Sharing Emails Between 2 Computers In HomeGroup?

Sep 9, 2011

Is it possible to share emails between 2 computers in a homegroup and if so, how?

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Only Have One-way Sharing Between Two Computers On Homegroup?

Nov 26, 2011

I just started up a homegroup between two wireless PCs, one laptop, one desktop. Both are joined to the Homegroup and I have turned off every setting I could find relating to password protection on both computers. I can pull off files from my laptop->PC just fine, but it doesn't happen the other way around. (Now on my laptop) I look at the homegroup tab for the desktop, and if I click on a folder (eg Music), nothing happens.

Now when I click on the "Network" tab on Windows Explorer (still on laptop), I can see both PCs on the network. When I click on the icon for my desktop, it asks for a username and password. WHAT??? I hunted down that info, found it in Windows credentials. (still on laptop) I tried entering the username and password that I found from both computers, but no dice. First off, I don't even remember setting a username and password...second, I have password protected sharing turned off on both machines.

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Homegroup - Some Computers See All, Others See Some

Oct 26, 2009

I'm not sure if this is a Windows 7 problem as a result of the laptop itself or not but as it is the last thing I've checked...

I have 3 computers: 1 wired desktop(64-bit), 1 wireless desktop(32-bit), and 1 wired laptop(Lenovo T400 w/ 64-bit) each running Windows 7 Professional. The two desktops are able to view one another fine in the Homegroup and exchange files.

The T400 laptop is having some issues. It can see the wireless desktop and transfer files from that machine to itself, but it is not able to even see the wired desktop in the homegroup. Both desktops are able see the laptop but neither is able to get files from it.

Each of the desktops can see all 3 computers in the standard network location, the laptop is only able to see the wireless desktop.

I've run troubleshooter on all three computers, and I've ensured they are all on the 'home network'. I've also made sure the network discovery/file sharing/etc is on in the 'advanced settings' and they are all apart of the same workgroup.

The problems seem focused on the laptop, and both desktops worked right from the get go but the laptop hasn't. Further, I used to have Windows 7 RC (Build 7100) on both the wired desktop and the wired laptop and homegroup feature worked flawlessly at that time...just not with the release.

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Cannot Get Two Computers To The Same Homegroup But Can Ping Them

Oct 27, 2011

I have two computers running Windows 7 Ultimate. They both connect via a Router, one wirelessly and one wired. They are both on the same workgroup but I cannot for the life of me get them to network with each other, either via opening up Explorer or by connecting them both to the same homegroup. I can however ping them. I have turned on the options in advanced sharing settings for network discovery and file printer sharing but I just can't get them to see each other!

I did have VMWare installed on one machine but have since installed it. Apart from that, I have no other software I can think of that will interfere.

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Set Up A Homegroup Between Two Computers With Windows 7?

Jan 26, 2012

When I set up a Homegroup between two Computers with Windows 7 it works fine for a few minutes then drops out. The only way to restore is set up new Homegroup but again this drops out after few minutes.

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2 Computers Can't Join The Same Homegroup?

Jul 26, 2012

Ok so here we go, I have my laptop and pc hooked up with a lan core, and my laptop is sharing its internet with the pc. I want to create a home group so they can share files easy, but when i create a group on the computer (does not mater what computer) the other computer can't find it.

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Sharing Files With Homegroup?

May 7, 2011

every time i change my settings on my homegroup they dont change

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Cannot Connect 2 Windows 7 Computers Via HomeGroup

Jun 16, 2012

I have 2 Windows 7 computers one is a Hp Laptop and another is a Compaq Desktop I have been dealing with this problem for quite awhile and each time i go to try and correct the trouble i get unbelievably frustrated as in the end i never seem to make any progress. I have attempted to create a home group from both machines and when i do create a homegroup the other IS able to see the other but when i attempt to join from either one to the one that has created it always yields an error stating that "window cannot setup homegroup on this computer" The desktop is hardwired to my Dlink router and the laptop is connected wirelessly.

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Disable Homegroup And File Sharing

Jun 1, 2011

On the road can I just click disconnect from the internet icon to be safe from intrusion or do I need to disable homegroup and file sharing etc?Upon arrival can I just reconnect by clicking the same icon and entering the password? I plan on unplugging her ISP cable from her modem and plugging it into my router. Will this work?

