Using File Permissions With An Online File Manager?

Apr 30, 2012

I am using Ajaxplorer which is great but I am having some issues with file permissions. Let's say I create a file which is read only in Ajaxplorer it says it's changed file permissions but when I right click on the file to check it it's the same permissions as it was so didn't actually change.

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Monitor Page File In Task Manager / Resource Manager

Dec 7, 2009

I am installing more RAM in my system, and want to monitor the page file for improvement/reduction in size and use. Other than performance monitor, can I see the page file in either task manager or resource monitor?

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Cannot Access File Due To Permissions

Aug 20, 2012

Dell Desktop Windows XP 32 bit IE7 no free memory to download anything. Can't remove programs, no security tab. No windows installer in safe mode. I've confused myself now. Cannot access any file due to permissions. Need to know how to remove programs, then reset permissions. I've been trying to work on this for two days. Can't seem to make sense of any of the great information and tools available, because I don't know which to address first.

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Remove A Temp File With No Permissions?

Jan 18, 2012

i cant remove a temp file even as administrator file path C:WindowsTempcazatruy.cke

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Changed File Permissions Now Can't Change Them Back

Feb 7, 2011

i needed to pawn my laptop for a short time and didnt want my files to be viewed by anyone while it was not in my possesion, so what i did i changed the file permissions of my c: drive so that only admin had fulll control and no one else. well now i cant access my c: drive with my admin accrt. nor will it let me change the file permissions either. also a hand full of other things will not work such as the internet explorer icon on the task bar or start menu but i can open i.e. from the recently viewd submenu from the i.e. icon on the start menu. also i can open files on my c: drive from any old shortcut icons i had left on my desktop but i cant acces them directly from explorer. so i found some work arounds but really need to get full control of my h/d.

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File Permissions / Administrator Rights And Sharing

Sep 23, 2011

We have a home network of 7 computers and have been using Win 7 Pro and Office 2010 Pro Plus together without error since about May until mid-summer when I began using MS Outlook. When I started using Outlook on my laptop it took over all user permissions on the network making me the administrator/owner. I don't know if Outlook is responsible. I am just making connections with the timing. Folders were shared that should not have been shared and the file system got mixed up. Files came up with strange attribute settings. It appears that my computer encrypted files that reside on other computers leaving other users unable to access them.

On the occasions that we have wiped my hard drive and others to fix the problem by starting over, everything seems fine until I start using MS Outlook again. It may be important to know that I am the only one that uses Outlook on the network. And, by the way, when I say start over, I mean that we wiped drives with various software such as DriveScrubber, and others, to no avail. Later, we used disk part and thought we had it licked, but NO. After that, we discovered how to delete the volume shadow copies, but it still comes back every time like a haunting or something.

We even bought brand new hard drives and installed them on all computers, bought a firewalled router, and carefully and meticulously reinstalled our software from disks making sure that everything was in order. We have isolated old files to eliminate the possibility of virus or malware. We have discussed the problem with the cable company and with Norton. I can accept the fact that I might have changed a setting unknowingly in the beginning, however, the problem will not go away after careful reinstallation and setup.

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Word 2003 And Windows 7 File Permissions?

Oct 8, 2012

sporadic (4 out of 10) issues with saving files. Opens file from the network (AD) drive adds data which takes about 10 min. then saves the file. The save appears to be successful then user closes file and gets file permissions erro Yes or No to save file to another location or change name. They save it to another location. The original file disappears from the network drive.

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Which File Backup Programs Can Copy Attributes/permissions

Mar 24, 2012

I have tried a few backup programs but I'm trying to find out the best way of copying around 500gb of files and keeping all the dates, attributes and security permissions intact?

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Printing Document With XPS Printer - No Permissions To Save File

Jun 2, 2011

I tried to print a document with the XPS printer thing and it wouldn't save no matter where I tried to save it, it said that I don't have permission. I am an administrator (and the only account on here).

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Homegroup File Sharing - No Permissions To Add Or Rename Files

Feb 5, 2011

Having difficulty with a homegroup and file sharing: one desktop PC with the family's main documents (which are on a separate drive to the system) and two laptops which need to access those documents. I've got them all seeing each other, and they can see the folders in the drive, but when I try to add files or rename files, it tells me that I need permission. I've gone through the advance settings to make sure the correct permission is selected, they all have the same workgroup name and different computer names. Sharing the printer attached to the desktop is fine.

