a custom one. When I got tired of it and wanted to change it back, I googled how I could restore it. Running the CMD as admin and typing "bcdedit %WinDir% /l en-US" would restore it back to its original boot logo. I tried it and then restarted my computer as instructed. As soon as it starts to boot up I get a message from the "Windows Boot Manager" telling me that there is a file that cannot be recognized: "windows/system32/winload.exe" My drivers for my keyboard are out of date apparently as I cant press "enter" to continue. It told me i could alternatively insert my windows 7 disc and restart. I inserted that disc and restarted and the same screen comes up.

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Ranish Partition Manager - Setup Cannot Continue Due To Corrupted Installation File

Dec 11, 2011

I have a Sony Vaio VPCEB23FM, At first when I tried to go to windows i got a black screen that said "Operating System Not Found", so my friend tried to fix it with a windows 7 repair cd. But here is the problem he accidentally formatted the Hard Drive which deleted all the files and file the manufacture put in it, he also tried to mess with the ranish partition manager, so he tried to install a fresh windows 7 OSX but the laptop shutoff, now he tried it again and we get a message saying "setup cannot continue due to a corrupted installation file" I cant get to my desktop either.

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Cannot Start Remote Access Connection Manager (Error 2:Cannot Find The Specified File)

May 30, 2012

I had a small problem with my laptop a few days back ,but it was fixed when I removed and inserted the battery. But the F drive was renamed to D drive automatically. I think this was the cause of the following errors, which i noticed when I tried to use my Reliance Netconnect+ datacard and Error 711 (Cannot load the Remote Access Connection Manager Service) showed up.I tried system restore but i noticed it was disabled and so there were no restore points.A little research showed that Now I have the following errors: I cannot start Remote Access Connection Manager (Error 2:Cannot find the specified file) and cant start Remote Access Auto Connection Manager (Error 1068: The dependency or group failed to start). Both services are set to manual.(Target file is svchost.exe -k netsvcs).

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Can See External Hard Drive In Device Manager But Not Disk Manager

Oct 19, 2012

I just bought a new ASUS computer with Windows 7. I have a Macbook Pro and would like to transfer my photos and music onto my new computer. I have 2 external hard drives that work perfectly fine on my mac as well as other PCs. When I plug either of my external hard drives in they are recognized in device manager and say they are working properly but are not recognized in disk manager or under my computer...

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Olivetti Simple Way

Sep 16, 2009


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How To Port Simple Pc Games To Psp

Sep 4, 2012

what software should i use.what are the steps.

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Debugging Simple .bat That Worked On XP?

Jun 1, 2011

I have a backup .bat that I have hobbled together from forums such as this. The original was made a few years ago. It worked flawlessly, until I brought it to windows 7. Very funny, now, it only works between 10am and midnight. This has been hell to figure out because sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I know it has something to do with the context of the "set hour" or "if "%hour.." part, but I can't figure it out. Should be an easy fix for someone familiar with .bat programming. Here is the relevant part:

Code: set hour=%time:~0,2%
if "%hour:0,1%"==" "set hour=0%time:~1,1%
set folder=%date:~10,4%_%date:~4,2%_%date:~7,2%-%hour%.%time:~3,2%
set DateFolder=%date:~10,4%_%date:~4,2%_%date:7,2%

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Can't Create New Simple Volume

Sep 13, 2012

wondering if this is a limitation of having 4 primary lenovo came with 4 primary partitions (all tagged with dark blue color in diskmgmt):


I can shrink the 650gb by say 300gb, and it will make a 350gb unallocated partition.If i try to create a new simple volume from the 350gb, disk mgmt throws errors saying 'not enough space to complete operation'

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CPU Going Nuts When Doing Simple Tasks

Sep 8, 2011

It has gotten worse, the problem is that my CPU's temperature goes above 70 and sometimes around 85, and the fan just goes crazy.I can run as many applications I want, as long as they don't involve: gaming (3D), video rendering, video conversion, video streaming, skype calling etc.

This is ridiculous, I'm trying to convert my videos to another format, and can't really do it in this condition because I fear shortening the life of my laptop if the overheat stays on. I just bought my laptop the start of this year, this only started to happen recently.

Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium x64

Model: Acer Aspire 5742

Processor: Intel Core i5-460M processor

RAM: 2GB DDR3 Memory (8GB [7.68GB Usable])

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Need Simple App Popup Msg Each 30 Minutes?

Dec 9, 2011

My job involves juggling six different pieces of internal software and attention to detail. It's easy to forget that I need to check my email for customer messages each half hour (or thereabouts). The company wants me to use gmail so I can't configure incoming messages to make a sound. Even if I could, it would be better just to do a scheduled check.

Cnet has a ton of reminders and clocks; too many to sort through. Anyone have a suggestion for something that will make a simple sound and pop up a message box on top of whatever I'm doing? I use Windows 7 Professional 64bit

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PCI Simple Communication Driver?

Aug 27, 2011

I have an issue with a PCI simple communications driver?I have upgraded from XP to WIN7 Pro on a Asus P4S533-VM 32 bit and I can't find the driver anywhere, I have looked on Asus website with no luck and even tried Driver Doctor I ran in Compatibility mode and updated the VGA as advised now just to kick me when i'm down I get blue screened! due to incompatibilty issues?I am running a NVIDIA Graphics card Geforce GTX 590any

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Get PCI Simple Communications Controller?

Sep 3, 2011

Need PCI Simple Communications Controller

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Pci Simple Communications Controller?

Sep 12, 2011

pls sent the driver

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PCI Simple Communications Driver

Feb 21, 2010

I've been running into several problem ever since I installed Windows 7. The latest problem, under devices the computer icon displays a warning sign. The trouble shooting indicates "unable to locate a driver for the PCI Simple Communications Drive.I have 1 PCI Express x 1, 4 SATAII. Prior to Windows 7 I never had a problem. Does anyone have a solution?

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Pci Simple Communications Controller

Oct 21, 2012

need the above thing.

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PCI Simple Communications Controller?

Nov 1, 2012

my device manager is showing an exclamation mark on PCI simple Communications Controller and when i right click n update, then search automatically, it says that it's unable to?

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PCI Simple Communications Controller?

Nov 18, 2012

Where can I find this driver for my HP dc5800 desktop

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