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Running Out Of Options To Try Homegroup Sharing

Apr 25, 2011

'm just asking straight out. [code] When I am on the laptop, I cannot cut & paste/move or delete files to or from my main PC. When I am on my main PC, I can manage all my files and actions on my laptop HD. When I am initiating actions from my PC, I am god. When I am initiating actions from my laptop, I am nothing, as I do not have permission on my destination folder.I have been doing all kinds of work arounds. I'm sure you know the drill. But I have hit a point in my setup (mainly because my laptop HD isn't huge, but my main PC HD is huge, I do a lot of media stuff, and I do 95% on my laptop) where the workarounds are such a pain, I just can't stand it. If I could directly read and write to files on my PC HD, my world would be so much simpler.I probably won't be able to remember everything, as I've been working on this on and off for quite a while, but off the top of my head:

-Set all permissions on homegroup sharing to be as permissive as I can
-Turned off password protection for sharing
-Even though UAC is turned off on both computers, I tried a "take ownership" program where I took ownership of the destination folder
-I've tried accessing it through homegroup options and network options
-I've tried going "bigger" with the sharing by sharing the entire User folder
-I've tried going "smaller" with the sharing by sharing just one tiny folder on my destination PC
-I've done every option I can find on the right click "Share With" and giving full permissions to everyone
-I've gone through Advanced Sharing in Properties and turned on every advanced sharing option I can find, giving rights to everyone I can find
-I've run the Network troubleshooter and the Homegroup Troubleshooter, both of which can see problems, but really don't know how to solve them.
-I've searched Windows knowledgebase, forums, googled here there and everywhere. At this point every permission I can lay my hands on must be open to people who don't even have computers, yet I can't access FROM my laptop TO my PC. Yet, again, I can access everything FROM my PC TO my laptop, which is only handy if my PC is the one travelling around the house with me.

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Network Sharing And Homegroup Issue

Jul 15, 2009

I've been all over these boards finding little bits of help for the issue I am having, but no solution. I've tried pretty much everything.

I have TWO PC's on my network. Since I like Star Wars I named one Ziost, and the other Mandalore. I have turned on Network Discovery on both machines in the Advanced Sharing Settings. I have both machines also set to "Allow Windows to manage homegroup connections (recommended)".

I have looked through all the services recommended by others to make sure they are running. They are on both machines.

I have both machines joined to a homegroup, however Ziost was unable to create a homegroup. The error message simply just said the homegroup could not be created on that machine. So I created the homegroup on Mandalore. No problem, it created just fine and spit out a password. Ziost was able to see the homegroup and join it just fine with the password given out.

I can access Mandalores folders FROM Ziost. And on Ziost I can see Madalore in the Network in Windows Explorer.

However, on Mandalore, it says I'm in a homegroup, but there are no PC's in the homegroup. And Mandalore cannot see Ziost in the Network section of Windows Explorer.

I thought it could be the default firewall settings. But on both machines the firewall settings are identical.

What can I be missing that would allow Ziost to see (and even map a network drive) everything on Mandalore, but then not vice versa? Mandalore is my main, newer PC, so I'm trying to keep it relativly clean and device free. My older PC is Ziost, so I have all my printers and external USB HDD on it.

I have included some pictures to help aide in the troubleshooting. It's almost 2am est, so I apologize if this is a little confusing. I'll be able to check back and respond from work tomorrow.

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HomeGroup, Play To, Network Sharing

Sep 2, 2009

My computer is running Windows 7 build 7100

My Brother's computer is aswell

We are both connected wirelessly to our Router/Modem (Livebox), and we are both connected to the same Homegroup (i finally managed to get them show up in Explorer), and we are both connected to WORKGROUP, as is my Dad (Vista) and our other PC (XP, wired to livebox for printer sharing).

So, i was trying to get the "Play To" feature in WMP to work with my brother and my computer, but it doesnt seem to work.

a) On my computer i can't select "Allow Remote control of my player" though i can on my Bro"s

b) In "Media Streaming Options" and "Show devices on Local Network"(default i can't see my brothers computer, and on his he can't see mine. (This is obviously the problem), but if i select "Show devices on all networks" we can see each others computers.