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Restore Default Permissions On Folder, And Subfolders And File?

Mar 14, 2011

i have a folder on my external drive with lots of subfolders and files inside ful of work i need to get at. but for some reason all of the permissions on that folder and its subfiles are denying me access. i can see the files and folders but i cannot open the files. i can go into every folder but again i just cannot to open any file.

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Online File Scanner Sites

May 4, 2009

A couple of online file scanner sites that you can upload a file, to scan for any malicious content. Also gives you a little more info. Virustotal's maximum upload file size is 20MB. Jotti's is 15MB.

VirusTotal uses 40 different AV's to scan the file.

Jotti's uses 20

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Permissions Error When Opening A File With Unknown Extension Type?

Sep 11, 2012

I am experiencing a problem with Windows 7 professional, 32 bit, where I am getting an error message (detailed below) when trying to open a file with an unregistered extension. For example, if I rename a file that ends in .txt and contains text, to something with a .test extension the "Open with..." dialog never appears, and I instead get the permission denied message. AVG premium is installed, however through a combination of disabling AVG as well as providing exceptions to the file extension, I can fairly safely rule out intervention from AVG. Windows Defender is disabled, Windows UAC is disabled as well. The Windows Firewall is on, but checking the settings for the firewall suggest no issues would be coming from there.To add to the fire, if I register the .test extension to open with notepad, the file will open fine and text is displayed as expected. Also of note, I can read the file from command prompt even when the extension is not registered to an application.

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How To Save A File From Online Flash Player

Feb 15, 2013

How to save a file from online flash player [URL]

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Windows Photo Viewer Can't Open Picture Because / Don't Have Correct Permissions To Access File Location

Jun 30, 2011

I just reformatted my C: partition running windows 7.All my data is on the D: partition.I took ownership of all the files in D: Their is one folder I still don't have permission to open the files inside which are graphics for a website I am creating..The error message I get is "Windows photo viewer can't open this picture because you don't have the correct permissions to access this file location".so I ran the command prompt as administrator located the folder in question are ran "takeown /R /D Y /F *"It has given me full control of the files and made me the owner but still the error message comes up.

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Simple Php File Manager?

Aug 3, 2012

I'm currently have a website from zymic hosting, And I was wonder if it's possible to find a PHP-based file manager, so I can upload and manage files without using FTP. I'm mostly looking for one that allows me to get the direct url of a file so i can share that file.

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Dual Pane File Manager

Jun 25, 2011

I am looking for replacement of window explorer - dual pane.I know there is Directory opus. I have seen a few others last year bur I am unable to find them now.I use windows 7 ultimate sp1.

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Task Manager Running A Batch File

Feb 13, 2012

I have written a batch file to run every afternoon, using Task Manager.When I was running WIndows XP, the Task Manager (or it may have been the batch file itself) opened a new DOS window whilst it was running so that I could see everything was working correctly. Under Windows 7, the same batch file will only run in a new window if I run it myself - if it runs in Task Manager it will only run in the background. How can I get it to oipen a DOS window whilst running through Task Manager, please?

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Changing Default Directory In File Manager?

Jan 25, 2011

I open the WIndows 7 file manager by right-clicking on the start button and then choosing Open Windows Explorer. It always defaults to Libraries, but I would rather it defaulted to C: Is there a way to change this?

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How To Get Explorer File To Execute On Its Own Without Task Manager

Dec 9, 2012

My PC is windows 7 ultimate 32bit OS! Few days ago I connected my pc with few friends pc to play a game via lan! After that day whenever I start my pc the start screen (desktop) does not show and directly my documents folder opens. When I close the folder a blank screen appears. Then I go to task manager n new task n then type explorer.exe, then it works normally !!!

This has happened every time I restart the pc. I downloaded MSE and removed the viruses that had corrupted the explorer file. Then I went to run n used the sfc / scannow command.... but nothing works and same old error i.e., no startup screen! How do I get the explorer.exe to execute on its own without always going to task manager! There is no other error in the pc other than that!

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64 Bit Alternate To Windows Explorer File Manager

Dec 24, 2009

Need a 64 bit file manager as an alternate to windows explorer

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Get A Boot Manager File For Acer Computers?

Jul 8, 2012

My acer boot manager is not responding, can't get to the bios screen as it is set to boot from cd/dvd. Purchased full version windows 7 and it still will not boot?

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Windows 7 Boot Manager - File Cannot Be Recognized

Nov 10, 2012

Recently I changed the boot logo/screen on my computer to a custom one. When I got tired of it and wanted to change it back, I googled how I could restore it. Running the CMD as admin and typing "bcdedit %WinDir% /l en-US" would restore it back to its original boot logo. I tried it and then restarted my computer as instructed. As soon as it starts to boot up I get a message from the "Windows Boot Manager" telling me that there is a file that cannot be recognized: "windows/system32/winload.exe" My drivers for my keyboard are out of date apparently as I cant press "enter" to continue. It told me i could alternatively insert my windows 7 disc and restart. I inserted that disc and restarted and the same screen comes up.

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Ranish Partition Manager - Setup Cannot Continue Due To Corrupted Installation File

Dec 11, 2011

I have a Sony Vaio VPCEB23FM, At first when I tried to go to windows i got a black screen that said "Operating System Not Found", so my friend tried to fix it with a windows 7 repair cd. But here is the problem he accidentally formatted the Hard Drive which deleted all the files and file the manufacture put in it, he also tried to mess with the ranish partition manager, so he tried to install a fresh windows 7 OSX but the laptop shutoff, now he tried it again and we get a message saying "setup cannot continue due to a corrupted installation file" I cant get to my desktop either.

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Cannot Start Remote Access Connection Manager (Error 2:Cannot Find The Specified File)

May 30, 2012

I had a small problem with my laptop a few days back ,but it was fixed when I removed and inserted the battery. But the F drive was renamed to D drive automatically. I think this was the cause of the following errors, which i noticed when I tried to use my Reliance Netconnect+ datacard and Error 711 (Cannot load the Remote Access Connection Manager Service) showed up.I tried system restore but i noticed it was disabled and so there were no restore points.A little research showed that Now I have the following errors: I cannot start Remote Access Connection Manager (Error 2:Cannot find the specified file) and cant start Remote Access Auto Connection Manager (Error 1068: The dependency or group failed to start). Both services are set to manual.(Target file is svchost.exe -k netsvcs).

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Hidden File Of Docx File Created With ~$name Of File.docx File

Sep 27, 2012

whenever I open docx file there is hidden file ~$name of file.docx created. which type of file is that? Is it in virus, maleware. for example If I open house.docx file then ~$house.docx file created which is hidden form. I had saw this file when i select show all hidden file option. when i try to open ~$house.docx file it show message the file is corrupted and cannot be open.

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Explorer EXE File Error - Windows Cannot Access Specified Device / Path Or File

Jan 17, 2009

I installed Win 7 and if i try to open my computer of click on desktop and open up screen resolution etc. I get "Explorer.exe -Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item." I did a search but could not find anything related to this error in Win 7. I have found some others attached to Win XP but have to do with the installation of some software which prevents access to explorer.exe. When I boot in safe mode this issue does not appear...

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Random Pasting Of Data From Previous Copying One File Appearing In Another File

Feb 20, 2012

After doing a copy and paste, we have, on 3 occasions so far, found the copied data in an entirely different file. Twice data from a copy appeared in an excel spreadsheet and once a picture copied in facebook appeared in an email. The excel problem is very worrysome as it is our family budget. how this could happen? In the case of the excel events no paste operation was intentionally done.

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Create A Batch File That Will Move Files Based On The File Type?

Oct 30, 2010

How to create a batch file that will move files based on the file type?My Requirement : I need a batch file to copy all .doc files in all my HardDisk to aremovable disk say (Z: drive) . Can anyone make it possible using a batch file

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Can Sort Recycle Bin On File Extensions So Can Easily Find File

Apr 24, 2011

Can I sort the recycle bin on file extensions so I can easily find a file?

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Display All Audio File Folders In Detailed File View?

Feb 20, 2011

How to force Windows 7 File Explorer to display ALL audio folder content as normal files in detailed view with file name/size/date and without title/artist/album.

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