For some reason though, we can see our mums Kodak Photo Frame thing, and "Media Programs on this PC..."

c) In WMP on both our computers we cant see each others computers in the HomeGroup even though all media is shared, so we have to go and look in Explorer "Homegroup" - "XXX-PC" - Music

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Sharing Movies On Homegroup With Subtitles

Jun 1, 2012

i want to know how when i share a movie on my homegroup i can also share subtitles for that movie since it does not have integrated in the movie itself.

I want to play the movie on my samsung TV which is connected on the group and i can play the movie but i cannot find the subtitles ( which i have on my pc and have the same name as the movies with .srt in the end )

Also. How can i play .mkv files ? i have The transformers 720p version but i cannot play it through the homegroup , but i have heard u can just by renaming , or something .

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Network Sharing / Homegroup On Private LAN

Nov 4, 2009

I have searched but not found much with what I want to set up. I currently have a wireless connection to the internet for my PC and Laptop. What I would like to do is setup a private LAN with an old router to use but be able to keep the desktop connected to both WiFi and this LAN.

The only way I have managed to do so so far is by manually setting the IP address for the LAN (disable DHCP, change IP address etc) and assigning the LAN IP address manually to my desktop/laptop, leaving the gateway fields blank. I have noticed that doing this makes my network "Unknown" to Windows 7, which then forces it into Public mode, and disables Homegroup.

Is there a way for me to accomplish what I want?

Is pretty much how I want it to work. The desktop has two NICs, the laptop does not, so I realize the laptop would be a one-or-the-other scenario.

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Cannot See Homegroup Computer And Connect To Networked Computers

Nov 15, 2011

i have 4 networked computers (all connected through ethernet cables) They used to talk to each other fine. Now one (Call it KPC) is able to access all of the computers but none can access it. Another computer (RPC) says that it does not have permission to access it, even though i have all my file sharing turned on.

It used to ask me for a password and even though i would enter the correct password (the same on all computers) it said "logon failed: wrong username or bad password".

Also I have added KPC to the RPC homegroup using the password and it just doesnt show up on the RPC homegroup page. I really NEED RPC to be able to access KPC's everything (documents, printers etc) the rest arent a big deal at all. What happened and why did it just stop working??

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New Modem - Lost HomeGroup (3 Computers Using Windows 7)

Sep 19, 2012

I've got 3 computers using Windows 7, my computer acting as the "Home" for a homegroup allowing us to share files, data, etc. Yesterday our modem was replaced and now I am the only one who can see the homegroup and the data contained therein. Troubleshooting wizard is indicating that is is a network problem which leads me to believe that perhaps something to do with our change in modem. How I can get the homegroup to show again?

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Media Player 12 Not Sharing Stream / Homegroup Will Not Die?

Jan 13, 2012

Long story short I just want to connect my Windows Media Player/Center to my Xbox 360.I can't enable streaming from the Media Player. It wont show the button or option at all.I have also tried to open homegroup and turning on media sharing and it wont turn on. The button turns grey for a moment then it goes back to saying "Turn on media streaming".From the Windows Media Center I can get some kind of connectivity to the Xbox, but its very brief. Usually when I go to set up the extender it gets to building media library on the "Windows Media Center" then the "Xbox Windows Media Center" gives a failed to connect, retry or cancel.If I take a peek into the network from the explorer the media devices shows Xbox 360 Media Extender and it disappears within 3 seconds also another that says Xbox 360 which stays.I have tried going into services.msc and making sure UPnP, SSDP, Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service are enabled. I also disabled Windows Media Player/Center from the windows defaults to try and reinstall it.

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Homegroup Printer Sharing Fails Error

Apr 30, 2012

We have an ASUS Zenbook U31F. We like it, but may have to return it because we cannot get it to print to our network printer on our HomeGroup. We have a Dell Studio 17 that prints to this computer with no problem.When we attempt to print to the printer (HP OfficeJet 6100 Series), the ASUS computer downloads a driver from the server and then issues the message "Operation failed with error 0x000003e3."

1) Updating the HP printer driver.I cannot do this. Windows reports that the printer driver is included in Windows 7 and I do not need to update it (and I cannot update it - the OS will not allow me to.)

2) Attaching the printer directly to the ASUS ZenBook ASUS ZenBook can print to the HP OfficeJet 6100 if it directly connected with a USB cable. This is not an acceptable solution: my wife needs to use the printer from anywhere in the house.

3) Registry Hack.I read about a registry hack to fool Windows into thinking that the printer is already connected. I did this and the printer appears in the Devices and Printer applet. Unfortunately, the first time I attempt to use the printer, the ASUS ZenBook downloads the printer driver and fails again.

ASUS and Best Buy have been completely useless. ASUS points the finger (I am not sure which finger) to HP. Best Buy wants me to pay an additional $70 for a support contract to get the computer that I bought from them to work.The server is a home-built gaming system built on a Gigabyte motherboard - Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit, SP1, 6GB RAM, Intel i7 920 @ 2.66 GHz.The laptop is an ASUS ZenBook U31F running Windows 7 Pro 64 bit.

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Homegroup Sharing : Share Files From Other Drive?

Dec 9, 2012

I have a 128GB SSD for booting and games and a 1tb hard drive for storage. Because my OS is on my boot drive, the location for my videos folder is on the boot drive and I don't want to store my movies on my boot drive because of space constraints. I'm using homegroup to stream movies to my mother's computer. Is there any way I can stream videos from a folder in my storage drive or any alternative method for changing the root destination of the videos folder in my C drive?

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UnSharing HomeGroup Folders But Sharing Printer

Dec 1, 2009

I found it somewhat difficult to completely Unshare files and folders on my HomeGroup Network and still allow Printer sharing in Windows 7 (Home Premium).

Initial UnSharing still allowed files like those below to be viewed on other home network computers:


{user x} (folder)

AppData (folder)

Default (folder

Public (folder)

desktop.ini (file)

Other computers on the home network could step through many levels of hiarchy in the AppData folder and appeared to have "Delete" access!!

To completely decouple the computers, I had to go through the following several different Sharing/Unsharing assignment locations, till I could completely break the linkage.

I would appreciate any clarifications or simplifications.

File UnShare Confusion on HomeGroup Network

There are several different Network Sharing/Protection assignment locations in Windows 7.

To prevent all sharing between computers on the Homegroup Network, but allow Printer Sharing:

1) Start->Control Panel ->Network and Sharing Center->Choose Homegroup and sharing options.

Uncheck sharing boxes that you don’t want to share. Save changes.

2) Start->Control Panel ->Network and Sharing Center->Choose Homegroup and sharing options->Change advanced sharing settings.

Click “Turn off Public folder sharing (people logged on to this computer can still access these folders)”.

3) Start->Control Panel ->Network and Sharing Center->Choose Homegroup and sharing options->Change advanced sharing settings.

Choose Media streaming options.

Click “Block All” button. Turn off. Click OK.

Anomaly Note: You have to close Control Panel and repeat all step 3 again for the change to take effect.

4) Open Windows Explorer.

a) Select “C:/”, select “Users” folder with single click, then click “Share with” in toolbar.

b) Select Advanced sharing.

Under Sharing tab, select Advanced Sharing. Uncheck box labeled “Share this folder”. Apply and close.

5) Open Windows Explorer.

Select “C:/Users/”, select all folders and files under "Users", then click “Share with” in toolbar, then click “Nobody”.

6) Verify success by going to other home network computer(s) and trying to access your files and folders. You should only be able to see there is a computer and not be able to see any folders of files.

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Homegroup File Sharing - No Permissions To Add Or Rename Files

Feb 5, 2011

Having difficulty with a homegroup and file sharing: one desktop PC with the family's main documents (which are on a separate drive to the system) and two laptops which need to access those documents. I've got them all seeing each other, and they can see the folders in the drive, but when I try to add files or rename files, it tells me that I need permission. I've gone through the advance settings to make sure the correct permission is selected, they all have the same workgroup name and different computer names. Sharing the printer attached to the desktop is fine.

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Homegroup Sharing Network Suddenly Doesnt Work

Nov 16, 2011

I have a wireless network setup comprising of a Windows 7 desktop and a Vista laptop,Everything worked fine but I suddenly have found that my computer sharing network setup is no longer working.When I try to access my Desktop PC from my laptop the Desktop Computer PC icon shows,but when I click on it I get a message,Windows cannot access Desktop Windows has sent the request to the DNS server and that name was unknown",When I try to access the laptop from my Desktops Windows7 (control panel>network sharing center) the Laptop icon no longer shows as it did previously.

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Homegroup - Change File And Folder Sharing Settings

Dec 2, 2010

How to Change Windows 7 Homegroup File and Folder Sharing Settings ?

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Setting Up HomeGroup Or Sharing Printer With Laptops Using Windows 7 And Vista?

Dec 30, 2011

Is it possible to set up a shared printer with one laptop running Windows 7 and the other laptop running Vista? I have tried setting all the required sharing settings on both units, but without success!

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Homegroup And File Sharing Stopped Working Over Home Network?

Feb 6, 2011

3 days ago, access through my laptop on my home network to my main pc suddenly stopped working. i installed and changed nothing, as a result i wiped both the laptop and pc and reinstalled Win 7 Enterprise and Win 7 Ultimate respectively and i am still getting the " you do not have permission to access ---" i have taken ownershp, turned off password enabled sharing etc to fix this and nothing has worked. the only clue i have is that it may actually be an issue with the shared drive (storage) as viewing the shared drive over the network, the properties of the drive show up as 0 bytes/files.

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File Sharing Between XP And W7 Computers

Dec 24, 2009

I have created my share folders with "everyone" permissions to read, write, and modify as explained (well) here:

Share Files and Printers between Windows 7 and XP :: the How-To Geek

But when I go to copy a file from the XP computer to the Windows 7 computer I get the "Cannot Copy: Access is Denied. Make sure the disk is not full or write protected and that the file is not currently in use" message. I can copy files from the Windows 7 computer to the XP computer.

What more do I need to do to create "Easy File Sharing" between my home networked computers?

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Tutorials On Sharing Between Vista & Win 7 Computers

Feb 17, 2010

Home networks are more and more popular these days and making your home computers work together can be a challenge. While having only computers with Windows 7 installed can make your home networking life extremely easy, I'm sure many have older computers with older operating systems installed. In this article, I will continue our networking series and show how to share files and folders between Windows Vista and Windows 7 based computers. As you'll see, it's not that hard to make them work together.

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Sharing Files Across Computers (XBMC)

Jan 15, 2013

I currently own a PC and a laptop. I have an external HD on my PC and I'm trying to be able to access those files through my laptop via XBMC. I've followed many tutorials online to no avail. I don't know much about networking or file sharing so there's my first downfall. I've tried setting up a home group on my main PC but the join home group option is grayed out on the laptop.

PC is windows 7 Professional x64
Laptop is Windows 8 x64

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Sharing A DvD Drive Between Home Computers

Oct 15, 2009

Okay so i have established my DvD drive will not read this but another computer in my house will. I need help getting her {Vista home basic} to share it with my {Windows seven ultimate RC}. I have turned firewalls off and everything.

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Sharing With Specific Users/computers In The Network?

Mar 20, 2011

i have a desktop and a laptop:

user: alex
password: password

user: alex
password: password

On the laptop, i now want to share a folder with the desktop, but only for the desktop, not for the whole homegroup, nor the whole network.They are both in the same homegroup, as well as some other computers.

As the accounts are the same I added the user 'alex' in the advanced sharing-options with full control. But it ditn't work, so I googled and also added full control for the user alex in the security options. But if I want to acces the folder from the desktop, I still get "no permissions". I, resp the user alex have/has admin-rights on both machines.Did I miss something?

I noticed that in the advanced settings of both sharing and security I can always just choose the local machine as a "location"... got this something to do with my problem?

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Sharing With Specific Network User Or Computers.

Jul 13, 2010

I just built a Jerry-rigged light weight storage computer so I don't have to leave my dev/game comp/volcano on all the time anymore. I also bought a laptop recently as well. What I'd like to do is make the data (on two logical drives to be specific) completely accessible with full privileges to the laptop and this main PC however there are other users on the network that I don't want to share everything with (but still some).I can use PC Anywhere for some things but the end result I'm looking for is a handy couple of links on my desktop to the two raid drives and carry on as though they were still on my comp (and laptop now too), but also not include all users at the same time. (but also have the option to set up sharing for the folders they need access in too)Is this within the capacity of Windows 7? All computers have Win 7 and belong to the same home group.

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